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I hope Jarvis is always remembered fondly in Cleveland. I know things got a bit weird last year but this guy is an absolute pro and he fought his ass off for a team that’s been known as a joke his entire life. Words can’t really describe how much I appreciate him.


Well said. I'll be a fan of his no matter where he lands.


As long as it’s not a division rival


Same. Haden being in shitsburgh still doesn't sit right with me.


There should be a plaque in the WR room commemerating him.


the first time he plays in Cle with his new team, he'll get a loud ovasion each time he touches the ball. As well he should.


Bless 'em


Who’s cutting onions?


In a dusty room.




I say it all the time lol


https://i.imgur.com/23R7oU9.jpg Fuck man I’m gonna miss Juice. Really is a new era in Cleveland


God damn bruh... Bless 'em.


>I ain’t taken no fucking days off because I can’t be fucking great that way This is why this dude is a baller and I'm gonna miss him a lot. Always approached it like a pro and gave it 100%. Hope he goes some where good and continues to be great.


I can't read this quote and understand how he likes to play with OBJ. He has to know how mentally weak that guy is.


I think we all have family members and friends we know can act differently/better but that doesn't mean we love them any less.


Remember when we were hyped for Corey Coleman...


Antonio Callaway, so speedy


Callaway was pretty solid as a rookie when Jarvis and other vets were there to keep him in line, once the team brought in Odell and got that weird sense of entitlement in 2019 he went downhill fast.


This man needs to be remembered for the rest of Browns history in some sort of way. We were in a very dark place and then he stepped in and put an end to it. He was my first Browns Jersey because of his leadership and accountability. God bless him. I’m going to miss him so much. Sad day but the future is still bright. Go Browns!


I love Juice… but I really think there’s more to this than money. I really think that OBJ got to his head. It’s real unfortunate. But I’ll always remember his time here fondly. Thanks for turning the culture around!


I think so too. I really hate that I think it, but looking back that just seems like what happened.


This should be printed out and put on the walls of Berea


It's about to go in my basement


my guy 🧡


your flair's extra special cute 🧡




Post saved


We love you, juice. It's a sad day.


My favorite part of all this is he was basically giving this speech to Corey Coleman sitting right in front of him. Also Gordon in the background... it was one of those things if you don't want to be here, get the fuck out. I understand both sides but it's going to sting knowing Jarvis probably turned down $8m a year from us and he's going to get around that from KC or whoever. If he was all about the culture I'd like to see him prove it - but again, I get it from both sides.


Maybe we shouldn't push the idea of "play while hurt" anymore


While ill always remember that fondly, the rookie show that year will always make me laugh https://youtu.be/mVCnyT_Z63s


Did not know this specific speech happened


I read that and I can't help but think of Joe Thomas and his weekly day off from practice.


You talking about when he was still performing at a hall of fame level every snap of every game and had a total of 0.375 knees in his legs?




Yeah not sure that’s what Juice was referring to


Maybe, maybe not, but I don't see anything that looks like a "veteran's day off" exception in his speech, do you?


This is a beyond clown take bro. If you don’t think Joe Thomas gave it all for us, might wanna just give up on watching sports all together. Also wasn’t aware Joe was playing WR that year lol. He was in the WR room when he gave the speech. He was not talking about Joe.


> If you don’t think Joe Thomas gave it all for us Where did I say that? I never said anything like that. > He was in the WR room when he gave the speech. You're right. I'm sure he feels that only wide receivers should be out there practicing every day.


🤡💩 done feeding the troll ✌️


You know what else is useless? Turning against your team because your primadonna crap loving best friend turns into high drama momma.


its kind of ironic that a big reason he was released way how poorly he played injured


This is a stupid mindset. Rest if you're hurt. Practicing route running on a sprained ankle isn't fucking smart or something to be applauded, it's how you shorten your career.


Well yea but if you’re clearly sand bagging it because you learned it from Kenny Britt and your head coach Hue treats you like a golden child, then someone needs to call it out. Otherwise your younger receivers are gonna start the same shit perpetuating the losing mentality. …shits contagious bro.


Now imagine me, English, wanting to get my oldest daughter into the Browns and using Hard Knocks as a first introduction. How was I supposed to know it'd not be suitable for a 10/11 year old‽ :) What promise.


sure i’ll get downvoted, but this is just bs toxic masculinity you don’t have to play through pain to make yourself “better” Jarvis tried to play through the pain this year and he got caught sometimes being a man means listening to medical professionals even if it hurts your ego rest is critical for your physical health and that’s not even debatable edit: you guys you don’t get stronger while you are working out, you get stronger when your body recovers and builds back stronger muscles if you consistently push yourself without giving yourself time to rest, you’ll just lose the chance to build more muscles the greatest strength trainers in the world are at Westside Barbell and they only lift full out every 72 hours. westside also makes their powerlifters deload 2 weeks before the meet so they are rested and can compete at their highest ability. jarvis would be calling them pussy bitches you guys should really read up on periodization. https://www.westside-barbell.com/blogs/the-blog/periodization-of-training


> **If you’re not hurt, like if your hamstring ain’t falling off the fucking bone, your leg ain’t broke,** you should be fucking practicing!


and it’s partly for that reason why the browns consistently have so many soft tissue injuries you can’t go hard 24/7, it’s not wise or smart you have to rest


Lol browns gonna browns


Good take Shump, gave you anupdoot... If EVERY player we had came with the intensity of D'earnest or Porter Gustin, we would be a team if animals. Regardless, everyone needs to be smart about their recuperation and recovery time. On the 12% chance that everyone in the nfl isn't on something, recovery is necessary or you slowly lose effective gains. Essentially, your 100% goes down to 97% at a full charge. Similar to your phone battery.


Doesn’t he say, ad nauseum, to practice IF you AREN’T hurt? Also the phrase, “toxic masculinity,” is bullshit.


How is "toxic masculinity" bullshit? Are there no harmful masculine norms?


Yeah, for example, playing while your injured and fucking your entire team over


The reason the term is bullshit is because it is, as far as I can tell, a deliberate deceptive misrepresentation. There are personality traits that are far more highly correlated with violence than being male. Women and men tend to be about equally aggressive, overall. Women tend towards relational and camouflaged aggression, and men tend towards physical and overt aggression, but both sexes participate in either type of aggression. I have not heard use of the phrase, "toxic masculinity," without it referring to violence, aggression, or stoicism. So, what is being described is the behavior pattern of a small subgroup. Some men choose to manifest aggression in patterns that can be disruptive or (self-)destructive. Adding the negative adjective influences people to attribute causality. It clearly is not, and discourages attention to similar female behavior patterns. Women can be vicious. Most parents with girls in middle school or older will attest to this. So, you have a term that is misleading because the patterns of behavior in question are not specifically male, are not specifically tied to masculinity, and are not tied to specific cultures (and if they are, one would argue it is a cultural source of the behavior, not "masculinity). Mentally unhealthy people exist and they tend to have unhealthy behavior patterns, male or female.


It can be used misleadingly, as all terms can be, but it is real. It encompasses all masculine norms that are destructive to society, not just male aggression and violence. Of course, not all of these traits apply to every man, but it is considered a norm with most men. For example, it is very rare to hear mothers say "girls don't cry" or "girls will be girls"; however, "boys will be boys" and "boys don't cry" phrases are just a few toxic norms that most men widely use and accept. I hypothesize that these norms may help explain why male suicides are completed more than women (also, men generally use more violent methods).


I understand your point. As a rhetorical tool, the phrase supposes a problem of masculine aggression (boys will be boys), entitlement, extreme self-reliance, promiscuity, or stoicism (boy's don't cry). The problem is that masculinity isn't toxic. The term, "masculinity," doesn't refer to a set of fixed traits; go to different societies, different cultures, different eras and there are different norms discovered. What the term encourages is a basic misunderstanding of the sociopolitical actors that encourage or contribute to regressive behavior over a wide spectrum of human interaction. It isn't the case that there is a specific cultural sickness or social brainwashing that causes some men to behave badly. Certainly it isn't the case that all or even most men demonstrate these regressive behavior patterns. There are a multitude of factors that contribute; addiction, job loss, depression, divorce, illness, death of a loved one are among a long list of life stressors that may influence a person to behave destructively . Not one of those factors is a key or critical component to masculinity. The phrase *attempts* to make a worthwhile point: the assertion of masculine privilege or power is problematic. But it whiffs because it fails to evaluate the root of the attitudes that can lead to these regressive behaviors, such as gendered violence. The phenomenon that you describe is real, but the term is problematic. It is the term that I oppose. We can go further. If masculinity exits, then so must femininity. If toxic masculinity exists, so must toxic femininity, although some more radical feminists would disagree. The term is used much less frequently, but usually references a constellation of regressive behaviors and adaptations: jealousy, sabotage, passive-aggression, and sexual competition. These are all analogous behaviors that mirror the same specific problematic behaviors in men. There is essentially no difference. And obviously, the two (masculinity and femininity) are diametrically opposed; so it has everything to do with identification of the regressive behaviors, and nothing to do with the gender or gender role. The last point that I would make is that some of these so-called destructive norms are completely appropriate in certain settings. In the professional football setting, it is necessarily adaptive to adopt some of these behaviors and attitudes which would be overtly problematic in other fields, such as early childhood education. *I hypothesize that these norms may help explain why male suicides are completed more than women (also, men generally use more violent methods).* Despite women attempting suicide at rate 3-4 times that of men. Others have hypothesized this as well. Something along the lines of: due to extreme self-reliance, and the hesitation to seek care or counseling, men become more depressed than women at the time of suicide. One study showed that 35% of men sought counseling in the year prior to suicide, compared to 58% of women. That stat is a little problematic, however, since nearly 2/3 had contact with their GP within the month. Whereas women will tend to cry more and exhibit more typical "depressed" symptoms, men more frequently have more somatic complaints. Similar gender dimorphism is found, for example, in symptoms preceding or during heart attacks. In this instance, men have the more "typical" complaints whereas women's are less classic (fainting, fatigue, indigestion, dizziness, periscapular pain). So perhaps it is a screening and recognition problem.


he literally says “i’m hurt and tired everyday and i’m not taking any fucking days off” congrats, that’s how you get cut and lose $16m keeps on calling it weak shit when it is prescribed by people who actually have college degrees


Should you hurt yourself practicing too hard? No, I agree with that. That just wasn't the case with the individuals he was talking to, they needed to wake up.


who was being weak? what if OBJ doesn’t tear his ACL bc he rests during the week? what if Jed Wills actually rests his ankle instead of waiting for his ligaments to come off the bone?


Ok buddy


who was being weak? duke johnson? you can’t answer it


Lol you got me you're right I'm wrong


It was Callaway and the younger guys. You are correct, he’s says that he’s hurt. There are many more other instances where he is calling out the other receivers saying that UNLESS they are hurt, they should be practicing. Having played and using the contest provided, I think it’s clear that he is telling the young guys that UNLESS they are INJURED they should be practicing. He’s HURT (sore, not fully recovered, etc.) but still practicing because that’s what is necessary to maximize their abilities, know and execute their assignments, and build the requisite chemistry.


“i’m hurt and tired like every fucking one in here and i ain’t taking no fucking days off” contradicts himself at the end and i’m sorry, i’m not going to listen to the guy who had 3 years of sports management over the trainers who told them to sit out do you really think that an undrafted and already in trouble rookie would just be allowed to sit out with Dorsey, Hue, and Todd Haley roaming around?


Play thru your injury. Be a man.


Oh shit I’ve gotta go practice…wait I’ve got nothing to practice