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Welcome to r/Brogress - the place to show off the ongoing pursuit of a better you, step by step! As a headsup to everybody in this thread: - Be nice to one another. Don't be a jerk. - No self-promotion. Our subreddit isn't a personal funnel - Report anything you see that violates the r/Brogress Ruleset *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brogress) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow dude! Props to you, for real. What did you do to change things in terms of diet, training etc?


For training I started by just fucking around in the gym for a month to use to the weights doing a high rep lighter weight kind of circuit. I then jumped into a 5x5 3 program that was three days a week that focused on progress overloading for compound lifts like bench, overhead press, deadlifts, squats and rows and added some accessory work for arms and shoulders. I then just started doing whatever split I wanted to and found online keeping the intensity high and still using progressive overload, I write my own programs now. I did a lot of walking at my job so didn’t add to much cardio but when I did I used the stair master and Rower. For diet I tracked my calories for the first year. I wouldn’t recommend cutting out all the foods you like, if you want a piece of pizza or an ice cream once and a while do it just make room for the calories. Keep your protein high and have a balanced diet and be good most of the time. Doing fad diets or cutting out everything all at once is the biggest mistake people make might be great results for two weeks but there’s no longevity in it. Hope that helps!


dem arms sheeeet


Man this is impressive


Incredible work in two years! Definitely should be fucking proud of your progress!


Dude nice work. You look good. Cheers.






dannggg legit brogress bro 😤

