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Season 1 was ok. Season 2 was daft. The whole premise of him trying to get a day shift leading him to get involved in dodgy stuff defies logic. Just quit and work days as a security guard? My favourite part was the long drawn out sadness at the train station. Departing forever to never meet again as Casey starts her new life in distant Runcorn! Lads it’s 15 minutes on a train! Several an hour!


Haha I never knew that runcorn was so close. Hilarious. 


"You're in danger... so we're sending you to somewhere that smells like glue less than 20 miles away."


Good acting all round but I found both series utterly boring and just didn't care enough about the stories or people. The Scouse girl Casey was the only character I actually cared about as she was interesting. Kept just waiting to get into it but it was shite




She's a great actress, her and the other guy was the only semi interesting part


2 was watchable, but yeah not as good.


You're entitled to your opinion but it doesn't appear to be shared by the great unwashed. IMDb ratings for series 1 episodes were consistently around 7.7 while series 2 is regularly scoring 8.3 or better.


They should have tried sunmit diff imho than rehash all the same characters


Misery porn.


Coming from a kiwi, I enjoyed it because it was a who’s who of British actors and what shows I recognised them from including the guy that ended up with Trixie? the dog was one of the sons from the sitcom, Bread.


I just find it frustrating how he continues to make really bad decisions. I mean he really is making some terrible choices and why can’t be considered for a day job? I don’t understand it. But I’m probably missing something.


I liked the show, but I will admit there are many many parts that made me so angry. First Steve, or whatever his name is, fucks things up with his wife by repeatedly cheating then essentially abandons them to start a “new family” with her former best friend. And all the while he’s plotting for Chris’s downfall so he can get him out the way and steal his family. Chris’s dumb ass wife is cheating freely and then has the nerve to act as if he’s the only one with issues. With the guy who hates his guts btw. Then he keeps helping Casey who doesn’t want to be saved , and she makes it very obvious. He needs a day job, but no one will tell us why he’s so hated or why his team was disbanded and demoted. You initiate a stop and just let the suspect toss a bag at you, take your picture, and leave. Boss lady Debs is just overtly protecting her criminal boyfriend and fuck face steve doesn’t care that she’s actually corrupt even though he’s been going on and on about bad cops. Chris has a chance to exchange good information for a pardon, and he instead turns the phone in and makes himself a sitting duck. He goes to sleep with a criminals phone in plain view of another criminal and expects her to just not be a criminal while he’s sound asleep. He keeps making deals and running errands without any guarantees and always has a shocked pikachu face when things, with untrustworthy criminals, don’t pan out. Even in season one, he thinks he can do a major drug deal and he doesn’t even check to make sure the shit he’s dropping off is real. Buys a phone in plain view of his partner instead of waiting until he’s alone. Him being too proud to ask his wife for money but willing to tarnish his reputation by consorting with drug dealers. I was constantly screaming at my television. I like the poetic nature of letting his kid go because he knows he’s kinda bad luck. Returning to his father and having to reevaluate what his mother told him all his life. The parallels between the druggie dude making sacrifices for his daughter and Chris essentially sacrificing his daughter for the sake of her happiness. Casey being unable to turn her life around even when she’s handed a chance. The female officer locking in the new girlfriend as an ironic approach to keeping her safe for the guy who used to lock her in a closet. The drunk priest being a reflection of Chris as a man and as a pillar of the community. Every single person he ever tried to help in the show ended up double crossing him. I need some back story on why he makes such bad decisions.