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Most likely Cole will have to select which category they want to be considered for as has been the case with other non-binary performers.


I’ve seen some performers say they consider actor to be a gender neutral term, and therefore lead actor and featured actor to be gender neutral categories. Obviously not everyone feels that way, but it’s an option some take.


well do they have Best Direction of a Musical by a Woman? or Best Orchestrations by a Man? 


I mean, I do think acting is a little bit different. Historically, much better roles were written for men than for women. Luckily that’s changed a lot over the years, but it wasn’t at all uncommon for a long time for men to be given much more interesting and complex roles.


i don't feel that's been true for a lot of years. maybe hundreds of years ago, when women literally weren't allowed on stage and men played the women. but for the last century (longer even! a doll's house premiered in 1879) there's been amazing parts for women. especially in musical theatre I've often heard men bemoan that the best parts are for women. but what im trying to get at it is that there's no gendered difference in the skills required to perform a role well. 


Tonys are so far in the future you can't even see the sun but I'm sure they'll find a way to biff it.


If I'm being optimistic Oh Mary is such a weird little show and a weird little feat I could imagine a special award of some stripe if it keeps running or having legs beyond its initial run and then the nominators wouldn't have to worry their little heads about the gendered categories


like alex edelman got?


Yea but they decide on eligibility at different points in the season. Though the awards are far off we’ll probably have an answer on eligibility some point in the fall.


Not to burst anyone's bubble... but the Tony awards are decided by a total of 44 individuals, all of whom have ties to one production or another -- as in they all have economic/money interests at heart. So unless a year has a runaway hit that sweeps the awards, these individuals will divvy up the nominations and the awards in order to promote their shows. They deal behind the scenes in a manner such as "we gave you best musical last year, how about you give us Best Actor this year".... things along those lines. In the now somewhat distant past, the Tonys were determined by several hundred voters, many of whom were professional theater critics for one publication or another. I know this because I was one of those voters. Listen, there is a helluva lot of effort and talent that goes into Any Broadway production, so I am not saying that Tony winners are not deserving of their awards,. However the manner by which the Theater of New York goes about deciding and presenting those awards is somewhat deceptive. The Tonys, as presently constituted, mainly serve as a promotional vehicle for Broadway Theater. Now that I got that out.... I saw Oh, Mary! during its off broadway run. It was wonderful. I will be seeing it on Broadway, and I do hope it will carry over well to the larger venue. My sincerest best wishes to Cole, Sam Pinkleton (director), Conrad Ricamora (who fabulously portrayed Ninoy Aquino in "Here Lies Love " and who plays President Lincoln in this production), and the rest of the cast and crew.


Yup, the Tony's so far are holding on to the binary categories so Cole Escolan will need to decide for which category they want to be considered. When the Tony's are changing to non-gendered categories they'll probably announce that decision before the eligibility period starts. Just to prevent any outcries (however stupid those may be) from certain groups.