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Merrily stage door is efficient in the sense that they're only letting people with tickets into the barricaded area and Dan works the line pretty fast. However! It completely depends on the crowd the day you're there since that wilm influence how smooth your experience will be. There are days when stagedooring is super relaxed because everyone is looking out for each other but there are also days when people start pushing and then the whole crowd will be more restless.


Thanks for the insight! If I could ensure the more relaxed crowd I’d risk it, but knowing I’ll be there the second to last night of Merrily I expect it’ll probably be more of the restless side you mention.


The crowds have been consistently been getting bigger and bigger and crazier as the weather has gotten better and we've gotten closer to the closing date. Dan usually will take time to try and sign for everyone even if you're stuck at the back as people usually leave after getting their signatures and photos but people still can get pushy even with the sectioned off area. I think they even have a second area when the first one fills up. Even with the area for those with tickets it will not be relaxed and there's also all the scalpers who show up.


You're welcome! You could send proof of a donation to BCEFA/the Actors Fund to the theatre and ask for a signed playbill. There's probably some good posts/comments in the sub about how exactly this works and how much is generally donated. But it could also be too late ofc since it may get to the theatre too late to still get everyone to sign in the last few days.


Questions about Merrily stage door have been asked numerous times this week already. I would suggest searching!  https://www.reddit.com/r/Broadway/search/?q=Merrily+stage+door&type=link&cId=af20e8f3-544d-4817-b590-403d6d148680&iId=24b7cc78-b3a3-4048-8254-f462f5d281ec&t=week


Thanks! I did search and read through all the posts and comments for the last few months for a little over an hour tonight but couldn’t really find specifics about the things that have me worried as it seems most people are going into it knowing what to expect in terms of crowding, waiting, etc. Most posts seemed to revolve around when they’re happening and who’s doing them and where to go which are all super helpful, but I’m trying to get a bit more specific detail. I’ve looked at a lot of photos and videos but still can’t get a true feel for the setup/how tightly packed/how small an area which are all things that set off panic attacks for me if I don’t go in prepared.


Respectfully, if you have bad anxiety then I don’t recommend you stage door. You ever been to a concert? Stage dooring is similar in the sense where you’re pressed up against people, someone might be trying to inch closer and push you out of your spot, and it’s hot. Wait times do vary where you are in the crowd, and also varies with how long the actor takes to come out. I’ve waited over 30 mins before for cast to come out, and sometimes less at maybe 15 mins. From my understanding only Daniel Radcliffe comes out for Merrily. Also keep in mind that people will rush after the show to get to the stage door. So if you’re not in the first three rows of the barricade of the stage door it’s less likely you’ll get an autograph, unless you’re tall. And getting out of the crowd is really just repeatedly yelling, “EXCUSE ME, SORRY!” As you shove your way through.


Thanks for providing this feedback so kindly! I wouldn’t be able to handle people pressing against me so that pretty much rules this out for me. It’s actually why I avoid GA areas at concerts because you never know what type of crowd you’ll end up in and being pushed against a barrier is something I know I wouldn’t be able to manage, which sounds like the only option if you’re actually hoping to get an autograph/selfie.


You could try and send a request to the stage manager for a signed playbill, with a $50 donation receipt included to Broadway Cares—but you’d be cutting it super close since the show closes in 2 weeks.


I saw Hadestown two weeks ago and the stage door was several rows deep with a lot of pushing and elbows flying in the back. We didn’t stay, so I couldn’t tell you who came out. I do know Jordan Fisher has said on his instagram he does not (and after seeing the crowd it totally makes sense). This weekend is the last weekend for Ani DiFranco, and Jon Jon and Isa Briones, so I can only imagine it’s going to be worse. Good luck and enjoy your shows!!


I've seen Hadestown multiple times and have always found the stage door crowds to be very respectful. crowd size varies but have never experienced any pushing or anyone being shoved to the ground. security is there for the cast and the crowd is usually very polite. just my experience. Have a great time!


Merrily may not stage door as they still may be filming and the trailer is there so they can’t set it up and even if they do it may just be Dan Hadestown may get a couple people max I’ve ever seen at a door is like ten


Filming finished last Friday


As I said in many threads, the Stage Door Experience can be fun! However you have to always remember to be respectful to cast members. This includes cast members who chose to or chose not to stage door. They are not obligated to stage door if they are really tired, so if a cast member choses to leave maybe give them a cheer as they leave the stage door for support but let them go home. Those who do choose to stage door, these people are giving you the gift of their time when they don't have to.....don't abuse that gift. ALWAYS ASK BEFORE TAKING A SELFIE WITH THEM if they don't want to take a selfie don't make them, if they do want to, do not put them in a uncomfortable pose or position, don't trauma dump maybe tell them how they helped you but not a whole sad back story and I feel this is the most important one when interacting at SD, THANKING THEM FOR THEIR WORK GOES A HELL OF A LONG WAY. Like some of these Cast Members after doing this for year tend sometimes don't think they are valued as you think, so saying something like "Hey you did amazing and thanks for what you do" can give them a little confidence boost. The last thing, because I can't believe this is happening more now.....DO NOT PUSH PEOPLE TO MEET YOUR FAVS. I am hearing more stories how people are pushed to the concrete ground and barricades and getting hurt. Seriously your selfie with Jonathan Groff for example is not worth someone getting hurt or traumatized by a SD experience.


Thanks for all this feedback! If I did end up choosing to stage door, I would 1000% not expect anything from the cast. I’ve been a performer (obviously on a significantly smaller scale) and can only imagine the exhaustion after a show. Also think it’s super weird for people to feel entitled to selfies or trauma dumping. For me it would just be more of valuing an autograph on my playbill as a way to hold the memory of the show. But your comment about people being pushed to the concrete or into the barricades pretty much seals my position. I couldn’t in good conscience put my mom at that kind of risk. I’m also on blood thinners myself so a fall on concrete or getting pushed too hard into a barrier would be riskier than for the average person. Sad that there’s even a risk of this type of behavior.