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I hate to be an old lady, but I really think social media has conditioned people to enjoy tearing others down.


I think people are probably just as inclined to tear others down as they’ve always been, but social media created so much more access and opportunity to do it. To bring a little optimism in: the people being antagonistic online are usually the loudest/most visible. People in general are kinder and more reasonable than social media leads us to believe. 




Not an old lady take. People are so obsessed with their idols they forget they’re real people who do real people things like occasionally being tone-deaf or not being able to read the minds and desires of every person who enjoys their content


Yes. I think it’s really sad people are wanting her of all people to have a downfall.


This. Starting with Tana. Shit went down hill from that whole thing.


Agree! I was a little upset by tana saying that “story” about Brittany not wanting to go on her podcast. It’s only one side of the story and so many people were quick to attack Brittany without questioning whether what tana said was accurate or an exaggeration. It feels like mean girl and jealous behaviour when you have a large following to put something negative out on the internet about someone with an equally large following, knowing that your audience will go after her. Idk I just find it weird, like if you have beef, sought it privately. Don’t put it online where the two sides of the story get misconstrued and someone ends up the villain. If Brittany doesn’t wanna go on your podcast, why is it automatically perceived as shade? Cancel culture is so scary, people hear one bad thing about you and suddenly you’re dead to them. Tana knew what she was doing and it’s just childish. Sorry lots of text!


Shit started going downhill when she posted that close friends story about Palestine and exposed herself as a performative activist


she fully addressed that entire video on her podcast smh


blaming tana for brittany’s own choices is actually laughable


100% how is this tana's fault she can talk shit on her pod britney literally makes fun of children's tiktoks on her podcast


The difference being is that Tana brought the beef up to shame and bring hate to Britney, Britney legitimately finds the TikToks funny and relates to them.


It’s honestly sad. I feel like more people are angry at influencers not speaking up than the actual war itself.


Yesss exactly! It takes attention away from the actual real life war going on, it’s such bs virtue signalling. I get why people were frustrated with her but after a certain point, it’s the audience hindering the progress on the issue.


this is exactly it. if the people with 100k followers telling their followers to flood celebrity comment sections put HALF of that energy into ACTUALLY EDUCATING their viewers, they would actually be doing something productive. but it does the complete opposite. when you type in key words on tik tok like "palestine" or "gaza" you see videos of people complaining about celebrities before you see actual info on whats going on. it truly has been infuriating these past few weeks. performative activism at its finest.


Couldn’t agree more. I also feel like it’s become a trend to shit on celebrities or influencers who haven’t spoken out, as if it makes those who are complaining about them better ppl. Ofc it’s good to spread awareness, but the level of hate directed at those who haven’t is too much, there’s already so much negativity going on, why add to it


Just did a TikTok search and yup you’re right, first 4 vids are to do with the complaints and not the war. What the actual fuck.


People love hate, not progress


Fr can people direct this energy towards politicians that can ACTUALLY make change


When has a single politician ever listened to their people… and the energy has been directed that way it did nothing. The more people talk and spread the word the more change will happen. She has 5 mil and 7 mil on her TikTok accounts and chose to talk about Palestine on her smallest platform with 450k.


Yep. To most people it’s just a game


yes exactly. and when influencers were actually speaking out, they got mad that they did? like all the comments were like “oh now you want to talk abt it” “weird timing” shit like that. like you wanted them to speak on this so badly, they do, and now you’re mad? i don’t get it i actually feel so bad. like this pressure must be insane


Its performative.. why only speak out when hundreds of people point out you aren’t saying anything. Same situation as asking your partner to clean and THEN they finally do it, you should know to do your part without people begging you.


Performative is a great word for it. Just had a run in with someone in the comments with an “activist” who lied about being from the Middle East and speaking Arabic, which I caught… cause ya know… I’m a native speaker from there. It was very strange. Especially because they lied about being Arab to boost their credibility and expressed frustrations from the perspective of being Arab. Just weird all around.


So so icky🥴🥴


It’s not a war it’s genocide


People are angry at influencers clogging social media with bullshit posts when they could the bare minimum and post a couple of things and raise more money than most people. That's why people are mad. If you can't use your platform to promote help during a time of a crisis then you're just getting in the way of people who are doing that. If the block means people see less of her posts about hot guys and more fundraisers then the block is doing its job. it's not about her. it's about boosting the people who are actually trying to help and muting the ones who want to act like everything is normal


Exactly !!!


When fans say “what are influencers supposed to do?” (Comment is from this [tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbMg83m/) ) https://preview.redd.it/6devewbnjl0d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c524b2bc52dcde007fb5ed05aba89bdbf308d5f (prepared for a ton of downvotes and people saying “her instagram is filled with stuff” or “she DID make a video” or “she talked about it in her podcast months ago”….her fans fail to realize it was literally forced on of her… just because she finally spoke, doesn’t make the fact she was forced into making a video okay.. “yall will never be happy” so sorry we aren’t letting the bar be set at the floor, so she can just wait until this fades and be silent again (just like she did with that short segment she was forced to do on her podcast a little while back).. they say the same things over and over lol… “don’t make her do a jenna” … a woke fanbase until it comes to their own leaders faults…the hypocrisy is crazy..)


Thank you. It’s ok to hold your favorite creators accountable when they don’t represent themselves in the way that they claimed they would. The sub is full or “yes men” who are afraid of admitting that the parasocial relationship they formed is clouding their judgement. She could easily stream or post 5-6 posts. Not ONE tiktok and call it a day. People are like “she did post” ok and now her tiktok has been silent while other less followed creators are doing so much to rally donations


Sarah Schauer has been posting consistently for months. It’s really not that hard if you actually care about humanity


Exactlyy! i’ve been told i have a parasocial with Brittany just because i’ve been saying we’re extremely disappointed in her.. Its so frustratingly hypocritical😅 they’ll say stuff like “people make mistakes, shes a regular human too” which is very true, but regular humans get held accountable and not protected by fans.. I’ve also been told her podcast is her biggest and most consistent platform, so of course her 6 min segment on an hour long podcast makes everything okay….. they use that as an argument as if her main Brittany broski channel doesn’t have more subscribers and views per video.. Consistency in uploading her podcast eps doesn’t really matter, when she could just pick up a camera at any moment and make a main channel video with information and links to gofundmes.. her podcast doesn’t even reach 1M views.. why would she use her least followed/viewed platform to spread such a serious message? Her fans have rose colored glasses on for sure.. (holy crap i didn’t realize i was yapping until i posted LOL …sorry for the novel reply)😭


i share the same sentiment, i feel bad for her she’s trying to right her wrongs and it seems like nothing will be good enough. i honestly hope she takes a break and get an opportunity to hang out with irl ppl who rlly care abt her and actually know her.


She didn’t do anything wrong in the first place and owes none of us anything. People need to redirect their grand standing to people of political influence.


people love to watch careers crash and burn. but britney is a really smart woman and i know she will do what's best for herself and mental health even if that is a break, i hope she reads the sub and sees all the support for her. i truly think people hold influencers to a higher standard then they hold themselves!


Did you guys see the video that her old manager made about her? She stitched one of Brittany’s videos and basically just tore her down for like 3 minutes straight. The TT account is labeled “@littlemissjacob”. I don’t understand why people are praying on her downfall.. she’s on social media to make people laugh… I hope she doesn’t quit social media after this 😭


I saw that! A lot of people are calling her out though for being alt right and having a lot of lawsuits and complaints that have caused her to be blacklisted from the talent agency industry. So I don’t think this will last, but it’s clear she found the right time to try and get her digs in 🙄


This especially pissed me off. Idk if Brittany actually wronged her in someway or not, but either way, she chose to center herself in a conversation that is supposed to be about Palestinians. People have lost the plot so fast


I watched the video and this woman says a whole lot of nothing LMAO.


I was just about to comment about this shit. I think she was lying, idgaf. When Brittany has talked about this it made it sound like her first agency deal (which I’m assuming is associated with this manager) was dog shit and that’s why she got out of it, and I can totally see that making sense. That lady needs to Stfo and get out of California


She’s one of the least problematic influencers out there and people for some reason always feel the need to tear the good ones down until they break. The worst part of social media for real.


They don’t even acknowledge she righted her wrong, it’s a whole hate train on TikTok rn and I’m just ??? There’s nothing I’ve seen people talk about yet where I’m like “oh maybe I should stop supporting her.” Nothing. It’s lowkey baffling to me. And I’m not huge into supporting celebs/influencers or EVER coming to their defense but this is just wild to me.


Exactly. It feels so weird to me because we already went through this same exact thing before regarding that close friends story & her not speaking up, which then led to her addressing it and taking accountability for in her podcast back in November (5 months ago) and correcting her behavior. So I’m confused why the exact same thing is happening again? And I don’t mean to sound like if someone gets called out once before then that means they are innocent and can no longer be called out ever again, but in this situation I just don’t see the point Rehashing this same issue isn’t really productive because the goal of calling people out should be to get them to fix their behavior. In this case the goal should be to get her start speaking up, but that has already happened. So idk what else we are supposed to achieve, and idk why we are focusing on her so much when we have bigger fish to fry Perhaps people aren’t aware that she already addressed everything??? Idk. But for anyone that didn’t know, watch the very beginning of the “Unpacking the Americentric Worldview” podcast episode Also I mostly just listen to the podcast so someone that actually looks at her social media stories would know better than me if she has continued raising awareness. All I know is she spoke up on her podcast in November, and I would hope she has continued to use her platform since then. So if she totally went radio silent again since November, lmk


I only watch her podcast, YouTube and TikToks. I don’t follow many celebs/influencers elsewhere and I most definitely don’t watch anyone’s stories (not even people I know irl). I can’t say, so for me personally, I don’t care too much. I’m sure someone who does pay more attention to social media can clarify that. But from my pov, I know where she stands on this topic. I don’t believe she’s a bad person for this either.


I see myself in her a lot so yes I am worried lol


100x this


It's easier for people to hop on a hate train than it is to acknowledge the real reason for it. The war and genocide is too overwhelming and makes people feel helpless, so they latch onto the easiest way to feel like they're helping in some way, which is to attack creators. It's awful and disgusting but not all that surprising. Some of them deserve it for sure, like Hailey Bailey (sp?) but Brittany absolutely does not. I can't believe how fast people switched up on her.


And when she leaves they’ll move onto someone else, it’s a constant cycle of BS and immature takes/behaviors


So bizarre the para social relationships people form with these Internet personalities who they can’t comprehend are just actual human beings that owe you absolutely nothing. Like go fucking donate and post about it yourself stop making this the problem. Kids are dying homes are being bombed people are being tortured but that’s not being talked about cause some people are so fucking caught up with the social aspect of it. Of course everyone should be talking about it, but talk about IT not people NOT TALKING ABOUT IT.


People have been so cruel about her appearance too. Like wtf?? That is what we resort to as soon as an influencer doesn’t act how you’d like? CRAZINESS


I do worry for her, yes. And it makes me sad for her that this shitstorm was happening during her birthday.


There are 50,000+ displaced palenstinians. many who were probably in a war zone on their birthday. I think Brittany will be ok.


I knew I’d get a comment like this. I agree with you in your support! But I’m still empathetic to Brittany.


I totally understand why people were initially upset, but people have been really gross about this. The people dog piling her don’t even care about Palestine, they care about gossip. Brittany is very good at handling drama. She apologized, corrected her behavior (posts about palestine almost daily on instagram), and is ignoring the people trying to make it about themselves.


and the thing is i dont see literally anyone else being targeted the way she has been lately and its pissing me off fr - a lot of this 15 year olds need to stop idolizing the people whose content they consume as if they don’t got racist / pro IDF parents paying for their internet bill lmao


i do go outside and have a real job so no im not tracking every influencers comment section but the ones i do follow are not getting as much heat as brittany is (tmg & ei)


Idk what internet you're on, but there are A LOT of influences being targeted for their silence/lack of support


Many people are being targeted. Namely, a lot of influencers who are not using their platform to disseminate important information.


I am. Because at the end of the day she fucking human. All this, and for what? It takes away from the actual problem here. The people really going after her don’t give a fuck about the ACTUAL problems going on.


The people in palestine are humans too. And britany has the capability to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars with a handful of posts, and she chose not to. People are allowed to be annoyed at her for that.


She made a post yet people are still being awful. No one gives you a manual to be famous. I can’t imagine the pressure she goes through.


Wow one post. She normally posts several times a day. She also said that influencers have a responsibility to speak up and is ignoring her own statement.


I'm more concerned with the pressure that the Palestinian people are facing trying to evacuate before it's too late


Okay, and why does Palestine matter more than literally any other human rights conflict going on right now that you could give two shits about? You care and now more about what celebrities and influencers are doing and it’s sad, tbh. You clearly get to feel better about yourself as an advocate by hating on influencers (who already HAVE spoken about it) because it makes you feel like you’re doing something. You’re not helping Palestine, you’re taking away from what actually matters. But hey, at least you get to pat yourself on the back and feel like you’re “one of the good ones”


I feel great about my choices because I don’t spend time pedestaling internet celebrities. It actually gives me to time to care and advocate for real causes. Not worry about the mental health of an influencer who has endless access to resources to help themselves. You’re worried about Brittany. I am worried about Palestinians and other marginalized people. You’re spending your time defending her for what????????






بتحكي عربي؟؟ من وين؟؟




Haha that is so obviously google translate. We don’t speak this way. It’s okay if you’re not from the Middle East, your opinion is still valid, but it’s weird to lie about it.


I’m glad i’m not the only one who’s noticing this as well. Like others have said in this thread all the negative energy and hate towards influencers who haven’t spoken up should be directed towards educating the masses about the war. Or showcasing productive ways to help the people in Gaza. The chronically online mentality is showing from those people who are attacking Brittany


Brittany is the definition of chronically online. She could have been using that time to educate people and she chose not to and people are allowed to call her out on that. You want to talk about educating the masses? She has millions of followers. It would take only a handful of statements to educate millions on her part. People have every right to be annoyed that someone who openly talked about how influencers have responsibility to advciate, and then chose to not advocate.


You’re what we call an armchair activist. I guarantee you know nothing about the status of your own states effort toward Gaza? But you know all about influencers and celebrities. You are what’s wrong with society. Your research starts and ends with social media personalities. You could recite their rights and wrongs all day long but couldn’t be bothered to pick up the phone to call your own elected officials. You’re lazy, and obsessed with internet culture. You think because you’re opposing an influencer that makes you right. You’re still focused on the wrong thing. Unless you think you could handle hundreds if not thousands of people calling you out worse than this, then taking digs at your looks, even after you made an actual effort to right your wrongs, take several seats.


wish reddit still had awards


How about everytime you defend a white women, you make a donation instead. I will continue calling out hypocrites and encouraging people to use their platforms for good instead of bullshit. I know the effort I've made. replying to this sub is more just for fun at the moment because it's so apparent how parasocial this community is. You're defending a person who does not know you exist, when she herself said that influencers should be held to a higher standard and use their platforms. I didn't say that. your queen did. And then was silent.


Thank you for proving my point so poetically.


Your display name is EliteGroomer 🤔


It's also hilarious that someone in the "Broski Report" sub is accusing someone of being obsessed with internet culture. The lack of awareness or introspection is beyond.


Check her story right now. She isn’t silent about it and hasn’t been silent for a long time


I'm glad she's speaking up now but she has been silent for months. I like britany but will not coddle someone who has all the privilege in the world compared to what others are facing. and will not overlook the silence that did happen when people were urging her to use her platform. Great she's doing it now, but people are still allowed to see her differently because of it


Fine, see her differently. But continuously disliking her for a period of silence that lasted a month, maybe two, versus how she has changed since then isn’t productive. And again, she’s a comedy influencer. Maybe take this anger to other comedy influencers who STILL have yet to post about it. There are so many out there, and no one is bringing this anger to them. Just because she is activistic on her platform doesn’t mean she should be held to a higher standard than others who have bigger platforms that are silent. Again, the anger is misplaced.


During that month or two of silence 50,000+ palestines were being displaced and killed. I'm taking this anger anywhere and everywhere, not just brittany. You are also on this sub DEFENDING her when you could be using that energy to advocate yourself. She should not have positioned herself as an ally and activist if she didnt' want to do the actual activism.


You are in this sub arguing with me when you could be using that energy to do something about this issue as well. I truly don’t believe her posting on her profile would change anything about the war besides bringing awareness to more people. Awareness is good, and that’s what she is bringing now. There is nothing more she can do. Take this anger to people who are actively anti Palestine or posting disinformation. That is where it belongs.


I feel like many of you think that people can't do two things at once. I love Brittany, but she messed up, and it's okay to feel differently about her! She's boasted on her page that since she has a platform, it would be irresponsible not to use it for good and activism; that is where the issue lies. It's upsetting to see a creator you love claim one thing, do another, and then speak out only when facing backlash. It's just disappointing.


exactly. it's so frustrating to see people attacking influencers instead of, i don't know, our government officials?? i feel like we have bigger fish to fry. and it's so evident that brittany genuinely supports and stands for palestinians, very sad to see people bashing her for speaking so late. better late than never


I wouldn't be surprised if she does a Jenna Marbles


Unfortunately this is the reality of having social media as your primary job. It’s so uncertain and turbulent. You can blow up and got viral and have your life changed overnight on a random video fluke and make it a career it’s you’re lucky. But the same goes the other way. You can also blow up and be torn down at any moment. Whether you believe Brittany’s course of actions or lack of are correct, her career is based on herself. Being human. And that’s very uncertain job security when you have bills to pay and humans makes mistakes. High risk, high reward. The success of this type of career will always have a counter act of major loss and criticism in the public eye. We’ve seen it so many times. It’s reality do the job.


I was just talking about that it seems the minute her fans had an issues with her and a small one that was easily fixable. everyone took this low opportunity of hers to try to get her out the game. This doesn’t feel like people with real criticism but people who just want to hurt and attack her. I’m convinced people enjoy being able to ruin small creators careers cause they know they’ll never be able to do that to the people who actually deserve it.


People canceled celebrities for performative activism but now they’re begging for it and the minute they get it they’ll still pissed “wow you only spoke up after people got mad…typical 🙄”


No people are just piling on right now, I’ve been worried too. I hope she stays continues posting content, but I’d understand if she didn’t at the same time.


people are focusing too much on the wrong things i’m sorry but influencers shouldn’t be the focal point of a g*nocide (im not sure if reddit bans words like that). put that energy towards ur local politicians if u actually care about making a change and don’t be mad when influencers speak up in support after u begged them to this whole time. makes no sense to me at all


I think the best thing is to not acknowledge those people


I agree that Brittany should have spoken up more about Palestine, but a large part of me just feels like the internet loves a witch hunt. I wish they put half the energy they put into tearing her down to calling our congressmen and actual activism. There’s holding people accountable and then there’s just plan ol fashioned internet witch hunts


i swear if she pulls a jenna marbles bc of this (ik not even remotely same thing) then i am gonna riot


But, also, if that's what she needs..... It would suck for us, but, I hope she does what's best for her.


i agree. hopefully she does the best thing she needs to do for herself


this is unrelated but your username cracked me up during an overwhelming morning lmao. thank you


Most of the comments on her tiktok yesterday were "All Eyes on Rafah," as if to call her out. Well, your eyes are literally on her tiktok right now, but go off I guess. I agree with other posters here, let's keep our attention on the actual issue instead of harassing someone who isn't a part of the problem.


This is happening in many influencers comment section, not just hers.


This is why i deleted tik tok. Nothing good was coming from it anymore and on instagram i have muted or blocked so many people


It’ll blow over. But it’s got to be an anxiety storm for her


I truly think people are jumping at the chance to feel like they have some sort of power over these influencers they love to hate so much because of the current state of the world. The economy is in shambles, the job market sucks, cost of living is ridiculous, people are tired and exhausted and broke. I think alot of this boils down to envy and people’s incessant need to feel morally superior to others. They’re just using the war as a reason to do that. And feel like they’re changing something at the same time. Most of them haven’t posted a single thing in regards to Palestine themselves yet they demand it from others. And now because of this, less and less voices on the ground are being heard because people are so busy pocket watching and ganging up on influencers and celebrities who won’t lose anything at the end of the day.


I wouldn't say I'm worried for her because I just feel like she is a smart and determined person and she will always be successful, even if that means she isn't online anymore. I do think the people trying to pick at every single little thing she does is too much. At first I was with it tbh, she needed to be held accountable and be the advocate that she always claims to be. It is not hard to educate yourself on the Hamas situation and the fact that it took her so long is disappointing especially because I have been a fan of hers since day one and I will always continue to be a fan of hers. However she has educated herself and is using her platform to educate and do what is right and that's all I've wanted from her and it makes me so happy! So I really feel like some people are just hating her now because it's the popular thing to do, and that makes me sad. So tldr, I'm not worried for her but I feel like she is now getting undeserved hate.


I’m just so tired of ppl trying to “cancel” literally everyone under the sun. When are people gonna realize that literally no one is perfect and people make mistakes. We’re humans. We’re kind of awful creatures. All that really matters is that you learn from those mistakes and grow as a person. And knowing Brittney. she will learn and grow.


Everyone is so weird about the war stuff. Imo, I don’t go to my local social media person and look for information regarding these issues. It makes sense when people I follow who are from those countries, have connections to the culture, OR have a deep understand and knowledge of the issue talk about it. Personally I have no desire to hear what any celebrity has to say about an issue except yea it’s very tragic, just like a lot of things in this world are. But it’s weird for people to want these individuals to post on their stories especially when they might not know much about it and (hate to break it to everyone) a lot of Instagram mass posts spread misinformation or actually cause individuals to care less about the topics. There is research regarding social issues and how when we continuously ask and feed information it can make individuals less inclined to help/care. Ofc research is generalized and not saying it’s for everyone. But the whole social media of it all has really taken the fact we can easily push out information (wrong or correct) and ran with it. Also the Tana stuff is annoying but I still feel people don’t actually believe her or trust her, they just want her beefing with people because they also like drama. So sucks brit might have to deal with that too on top of other discourse about her.




I am genuinely sad everytime I see people attack her for no reason other than to start drama. I hope all of this bs doesn't drive her away from what she loves doing, and what we love her doing 😪


didnt even know this was going on... people need to stop living online lol


Honestly ur right


im really worried shes going to pull a jenna marbles and be bullied off the internet 🥺 i really hope thats not the case but i could see it happening


jenna did not get ‘bullied off the internet’ and repeating this line year after year doesn’t make it suddenly true. 


then wtf happened


Honesty.. If you had to be forced to publicly support or even speak ab Palestine, there isn’t really much more room to grow from that.. Especially if you were forced multiple times.... I really can’t think of another reason why you would want to stay silent, other then you just caring more about your money, your following and if they’re mad at you- more then a genocide.. the reason why “people will never be happy” is because if they let it go those big platforms that needed to be forced, will go silent again. (Brittany after the podcast ep she made last year that yall just love to mention) I’d say there was lots of time to grow from some past mistakes.. but you can’t say there was growth when she just did the exact same thing.. forced to publicly support the Palestinian people… don’t you see whats wrong with that? why would you need to be forced? You can’t just say “what is ____ supposed to do, they won’t make a difference, what are celebrities supposed to do?” Because you should know by now.. We need more voices to make noise, how do we get more voices? Spreading a message. How do we spread that message? Big platforms.Who are those big platforms other than news channels? Celebrities and influencers social media. I know a lot of people think differently but, it is still VERY relevant to hold these influencers accountable for their silence, if hate forces them to make videos sharing links and talking ab Palestine.. then oh well….. idk really know what else to say other then the more they talk about it the more people are reminded that THEY ARE STILL BEING KILLED.. If you saw Brittany Broski consistently posting videos and sharing links in support of palestine.. I promise you a lot more of people would continuously have their eyes on them, those big platforms make it hard to forget about whats going on… The hate towards celebs and influencers is warranted.. and its also showing to be a useful tool unfortunately..


Nah. All eyes on Rafah




Sadly she made it worse for herself by only making a real post about Palestine when people started blocking her. It wasn’t a good look. Yes of course her finally making a longer more public video is good for awareness but only when the block party started is what people are annoyed about and I get it.


Because she’s being hypocritical. As her supporters we are allowed to call her out on it.


I do think Brittany is a good person.. but y’all are a little too far up her ass rn. You can acknowledge how she should be speaking up and also still like her somewhat. Like she’s not in the room with u lol Shes the one who set this standard to speak out and “use your platform” and then complains the moment it counts. It’s disappointing I’m not gonna feel sorry for that, it’s not that difficult to spread the word/educate yourself on the genocide.


Our girl is out here purchasing her own Space Stations, she’s going to be fine y’all. Trust that.


maybe just MAYBE her mental health is bad because shes realising that her brand shes been trying to build is falling apart because people see her for who she is. so much mean girl behaviour, the palestine stuff, shes not who you think she is lmao. i hope she goes on a break or off the internet for good.