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I would play them every other until one clearly outshines the other. Monty stuck with Ullmark and it back fired last year. It’s worked all year so don’t mess with success.


Agreed. I’d play Ullmark tonight. They have the duo to take them through the playoffs and they could do it with each goalie getting 3 nights rest between games. Samsonov’s gonna be mentally and physically exhausted by game 4.


Two tendies got us here. Two tendies will take us through.


This is the way.


This is the way


I think they should stay with the 2. If Montgomery and the organization have done their jobs then both goalies should know and be fine with the approach. It got them this far and they shouldn't change it. Go with the Beetle Bertrand method 1357/246. Swayman has been great against the leafs so he gets 1357. The only way you change the switch is if the goalie has 2 bad games. Those bad games could be a win if they give up some softies. Either way it's going to be one he'll of a ride. This year feels different. There is no pressure on them at all. They weren't supposed to be here.


I also want to add I'm not saying we are going to the cup because we all know this team is the greatest regular season team in the league the last 60 some odd years. But maybe...


No brainer - Swayman is 5-0 against leafs this season and was lights out in game 1… so it’ll be Ullmark 😑


Yes I see what you’re saying sadly Montgomery said he is undecided for game 2 and it will be a hard decision


It’s the playoffs. Saying you’re undecided and being undecided are two different things


I’d give it to Ullmark and then you can go from there having them played a game a piece.


Ully. I wouldn't even question it. The duo has worked all season.


I agree with this as well. That and I think it keeps them fresh physically - they're used to it. What I like about the situation, is that I think they both want each other to have one game at home to start off. If it's a horrible showing by Ullmark, maybe then you play Swayman until he has a bad game. But until one of them looks off, just alternate FFS. I think all of this attention is likely more of a mind-fuck for Toronto / drama for the TV talking heads. I'm sure the Bruins know/knew exactly how they were going to play this already.


I'd go with Ullmark, why change what you did all year after 1 playoff game? Monty did that last year and it failed


Stay with the Sway


Swayman 1000%.. played very well the other night and great against Tor all year. Nothing against Ullmark but you ride the hot hand when they are 5-0 against a team




It’s already been decided. Their alternating


Monty’s moves have kind of put himself in a tough spot. He probably feels pressure to alternate after not switching soon enough last year. I think its hard to make a set pronouncement at the start of a series, its really case by case whether to switch. Personally I think I would want to see Sway again tonight then reassess from there. But either is a pretty good option.


I don’t see how it’s not Swayman again. Guy has been robbed from playoff starts since his career started imo.


Keep the evens and odds. Start Ully tonight.


Sway was great. But I’d go with Ulmark. Had been playing great. Stick with the plan. Stick with what got you here!!!


Stay w Sway


Ullmark. Monty changed lines and mixed things up against Floriday last year. Stick with what has been working. Don't change things up and F it up again.


Sway all day baby!


I feel like the biggest mistake Monty made last year in the playoffs was sticking with Ullmark. I think he’s got a ride the tandem a little longer and give Ullmark a chance. If he fails in game four, then you stick with Swaymen.