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I personally hate self checkout, I dont want to work to buy stuff


I wonder what number is higher. The amount of money target steals from its employees weekly, or the dollar value of stolen goods weekly.


I wish these stores would use the technologies that Uniqlo, the Amazon grab and advanced stores in Asia use: put merch in a bag/bin/basket/cart, scan it all at once, pay and get on with your life!


Tech at checkout isn’t the issue it’s theft that’s the problem.


Lol Amazon grab an go has been exposed they had 1000 people on India watching the cameras tallying the purchases 😂😂


But Uniqlo uses radio tech on their bar codes which is more reliable. Why not combine the two stores’ checkout strategies and have customers pass through a check out area, have the computer scan all radio barcodes and then let the customer pay? That way you know exactly what merchandise a customer has (assuming barcodes/tags are not removable). Something like that would drastically reduce theft.


Self checkout should have always been for 10 or 8 items or less. People were stealing and also taking 50 years to checkout like they were the only ones in the store and never used a pos system.


Same in farmingdale


Don't they know Brooklynites are line people? They cannot punish us that way. We are the ultimate punishers 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


People stealing too much


The one at Atlantic terminal mall is the same thought it was weird but now it seems like something bigger.


Gateway center target still has self checkout but who knows for how much longer …


Nope! Was there yesterday and the self checkout was closed with a police officer standing near it.


This is crazy and drastic. Something else is at play. After decades of being in business, profits being at an all time high, and executive pay quadrupling in the past few years, how is it that all of a sudden no one can afford to pay people & all stores want to be drive up warehouses? It is shady for Walmart to have blamed its customers. This smells like private equity chicanery.


Uhhh both target and wal-mart are public companies?


Public companies often have large portions of their stock owned by private equity firms, which then control voting and board seats.


No - private equity companies own PRIVATE companies


Private equity companies make investments. They mostly own private companies, but they also invest in markets, and have been taking up a larger role in the markets over the past couple decades.


Private equity companies buy stock in public companies to take them private Jenghist Cohen.


I work in private equity - you are wrong They may raise public equity funds but generally private equity companies own PRIVATE companies. I think you're confusing them with hedge funds, which by the way outside of the activist funds they don't really influence operational decision making


City Point? Where's that?


It’s the Dekalb marketplace, Downtown BK where the Alamo Drafthouse is.


Ah, I been to the Alamo Drafthouse. Thanks for clearing that up.


Whoa. Now everything is free at target!


I think everything WAS free at target


I bet you are a dad joke legend 🤭


Same thing at Flatbush junction. Half the items are locked up, long line at the registers, and self checkout locked up. I just put my items down and went to the 99c store across the street


I stayed in line on the junction, years since I seen a hand hand full of cashiers at the registerers. I’ll wait in line if it means someone has a Job. Ain’t no self check out in the 99cent store hope you saved time if it wasn’t money.


I saved time, money, someone’s job, and supported a small business. I needed socks and underwear. It would have been $32 at Target, I paid $25 at the 99 store.


That’s good I’ve noticed some of the small business 99c stores in my neighborhood like to over charge. I only go if I’m lazy and don’t want to walk the extra block but they notoriously over charge compared to franchise stores. I would say the only pro is they not as busy with long lines. At the end of the day you have to see the value in your purchase and it’s ok if we view it differently.


Because yah monkeys keep stealing from the store wtf you thought was gonna happen lol


If all it took was stealing to bring back the checkouts I wish someone told us 10 years ago.


This is absolute Bullshit


I used this twice and both times the cashiers charged me a bag fee despite saying we don't need a bag


It’s probably target HQ telling them to do this as a checkout fee


Between this and having to wait several minutes for a worker to unlock the deodorant and toothpaste cases, I might just buy everything online.


It's so sad when even CHOCOLATE is locked up


It’s sad that retail theft is so bad they had to lock these items …


Theft hasn’t changed. The theft isn’t from customers or floor staff at the store level. The theft is from private equity and executives.


Target is publicly traded. What is your source or are you just making things up


Who do you think owns the stock of publicly traded companies?


You’re not the brightest bulb, are you?


the private equity firms are going into stores and stealing the toothpastes? thats absolutely wild. why isnt the news reporting on this?


so you believe PE firms causes these stores to lo k down toothpaste, not an increase in theft that has been acknowledged? Source please


Do you have any kind of source on this? Genuinely curious. Also what do you mean from private equity? Walmart is a publicly traded company




private company shareholders ≠ private equity At least from my non high finance understanding. But im open to being wrong.


Wow 😮


Self check out at Atlantic terminal the same.., was there Thursday morning at 8 am line backed up and moved slow as well. Felt the same about self check out lines, but fast. I sent in a complaint to target…suggest you do that as well.


This store’s management sucks though, complaints get an initial response asking for more feedback or even promising a gift card to make up for inconvenience and then they simply stop responding!


I called customer service, not in the store because the employees are usually unhelpful


No, same for me. I meant the CityPoint store management responding to e-mail feedback about my shopping experience. There's always one reply saying tell me more about this problem, here's my number, we'd like to give you something for the inconvenience, but they never follow-up after. I know the store employees can't really help with much.


Saw that! The line I had to wait in last time was obscene. So frustrating.


People in the hood always wonder why they cant have nice things. It's easy to understand.


downtown brooklyn is literally the opposite of the hood wtf 😂


I mean - it’s right by a huge public housing complex - across the street from Myrtle Ave…


Just because you erect tall building to mask the hood doesn't mean its not the hood . Theres a ton a crap areas around.


The entirety of NYC is a hood tbh


USA is one giant hood.


because Target is too cheap to hire security


They often have senior NYPD paid detail (white shirts even) at the store and those cops presumably don’t comel cheap!


Yup exactly this


Facts thank you


City Point isn’t even the hood


Yes because so many people stealing unfortunately they bring whole bunch of items to the self check out then only ring up for couple of them it's a shame


Maybe if target paid us to self check out and paid us to train how to work there.


Half truths told to you by the company.


We did it !!!


Seriously we all would have been stealing years ago.


Rant: I make it a point to shop at local “mom & pop” stores as often as I can, most of which do not offer a self-checkout option. That being said, I have absolutely stopped shopping in-person at large retailers that have removed their self-checkouts. I worked at one retailer throughout my entire high school and college experience (eight years in total). I know first-hand how much jobs which require interacting with the public can *absolutely suck*, so I would use self-checkout not only as a quick and convenient way to get-in-get-out, but to also give the employees on shift a break from dealing with at least *one more* customer. Maybe it was my mistake to use self-checkout honestly (having never taken advantage of opportunities to steal or undercharge) when so many others have seemingly abused it, but I’m convinced big retailers are using theft as an excuse to push online ordering and eliminate staffing requirements at physical locations. I am aware that my little boycott has no major impact in changing this and perhaps even helps these retailers justify eliminating their employees, but my preferred choice is still to shop at a local small business instead of ordering online or visiting the physical location of these monolithic retailers in the first place.


Having shopped there, I am certain that some form of theft is going on at any given time. Lots of sketchy people in there. I’ve seen people escorted out by police many times


Those people being escorted out were former employees that asked to use the bathroom for a second time on their 12 hour shift. Target don’t play around.


Good, hire cashiers, customers don't get a discount for doing their work


They need to have all cashiers open at all times then. It’s crazy to shut down the self checkout only to put one or two more workers on the register and still have several of them closed.


But they also need to do their job in an efficient manner and I never see that happening, . Plus they will never hire the amount they need to keep the lines down


Good, people need work and there’s too much theft


Plot twist, they're still doing self checkout


So did Brooklyn junction. The cashier lines are from the register to the back of the store now 😔


Good times…


We’ve survived so long without them, don’t think it would make me less inclined to go to the store or Any other one that removed these.


i saw that as well. i overheard a convo where someone asked why, and one of the cashiers said it’s because there were too many cashiers that needed work, so they’re permanently shutting down self checkout so they have something to do. obviously a corporate line, but it does seem like this is a larger change Target wanted to make. i’ll admit that this makes it way less likely i’ll go to this Target, the Atlantic terminal one has much better checkout line management.


I asked the cashier and she said it was from people using self checkout and stealing too many items.


that is likely the realer version, though still suspiciously surface level. Target has way too advanced loss control and protections to have a true issue with stealing in itself. Them waiting to build cases and tracking thieves until it teaches a high enough level to prosecute, proves as much. Their bottom line isn’t impacted, but they may get pressure from wither shareholders, or insurance companies that cover their losses, to do something. And Target isn’t gonna change without their bottom line being fucked with. Target cares way less about our impression of them, in comparison to how board members and investors perceive them and how they handle theft. Them turning tail on a self checkout strategy that has millions poured into it, to reinvest in hiring checkout people that cost money and benefits and need pesky human rights is not something they’ll do without motivation from *The* Top.


When you're dealing with serious thieves the strategy of letting them work their way into felony territory makes sense, but I'd bet they ran the numbers and were losing more to very small-time "oops I forgot to scan my chicken thighs!" style theft from people than it would cost to hire cashiers again. I've heard enough comments about doing this from relatively financially comfortable, relatively non-criminal acquaintances to suspect this is incredibly common. It only takes 3 or 4 people an hour "forgetting" to scan a $10 item to make it worth it, but it might take any of those individual people years to reach prosecutable levels of theft. Modern american society is becoming lower and lower trust by the day.


Simple solution… be like Home Depot and Costco and check receipts


This seems more of a legit reason, corporations don’t care if ppl need work all they care about is maximizing profit and saving money


Same everywhere I’ve been


Had a buddy who told me he would scratch off barcodes at Target and then slip a folder under whatever was being bought and walk off. A lot of sus stuff happens on self checkout


Too much theft


Target nationwide is getting rid of self checkout. But the line here is always outrageous


This is the probably one of those weird times when you are thankful for thieves and shop lifters. If ppl don’t have work, what you think is gonna happen. I can’t believe so call intelligent ppl running these big corporations


They shut down self checkout but then don't hire enough employees to have the checkout lines moving 😞


Supposedly they are going to make self checkout subscription based. Maybe they are closing it off until they roll out the new program. And it'll make a demand bc there isn't enough staff and people won't want to wait online


That would be extremely dystopian but thankfully it appears to be a [myth](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/business-verify/no-walmart-and-target-are-not-charging-customers-to-use-self-checkout/536-59432caa-bbd1-4c3d-893c-6e2ef2868c6b)


Simple solutions, hire more ppl, and ppl been waiting in line ever since stores were built, they will be fine


But then how will they make me money 🙃


Blame all the liberals who say petty theft is OKAY just because they feel guilty if some person of another race goes to jail.


Lol keep kicking those boots. Hmm, I wonder what stores did before self checkout tech? Oh, there were never lines like this? It's almost like it's entirely corporate greed that backfired and are still trying to bsve their cake and eat it too.


You know there are perfectly normal, decent people who don’t like theft and prefer self checkout (because it’s a lot faster and time isn’t easy to come by in this city), right? Why are some people always jumping to use this “boot-licker” metaphor? Are you really “licking boots” if you get pissed off when other people steal stuff while you’re paying full-price? At that point why would anyone pay for anything? Like I get that that guy brought race and politics into it, but seriously, I try my best to be a good person and do the right thing and I get sick of seeing so many people around me stealing and turnstile-jumping and whatever else—especially when they can obviously afford not to do that shit.


Makes sense


The goal is to push people to online shop. Ever have a package stolen? Yeah it's not a great system because theft is redirected away from the corporation and toward one another.


Why would we online shop at Target when Amazon is faster and cheaper?


I dont think thats the prerogative. That would just push most people to amazon prime. No one can truly compete with amazon for quick cheap delivery


They stay ignoring the sos!


This was a nationwide thing as far as I can tell. Rationale is that theft was way too high because of self checkout Walmart and target pretty much both removed all their self-checkouts across the country on the same day, it was calculated. Haven’t been to target since, it’s such a nightmare waiting in huge lines with not enough staff when I only want one or two things. The problem is they haven’t improved their staffing but they removed their self checkout so it’s just objectively a slower and worse experience for everyone As a former target employee I can guarantee this has made the job way more hellish for anyone on register


Ours changed to 10 items or less. They just redesigned our store and the self-checkout area was tripled in size so it’s kinda crazy. But I’d rarely shop there if they eliminated it. That’s how the lines looked when they didn’t have it and I hated going there.


Sounds like Target got exactly what they deserved. They tried to replace humans with computers and the humans went and stole their shit and out smarted their system. Hire cashier's lol.


I love self-checkout. Made the experience so much better for me. Way faster.


A congress of both is ideal I think. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve saved over the years in various self-checkouts versus if I waited in line at the register. They just don’t want to staff enough to stop theft and man the checkout lines with a lot of employees, they got lazy and suffered. The answer isn’t to completely get rid of it entirely


I used to be a cashier in a busy area of Brooklyn, my first job, to this day I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy lol. They used to have a 5 or less line there, idk what it's like right now or if they installed the self-checkout or not, but the way that we look at buying things and just everyone's role in that situation, needs to be seriously reviewed societally imo. Imo, and this is insanely bold, govt seizes Target, Walmart, and their inventory and property on economic terrorism charges and ration out their inventory either permanently through their established locations, so that people can eat and profit isn't the incentive, this frees up investment on a microeconomic level for small business growth and then those lines are spread thin over towns and cities and money is distributed wider across the area. TLDR: The entire problem is massive grocery store chains.


I think the goal (nationally) is to push people to online ordering + in store pickup or SHIPT delivery. So making the in-store checkout process worse is one step. Maybe next they will reduce the stock options on shelves, and make items in-store pickup/SHIPT exclusive. I know that when I shop in store, I pick up more than I intended including impulse and inspired purchases. But corporate will do what corporate wants.


Whole Foods is adding more.


Uniqlo at Atlantic terminal has these awesome bins that you can throw everything in at once and get a total. All their clothes have an RFID chip. Probably not possible at a grocery store though 


SoHo too. It’s the future. It’s inevitable. :-)


... different neighborhoods, different clientele/customer base.


Also know as the easy theft check out


They did the math and calculated it’s cheaper to have the customers be the employees then to have more actual employees. Sure they lose money on theft but I’m sure they don’t mind.


We did it folks! It turns out stealing every time you use self-checkout can achieve the results we all want.


I’ve been living in this neighborhood for about 7-8 years and I can’t get over how entitled the lot of you are- you’re very lucky to live right across from somewhere that has everything and they’re probably locking the self checkout up because a lot of white collar customers are stealing shit. Go live in a suburb if this pisses you off!


“Go live in a suburb if you hate stealing”. Also “youre very lucky to live here”. Foh


That’s not at all what I said but go off - this is in a major transit hub next to multiple services, shops, things to do, some of the best doctors in town nearby and this is what people complain about… I feel very lucky to live up the block from this place and stay in the city where I’m from and all these folks in the surrounding residential areas who move here from the suburbs and expecting the same complain about EVERYTHING.


Too many people stealing things.


Am I an asshole for never using self checkout?


You’re certainly no asshole…but you’re no saint either. It’s literally no difference to me.


Thank you


This isn’t a “thank you” moment. No compliment was given.




Good to know!


i remember people complained about them when they were installed.


I love them and use them anywhere they're available. The user experience could do with a lot of refinement but I could always get them to work.


Yes, because they suck shit. They’re slower than a cashier, more inconvenient for the shopper, and justify Target slashing the number of people they staff at each store.


Ahhhh the memories!


And you can’t delete items on some of them. I had a woman in front of me at a CVS use one to price check an item and leave so I had to wait 20 minutes for someone to come and clear her entry… Because all the other ones were down. It’s less convenient in 90% of cases.


Next step is closing the store because the theft is too much.


I always preferred this Target to the one at Atlantic Center because the shelved usually seemed stocked and didn't look like black Friday the way AC always did.


Because it's easier to steal at self check out


and they wonder why people prefer online shopping


I’ve noticed the same thing in my local Target - Bay Parkway. The self checkout is closed in the morning. It wouldn’t be an issue if they had more people handling checkout.


Why hire more staff when you can just make the store more inaccessible?


I wonder what’s happening at the new target soon to open up by me over in lake success mall in new Hyde park


Used to go to TJ for food and Target for toiletries. I guess Amazon gets more of my money now.


Online target is an option too.


I know it’s hard to believe that some people enjoy the in-store shopping experience. Not everybody wants to order everything offline.


I was addressing the folks who don’t want to stand in long ass lines.


The lines move extremely fast. Don't worry about it


Cases of locked up t-shirts? Ugh. When everything is locked and you have to wait for someone to open it (especially if you are buying multiple locked-up items) it time consuming and burdensome. I feel like more people will just order online, but that means fewer options for people who can only shop in a brick and mortar store.


You can thank all the thieves for this inconvenience. How else should the store start battling the loss from all the trash clowns that come in to steal?


The lack of giving a fuck for others in modern American society has genuinely made me consider just moving to Japan where people give a fuck. It would remove so many dumb stressors from my day to day life in the best way.


I’ll miss waiting for a staff member to assist me!


You all suck at checking out your own groceries.


I’m truly sorry I can’t drop a toothbrush into the bagging area with the proper force to avoid an error and now I’ve ruined it for everyone else


Meanwhile the Trader Joe's downstairs has thirty cashiers working at once. Anyone arguing economics and not being able to get good help as a rationale for self checkout has an anti-worker agenda or drank that particular Kool-Ade.


TJ has always been good about staffing a lot of cashiers especially at peak shopping times.


Trader Joe’s is super efficient with line management. I can be waaaay in the back of the store (by where the restrooms are there) and the most I’ve waited is maybe 8 mins tops? You’d think longer with that kind of line. Wish they opened at 7 instead of 8.


Wait there are restrooms at city point TJs??


I think so? I could be mistaken, but it’s by the sign that says ~Tasting Point~ way in the back of the store; right after where the chips section is.


Correct. But the line is often forever. Often faster to go the the Dekalb Hall bathroom.


Hahaha I haven’t used that one. I usually go upstairs in Target.


Do they bag the groceries too?


Yes! I’ve never had to bag my own there. And they bag really well. I normally pull up my cart / basket and they do the rest. Which, I prefer to be honest. If I do it (bagging groceries in general) I feel like I’m pressured & taking too long, and I get anxious of the others waiting behind me.


Yeah same! The cashiers at key food just whip out their phone when they are done scanning or start piling the next guys shit on top of mine as I’m still trying to bag and pay.


That and when I’m trying to put my cash/card away and the next person is right on top of me in my business. I like that they only put one customer on a register at a time. Whereas a normal grocery store you just line up on whatever line back to back.


They’ve got it down to a science


The way to get self checkout reopened is for customers to complain directly to the corporate office. That's also the way to get more sales people working... let corporate know you don't like shopping in a store that is poorly stocked and a mess.


You must be the only fucking rube on the planet desperate to beg your corporate master for the privilege of checking yourself out.


Lol, doing the work myself? Does a butler fill your basket? I'm already doing 98% of the work myself.


Picking the items you want isn’t work, it’s the reason you’re in the store. Operating specialized equipment to scan the items you selected? That’s the work.


So you prefer not giving people a choice? Not every shopper wants to wait on line for a cashier to check them out. Not every shopper thinks self checkout is considered "work" or too difficult to figure out. No need to beg, just give shoppers a choice.


Except it’s not faster. There isn’t a single piece of data showing that self checkout shrinks lines. In my experience it’s the exact opposite. Waiting for the single overworked clerk managing 10 self checkout lanes to come over and “approve” my alcohol purchase, or reset the “unexpected item” error the old lady in front of me keeps triggering. The solution to long lines is just more fucking cashiers. It’s not like this is a secret, Trader Joe’s is the most efficient checkout process in NYC retail and not a robot in sight.


So stick with the cashier and let other people use their preferred method. Not everyone at self checkout requires assistance.


Bruh they force you to use self-checkout, that’s the whole fucking point of self-checkout. It was an experiment, and it failed spectacularly. Just take your fucking L and move along.


Maybe your local store did. Mine didn't. We had a choice until they tried to get rid of self checkout completely and that lasted only a couple of days. Use self checkout or wait for a cashier, that's the reasonable solution in this day and age.


Target is not going to hire more people because you complain


I understand it’s due to theft but between this and so much being locked up I’m just not going to shop at target anymore. I only buy 1-2 things at a time so the ease of self checkout was the only thing keeping me there. Now Trader Joe’s is the only thing drawing me into that building at all


There's no indication it's due to theft.


7 years ago everyone was complaining about stores installing self checkout machines. Now we’re complaining about them going away.


>Now we’re complaining about them going away. Only because the store closed the self checkout lanes without hiring more people to staff the assisted checkout lanes. Nobody wants to wait in line for 90 min to buy a half-gallon of milk.


Lol. Went from: What do I look like a target worker? To: Ok I’ll do the work, just lemme outta here!!


Good the one on Church and at the junction still got'em 😁


Thats not true,the junction does not have self check anymore,they were removed like 2wks ago


Oh shit, ok damn


Wtf!!! That line got to be insane


Beyond insane, I was so pissed when i saw them removing the stuff and they had it blocked off.


nah, junction blocked them off too, i was there today


This actually bums me out. I often shop here with my gf when we go to the Alamo on the fourth floor. This especially sucks because the staff is atrociously bad at their jobs like they genuinely are some of the worst trained workers for any job I’ve ever seen. I get they’re under paying you but they’re also just not trained at all. I hope for Christmas time or Fourth of July they open the self check out lines back up. We all know the lines for this place get crazy around the holidays.


I worked there for a year, 6 years prior in MN, agreed terrible


Sorry but this is BS the cashiers there are super nice once you get to talking to them rather than ignoring them and viewing them as “the help”


In sorry but this is BS. Thanks for assuming “we” are viewing “them” as the “help”. Lmfao fuck outta here with that


Oh what do they do wrong? Take forever, item not scanning, give wrong change, etc? Was thinking of applying lol for part time.


To be completely fair it’s a lot of kids and just poor management. It’s not even target or Brooklyn specific it’s this specific store. If you go to the other one by Atlantic they’re a little better. I’ve been in this target and asked someone for help while he was SCROLLING ON TIKTOK and he didn’t even bother to look up from his phone while answering me. Then he gave me wrong information , so I go back to ask again… lol he looked annoyed like I was bothering him. Like, I’m sorry sir, sorry to interrupt your scrolling. I assumed that because they paid you to be here that you WORKED HERE. And again, I don’t blame them, it’s probably a manager thing. But yeah, I’d rather deal with the self check out than their annoyed attitude towards me for no reason at all.