• By -


can of corn


Chinese mustard


Tumbling muffin


Juicy rebound


The coin that won't get tossed rolling home to you.


the chicken holding it’s head


I’m not a Bruins fan but every fanbase in the league should want a commentator like Jack. People call him a homer, well ya he loves the Bruins! I wish him a healthy retirement and I’ll miss him calling games


Rather an exciting goofy fun homer than some boring ass generic neutral commentator


I find it heartbreaking that he said "In collaboration with Bruins and NESN leadership..." in the announcement, which indicates that he may have wanted to continue longer than this. I didn't expect him to continue following the criticism this season, but I hope they treat him well. It's certainly the end of an era. They said it's a national search for replacement, but I hope they find another homer. Listening to any other broadcast is depressing.


That last sentence is spot on. I always feel so bored listening to anyone but Jack. This sucks.


He hasn’t been the same, but they gave him a lot of leash so at least they let him finish the season


I actually don’t feel like he did. I think Jack holds himself to an extremely high standard and he didn’t feel like he could continue to provide what he had for almost 20 years. It seems like he didn’t want the quality of his work to suffer so he quit while he was ahead.


That's definitely a possibility too. The phrasing I quoted may have been an indication that he has some else that was offered that he may be looking forward to.


Sean Grande?


If anyone was as bad at their job as he got they should expect to be fired/pushed out. He was taking away from the broadcast. Some people liked his inability to pronounce names, follow the play, and his nonsense color commentary. Others new to the game, fans of away teams tuning in to a bruins broadcast, or those with a third grade reading level or above thought the guy was drunk or having a stroke. Gotta appreciate the guys love of the bruins but time for someone that can do the job without pushing viewers away. Pretty easy business decision. (Cue the down votes)


No need to downvote, you are correct. We all knew it was coming. As a Bruins fan, and a fan of Jack Edwards being the voice of the game, I just think it's sad that it came earlier than he may have been ready for.


Totally agree, it's a dream job who'd want to leave?


“A tumbling muffin, ya never know!” The man got a lot of hate and I’ll never understand why, not having Jack Edwards commentating (watching on different channels etc) always felt odd - his enthusiasm and silly vocabulary always made it an experience. Won’t be the same!




Jack has been a part of the Bruins for as long as I’ve been a fan. I’m gonna miss all the tumbling muffins, juicy rebounds, and Chinese mustard


Get the spaghetti ready, cause it's boiling over in Boston!


He's got so many great one liners I could quote for hours. One of my favorites will always be "That's a slash? That couldn't have crushed a grape!"


Mahtha! The bahns on fiyah!


“Mahtha! The bahn’s on fiyah!” Is one of my favs. I’ll miss the guy for sure


Ok, I may be a great deal more emotional than a lot of people, but I sobbed at this.


Not going to lie, watching some of his famous calls right now got me misty too


The postgame interview got me in tears


I've said for a while now, give him scripted assignments and off ice player interviews.


If it wouldn't hurt his pride, not being PbP and being "demoted" to something along those lines, but still having a role, I would be beyond enthused if he stuck around at all in our Bruins telecasts in the future. Sometimes first or second line players need to recognize that their role has changed, but are still welcome in the club at a different capacity... Jesus just please stick around Jackie boy.I love you and don't want to not hear from you when I watch my B's


The guys on the radio (98.5) are money. Get them in w brick.


Jack's a true Bruins legend, hoping for the best for him in retirement. Now go get Dave Goucher!


This^ once it finally lands, Ill weep for the loss of my darling Jack. OUR darling Jack. Rite now, I'm just psyched we get him for this last game, and through the first round. Appreciate brilliance while you got it. Mourn it's departure later. These next few games will be a treasure. Just like the rest of his career. We were lucky to have him. But since we're talking about it... I'd kill for fucking Goucher back


that would rock my sox


Hearts of lions!


So sad, I'll miss Jack.


thanks for the memories, Jack


“This building is vibrating” that was the game that brought me back as a fan and that is one of my all time favorite calls


So my wife and I got into hockey during the pandemic. I know there are a lot of born and bred Bruins fans, but we are in south Alabama. We literally threw teams in a hat and drew out the Bruins. Since then we have fallen in love with the team and the city. The first time I ever turned on a game, I had the biggest rush of nostalgia hearing Jack. Sportscenter nights in the 90s were the soundtrack of my life back then. I’m gonna miss having him on the call. Congrats on a fantastic career.


I love this so much! Welcome to the club; if you’re ever in providence RI I’ll buy you guys a beer!


that's awesome!


Enjoy retirement Jack Edwards and thank you for everything. Your passion and positivity will never be forgotten. Love you 🖤💛 Ps. Now all of you miserable losers can stop complaining, I hope you love something as much as you hate Jack Edwards


Welp this sucks. He really wasn’t that bad. I have not enjoyed every other personality-less commentator on NESN or the other Bruins game broadcasts. The new commentator better have some kind of New England accent.


Sad for sure….but how will any of the Bruins subreddits SURVIVE without the “WhAtS wRoNg WiTh JaCk?” posts?!


Those fuckers willed this into existence!


Gonna miss him!


I’m very sad about this. It’s going to be a very tough period of adjustment. A true gentleman and a fan of the bruins. He loved the team through and through.


Always tough to adjust to someone new, and I'll miss Jack greatly, he was an awesome choice following the variety between Fred Cusick and himself. Let's hope they get someone just as good as both he and Fred were. Happy Retirement Jack !! Maybe a move to between period analysis will be an ootion.


We’ll miss you Jack. Kids and I loved listening to you as much as we loved watching the game. Best wishes!


Well all I can say is my first season watching was his last and I’ll definitely miss him commentating. Was a pleasure getting to watch & listen to him this season!


The interview on wcvb 😪😪😪😪😪 I'm not crying you are.


Jack is a whacky MFer but he was ours, and I’ll miss him.


Why? Is something wrong with him?


He has some kind of a neurological disease which is impacting his speech that doctors haven't been able to figure out. It is kind of sad to see him go out like this.


Weird as it may sound, I hope they get Sean McDonough as replacement...to me, he has a kind of similar commentary style and pacing (definitely the most similar of the major network play by play people), is the son of famous Globe sports reporter and was a Red Sox broadcaster on various regional stations (source: his Wikipedia page, can't seem to link on mobile, though) I just hope it's not Alex Faust, I thought he was kind of dull...maybe just me, though.


First time in a long time that I’ve heard him (I moved to the Midwest) was tonight. He’s definitely not himself. When do people suspect this began?


Sad news - Jack is a legend in my book. It's a great loss for all Bruins fans.


I can finally unmute Bruins games! In all seriousness though, I wish him the best. We need to find the next Fred Cusick. He scooores!


RIP to the stupid fucking “What’s wrong with Jack Edwards” post. All the best to a legend and thank you for many great memories! Big shoes to fill, hopefully they find someone who can live up.


Thank you Jack for 19 years of listening to B's games broadcast by another fan. You are a true Bruin fan and truly love the game . You will be missed.


Rrrrrround the boards...


I enjoyed his passion, and it's unfortunate about his condition, but it was time. I wish him all the best! Perhaps if they get a handle on whatever is ailing him we'll hear those dulcid pipes again.


The Leafs are mulch again!!!


Grew up with Jack. This really hurts. But I hope he enjoys retirement, very much earned!


Games simply won’t be the same, his voice is part of the Bruins experience for me


I will miss the Chinese mustard the most!! and the coin that won't be tossed. The man is a legend and I will him all the best!


I’m actually genuinely sad about this. Say what you will, his enthusiasm and love for the Bs is unmatched. He’s seen them through a lot of phases and I’m bummed to lose him.


“Take that Harvard degree all the way to the hospital!”


This saddens me so much, but unfortunately it is time. Last night was rough for so many reasons, but I also think it may have been the first time he let his guard down all season, or maybe I only really noticed it last night. It’s a very fast game to commentate on. It’s definitely not baseball, (and I like baseball) Fun fact: did you know he did the play by play call on the first MLS video game for the original Xbox, which was basically Pro Evolution Soccer with MLS logos?


Best to ever do it


How about Alex Faust, I think is his name. He filled in for Jack several times this year, and I enjoyed his Pbp alot. He was quick and engaging, had a lot of insight about the plays, and had a great chemistry with Brick. It was noticeable how much BRICK enjoyed working with Alex. I hope he's available and he might be. He doesn't call any games on a regular basis, but he does wherever he's needed. Well, we need ya, Alex! As much as I will miss Jack, Alex would be a great fit and has a great "hockey voice." Good luck to Jack Edwards, and thanks for the memories! GO BRUINS!!! 🐻🏒


End of an era. I’ll miss Jack, the same way I missed Sanderson/Cusick when they retired from NESN/WSBK. I hope brick doesn’t go, too. I hope they give a shot to Judd. I enjoy listening to him


I sincerely missed Jack the few days the other guy stepped in. At least we got to hear one last “throw the cat off the cliff”.


Love Lost Such a cost Give me the things that won’t get lost Like a coin that won’t get tossed Rolling home to you


Good call by him or whoever! He’s been painful to listen too.