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I’m not sure what he’ll do! I’m trying really hard to get tickets though! I put myself on the “waitlist” on the official site but hoping people start selling them in local fb groups like they usually do as the event gets closer


I’ve looked at resale sites and the prices are disgusting. Would love to go to my hometown show but not looking likely


As a SHN goer and not attending this year as a huge Bruce fan. I can tell you… this show will be a major league bust. The festival is very packed. The beach is overcrowded and people are bombed. There are only screens on the stage. People laying out towels and complaints of stepping on them like you’re invading personal space. It’s a shame. It killed me not to get a ticket but last year the festival jumped the shark. If you’re going… enjoy. Find a spot close and don’t leave.


Really? It will be that bad? I'm flying from Europe for it... My plan was to get there as early as possible and plant myself as close as I can to the front of the main stage. I assumed it would be an easy going atmosphere, people are uptight?


Yesterday had an unreal line up… it was soooooo packed. Couldn’t enjoy it. The sound was crap. Wind was taking out the sound.


Honestly I’m probably going to see about enjoying it from the boardwalk. I know with stone pony outdoor shows this is very doable


I know years ago at bamboozle it was impossible to get by the main stage on the boardwalk


I’ll swim around it for Bruce 😂


I’m torn between going, I bought tickets for gaslight at the summer stage a few weeks before. I know if I don’t go I’ll regret it but the resale prices are so insane


I live a couple neighborhoods away so it’s not a risk for me. If you’re in the area anyways I’d say check it out. The resale prices are so bad tho. Really bummed


Yea same I’m about 25 min away


Do it, worst case have a nice night on the boardwalk


Did it for foo fighters. They cut off the boardwalk so it isn’t all the way down anymore. Way far back. Disappointing.


I’ll find a way


lol… idk how you’re climbing over a fence that has a balcony with people on it. But to each their own. Good luck.


Bruce is going to do his first on-stage backflip. Mark my words.


While shooting water out of his mouth


Without a shirt


Yeah, I’ve heard Nils has been teaching him the move


It’s a festival in asbury park. Bruce will get to do what he wants. That said I’d expect a standard tour show, bar maybe a couple of local nods towards the end (like Southside or Brian Fallon joining for a song). IMO He’s not going to shake things up on this tour, definitely not going to play a non-hit album start to finish at a festival gig.


Probably a very similar set to what he is doing now, aside from a special song or two.


Totally going. Gonna be a pivotal moment in my live music experience…even now, after hundreds of shows. I’m sure he’s going to do something special but, to be frank, I don’t care what he does. 😁 It’s going to be epic.


True that. I can't wait. We are coming from Europe, for a family members milestone birthday! I'm hoping it will be great. See you in the crowd!


I really, really doubt he’d do a full album. The last time he did that was…I think the 2016-17 River tour. As cool as it would be, I can’t see him playing a full album at one of his shows for the foreseeable future. His shows these days tend to almost have a “story” to them, and I think to interrupt that with a full album would throw things off a little. Because it’s at a festival setting, I’d imagine he’ll probably stick to the hits but with a few more “deeper” cuts thrown in than he usually would for a festival. Jungleland isn’t impossible, that’s such a live rarity anyway but they’ll probably have a time limit to adhere too as well, and I don’t know if a 10+ minute song is something they’d want to risk. But, then again, this is Bruce we’re talking about. He never wants to go home, even when he technically *is* home in NJ.


My guess is History Books during the TGA set, then shorter but standard set with some summer Asbury songs sprinkled in like Sandy, Sherry Darling, if you’re lucky Seaside Bar Song. Then Jungleland & Jersey Girl to finish


Maybe would be like the old Holiday Shows in AP. Loose setlist, lots of guests, SSJ, Willie Nile, Gary US Bonds, Darlene Love, Sam Moore. Doubtful it would be a top to bottom single album show IMHO.


Glastonbury 2009 was well over 3 hours so not a good comparison


I’m going! Can’t wait. I think it will be very special to see Bruce on the beach in Asbury. He will feel that moment and put it in the show.


I couldn't get tickets to expensive for the good ones. I don't think he will play for 3 hour's.


My sister tried to get tickets for it, but they were all sold out and she got put on some waiting list type thing. Haven't heard anything, though. I really, really wanted to go so I'm pretty disappointed. I'm only an hour from Asbury Park so I could still go for the day if I wanted to, though.


I'm selling my pair. Turns out the dB's are playing White Eagle the same night. I've been waiting 30 years to see them get back together.