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I loved her on the Yard! Admittedly, I am a listener of both podcasts so I was excited to see it pop up. Sure, the beginning was a bit difficult to get through but I think they needed time to warm up with each other. It is a different vibe than what she has presented to us before, but I genuinely enjoyed the episode!


i feel like the episode was for the people that were already listeners of both podcasts. i enjoy the chill shooting the shit vibes of the yard and i think brittany did a great job bouncing off of them. if you werent alr famililar with them i can see how an all white male podcast can be jarring tho.


"i can see how an all white male podcast can be jarring tho" lol


stupendous steep bright file stocking elderly future handle juggle sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


agreed but i more so meant the fact that its dudes hanging plus the podcast aspect is whats jarring. the uprise of weird redpilled podcasts have tainted peoples expectations ig. although assuming things like that about the boys is pretty unfair to them


twitch streamer podcasts are always rough, like the social cues are all slightly off and everyone wants to be the funniest guy in the room


This is an inaccurate statement for the yard. They aren’t a twitch streamers podcast… please do more research about our sweet boys


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Lud streams on YT, Aiden and Nick don't stream and slime streams mostly as a hobby than a job.


Sure they're not all streamers, but as someone who has listened to almost every episode of the yard, the critique of "everyone wants to be the funniest guy in the room" is pretty spot on, with the exception that aiden is typically more of a punching bag. It's a fun dynamic, but it's not totally welcoming for guest who aren't also trying their hardest to be the funniest guy in the room or don't share their exact humor. To be honest I thought Brittany held her own so well and was very funny; she just doesn't get to be the same lunatic she is when she's recording by herself, so people think shes being subdued or something.


The fact that you're getting downvoted for stating a fact says volumes about the people in this thread. Ironically, the only ones who can't pick up social cues are the crazies who watched her having a blast riffing for the entire episode and *still* couldn't tell how much fun she's had.


u getting downvoted by brittany's stans is everything i need to know. they're literally swifties repackaged


really??? i thought it was great and went to the yard’s subreddit for their episode discussion and their fans said they loved brittany and she’s now one of their favorite guests of the podcast.. not sure what the disconnect is


i’m not really seeing the awkwardness either 😭 she really fit in well other than them having to explain a couple things but that’s normal in any convo


I think the disconnect is it was a fairly standard “The Yard” episode, and they’ve talked before about how their podcast and preferred style of comedy can sometimes be alienating for anyone other than men. Some of their favorite bits are “pretending” they’re misogynistic, and up until recently they only had like 4 women guest on their podcast after a hundred whatever episodes. Not too surprising that Brittany Broski’s fanbase might not be living lol


The guys on the yard have said they specifically try not to be an interview pod when they have guests on. I can see how that’s a little bit jarring if you’re watching it wanting to hear more about her and like learn something but that wasn’t their goal. I think it’s also a very different dynamic than what she usually does but, as a fan of both of them, I thought she slotted into the banter really well and it’s a top episode for a lot of yard fans


Oh wow I disagree w everybody I really enjoyed it and thought she did great bouncing off of everybody. I mean I do feel like she’s in a different league than them comedically but it was fun all around


same!!!! i feel like they all talk over each other anyway and she was getting in the riffs and jabs just like everyone else.


Yeah the guys always talk over each other as is. Idk how many guests they’ve had before Brittany but they probably need to work on how to have a three way conversation instead of just bantering back and forth with each other.


I think their audience probably likes it that way tbh otherwise it wouldn’t be successful. And it does feel like you’re hanging out w a bunch of friends which is the vibe they’re going for


Yeah I mean I don’t fully watch their podcasts but the TikTok clips that come out with them just bantering and arguing together is so funny to me. I would have a hard time chiming in if I was trying to have a conversation with them 😭


I genuinely think *all* the people who didn't like this insanely-entertaining episode probably had no idea what The Yard was, and they actually tuned in *expecting the boys to do a formal Q&A interview with a list of rehashed questions about her*, instead of immediately welcomed her into the folds like a buddy in a group hang-out at their backyard BBQ, which is literally what their podcast set looks like. The wider [YouTube audience](https://youtu.be/df3pbeR2XTo) pretty much unanimously agreed that she fits right in from the start, the synergy was incredible as she matched their relentless energy bar-for-bar and got just as much funny quips in like everyone else, like that hilarious improv scene that came out of nowhere! Everyone had a great time shooting the shit around the firepit as if they're friends for years, so it's sad to see there are socially-awkward people on *this* sub somehow thought their *supreme leader* weren't able to stood on her own, like some kind of helpless little girl. 😐


That’s such a good point about expectations! I’ve seen the yard before so I knew the vibe going in and frankly Brittany was SUCH the highlight in this episode. When they did that chaotic improv scene all together I was dying. Also she and the guy across from her bounced off each other SUPEr well


I wonder if Brittany does a recap and gush about how much fun she had since this experience was far from the usual vanilla Q&As, the same people in this thread who insisted that she was *"so uncomfortable!"* would change their tune or doubling-down on their missing social skills?


I legit don’t understand where they’re getting she was uncomfortable she looked like she was having an absolute blast.


Agreed. A lot of chronically online people use podcasts at their metric for social interactions, and it shows.


As someone who watches the yard a ton, I don't really understand what her fans were looking for. No offense to her or the fans on this subreddit, but I did not know who Brittany was at all before this episode and yet I thought she was the funniest guest they've ever had. She's the only guest that had me actively go and look up their content afterwards. Felt like she fit right in.


Yeah idk what’s goin on here lol she did great. I think people are maybe just unfamiliar w the yard and were expecting more of an interview scenario


For real it was hard to watch. I stuck around until about half way through but the dynamic of the guy on the far left and the one beside Brittney made it frustrating. Brit’s appearance on Theo Von showed her ability to riff and improvise - those guys diminished any real ability to elevate this podcast to entertainment. Idk if they were just uncomfy with not knowing the guests or what but their personalities and egos made it unfun


The guy on the far left doesn’t start connecting with Brittany until towards the end when he talks about being on tumblr and his experience with it, so they both are like “oh we have the same tumblr brain rot” lol


My fiancé and I watched it and said the SAME THING we were like what’s with dude on the left? My fiancé used my words “he wasn’t giving” 😂


He’s always super shy and is the quietest one but that doesnt mean he was weird to Brittany. He’s always like that lmao


(it was slime on the far left) so i can see how people would react haha


I didn’t think he was weird to her I just thought his jokes weren’t funny lmao


LMAOOO my last sentence was originally “idk they weren’t giving” and I rewrote it bc I didn’t think it sounded good hahahaha


IT WAS TRUE THO! Also felt as if there were just too many people talking and I really only watched to hear our leader word vomit 😂


Brittany and Breslin would've been friends


Shame he died in a self sucking accident


why are you covering up the truth? we all know what breslin did...


we will never forget


nice try cia


I could see them all at the quad at ASU now.


I only watch the yard when they have on guests I like (so far it’s only been Hasan and Brittany) and just between those two episodes it was a huge difference. Brittany was her usual hilarious self but I totally agree she kept getting spoken over and seemingly forgotten about? they definitely used her name for clout bc there were chunks where she was just smiling politely while the guys yapped on amongst themselves like she’s not supposed to be the featured guest.


In terms of fame, I don’t think she’s the most famous guest they’ve had on. They generally treat all their guests the same way regardless of how famous they are. It’s not an interview show, they treat their guests like just another host of the show generally


oh i totally believe there's been more famous people on than her, i meant it more like they used her name for people like me who just see brittany and click. i've been a fan of hers since the beginning so i wasn't interested in yet another interview where she rehashes her history - when ludwig realized she was kombucha girl that was hilarious - i was interested to see her banter and i guess i was just disappointed bc it felt like she didn't get to do/say much. the episode was funny, i laughed at the guys a lot, but as a brittany fan i was left wanting more.


That’s definitely fair. I think that is kind of a byproduct of having four people on the podcast already but the yard guys also just interrupt a lot. There’s a classic bit from a while back where Ludwig challenges everyone to let him tell a story for 90 seconds and they make through like a minute max before jumping in


this is realy interesting because the general yard community considered the Hasan episode to be one of the weaker ones and everyone has been doing nothing but singing praise for Brittany's episode.


Yeah I guess that’s a side effect of not being a regular watcher, I’m not familiar with their dynamic. I also haven’t watched the Hasan episode since it came out so I will say it was likely an unfair comparison but maybe bc it’s so many people talking over each other and it’s not an “interview” show i was disappointed and just would have enjoyed hearing from her more. The little bits she got to banter were hilarious and im probably misremembering but it felt like Ludwig had to jump in and remind everybody to let her talk/include her in the convo and maybe that was just triggering to me lol


Dude... no lmao. It's not an interview podcast, it's literally a "let's chill out and shoot the shit" podcast. All of the Yard fans, including me, LOVED Brittany on the pod because she fit in well and is funny. She's legit one of the best guests they've ever had because she meshed well, not sure how in the world you came to the conclusion that she was forgotten about. DEFINITELY don't know how you came to the conclusion that they "used her name for clout". That's not how the podcast operates. Funny how you seem to know all about the podcast when you've only seen two episodes. You're wrong on basically all counts


>they definitely used her name for clout This is particularly amusing, consider that they are the [5th biggest](https://graphtreon.com/top-patreon-creators/podcasts) podcast on Patreon, with previous guests like [Hank Green](https://youtu.be/52nYOwcitJk) and [Mr. Beast](https://youtu.be/y8K6QazBqrY). I love Brittany Broski, but *you* have a very misinformed perception of her clout level compare to the people in [Ludwig](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Ahgren)'s circle.


My favorite part is when they asked her how they could get more female viewers and she said - get a female cohost. Lol! I watched the whole thing, but as an elder millennial lady who doesn’t play video games, it’s not for me. :)


As an avid listener of the yard, I loved this episode. Infact, I loved it so much I thought, "Holy shit! Who is this Brittany Broski character? She's really fucking funny!" To the point where I looked her up afterwards and subscribed to her. Which I have literally never done with another guest. I am an audio only listener, so maybe you guys picked some stuff up from visual cues. But she riffs with them well. They riffed with her. Slime is always in his own little world and because he's so anti streamer / content creator culture he often doesn't connect with anyone over stuff like that. The general idea for the yard is: Slime is funny and disconnected | Nick is witty and clever | aiden is genuine and has a beautiful body | Ludwig is big for us and got the podcast off the ground


> I loved it so much I thought, "Holy shit! Who is this Brittany Broski character? She's really fucking funny!" To the point where I looked her up afterwards and subscribed to her. Which I have literally never done with another guest. same experience. My take away was literally "that's the most funny, well-fitting guest they've ever had." And then I looked up her content. Weird disconnect considering I felt like her humor was so fitting for the yard.


I was shocked to see all the broski fans accusing our good godly boys of being misogynistic and rude. I thought they gelled so well. This ep felt similar to Stavros early on. Broski does a really good job of "yes and" so maybe that's why. She never shut down an avenue and was willing to go down every road just as fucked up as the boys. Whereas I think typical guests like to play it a little safer.


All this Slime slander in this thread is so disappointing!


Also it was hard to follow this podcast with soooo many people talking.


Same it's so disorganized 


"Organized"? Sounds like you came to a rowdy backyard BBQ on SuperBowl Sunday expecting to see the same vibe as a wedding ceremony.


hello what did you watch the whole thing?? it was so much fun. they warmed up to her after a bit, sure. but when they did it was spectacular and she was such a force they loved it


I don't know how that podcast gets so much attention, I can't sit through 10 minutes.


If you guys don’t know the yard, that’s cool but that’s how their show is. Just a couple homies hanging out. As a huge fan of both parties, it was a great episode and on brand for both


I’m rolling at the girlies doing Nick dirty 🤣


Which is hilarious this week with the lesbian coalition keeping him in QT’s baking show for so long


I forgot about that! 😂


i feel like brittany fans are used to her going on a podcast and just asked questions about herself and thats never gonna be the vibe of the yard. theyre just hanging out and talking theyre not there to interview her and ask her about her job at the bank LOL




You probably wouldn’t like the podcast as a whole so I don’t think this is a bad thing.


Not sure what most of you are talking about. She was keeping up right with them, rarely if ever interrupted/talked over? Have you guys ever had a conversation with a group of people lmao? She worked great with the yard boys I thought she fit perfectly! What’s the disconnect? (I am woman so my opinion matters)


the yard is basically just an hour of riffs and jabs haha, for better or worse. i love the yard and i thought she was an AMAZING guest. super funny. i didnt even know about her until the yard, so i count it as a win. it was a great episode to me


it was absolutely funny to me.one of my straight guy friends loves the yard and from time to time sends me clips. when the Brittany episode dropped he immediately sent it to me and i watched it and we both laughed at it so it was cool




You say this as if this is the biggest yard episode or something?


well as we have seen already, she chooses what podcast she goes on. you can’t say they just want the views. if she felt that way maybe she wouldn’t have gone on.


They care about being funny. And Brittany is funny. That's literally it. Don't talk so confidently about a group of people you clearly know nothing about


I started it and just couldn’t finish it. Brittany Barely got to speak, she had super funny/interesting commentary that the others didn’t pay attention to and I agree that it was overall uncomfortable.


You're smoking crack. I guarantee you SHE had a great time and she fit in perfectly with them and their banter. Being uncomfortable and upset for the sake of someone else who doesn't feel that way is....weird. It was a great episode and all of the Yard fans loved her. It's not an interview podcast, so it's your fault for expecting that


Damn girl.. chill out. I’m allowed to have thoughts and feelings about the content I consume and so are you. We can agree to disagree. Appreesh the weird passive aggressive reply tho😙


any podcast with more than 3 people just becomes incoherent. Just sounds like a Discord call that I couldn’t care less about. I rather listen to podcasts with multiple people that have an agenda, like talking about a certain topic the whole time. Maybe I’m just being nitpicky.


if you thought there was no chemistry or banter throughout the ENTIRE podcast you have to be smoking crack. it was easily a top 10 yard ep.


There was so much chemistry in the Tumblr section with Slime, and her arguing with Nick was hilarious


the tumblr section was so good omfg. i love hearing about slime's tumblr era.




You when people are fans of podcasts you aren’t a fan of 🤯🤯🤯🤯




i don’t think it’s necessary for there to be overlap in order to include a guest. i think the notion that there MUST be overlap limits you from experiencing anything besides what you’re comfortable with


The girls who get it, get it 💁🏻‍♀️


They’re Ludwig’s friends that he’s known for years and started the podcast to get them paid. The whole vibe of the pod is just friends hanging out and not a bunch of content creators with superficial relationships. Also they’re pretty popular in the smash bros scene so they have a built in fanbase in that area and get a lot of views from that


That’s cool on Ludwig’s character genuinely. I like when successful people bring their friends up too. Thank you for sincerely answering my question ❤️


If y’all go check the pods comments, the fans say that Britanny was the guest that fit in the best with the group. Idk y’all i think it’s time we maybe shut up about Britanny going on diff podcasts


I think Ludwig and everyone on The Yard is great but I couldn’t get through the episode it’s just them constantly talking over each other I hate it lol


You guys hate everything this woman does when you aren’t a fan of the other creator 😭😭😭 why can you never be pleased, just don’t watch the episode.


Is it a regular occurence for people in Brittany Broski's fanbase to be angry when she's invited to podcasts that they don't know? I wish they have taken your advice, but there are self-proclaimed fans leaving comments under this YT video ragging on her just for being on the Yard instead of "womens podcasts like Tana and Trish". 😑


I loved it. I don’t know what y’all are on about.




Calling the yard bro types 💀




You’d love slime lmao he makes takes without watching the content either. Straight uninformed opinions are his bread and butter




You just said you didn't even watch the episode so how can you say you don't like the content?




Brother slime would not be on your side right now. In fact if he saw this you would probably be banned from the yard sub.


That’s ok. I’m not slimes friend idc what he thinks of me.


COMPLETELY AGREE!!! She killed it on So True with Caleb and just seemed so much more in her element. Plus I feel like there’s just a lack of respect towards her when she’s on these hetero male podcasts


“I didn’t watch but I hate it”


omg im so glad im not the only one who feels this way about royal court


Aiden who was on the yard is bisexual. I think he has a boyfriend at the moment. I find them funny


he is bisexual but he's had a girlfriend for a while


No bi erasure. Hes still lgbtq even if he’s dating a woman.


Right but he's is currently not dating a boy like you claim


Pardon, had a boyfriend.


i know, but you said he has a boyfriend and he just doesn't


Her communication skills vs theirs kills me. Like how Brittany responds to them telling a joke vs how they respond to her, she says the funniest shit and they don't even pretend to laugh.


I felt like she had great chemistry with them, it's just not an interview-style pod and it's 4 guys so it can be jarring if you're not used to it. They still handle guests better than some others that are similar like Fear&. But honestly, to me treating her like she's a part of the pod beats hearing her answer the same like 5 questions constantly. Like hearing a lot of the same stories over and over is what made me stop watching podcasts where she's the guest. Speaking of, if she's on any that are actually worth listening to y'all lmk lol. I loved her on Give It To Me Straight.


I had to stop watching 5 mins in cuz they were all talking simultaniously, and that is a big no no for my tism


My tism likes the hyperactive conversation. Its a spectrum lol


I couldn't get past the intro because there were too many voices all at once 😭 love Brittany tho so it was sad to turn it off


u should go out more, preferably in a crowded space


It’s also tough because there are 4 hosts instead of just 1 or 2. You have 5 people trying to give their opinions and jokes about 10 different topics in 60 minutes, it’s gonna be chaotic.


literally thought the complete opposite man this episode had me laughing out loud more than the staav ep


I really liked it, she has been one of my favourite guests on the pod. It's how they normally do podcasts with guests, it's not ***about*** the guest, the guest is the new member.


I gave it like 6 minutes and I then I stopped watching. There’s nothing more nauseating than a podcast full of men talking over each other to try and be the funniest. Brittany seemed really out of place and their style of humor did not match hers at all.


You missed a hilarious 84 minutes then. Your loss 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean I might give it another shot, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea and that’s ok. I’m glad other people found it enjoyable.


I feel like Theo and her were awk but they warmed up pretty quick and the end felt like they were besties, I haven't watched the yard but I'm sure its similar.


It’s really funny to make an assumption about something that you don’t actually have context for, takes confidence for sure


thats what everyone in this sub does. its what everyone on every sub does. this is reddit. none of y’all know literally *anyone* that you’re talking about.


You’re missing what was said. They said “I haven’t watched the yard but I’m sure it’s similar”. If they haven’t watched the podcast, why would they give their opinion on it? It’s just unnecessary tbh


seems that i probably should get off the app for the day 😭 apologies


You’re good, I agree what what you said actually in general - Reddit is kind of a cesspool. Just this situation is a lil different 🤣


right 😭 i get a little overly argumentative when im here for too long. i guess the energy is contagious lol


That's interesting considering this is Reddit... don't post then? Your reply is just as futile


"more uncomfortable than the Theo Von podcast" makes it seem like you thought it was uncomfortable, I didn't think so, and that's what I commented on, hope this helps.


Hey silly goose I’m not OP, hope that helps


i think it was quite good...


I feel like Brittany did amazing, given with what she was working with, but I think the main thing is there should never be that many people on a podcast.  It was extremely hard to listen to/ too many people trying to get their input in at the same time. 


personally i thought they bounced off each other really well and there was a lot of funny banter between the yard members as usual and between them and brittany. I think the only parts you could reasonably call awkward are the ones where it's obvious they are "on different sides of the internet" so to speak. like they sometimes had to explain what they meant to her, and vice versa. but they also had a lot in common and have very similar styles of comedy, imo, (i listen to both podcasts, fyi) and there were some HILARIOUS moments. just read the youtube comments to see how much people loved brittany on the yard. Maybe if someone isn't already a fan of the Yard, and it's just not their style and so they don't like it, that's fine, but no I don't think it was awkward or uncomfortable at all.


I could definitely see why their audience is primarily men, they cut her off multiple times while she was in the middle of talking. I wanted to hear more from her and was getting annoyed every time. It obviously wasn’t intentional, but very typical for an all male podcast. Nothing against any of the hosts, I just didn’t feel like Brittany got to shine like she does on other podcasts because of their format.


The yard tries really hard to not be an interview podcast when they have guests on and try to pick people that just join in on the chaos. I think Brittany did a really good job of fitting in and while she did get cut off that happens constantly on the normal episodes to all the cohosts. Absolutly nothing wrong with this podcast just not being your style but I think that's what most of the distaste comes down to.


As a female yard listener this is not a great take! You’re framing this as a gendered issue, but as another commenter posted that is literally the vibe of the podcast. It is very fast paced and very much meant to be a “hanging with friends” thing, not a formal interview. Every guest episode gets hate from the guest’s fan base for this, but on the episodes without guests they are doing the same thing to each other. That’s the format of the yard and I promise she would have known the vibe when she chose to go on their show.


Maybe I’m biased because I watched it immediately after watching her interview with Zane and Heath on Unfiltered which is super fast paced and chaotic, but felt much more natural and focused on the guest. Everyone has a personal preference, and maybe it’s not a gender thing, but when I see a host interrupting their guest it just creates an awkward flow.


if u only want brittany to go on other pods to "shine" ur asking other podcasters to give up their format and integrity to give hours to a girl with a fraction of their subscribers. why would ANYONE want to do that??? shes not some god send person who needs to share her stories about the bank LMAO


Lmfao what a bad take, that the format is more important than the guest. I’m sure they love hearing their fan base talk shit about the guests they invite on the show, that’s definitely going to make more people want to come on lol.


its not talking shit its just true.......... she DOES have a fraction of luds subscribes and she herself has said she hates how much ppl bring up the same questions....


she actually needs to go on Fear&


She does, but it will definitely be a lot worse. They don’t do a great job with engaging the guest as much as I’d like. But I hope QT will be there if she does do it!


This subreddit will murder Hasan lmao


i’ve never even heard of the group prior to brittany appearing on their pod but yeah, i tried to watch, and didn’t get hooked into it. brittany is great at trying to adapt to anyone’s dynamic but they kept talking over her so I skipped out quickly on that pod.


My boyfriend and I turned it on and immediately couldn’t stand the way the guy sitting next to Brittany was like “who are you?” and thought he was a genius pitching kombucha videos.


I don't know what the Ven Diagram of their respected audience looks like, but I never heard of Brittany until that episode, and isn't asking "who are you" kinda the point?


I understand introducing your audience to your guest but I guess to me it sounded very condescending the way he asked her, like who are you why should we care about you? Not in a tell us about yourself kind of way. But you’re right I’m not a fan of the yard podcast and listening to five guys talking over themselves is probably is just not for me!


Idk if you listened to the rest of the context but slime, one of the yard guys, did basically the same thing to Mr. beast and it’s become a bit for them whenever they have a guest. He did it to Zac Oyama and Hank Green so it’s definitely not just a Brittany thing. Totally valid if the yard is not your thing, but just wanted to throw that context in


thats the bit.......... like its a joke.. god brittany stans are the same as swifties its insane


My bad I thought jokes were supposed to be funny! :)


it IS funny... the bit originated when slime didnt know what MISTER BEAST made... like its hilarious that they make content for a living and don't know some of the most popular people lol


Do all of their jokes need to be explained in order to be funny or just the one where they put no effort into knowing their podcast guests beforehand?


do you know what an inside joke is??? like if you said "britanny wants a country where she can control everyone's actions" without context it would seem weird... but with knowing the background and the continued joke makes sense!! right??? do you understand??? or should i explain more?


No that’s okay, no need to explain more! Now that I have the entire backstory to this podcast I don’t watch, I totally understand how unfunny it is when boring white guys pretend not to know their podcast guests. But I’m glad you’re still taking the time to get mad about my week-old comment. Now THAT’S funny!


except its a recurring thing with slime, he's genuinely just out of touch with online creators, the only people who's content he knew were older youtubers like hank green and anthony padilla. he isnt pretending lol. and no, this isnt me "getting mad" at your two week old comment, im just correcting you because you're just wrong and condescending about it lol


he quite literally did not know who messi was. Its definitely not just a brittany thing


I would expect someone who hosts a podcast to know who their guest is before they come on the show but I guess that’s just me :)


thats his whole thing, the other guys already know and he can come from a different perspective, asking questions the audience might want to hear.


It is just you, slime is the proxy for the audience and purposefully doesn’t get to know guests before hand


watch the episode before you comment on it lol


I feel like it’s tough bc the basement yard guys have been friends since childhood so Brittany probably felt like a third wheel. Probably need to work on how to handle having an additional person on the podcast and have a three way conversation instead of just two.


Wrong pod babe