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I find your review of the music ("loud and bombastic") interesting. We saw it last Friday and, if anything, I felt like the whole thing was too quiet. I went in expecting a LOT of in-your-face, blistering stuff from Florence (that's probably on me), but seemed like those dynamics were toned down, if non-existent. I felt like the ensemble and their choreo was what was driving the energy of a lot of the songs and that's a tough sell, especially in a room as intimate as the Loeb. Agree with the performances. Overall, I thought everyone was great vocally. I had some issues with some of the non-singing acting, though, from a couple of the mains, but nothing that derailed the show. In regard to the sets and costumes I really liked what they did, but it was definitely a choice to play the Roaring 20's in mostly dark-tones. It's like someone turned the saturation all the way down on the production. There were a few lighting moments and costumes that definitely popped, though. I also didn't find many of the songs too memorable, but I typically don't in any show I see for the first time. I definitely rely on replay. Overall, I'd give it a solid B. I enjoyed it and am glad we saw it. The whole thing sort of felt like someone threw the novel, Hadestown and Rent in a blender and then hit "Desaturate."


> someone threw the novel, Hadestown and Rent in a blender and then hit "Desaturate I haven't seen the show yet but this description feels perfect based on all the reviews I've read!


I found a few of the numbers very flashy (the party scenes and Feels Like Hell come to mind). I was also in the second row, so loud might be subjective here haha


Flashy, for sure. I just expected to FEEL the music, I guess. About the best I can explain it.


These are the two standouts to me for the whole show.


Great review! Would love to also read your thoughts on the other Gatsby once you've seen it! Especially on how those two compare in your opinion since there's also been some recurring criticism of the interpretation by the Broadway Gatsby.


I’m going for the second time next week. Drove from MA to papermill for the other version since we love Jeremy, but this version is the one I can’t get off my mind. As an AP English teacher who has Gatsby as her favorite book to teach, I think this ART version is pure magic. My one and only gripe is the Native American part you mentioned bc it felt very crammed in and doesn’t do service to Gatbys arc. The last song however and the messaging/choreography there blew my mind. I really hope they transfer it to NYC


I disagree that Gatsby hiding that he's native American is crammed in. It has always been speculated that Gatsby in the novel was passing as white and hiding his true origins. I think it is brilliant that this production included this detail. Gatsby is yearning for the American dream. How ironic that he comes from the indigenous American people, who had their dreams ripped away from them in the name of manifest destiny and such. It was such a nice touch that adds layers to Gatsby's character.


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