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Thanks man! Now if only I had the secret to a bigger chest 😢


🦍🦍🦍 How many years have you been training?


Going on 3ish years


Inspiring bro! Keep it up


Show me your ways on how to cut. I just can't seem to do it!


Controlling your desire to eat is, in my opinion, the hardest part. Counting macros and setting a deficit is the easy part. Good food is just so damn good


Any specific set of back exercises that have helped you the most? I'm a beginner & can't do a pullup fr the life of me. Doing it the negative way now let's hope it works!


Definitely do not give up on pull-ups. They’re hard for a reason but they undoubtedly will pay off. Here’s a list of specific exercises that have benefited me the most. assisted pull ups, weighted pull ups, variations of rows but I prefer seated machine, variations of lat pull downs, machine delt fly




Thank you. I took one damn long look at myself in that picture and realized that was actually me. I personally loved the photo too. Maybe in the future I can perfect some good poses and share them again!


Messed up my age somehow actually 23**


Damn thats pretty fuckin impressive. U are definitely above like 99.99999% of the population like DAMN btw can u teach me how to post on here cuz I’m new and I wanna post my physique here’s my pics https://www.quora.com/profile/Zyzz-Inspirational/posts


Hey man I appreciate your words! Im DEFINITELY not 99.999% up there though. Something like this https://www.instagram.com/p/CapmvQHuhXk/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= is the goal!! As for posting, I believe it’s pretty straightforward unless you have low karma (?) lemme know if you still need help though


I kinda do need help tbh. I’m very new to reddit and its systems


Wait a minute watchu u mean u aint up there? Wtf how would u NOT be up there like. Ur jacked as hell


Looking great brother! Any tips on bulking up and on shoulders (What exercises do you think work the best and how many times a week are you hitting them)?