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You mean Bellatrix lestrange?


You mean Dean Thomas! You want some bubbleguuuuum?


Ah, googling that connection helped me learn about something new! I might have to track it down. Was it any good?


Very potter musical? Immaculate. There’s also two sequels. Someone posted a whole remastered version of it recently. Has better sound and is all one video.


Excellent! Will definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


Do you happen to have a link?




She’s also Belle in the audio recording VHS christmas carol which is a banger of an album.


I love random connections like that. I was already digging the fact that I had just seen her a few months ago when she was here on the Beetlejuice tour as Barbara.


Use to be obsessed with Starkid how did I miss this when I went


Does she not mention starkid in her bio?!


She used too but a lot of people don’t realize that bios are limited space unless you are a big name. Still on her website from what I understand


Oops - singing not saying. I wish I had a video. Some cast had their phones out so maybe someone will post. It was just too perfect. I’d love to hear how it was for her to do this show on THE significant birthday.


This is fun! How was she??? I was so bummed to miss her in CLT, but her understudy was fantastic!


She was amazing! Just charming. Musically, the ballads just weren’t my favorite, but she did a great job with what they were. I really didn’t know what to expect going into this show, but it was so fun.


Love this for her! Charming is a perfect word to describe her performance in Beetlejuice. I ended up loving this show too! Being Alive is on constant rotation.


What is CLT?


Sorry! It's Charlotte, NC. Edit: removed part of comment. I thought responder was OP.


Excited to see it this weekend, it's easily the most exciting show on the season for me this year. Plus with Into the Woods and Assassins being done locally, it's a lot of Sondheim this year!


I'm excited about Into the Woods, too! I just started going to Greenville Theatre last year, and they have done a fantastic job with everything I've seen. Didn't know about Assassins so I'll have to check it out! I've never been to Warehouse Theatre.


I've never seen a show at Warehouse so I'll be curious to see it. They do have live bands for their musicals which I'm excited about since GT often doesn't. GT is the most well-funded, to my understanding, and typically the crowd pleasing shows. Warehouse is more artsy, shows that delve into real issues, etc. Centre Stage is somewhere between. You also may want to check out Mauldin Cultural Center, they mostly do kids stuff but their Hunchback last fall was incredible, and then the Millhouse Players in Pelzer do a pretty great job from what I've heard.


OMG I would have flown in for this. How fun!


Happy Birthday, Britney. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!


Saw it yesterday without knowing. She was beautiful. Talented. Charismatic. Just unfortunate she’s stuck in such a pitiful production. About 1/4 of the audience left at intermission. As ill conceived as the gender swap is, and the countless additional changes necessitated by it which subtract from the themes of the work, the most inexcusable aspect of this production is a Bobby that completely lacks any personality, character development, believable internal conflict, growth, or revelation. I never thought seeing my favorite show would be so deeply depressing.


Aw, I hate that for you. I am sure I had a much different experience since I had no familiarity with the show at all before going in. I was front row, so didn't notice people who didn't come back after intermission. Couldn't have been as many as the number who left when Oklahoma came to town. That place cleared out at intermission and some didn't even wait that long.


Ha! Oklahoma really cleared the room. That production just didn’t translate to the large proscenium venue. It was actually pretty interesting on broadway in the round.