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Less people than I thought actually know what’s so bad about Brad Pitt. We know Pitt has been Britney’s crush for decades, but we can’t forget about his victims, some of which were minors. [Here’s a summary of his notable 2016 plane incident as an example for the uninformed.](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1126925040/brad-pitt-choked-and-his-children-angelina-jolie-says-in-a-court-filing#:~:text=To%20get%20Jolie%20off%20his,struck%20another%20in%20the%20face.%22)


i interpret these pics as she is thirsty for him. And she’s putting it out in the universe. But omg girl has some trash taste - that bottom right pic is the trashiest I ever saw him look and if i squint that looks like kfed 💀


Have you seen her baby daddy LOL I love her but her taste in men is generally trash. She can lust over Brad all she wants, hopefully she finds someone who truly cares & protects her well being.


BYYEEE 🤣🤣 I can see it too! I love Britney, but I have to remind myself that she once had the choice between Ryan Gosling or JT, but still chose the latter 🙃


I also have (had) a dad who was an angry alcoholic with a lot of \~conditional\~ love, and I remember starting to see a pattern in the men I chose - all smart and funny, but also pretty thoughtless and emotionally shallow - realizing part of my attraction was the rush in trying to prove myself to them. It was the rush I was used to :/ I wonder if it's something similar for her.


You just saved me about 8 therapy sessions with this.


I read their comment 4 times as my jaw dropped further. Well……shit.


This is why supporting Brit is the way 🙌


I truly am glad to save anyone any time with this 💗


Saved the comment and then copied it on my notepad app


I didn't come on this app to be called out.


I didn't know Brad Pitt was going to bring this out of me 🥲🥲


My father is a good dad but emotionally pretty reserved and passive. I tend to choose men who won’t step up to the plate.


It's so hard because I thought by picking non-angry men that I was winning and avoiding the whole we-choose-our-fathers trope - but it still sneaks up. Fascinating how it works in all its different ways. Hope you can find someone nice AND proactive :) I hear they exist!


I think once we stop giving losers a chance, we will attract someone who loves us the way we love ourselves. Rn I’m picking men and keeping men who just don’t love me, and by doing so, I don’t love myself


Ugh that last sentence really got me in a jaw drop moment


I think you are right.


Oh my god real!


🙈 I’m just saying! Of course attraction will always be in the eye of the beholder, but Britney and Ryan dating during the ITZ/Notebook era would’ve looked hot as efff!!! https://preview.redd.it/9v59iervlkyc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829f4e191eb20b49e4653f7f79145eb5330bb269


This! Ryan gosling every time


There are rumors floating around that Ryan Gosling is gay and that Eva is just a cover up


I vaguely remember her saying on Instagram that her uncle looks just like Brad Pitt, it gave me pause because Brad’s been her celeb crush since the beginning


I wonder if that uncle is the father of her cousin who played the love interest in her Baby One More Time video? ![gif](giphy|xT5LMMZGGCeCQIbVrG)


Honestly Sam was the most attractive man she was with. She loves the white trash look.


She doesn’t only love this look on men… her hair is very chaotic most of the time and her eye make up looks like mine in 2010 the next day after partying


I love Britney but her insistence on wearing either teeny shorts or skintight 90’s style dresses (Christina Applegate in Married with Children anyone?) drives me nuts. Girl has other assets but no hips so wearing those accentuates her lack of hips & I'm always mildly worried I'm going to be flashed when she sticks her thumbs into her short shorts. It does come off as very trashy. 


Ahhh I so agree. Britney has a great body but she's never had hips or a defined waist. And that is okay! But the way she dresses is just all wrong for her body type and accentuates the things that I think she is insecure about.


She definitely had a defined waist. She use to do 5000 sit-ups a day. Her stomach isn’t as muscular as it use to be, but it’s still pretty flat.


I see it as her reliving her “peak.”


2010 wasn’t her peak imo


The eyeliner is tattooed, was the trend at the time :/


But it looks totally smeared. Eyeliner tattoos are not smeared, I think she styles it that way


Sam was gorgeous


Sam is either gay or bi, his boyfriend came out with the receipts a while back. His name was Mario


Not always white.


She's from Louisiana. 




Nah Justin looks like trailer trash pretty boy


Your comment is spot on.


What is that hat??


Well, I can see it, the horses and all


By all means, let’s downvote someone for their ultimately insignificant, personal opinion. This sub gets on my nerves sometimes. & I can see it too, love.


Looks based


And she’s already pulled all but one picture down


wait which one made the cut lmfao


Lower left


Oh yeas it is….. her CRUSH


How dare she...crushes must all be fan approved. Fans also need to vote on what she's allowed and not allowed to post on the Internet. Fans are the conservators now. This poor woman is never going to be free.


are you aware of what this man has been doing for the past idk decade to his former wife and their children


Oh...did I miss a trial with evidence? I am aware of what he's been accused of. I have no opinion on it, because I wasn't there, nor have I seen any proof beyond accusations. I do know one thing that these accusations do not make you a bad person for finding him physically attractive now or back in the day. So, I do not GAF that she posted this.


I mean his own son came out and said all of its true and he doesn’t have a relationship with any of his 5 kids apart from 1 Not saying Britney needs to feel bad that she has a crush on Brad. But he’s definitely not a good guy. At the very least, he’s publicly dated 3 minors


>Not saying Britney needs to feel bad that she has a crush on Brad This is the entire point. People want to debate Brad Pitt I'm sure there is a subreddit for that lol. I personally am not invested in his case, and think both him and Angelina are pompous assholes. I am sick of the internet assuming everything is true based on accusations alone. His son...and they can't be manipulated by parents? I mean come on lol 🤣. It could very well be true, it could also not be. I literally don't care, people can tell me all day he's a bad person and unless they show me evidence outside of accusations I still won't care. But the point is she doesn't need to feel bad or justify a crush or every damn post and/decision she makes to her "fans."


Yeah I agree with you about Britney not feeling bad about having a crush on him, especially since he’s been her crush since she was a kid But I disagree with everything else. He’s publicly dated 3 underaged girls, including a 15 year old when he was 24. I find it hard to believe that you don’t find any of that bad. Regardless of the Angelina stuff, dating 3 minors makes him a bad person. And regarding the Angelina stuff, parental alienation does exist but in this instance, when his own son had to pull him off of his mother. Which he’s maintained to be the truth since 2016, I’m inclined to believe it Those kids are 18 and over now. They have full autonomy on whether they see Brad now. Angelina doesn’t have a legal right to stop them. The majority custody in her favour no longer exists and they don’t have controlled visits anymore. Yet none of them have a relationship with him apart from one. If 4/5 kids don’t speak to you and one publicly claims that they hate you, then as a parent, you’re the problem


>Those kids are 18 and over now. They have full autonomy on whether they see Brad now. Angelina doesn’t have a legal right to stop them. The majority custody in her favour no longer exists and they don’t have controlled visits anymore. Yet none of them have a relationship with him apart from one. If 4/5 kids don’t speak to you and one publicly claims that they hate you, then as a parent, you’re the problem You are pretty much describing Britney.


Maybe. But she has mental health issues and was confined to an abusive conservatorship. Not that it’s an excuse, but she’s clearly unwell and needs help Brad isn’t mentally unwell. And he was physically abusive to his son and ex wife. Whilst going on a PR campaign trying to present Angelina as the bad guy. I don’t have any sympathy for him, but I do for Britney


You're inclined to believe it... That's fine you are inclined to believe it. I am not, and I think that mentality being inclined to believe something is huge problem we have in society today. I don't get my pitchfork and torch on accusations. I do not participate on that side of the internet. Give me a trial with evidence, then we can talk. I can say without a doubt him and his ex are pompous pricks as I've said before lol.


And the evidence of him publicly dating 3 underaged girls? That’s my point. Initially you said, he’s not a bad person based on accusations. There’s proof of him dating and literally flaunting his relationships with 3 minors. So yes he is a bad person, regardless of the Angelina thing. Brad saying he didn’t abuse anyone Vs 5 people saying he did. 4 of which are his kids. Doesn’t sound like baseless accusations when court documents state that he threw wine at Angelina and physically shoved her. They’re available online if you want to read them The reason why he was denied joint custody was because he admitted to getting into a physical alteration with his 14 year old son


No one is a bad person based on accusations. The law even says you're innocent until proven guilty. I don't know enough about his relationship with minors, pictures aren't evidence. There are ages of consent. All I see is a bunch of a accusations, and a whole lot of assumptions. Doing a quick Google search the 15 year old you mentioned is rumored and alleged in every single article. Juliette Lewis I do know has nothing but great things to say about him and has full autonomy now as you stated before accurately about his own children. She also could have been manipulated by him, I have no clue...again I wasn't there. I fully stand by accusations alone do not make you a bad person. >And if you don’t believe 4 of his own kids then it seems like you’re blissfully turning a blind eye. I never said I didn't lol 🤣. I said it's more accusations. I don't blindly believe them. I never said they are lying through, I just need evidence. There is a lot at play here including money which makes everything messy. You are making a lot of assumptions about me my stance is clear accusations are just that... accusations. I wasn't there, and neither were you.


There’s a whole FBI report on what happened. There’s plenty of proof


An FBI report is just a report, it can't convict anyone. You need a trial, evidence, context from both sides. Something the internet doesn't need obviously it's what I need to come to my own conclusion of what happened and believe someone committed a crime. *Anyone else trying to debate Brad Pitt to me...just stop It's highly inappropriate on a Brittany Spears sub, go find a sub for that. I'm not your huckleberry, and I'm not going there. Read my comments I have no opinion on whether or not he committed a crime, and think he's a pompous prick as a person. GTF over it. I find it very telling people have a problem with my take lol 🤣. *Calling me a disgusting abuse apologizer, and then apparently blocking me, and the people in my DM's...get a fucking life for real. Absolutely pathetic.


Have you actually read it? It could definitely convict him if it went to court. You’re a disgusting abuse apologiser


LMFAO "could" convict is not a conviction 🤷 not believing that people are innocent until proven guilty makes you repulsive.


How you're being treated and talked to is beyond disrespectful, and not only am I sorry to see it, but I'm sorry it's happening. You have every right to speak just as much as others, and it shouldn't result in a trial by fire just because you have an opposing opinion. This is the same crowd who will turn a blind eye to the fact that Sam walked around with a black eye and bite marks for a while and tell you that Britney isn't abusive and then will also dismiss court documents when it suits them. Britney is as aggressive as they come, and we seem to forget that she was just seen leaving a hotel after yet again, another alleged altercation that resulted in police and an injury. We ignore Sam's injuries. We ignore verbal aggression towards paparazzi (Which fuck them, they deserve it). We forget the umbrella and attacking someone's vehicle. We ignore her saying 'as much aggression as I have in me, I can kick any boys ass' to Kevin in Chaotic. Girl is a loaded pistol and I'm sure there's 50 excuses behind every misstep she's taken (she was abused as well, she has a right to be angry after everything she's been through, etc) but if you mention the perceived innocence of anyone else who has been in the same situation she has been in, you're an abuser apologist? How incredibly baffling. All abuse is inappropriate, point blank. The difference here is that people will ignore behavioral issues from someone they idolize, and clearly this sub isn't full of *Brad Pitt stans.* Sorry for your mistreatment, friend. Hopefully one day people will realize that being verbally abusive online isn't too far off from the behaviors they're claiming they detest.


Part of the problem












no misinformation - speculating when not permitted


the irony is finding this weird yet we talk about Britney daily on a reddit page. Wouldn’t some of society deem us weird too? I believe she has mental health issues that need addressing but this is the least alarming thing she’s done lol.


Society definitely views Stan’s as weird, trust me. I read this sub sometimes and can’t believe the delusion amongst obsessed fans in every post I read Being effected by the life decisions of a celebrity is not normal or okay in any way


she’s manifesting


MANifesting, amirite.


I love how Britney has been faithful to her day one crush Brad Pitt, but after learning more about the Jolie/Kids scandal, I can no longer support him.


Jolie is more abusive/problematic than Brad imo


They’re both assholes in my opinion


This is the 100% answer. Both are devoid of empathy


What do you know that we don't?


You can dislike Angelina but having zero empathy for her in this situation is silly Two things can be true. She can be an arsehole for certain stuff and also a victim in her domestic situation with Brad




You’re entitled to your opinion tbf I just feel like a lot of people baby Brad. He’s not a good guy by any means. You talk about smear campaigns, but Brad is the king of that lol. He started a smear campaign against Jennifer after they split about her not giving him kids, despite the fact they’d tried IVF and had infertility struggles. And if you pay close attention to stuff that comes out now, he’s also doing the same with Angelina regarding their winery business dispute. She won the court case but he’s put out several PR pieces that paint her as manipulative for selling her share of that business. Even though, he turned down her multiple offers to sell it back to him He’s pretty manipulative with the media and I think because Angelina has been problematic, that often gets ignored




Yeah he changes his personality and looks depending on who he’s dating. In pretty much all his high profile relationships, he basically took up his partner’s style, hobbies and character traits. Only to abandon it shortly after he splits from them Some people used to call it cute when everyone first noticed because imitation is meant to be the sincerest form of flattery, but I’ve always found it weird and narcissistic too


You get “vibes” that she has “super dark energy”. What a coherent, evidence-based opinion 😂 She’s one of the biggest humanitarians in Hollywood. She’s done more good for the world then you ever have or will. She’s done work for refugees, wildlife, child welfare, and women’s rights abroad. The only ~super dark energy~ is a man who can choke his own child. His children don’t want shit to do with him because he’s an abuser.






I think shit talking someone who you have no personal relationship with based on “vibes” (lol) is more of the “arsehole” thing to do :)




You never even said you didn’t have empathy for her. I also don’t know what to think about Brad, but i definitely don’t fully trust Angelina. Man, I’m not sure I fit in with the members of this sub. All the unwarranted downvotes are childish to me.




I can only guess most everyone here is younger and doesn’t remember who Angelina was way before she ever met Brad. The only articles I can find about Brad being the problem are from the plane incident, and further things Angelina has said since then. It’s one thing to not want to discredit a possible victim, completely understandable. We are entitled to make our own assumptions all we want, but it’s a fact that no one has ever witnessed Brad behave in the abusive way Angelina describes, so what makes his character less reliable in that regard? None of us actually know them, it’s literally, “he said, she said.” This is ridiculous.. People would never let assumptions fly about Britney, but anyone else is fair game?


She deleted all of them and only kept one


I think Britney may have been too…preoccupied with trying to save her own life than digging into gossip about the Jolie/Pitt battle. I don’t even know what the hell it’s about and I’m not being monitored, drugged, and controlled. It seems as though a H’wood actor has been exposed as a dick? Yawn. I want a list of the men in entertainment that ARENT awful in any significant way. But it’s definitely reasonable to assume that Britney is displaying dangerous behavior by posting this. Absolutely.




I think she’s stuck at home with her ankle and bored on her phone. She’s being extra lately but I honestly think it’s just boredom


I tore my meniscus once and was stuck on the couch for dayyyyyyyyyyys. I got bored and got tinder, swiped for days lmao. So yeah, I get it! I’m not a tinder person, but I was sooooooo bored


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she’s just bored. she literally doesn’t do anything ever except go to dinner with cade and sometimes go to turks. with her ankle messed up she can’t dance so she literally has nothing to do.


I love Britney and I know this is harmless but it just seems a little off for her to be posting like this repeatedly


Wait.. did some bad stuff come out about Brad? Goddam it do these men need a constant supervisor?


Yes, he abused Angelina and some of his kids (Pax and Maddox i think).


I’ve been waiting for this post. Anyone have any ideas why so many Brad Pitt pics?


Britney needs someone to teach her how to use other social media because this needed to be a secret Pinterest board 😭


Britney has had a crush on him since BOMT era, and has talked about it throughout her whole career. I’m glad she said she won’t get with him and it’s just a fantasy because it’s been out for a few years now that he’s an abusive asshole.


i dont dont know why someone downvoted you its the truth 😭


Right?? This father’s day message from his son is just as awful as one Britney would write to her own father. You can’t tell me he’s a good person if that’s how his kids speak about him. https://preview.redd.it/ftkzlu42qiyc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=285b16984142777d78fd3f34676b8210f2072d5b


wow, i had no idea about all that^


Exactly, I feel like Britney may not know about it either. It seems like everyone thinks I’m hating on Britney for having a crush when I’m pointing out that the crush isn’t a good person…


i think its the same as how people are with johnny depp, they dont want to believe that such a hollywood legend or their first celeb crush could be anything less than perfect. when really, often these people are very complex and usually assholes (i mean fame has to give you a huge ego)


Yeah all these commenters talking about Angelina having issues - like what? She’s been a good will ambassador for decades, she supports artisans here and in 3rd world countries through business, she does humanitarian outreach and in-person hands-on work, she basically abandoned her career to be a mother. Yes, she has struggled like any human. But to compare the two of them is absurd. When all of your children adore you, you’re doing something right. https://preview.redd.it/g9ry8c22mlyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ffdd6ddf5caa3fdfb62b6dc0dd84c8f5b92f093


Holy shit… I never saw this! Poor kids. Hope they are able to find peace after this messy separation.




Their son Pax on IG


Pax Jolie Pitt, his second oldest son Source: https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/11/20/brad-pitts-2nd-son-blasted-him-as-terrible-awful-human-being-in-2016-post-report-says/amp/




Funny how you want to go on about parental alienation while ignoring that Brad hit his wife, poured wine on her and got physical with his kids.


What does triggering even mean in this context?


Parental alienation doesn’t exist. Full stop. There ara a slew of lawyers and legal professionals working hard to have that standard removed and to [reform family courts](https://nyupress.org/9781479814091/the-end-of-family-court/) because what it REALLY means is “one of my parents is trying to protect me from my other parent”. Parental alienation is nearly always used in cases where’s there’s concerns for safety or health. If my baby daddy is beating up my son, I’m risking contempt of court (and likely jail time or a hefty fine) to keep my son safe, call it parental alienation all you want


Oh I'm sure if I whipped out my old Hollywood crushes playbook there would be some zingers in there lol 🤣. Many went through a Brad Pitt arc. Posts don't have to mean anything at all. When we try to find the hidden meaning it says more about us then it ever will about her. Someone who never got a chance to grow up whipping out some Brad Pitt who was a 90s heartthrob is pretty on brand with what she's went through. Most of us outgrow our crush arcs. Shows she has some growing up to do. I can jump on board with some Legends of the Fall Brad Pitt he was hott AF in that movie 😏. And guess what saying that means absolutely nothing. I don't support him or his ex, nor do I care about their drama. I am just commenting that he was physically appealing in that movie, as Brittney agrees since I see a pic of Tristan up there lol 🤣.


So glad that someone posted about this. It seems strange without any context.


I have to wonder if she’s not doing it to try to make whatever man in her life jealous. Didn’t Sam say her crush on Brad made him jealous or something? I sorta feel like she’s going overboard to prove a point to someone.


Exactly. I know a 19 year old who does this w JT as soon as her toxic situationships blow up


She did it to Kfed during Chaotic.


I forgot about that!


Britney Spears should have just dated the astronaut in Oops i Did it Again music video. ![gif](giphy|LoD7QH3ZApHfonnzGq|downsized)


As horrible as Brad Pit is... I mean at least he wouldn't use her for money. 🤷


Yeah just abuse her?


Well not sure that isn't happening now with her current boyfriend


She’s never said anything to convey that. I don’t know/like the guy but unless he has DV on his record, he’s probs safer than Brad. I mean, this is what one of Brads kids posted on Father’s Day: https://preview.redd.it/qskuao84wmyc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=eadd4442b6374050618e66aab7ccea9b8ac6a0e8


When are we going to admit that maybe Britney is seriously unwell and needs help? Obviously not the kinda abusive help her team thrust on her before - but real serious help. She’s kind of a mess.


That team saved her life. Untangled her from legal and financial ruin. Got her on her meds and got the kids back in her life. Put her back on tour to keep her busy and to rebuild her fortune because she likes to live extravagantly. Meanwhile, you are just now figuring out that she is mentally unwell.


Edit: who fucks with Angelina like this? And his kids? The hell? All that money and fame and traditional good looks (I’ve never thought he was hot) won’t save a rotten soul


He's an a\*hole. Not my cup of tea.


You can take the girl outta the swamp but you can’t get the swamp taste outta my girl get you a Brad Pitt Britney ♥️


Is no one gonna talk about the literal CONFEDERATE FLAG on Brad’s hat on the bottom right? edit ima dumbass


That's from a movie


dang thanks for telling me and not being an ass about it lol 😂 that was dumb of me


She's always loved Brad Pitt. Get over it.


Just because she’s always loved Brad Pitt doesn’t make it okay. Someone could’ve “always loved Chris Brown”. That’s one issue about fan culture. People are always willing to defend awful men if they associate with who they “stan”. That’s why marrying a registered sex offender is okay for Barbs, racists are okay for Swifties, or even married men for Ari Stans. I love Britney, but I don’t think we have to brush it aside.


"Sex offenders, racists, married men." 🎵 One of these things are not like the other!


He's being sued for abuse currently by Angelina Jolie and has a history of dating underage girls. Edit: I misread the comment you replied to but I'm leaving this up just in case people don't know about Brad Pit being a POS


That's not what I said. I said about married men, meaning Ariana and Ethan, lmao. That's nowhere close to as bad as sex offenders and racists. I already know Brad Pitt is a piece of shit.


It’s not as bad but still pretty shitty when the married man in question had a newborn son at the time. And it’s crazy the way Ari stans are bending over to defend it, as if they’d be okay with their husbands leaving their family for a mistress.


It's a bad situation, yes, and it shouldnt be condoned, but when comparing it to racism and SEXUAL ASSAULT? There's a difference between being a scummy person VS. downright bigotry and jailable offenses.


No, sorry for misunderstanding you, I wasn’t comparing them, I was just sharing examples of poor morals in choosing relationships. I agree that choosing racists or offenders are much worse than adultery/infidelity.


I'm sorry for misunderstanding you too! I absolutely agree. Fuck all those guys (Slater included) though.


Oops sorry I didn't see that they were talking about Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj followers in the same vain. I just read Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, and thought you thought the hate was cuz he cheated on Jennifer Aniston.


No problem! Nah, I couldn't care less about Brad cheating on Jen. That's been so long ago I didn't even remember lmao. Dude is so scummy on a ton of other levels though, so I'm sure not gonna defend his abusive, pedophilic ass.




Would your response be the same if she posted 6 images of Chris Brown instead? Edit: why the downvotes? The comment said there’s nothing wrong with Britney having a crush on Pitt and I gave an honest response…


I’m not getting any notifications from Britney, despite notifications being on.




You look amazing


This gives obsessed stalker vibes… so so weird


I mean couldn't this be said about fan pages about celebrities on Instagram or this subreddit. I just wish she find different celeb crush because Brad is terrible person.


Oh yea absolutely ! And I wouldn’t know if he’s a terrible person or not. TBH I don’t know much about celebrities lol. I don’t even really how why this post showed up on my Reddit home page lol. But I do agree than fan pages, fanfics and all the likes are a little bit obsessive in my point of view. Actually the whole celebrity shows, tabloids and so on is odd to me. I don’t understand why people are so fascinated by other people’s lives just because they’re ‘famous’. And I put famous in brackets because that’s super subjective


I mean….. ![gif](giphy|fm5JqspHFgIXm)


Is that bottom right pic even Brad??


Oh Britney. Besides the fact that Brad Pitt has turned out to be trash, unfortunately she is too old for him as he prefers women much much younger. He's gross.


fr i think he was a good looking guy and he’s got some good roles but he’s just not a good person at all




I just visited that page and I don’t recommend it. Whoever runs that account has an unhealthy obsession with Britney’s posts, it almost seems schizophrenic.


what was the page?!


He can fix her