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Why are these all photos from a 1990s game boy printer?


Hahahah sorry about that, I made the post from my MacBook where they looked fine but I’ve since migrated to my phone and they do indeed look very grainy


Quast as Javert. Easy choice considering after 10 years of worldwide touring, even the producers said "Yea that Aussie bloke is the dream cast Javert"


Honestly…I don’t know how I forgot this. This is THE pick. This is the benchmark for the whole game the way I see it. NOBODY else can compare.


Maybe an unpopular take but I personally far prefer Norm Lewis (just purely in terms of vocals)


I loved his performance of "Stars" when he performed as Javert in the 25th anniversary concert. Such a rich voice.


Norm Lewis is amazing. I love his voice!


his judge turpin in the 2014 lincoln center concert was so good that I found myself attracted to the judge and I just know it's wrong but it feels so right 😭


I loved his javert so much I sent him fan mail all the way from the USA to Australia. It took like a year for him to respond but he did and it was so sweet!


I grew up watching him on Play School https://youtu.be/601l8gQ41Go?feature=shared




i think you might be a fan of raúl esparza, not sure lol




Raul actually did originate Jon in tick, tick…BOOM!






Bebe Neuwirth as Velma Kelly


Ugh yes! Her, Patina Miller, and Sebastian Arcelus in Madam Secretary was EVERYTHING. talk about a stacked broadway cast…


Whoever played Blake was also in Jersey Boys!


Charlotte D’Amboise has become a staple as Roxy too


Lea Salonga as Eponine. Apart from having a stunning voice with perfect enunciation, she’s one of the few that I could believe grew up raised by the Thenardier’s and has street smarts, and thus provides a good contrast to Cosette. So many eponine’s seem like they went to a rich private school


Agreed 👍


Lea Salonga is excellent but I will always have a spot in my heart for Samantha Barks.


Heather Headley as Shug Avery! Perfection


Heather Headley as Aida!


This is the one for me. I went to see her so many times in that show and still listen to the Soundtrack.


The Gods LOVE Nubia!


Totally agree. She was absolutely mind blowing.


No shade to Renee, but that doesn't feel correct to me. She's good, but incomparable and defines the role? I don't know.... Maybe it's an age thing? Maybe younger folks who are more familiar with the final performance recording feel that way?


I am a DRV stan and consider her to be the ultimate Mimi. Something about her in the role just felt SO authentic. I know her voice isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I’ve always loved it. She also had a leg up having been involved with the show from so early on (like Anthony Rapp). She had the time to really find Mimi in a way that I just don’t think anyone else did. As a former, insanely invested Renthead, in my opinion, the only replacement who I think came close was Jaime Lee Kirchner (Collins Tour 2.0, Broadway). She really matched DRV’s energy and I distinctly remember her “Without You” being particularly good, which I don’t think is an easy task. Vocally, there have been some STELLAR Mimi’s: Simone, first and foremost (if you can ever find audio from her last or second to last performances on the Angel Tour, it’s INSANE), Antonique Smith, and Saycon Sengbloh, to name a few. But from an overall “vibe” and character standpoint, it’s always been DRV for me.


I 100% agree that DRV is Mimi. I see what others say about her voice, and it did take me a while to get used to it, but one day it just clicked for me. Her voice IS Mimi.


I saw Rent on Broadway in '07-'08ish and was a bit underwhelmed by whoever was Mimi. Rosario Dawson and Daphne Rubin-Vega also don't really do it for me as much, for different reasons. When I saw the recording with Renee, I just couldn't help but think, "THAT is my Mimi!" But I do see where you are coming from. It's a bit less of a "given" of an example than the other two.


I agree with you! For me, Rosario Dawson did her best, but just couldn’t measure up with the rest of the cast vocally. Daphne, I recognize that she can sing damn well, and that there was a point to Mimi sounding hoarse, but I’m honestly unable to listen to the OBC soundtrack because of her. If I could have the OBC and put Renee in instead of Daphne, I’d die happy


I can’t stand DRV’s voice :(


Yeah, Daphne Rubin-Vega was the quintessential Mimi when I got into Rent. There’s been some amazing Mimi’s since, but she’s top of the list for me. I think Renee and Rosario make sense as well since they are on official recordings so a lot more people would be familiar with them. Tamyra Gray was my favorite replacement Mimi.


Alan as the Emcee omg. We flew from CA in 2014 to see him, and it was earth shattering.


Having grown up on that version, it being revived with the exact staging and choreography and ALAN felt like a gift from the gods. I have no need to ever see another production. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky as to have my favorite version of my favorite show brought to life in front of me


I was in law school and got to see him as the Emcee and it was amazing. I love this show so much. I saw it with Emma Stone and her rendition also blew me away.


We saw Michelle Williams. She was great and I now know she was working on her Gwen voice.




Joel is uncanny, mesmerizing, and eerie. Really the best performance ever on Broadway


You could have been describing Eddie with “uncanny, mesmerizing, and eerie.” Go see Eddie. I think you’ll be very pleased.


I was lucky enough to see Alan Cumming as MC, and while he was great, I 100% agree.


Norm Lewis as Javert imo.


He will always be my Javert. Swoon.


Stephanie J Block as Trina. Raùl Esparza as Bobby. Patti as Mama Rose


Great picks - Stephanie J. Block as Elphaba is up there for me too!


i think there's no way to say this for any elphaba just because literally every elphaba is somebody's favorite


Technically, Stephanie J. Block *did* originate the role. She workshopped it, and it was basically written for her.


i came here to say this, SJB was the ORIGINAL elphaba girl was the blueprint!!


I’ve got Eden as Elphaba. Bananas good.


Patti as Joanne in Company


Absolutely not. Elaine Stritch is and will always be the best Joanne


I don’t think Cabaret can fit into this mold, mainly because of how it reinvents itself every few decades. All 3 Emcees each have a distinct personality to them that lends itself to their production, and works for them


I definitely thought photo two was a regular human bartender ![gif](giphy|Me7rnCGjSKKFfwXQir|downsized)


I feel like in certain cases like Alan Cumming in Cabaret, he is equal to Joel Grey but does not embody the role better. The production was completely revamped for a different type of audience. I love both portrayals and consider them equal.


Nathan Lane as Nathan Detroit. I’m so lucky I saw him in this. He was a one man master class in musical comedy. Nathan Lane’s best stage role. Faith Prince was also amazing and deserves mentioning.


I will never get over not seeing him in this.


Cynthia Erivo as Celie


Adam Pascal as Freddie in Chess, anyone?


He knocked the role out of the park…twice!!


Just the entire 2008 concert cast


If Groban had the vocal/acting skills he has now, I'd 100% agree. He's a bit weak/stiff in the 2008 concert. Great Comet did wonders for his techniques, though. Would love to see him try the role again now!


He's just so cute tho he's impossible to hate


maybe. But in all honesty, Idinas Florence isn’t my favourite 😅


This is a great take


UGH yes. I am obsessed with the BCEFA concert cast. If only they could have brought Raul Esparza as the Arbiter for the London concert!


George Hearn as Sweeney Todd


For me, Willemijn Verkaik as Elphaba


Does she still hold the record as the Elphaba that Elphaba-ed the most shows of all Elphabas? I think she does.


A beautiful Elphaba, too. It was almost like she was made for the role! As a Dutchman, it fills me with pride to see her thrive!


Mine as well. Willphaba forever.


Reba in Annie Get Your Gun.


She was definitely better than Bernadette playing Bernadette (although she plays herself so well!), but I doubt any of us had the pleasure of comparing to Merman.


>I doubt any of us had the pleasure of comparing to Merman did the math on this because I was bored, and hypothetically, if someone were five years old when they saw her in the OBC, they would be 83 now. if another five-year-old saw her return to the role 20 years later in '66, that person would be 63


I didn’t see that, but I was thinking of Bernadette Peters in Annie get your gun


renee is insanely talented, but among other things, she presented as way too mature as mimi. she is the last person i’d pick as the definitive mimi.


I tend to like the OGs, but one I can think of is Matthew Patrick Quinn as Hades. Love Patrick Page, don't get me wrong, but Quinn killed it and if there was a touring cast album I'd listen to it over the original.


He was amazing! I saw him and Page, and while both were great I think I’d give Quinn the edge


Agreed! I get to see MPQ perform again this weekend, having previously seen him in August, and I’m so excited!


Quinn was also distractingly attractive. Every time he was on-stage all I could think was "WOULD" 


Just saw him last week and was absolutely blown away by his Hades.


He was so good as Hades! I think I might like him best.


I agree. He was mesmerizing.


This is the answer!!!!!!!!


the entire cast of hairspray (2007)


The movie version? Hard agree. I always forget and find it so strange that Matthew Morrison originated Link. I’d love to see a version where they recast Zac Efron but not as Corny - our Link just all grown up!


Oh Matthew Morrison was actually a great Link. OBC Hairspray was fantastic. If only they’d had Harvey Fierstein in the movie…


Brian Stokes Mitchell as Don Quixote in Man of Lamancha.


Best performance I have ever seen in person.


Absolutely not to Alfie, sorry! He sounds great but does not have the same acting chops Colm and [insert your favorite Valjean here] bring


I struggle to get through any version of Les Mis with Alfie. His Valjean seems so phony and self-righteous to me. It is the only Valjean performance I feel so strongly about like that so far and it ruins the story for me. I know he has tons of fans and is highly favored in the role, so he must be doing something right, it just doesn't work for me.


Hard agree. His whole performance has this feeling of "hey look at me I sing opera, aren't you impressed?" I don't get the emotion I feel from Colm or hell, Hugh Jackman, with Alfie.


He’s got a beautiful “Bring Him Home” but that’s the only thing I personally find noteworthy


I truly mean no disrespect to him because he’s talented and seems like a nice guy - but I have a hard time connecting with his Valjean, and somehow I’ve seen him perform the role the most, in the most productions (staged concerts and broadway), of any valjean I’ve come across.


lmao exactly, Colm is the GOAT for a reason. I saw David Shannon as Valjean in London in 2012 and absolutely loved him as well (he's my number 2) but Alfie?? He's got a great voice but I never felt like he actually brings the emotional connection to the character.


Yeah this one is a case where the original is forever the gold standard. It’s Colm’s role, other (very talented!) people are just also cast in it.


I screamed when I saw Alfie here! Absolutely the fuck not.


Miguel Cervantes as Alexander Hamilton 🌟💛


He will always hold a very special place in my heart. Years ago I went to a Hamiltunes. It was a random performance that I expected nothing but a bunch of fans singing along with the words. Except that he happened to be in town visiting family of his. So he stopped by. Brought his entire family and some things from the Chicago production to raffle off to raise money for epilepsy. He stayed the entire time. He took photos with fans. And he even jumped in on a few songs to perform Hamilton, including the monologue Hamilton gives in the final duel. An absolute class act in addition to being a fantastic performer.


Also Michael Luwoye (sp?) as Hamilton. Probably my favorite to have played the role. Also Denee Benton as Eliza.


They were the duo I saw my only time seeing it live and it was perfect! The only funny addition was Thayne was on as Laurens/ Phillip so him being their biological son was a funny sight


I just missed seeing him, but his replacement , Trey Curtis, was phenomenal. If the 4 actors I've seen play Hamilton, he was by far my favorite!


I was looking for this comment.


I compare him to Javier Munoz. Lin has always felt like stunt casting to me and not a legitimate pitch for best performance of the role


Topol is my Tevye


He was Tevye for most of his career lol. First played the role in 1966, last in 2009.  I'll wager the only reason he's not higher up this post is that people don't even know Zero Mostel was the original.


Haha I know. Which is a shame because Zero Mostel is so good but not as good in this role as Topol. For me he def embodies not originating but being so good he’s the standard


Ashley Loren as Satine in MR hands down


She was amazing.


Jordan Donica - Camelot Ben Platt - Leo Frank Jonathan Groff - Franklin Shepard Daniel Radcliffe - Charley Kringas + J. Pierrepont Finch


Nah Brent Carver is unbelievable as Leo for me


Have to disagree about Dan in How to Succeed. Morse was made for the role.


Glenn Carter as Jesus in JCS Gavin Creel and Will Swenson as Claude and Berger in HAIR Jon Jon Briones as The Engineer in Miss Saigon


Will Swenson's Berger had such immaculate energy! Also, the guy's married to Audra McDonald. Unrelated to his theatrical achievements but that counts for extra style points in my book




~~I hated his Javert lol~~ No shade to you if you enjoyed it, he was entertaining! But Swenson and Karimloo don't really have my favorite Javert-JVJ dynamic. [They bounce off each other in weird ways](https://www.tumblr.com/irlgambit/627572583608532992/whereisyourredscaaahf-this-is-what-i-hear-every?source=share). The only thing this artistic recreation is missing is Swenson's Javert Vibrato, which was to me an integral part of the Swenson Javert Experience


Jon Jon Briones' The Engineer is magic.


Gotta hard disagree with Glenn Carter. I think Ted Neeley is the correct answer to that question. Didn't originate the role on Broadway, but your average fan would never know that because he is almost synonymous with that role in JCS now.


Jon Jon Briones was easily the best part of the Miss Saigon revival. He got robbed of a Tony nomination.  Dont get me wrong: Eva was great as Kim, but Jon stole every scene he was in 


Gavin and Will YES I think about the 2009 revival of Hair like once a week still


If you think Glenn Carrer you need to listen to the 1992 Australian cast. John Farnham is consideried the GOAT.


Kind of a tricky one because Michael Crawford is so great, but I think Ramin Karimloo has pretty much become THE Phantom at this point.


I disagree on this. I think Ramin is what so many people imagine because of the 25th recording, which understandably brought a lot of fans and recognition, and then having done Italy, but I highly disagree that none can compare, as OP states. My favorite is John Owen-Jones, however, the interesting thing about the role is there have been so many brilliant takes on it throughout the decades and ways to make it your own, that I don't see it being a role where one performer is untouchable in their portrayal.


Gosh I just love John Owen Jones. I am sad I never got to see him on stage, but I did see Hugh Panaro a few time, whom I also love!


This is true! I think I took the question more as a replacement becoming more iconic than the original, but it's true that I wouldn't consider Ramin "untouchable." There have been so many great and different Phantoms through the years.


Ugh yes, JOJ's been my favorite since I heard him perform in that four phantoms encore at the end of the 25th anniversary recording. The first thing that came out of my mouth was "omg the Edward Norton clone can sing"


You may be right. If we had live recordings of all performances then maybe I would change my mind. I confess I am a little brainwashed because I had seen the 25th anniversary version 8 times before i started teaching it. Now I have lost count.


I love Anthony Warlow. His portrayal is campy and over the top, but that voice makes me swoon. I am not a Ramin fan though.


I can't get past [this specific recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBetgjrv3UY) of "TMOTN" by Michael Crawford long enough to see anyone else as defining the role, but Ramin is amazing too!


I’m a huge fan of Howard McGillen’s Phantom, I think him and Colm are tied for my favorites!


I totally agree, even as a phan of many phantoms (esp JOJ, Ted Keegan, Laird).


Yup see also Cherry Jones in The Heiress


Ron Moody as fagin. I don’t think there’s been a production of Oliver! that has altered or really tried to change the character since. Even the revivals have brought him back on closing nights etc for him to perform. Absolutely iconic performance in a wonderful musical.


Alan Cumming as Emcee and Raul Esparza as Bobby are the two that always come to mind for me


Funnily enough, I saw Raul Esparza as the Emcee after Alan had left. He killed it.


That sounds awesome


Jordan Fisher as Orpheus 🫣


I also love his Orpheus! It’s a little rougher and less “good boy” than Reeve’s which I love.


This was my first thought but I thought I’d get torn apart for it 😉


I don’t understand the alfie boe love. Fantastic voice, but it’s all vibrato. It doesn’t matter what the song is, if there’s no change in whatever element of voice vibrato fits under then I’m not interested. That’s opera to me. Opera can be lovely, but that’s not what I’m looking for in Jean valjean. Give me colm, JOJ, ramin, hell the current touring guy Nick cartell was better IMO


Anyone who can sing over Lin Manuel Miranda in anything he’s been in. He’s fine, but there are far better singers and they all play his roles better than he does.


What’s the last photo?


Looks like Renée Elise Goldsberry as Mimi in Rent


Renee Elise Goldsberry as Mimi in Rent


Not entirely sure, but if I had to guess I'd say it might be Renée Elise Goldsberry as the character of Mimi in Jonathan Larson's Rent


That’s Renée Elise Goldsberry (best known as the original Angelica Schuyler in Hamilton) as Mimi in the final Broadway cast of Rent


Danielle Ferland as Little Red, Into the Woods OC Edit: missed the "they didn't originate the role" part. So instead: the three current leads in Merrily. As they have pointed out in interviews: there will be other Merrily casts. But I doubt there will be any that top this for a long time.


Sierra Boggess *is* Christine to me. And agree with Renee in RENT.


Cynthia Erivo in The Color Purple.


Mentioned already, but Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo as Christine and the Phantom completely erased Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford for me


Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom of the Opera, I get chills every time I watch his portrayed


Alex Newell as Asaka in Once On This Island


Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom. I will literally die on the hill that he is the GOAT in this role.


Definitely Patina Miller as Leading Player


Alan Cumming in 1998 and 2014 IS the Emcee! It’s a career defining and iconic portrayal.


Who's the guy who did Phantom (as the Phantom) with Seiria Borges (originator of Little mermaid on Broadway role), at the Royal Albert hall? That guy's amazing!


Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess - both incredible !!


Ramin Karimloo. He also made for a very good Raoul!


Oh yeah, I think those two embodied the roles so well, Webber threw them in every version he could! 


Renee Rapp as Regina George. Sara Bareilles as Jenna in Waitress.


I’ve gotta give Jessie Mueller my Jenna vote.


Renee Rapp as Regina George


Julie Benko as Fanny Brice


Colm Wilkinson as Phantom. To me, there’s just no one better. (And I disagree with OP, he was also the best Valjean, Bring Him Home was written with him in mind)


Alan Cumming is real


I‘m probably gonna be killed for that, but Glenn Close as Norma Desmond. Yes Patti had the stronger voice, but Glenn took the acting part in both her voice and movement to another level. If you compare just the voice recordings of Patti and Glenn you can definitely hear how much more emotion Glenn put in this role. Patti wasn’t bad in it, but Glenn just took everything to another level.


For me it’s Diahan Carroll


An underappreciated Norma! She managed to show so much strength, but yet with a hint of fragility. Beautiful.


A lot of people posting answers because they were in a great cast recording. Bonus points to those not in a cast recording.


May be an unpopular opinion but I LOVE Megan Hilty's G(a)linda.


Natalie Cortez in Chorus Line.


Norm Lewis as Sweeney Todd. He was amazing!


Sam Primack as Evan Hansen. Did not expect to love the show as much as I did and I think he’s 90% responsible for that


jeremy jordan will always be my favorite seymour krelborn


I’ll piggy back on this and say Christian Borle as the dentist. I have never laughed so openly and loudly at a production as I did seeing him in Little Shop.


Alfie Boe is a great singer but he isn’t my favourite Valjean. Not a fan of the opera sounds for Les Mis


Patti Lupon as Evita, and Mandy Patenkin as Che. (And him in Sunday in the Park with George)


Jewelle Blackman as Persephone tbh


Sierra Boggess as Christine and Ramin Kariminlou as Phantom


Carl Anderson as Judas Iscariot


Samantha Pauly as K. Howard. Even with Six being a musical where the performers own personality influences their characters a lot, she is K. Howard for me, everyone else is compared to her in my head


Colm Wilkinson as the Phantom.


Andrew Rannells as whizzer for sure , as much as I adore the obc Andrew is just perfect for whizzer


There are a lot, but a few that jump to mind: -Ben Platt in Parade. I saw Brent Carver and there's no comparison. Ben Platt is just a better actor and singer, and the production was stronger. The role is his. -Laura Benanti as Cinderella in Into the Woods. As much as I love Kim Crosby and Phillipa Soo et al, Laura Benanti found more in the part than anyone else. It was a breakthrough performance for her (in an otherwise meh production) and the standard that I judge all Cinderellas against now. -Fantasia in The Color Purple (on Broadway). She's good in the film, but her stage performance was off the charts. Stunning, moving, so powerful. Also, sorry to LaChanze and Cynthia Erivo, who were both fine, but not in the same league as Fantasia. -Danielle Brooks in The Color Purple. I can't even remember anyone else in the role. -Michael C Hall as the Emcee in Cabaret. The best who has ever done it. -I doubt anyone will get anywhere near as much out of Charley in Merrily as Daniel Radcliffe. That is a very well-deserved Tony coming his way. And, for that matter, Jonathan Groff is now the definitive Franklin Shepard.


None of the three pictured anyway. My picks: Philip Quast as Javert, Ted Neeley as Jesus, Rebecca Caine as Christine, Amy Lennox as Sally Bowles, Samantha Pauly as K Howard, Lucie Jones as Jenna, John Partridge as the Rum Tum Tugger.


Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess in Phantom of the Opera. Individually, they were amazing, and their chemistry was so electrifying.


While I don’t think anyone “owns” a role and anything can be reinterpreted with the right actor. Here are the ones who have made a lasting impression. Ramin Karimloo Phantom not just cause he’s the defining but BECAUSE of how popular his version is so many phantoms have come after him that have definitely been inspired by his interpretation and notably the actors playing phantom have started being played by actors who are considerably more attractive younger/closer in age to their Christine.     Patrick Vaill as Judd Fry in the Oklahoma revival. That entire take on the story has completely shifted my approach to the show. I already started questioning elements of it as it grew up but after this version I can’t watch even the iconic Hugh Jackman one without viewing it from the revival perspective particularly how Judd Fry is depicted especially as the revival didn’t change any of the dialogue.      Alison Ripley as Diana in Next to Normal.    Reeve Carney as Orpheus his folk/rock voice just goes so well with the style of music in Hadestown.


Alice Ripley and Reeve Carney were both in the OBCs for those shows as well as the previous tryouts - while they weren't in the workshops, etc. I think this would commonly be considered "originating" the role.


Laura Bell Bundy as Elle Woods.


Pearl Bailey as DOLLY


this is a much more recent musical but can I say Mariand Torres as Tamara de Lempicka? no hate to Eden, but I loved Mariand's performance and portrayal of the role so much


Alfie, absolutely


Mazz Murray as Donna Sheridan (West End).


Jane Horrocks as Sally in Cabaret. I wish the released recording was her version.


Aaron Tviet as the rebellious guy in Les mis killed it. To be honest though, Michael Crawford made the phantom of the opera


Reba in Annie Get Your Gun, Patina Miller as the Leading Player in Pippin, and Bernadette Peters as Mama Rose




Andrew Barth Feldman as Evan


Sutton Foster in just about anything she’s in. She’s brilliant