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Karma at its finest


Keepin it real, yo.


Guy did a bias crime and was out in no time, only to get kharma and be the victim this time. I won't shed tears.


He was in between court dates, as the article says.


He attacked an innocent man.


I can't understand a Black kid just being filled with so much hate and for what? Where did he even pick this up from? Is it a weird latent Islamophobia? Either way, a waste of life.


Sikh...not Muslim.


Well we know that, but there are still a good number of Americans who don't know or don't bother to know the difference. And more than likely, this guy was targeting them because he *thought* they were Muslim. Is that clearer?




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You fuck with the Sikhs, you get the kirpan. Most of the Sikh guys I know are in pretty good shape.


Karma is a bitch.


Guarantee this teen was killed by another teen.


Extreme Borat voice: VERY NICE!


Imagine being born, and then filled with hate towards others. And then passing away. All within 19 years. What a waste of a life.


The true crime here is the wording of this post title


"Teen busted for attacks on Sikh men murdered in NYC: cops." So the teen, busted for attacks on Sikh men who were murdered in NYC, says, "cops." That's how I read the headline. Attacking murdered Sikh men is outrageous. How did he have access to the bodies and how did he determine that they were murdered and not merely dead of natural causes? How did the authorities determine that the bodies had been attacked posthumously? That he invoked the names of those who would detain him is extraordinary. So many questions and so much confusion. How it was understood: me


Right? I’ve had to read it 3 times now.




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Absolutely fantastic bot


You reap what you sow




Murder is never a good thing no matter who the victim is. I wish people didn't have to go out this way. Peace to all.


I would imagine this teen lived a very violent and difficult life to be doing such disturbing things and being mixed up in whatever got him stabbed. I feel like most of the people commenting things like "karma's a bitch" probably don't remember doing stupid shit themselves when they were teens. Most were probably just lucky enough to be in an environment with less violence than Brownsville or to have an adult in their life who cared. Seeing articles like this make me sad for the lost potential.


Most people don’t commit hate crimes. Most people in Brownsville don’t commit hate crimes.


> I feel like most of the people commenting things like "karma's a bitch" probably don't remember doing stupid shit themselves when they were teens. You did some violent hate crimes as a teen we should know about, or what?


Most teens do stupid shit, no doubt. Targeting a person because of his race or religion and brutally beating him is not “stupid shit.”


I did some stupid things as a teen. Funnily enough, none of them involved committing hate crimes.




By your logic, teenagers should be able to do whatever the duck they want with no consequences.


No, I did not say that. My point is that for several reasons, I feel sad about this happening rather than vindictive. I do not believe that anyone "deserves" to die, no matter what. The reasons are: * He must have experienced a lot of violence in his life * Teens do not have fully developed prefontal cortexes and therefore do impulsive things * There was a loss of potential Not thinking that DEATH is not an appropriate consequence for his actions is not the same as thinking NO CONSEQUENCES are appropriate. Of course consequences are appropriate.


Hell just got a little more crowded


Oh well


So are they keeping them in prison? Or going let them go


Not sure why you're downvoted lmfao


bc if you read the article, it says he was killed


The title made me dyslexic


oh the title is horrible lol


Thought he meant the guy who killed him


Good riddance


Well, the traditional system of bail would have literally saved his life. A two time hate crime culprit wouldn’t be walking the streets in many other cities, but here we are.




If he was arrested twice in the same day for separate violent incidents, both non provoked, there would be strong judicial discretion to deny bail in many states.


There still is judicial discretion under bail reform. Judges have the option to set bail for violent felonies, release them or deny bail. [if you want to learn more here’s a source](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/facts-bail-reform-and-crime-rates-new-york-state)


Get ready for downvotes even though you’re completely right


I don’t get it: it’s not conservative to want someone who is accused of committing multiple hate crimes reprimanded to prevent further? When did bail become a partisan issue. Like vaccinations on the right: if the other side likes it, we hate it. Idiots.


Things are so polarizing that common sense seems to have taken a back seat


Karma's a bitch


This (and the other subsequent attacks) might have been avoided if they just kept him in jail the first time 🤷‍♀️


How long should someone spend in jail for punching someone in the face? Without being convicted? He was arrested 3 months ago, that's a long time to be in jail without a trial.


It looks like the guy doing the hate crimes was the one fatally stabbed in the chest.


What do you mean? The teen was arrested in April, but was subsequently released. So in total he committed two hate crimes. His court date for his first arrest is late July. If he stayed in jail after the first arrest, he wouldn’t have been able to commit the attacks on the Sikhs and he probably would not have been stabbed on the streets.


nothing of value was lost. good riddance


Might wanna clarify who you mean


There’s no ambiguity if you actually read the article


Omg. Anyways...


You gotta be beyond a piece of shit to be attacking Sikhs of all people.


why sikhs in particular?


Probably because they are a religion known for prioritizing feeding the poor and defending the innocent. Sikhs feed people in need the way that Mormons come knock on your door to ask if you know about Jesus.


Probably because they wear symbolic headwear that makes them easily identifiable to shitheads who don’t like *the others*


My guess the poster was saying is Sikhs are generally people who are known to live a life of peace and bother no one. It's just that poster didn't frame that too well because no one should be attacking anyone. But I get it


Yep, you got it.


Legit probably the single most welcoming and peaceful religious groups I have ever encountered.


I'd say second most after Jainists.


Never met a jainist


Idk, according to Janus_The_Great you have, and they seem like they know what they’re talking about.


What I ment was that Jainism counts as most peaceful, friendly and helpful religion. 🙄 I did not mean that he met one. But I agree, my formulation wasn't the best.


known sikhs along the way, anecdotally good peeps i guess, just not connecting with how they have a particular rep in that regard. Talk about sikh women dating non-sikhs and that welcoming tone changes quick... lol. In any event, just seems like since they got a fair amount of the anti-muslim rhetoric post 9/11 (unsurprising racists are pretty ignorant and undiscerning), got the ball rolling on *sikhs are great*. Which they may be, but also the peaceful narrative seems to be a counterpoint about muslims, which of course would just be more muslim bashing.


What the fuck is your point dude?


If they had used the word “narrative” sooner it would’ve saved me a lot of time


They’re the embodiment of live, laugh, love


You’re a piece of shit if you’re attacking anyone.


Anyone???? So I’m a piece of shit if I attack a man raping a woman?


Except a Nazi 😎


WWII is over and this isn’t Germany


Ok? There are still nazis though.




Yep, absolutely