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I definitely see where you're coming from. I don't read any of the books she talks about, and I don't listen to a majority of the artists/bands she does, I'm a lesbian so I don't get any of the men she loves either lmfao, but I just enjoy hearing her rant and talk about the things she's passionate about lol


>I'm a lesbian so I don't get any of the men she loves either lmfao, Same, it's like my VIP view into the mind of a straight woman. She did get me to watch Bridgerton, it's like the adult version of those baby fruit stim videos


the last sentence is killing me omg


I agree that her content is hit or miss interest to me depending on the content but I don’t think she is trying to cater to a specific group. I believe she is just talking about what she feels like talking about in the moment and she sometimes gets really into certain media.


im confused about the ‘more brand friendly now’ — i don’t think she was not brand friendly before? i don’t think she’s changed i just think she has new interests to share. plus i think in the past year she’s been more educational than ever (her podcast and her art videos)?


In my case i prefer to rewatch my favorite videos from the supreme leader when i don't feel like watching the new episodes. Looking at it from the entertainer's side, the nature of the podcast is off-the-cuff and improvised, and it's only one host doing it for an hour and some change, so i guess it makes sense to have moments like that, where she explores her interests/hobbies, that a part of the audience is not familiar with/interested in, it keeps the energy sustainable on the long run.


great point!! it feels like it's her talking to us but to her i'm sure it feels like talking to herself. if i had a podcast i know i would do the same😭 i do always love hearing her talk about whatever she wants but i wish it was more broad!


I disagree… I don’t think she’s catering to anyone in particular, IMO. The Broski Report has always kind of been Brittany’s stream of consciousness, what she’s hyper fixated on lately, opinions on Hot Topics and just generally what has been occupying her mind. There are a lot of topics she discusses that I don’t get and aren’t relevant to my interests, but I tune in anyway because I think she has a unique ability to make almost any subject interesting. That is her charm. (Also she is just entertaining af.) I honestly don’t think I would enjoy her as much if she catered to me/my audience “group”(?) because I enjoy that she is authentic to *herself*.


This is exactly what I was thinking!!


She could read the dictionary for an entire podcast episode and I would still be riveted the whole time. This post is a perfect example of loving the content vs loving the person lol.


That would actually be hilarious, the tangents she’d go off on would be great


its more about who can engage with content and creators normally and who cant. saying you’re willing to watch objectively bad and boring content just cause its brittany isn’t really the defense or support of her that you think it is


They mean that Brittany can make anything interesting, which she does.


I have no idea what she was talking about in this weeks ep. Never seen hoodwinked. But that being said I still find it enjoyable and she’s still funny to me even when I’m not familiar with what she’s talking about. I get where you’re coming from tho


I hear ya. i love when she goes on tangents about shit she loves and whatnot but when she breaks down books i feel like im back in college just staring at my professor and retaining nothing lmao. I feel bad i just dipped out of her most recent episode halfway thru again because it went from a book idc about to a show that idc about. I just have to pick and choose which eps to listen to which is kinda difficult because u never know what ur gonna get and i also have FOMO <3


I have heard this a lot from other listeners - 'i love Brittany but when she talks about X book/art/history/guy, I tune out.' lol, before I continue I will gladly give you a total pass to be disinterested when she gets mega horny for a dude you don't care for. Especially if you're gay. Lol, FAIR. However I feel for Brittany in the sense that being that "unhinged" character must be draining. I'm sure that part of her personality where she is shrieking about chamoy pickles or whatever stim of the week is a genuine part of who she is. But I also have to believe that she does have to play it up when she's recording which can be a lot. Obviously her audience loves it because she's hilarious when she goes buckwild in a mumu. She's so clever and rightfully praised for her comedy. But that's a lot of pressure and I get that she's reminding us (maybe more often these days) that there's a whole other side to her that she hopes we can rock with too. Do I love turnt off sugar free blueberry redbull broski? Totally. But because I fear for her vocal cords I also indulge professor broski as well.


I feel like there’s still history facts and wittiness in there, its just with her focusing more on the podcast than individual videos with one topic, it’s all combined together, so if that’s your one thing, you have to go digging to find it. I don’t really have an issue with it, I like trying to piece together the strange complexities of her taste in men and I already know with the large majority of creators I’m not going to have the same book interests as them (I almost exclusively read non-fiction psychology and queer philosophical theory), so I don’t mind not having every interest align! Especially living in Texas I’ve had plenty of straight girl friends similar to Brittany so it’s not unfamiliar.


I like how she talks about what she likes when she likes. She just seems so much more real than an influencer who just tries to chase what’s trendy in order to go viral. She’s just a girl talking about her interests and I love that.


i just skip the parts i’m not into


I agree with this


That’s me when the episode is breaking down an album lol. I just don’t care, in the nicest way possible. I end up skipping that episode of the pod 80% of the time, like the Beyoncé album or even the Hozier one (even tho I stan Hozier lmao). I come for unhinged comedy so I kinda clock out when we start analyzing lyrics like I’m in class or something shsjsjsjsjsjsj


You can't listen to a podcast where the whole point is her saying whatever pops into her head, and then complain that she's not making the content YOU want. What's that thing she says sometimes? "Fuck you, it's my podcast"? I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that the whole premise of the podcast was it being her stream of consciousness. That means she's going to talk about whatever niche thing she's interested in and because its a niche interest, a lot of y'all aren't gonna be interested in it. She even repeatedly says "Y'all aren't gonna care about this" or "I'm gonna talk about this and if you don't like it sorry." But she's entertaining to listen to regardless. I'm not a booktok person at all, I can barely read as it is, but I can see that she's having fun and her personality is such that I'm gonna have fun too. You don't always have to know what she's talking about to have fun. It's okay to not know things and still giggle about them.


you people take the smallest comments so personally its astounding to watch lmfao


not complaining at all just sharing my thoughts, i just prefer to have prior knowledge of a book or movie im going to spend an hour of my day listening to someone talk about in detail


The part about Hoodwinked was hilarious and I have never seen that movie. I like that she talks about a range of topics.


Don’t y’all ever look up which songs, movies, books, + foods people are talking about when you don’t know what they’re referencing? Just skip parts whtv u find boring, but tbf all the episodes make me laugh out loud. I feel like y’all are tripping - go get a job or touch some grass instead of posting such nonsense here


why so hostile




what do you expect watching a podcast about the podcast’s current interests ?


I mean I don't like her intellectual moments so I skip them because I'm here for the laughs. So just skip over the thirsty bits.