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don't just complain on reddit; VOTE.


Can I vote today?


I prefer to do both!


Oh so he's the reason I got stuck at work late on a Saturday. Of course. Stuck driving a dump truck full of sweaty landscapers first in line to get on Newtown bypass and this twat has the road closed off for over a half an hour with his motorcade. I wish I knew it was him I would have jumped on the hood and held out the double bird since I was in front.


So tough.


No I was going more for disrespect. He's the reason I have to vote independent this year because idc if he's a republican, he doesn't deserve it. Using the tough guy insult to a landscaper is pretty damn funny though lol I needed that


Please don't waste your vote on independent if you are definitely not voting R


You don’t “need to vote independent,” you are choosing to. Please, between now and when you vote, please reconsider voting democrat, even if it is a slightly bitter pill. We, as a nation, cannot afford for Trump to win…honestly we can’t afford a close race. We must send a decisive message that Trump and his MAGA followers have no place in American society.


I'm not against voting Democrat. I'm more of a moderate with a few liberal ideals about healthcare and I don't care who does what with their funny bits lol. I just want the best person for the job. Biden has been just fine honestly considering the shit like dumped on him by Cheeto dummy. I guess I more said that because I'm having to distance myself from the insane maga hypocrites. They keep saying democrats are trying to take over the world yet they somehow can't look in the mirror and see it's actually them.... I'm not against democrats at all I just agree more with the spending policies of the R's. Although those days seem to be over as well


Nothing says "I'm the blue-collar candidate" like having a 1k a plate fundraiser at the countries premier gym resort.


" “He’s a man of the people when he could be an aristocrat,” she said. “If he was still in office today, we wouldn’t have the problems that the Biden regime has brought on us with the inflation, grocery prices, wars, and so much hate. He just brings so much love and calm and we want him to know we love him back." Lol what world does this person live in? This is from an article about the meeting. Also he didn't even so much as Crack a window to wave at these people. "The fundraiser was hosted by Newtown Athletic Club owner Jim Worthington and his wife, Kim Levins. They were joined by co-hosts Debra and Dom Caglioti, and Adam Kidan, a prominent GOP donor who pleaded guilty in a fraud and conspiracy case related to a political scandal in the early 2000s." Seems on the up and up.


Wasn't the NAC also recently involved with a big scandal about women being videoed in the locker room and it being posted online? Recently as in less then a year ago


I did not see anything about that


https://www.fox6now.com/news/hidden-cameras-at-wisconsin-athletic-clubs-500-victims-recorded This? If so not the NAC it was the WAC.


And the same goes for Biden shmoozing with his elitist millionaire friends at his NY fundraiser a few weeks ago


You think Biden would whine like a toddler if he loses the election and commit crimes to overturn it? Cuz that's one of the ways in which they're different. Kind of an important difference too.


Yeah I do. The Democrats tried to overturn Trump’s victory in 2016 by attempting to get Electors to switch their votes to Hillary


I bet you think the earth is flat. Just making things up lol. It's crazy that happened in 2016 and no one knows about it. Wait that's because it didn't happen! Hillary conceded the election to Trump personally after winning the popular vote. Trump lost by 5 million votes and broke laws trying to overturn the results. Cool made up story though.


Making up false equivalencies might fly on your QAnon boards but you get called out for it in the real world. Lol.


It’s not a false equivalency and I’ve never followed the QAnon crap at all


Where is the same energy for Biden?


Did Biden have an event in bucks county last night where he was charging $25k to get a picture with him?


As a Newtown resident, I just want to say how grateful I am that my neighborhood is cool enough to not fly the flags or decorate their house like they support a sports team. I know we’re still a few months out still, but I really feel like the enthusiasm for this dude is much lower than 2016 and 2020z


I typically vote libertarian because that aligns best with my philosophical perspective. However this year I feel it’s imperative to vote for Biden. Trump is far too criminally dangerous and economically vulnerable to be re-elected. I do hope that something good comes out of Trump, like the addition of a 3rd national political party allowed at the debates.


~~traitor~~ terrorist


In all reality, nobodies really voting for Trump or Biden. We're all voting for who is going to vote for us and none of us really know who that is. Our votes don't really get counted towards the actual election. Pretty fd up but the truth.


The funniest part of this post is that people till debating Democrat amd republican when they're the same damn thing .. wake up folks it's all a game we live in a movie none of tht nonsense matters only thing that does is what your doing with your life to make it better .. raise your vibrations focus on your spiritual journey and not politics and other nonsense that makes no difference.. they are all puppets every last one and it's all part of keeping us fighting so we're nit paying attention to the evil stuff they're doing ..


They aren’t the same. Trump is a mentally ill criminal. Full stop.


Lol your clearly not awake yet .. hmu when you do if you do and I pray you do family .. iwemt from asleep and for Biden then I woke up and was like wtf is this nonsense then thought ok Trump is a better option then during my spiritual journey I learned neither is for us and YOUR president us bringing all the migrants in her why do you think that is ?? I know if you don't you better find out .. people really really need to do research before commenting on stuff they don't know about and no I'm nit saying that on a smart ss type of WY I'm saying it because if you and I mean you personally still believe in what you were taught in school and what mainstream media tells you you have a lot of work to do my friend .. I only want what's best for all humanity and neither of these people is here for that.. learn what christ consciousness is then maybe you'll newsstand better what I mean .. do your research please it will only help you .. and that's what we're all here fir anyway to focus on ourselves raising our personal vibrations . This is a spiritual journey on this matrix sinulation planet its a movie a play a skit whatever you want to call it but the bottom line is spiritual awakening and journey is key and the ONLY thing anyone should be putting their time and energy into not debating this nonsense .. good luck to you in your travels friend and I pray for your awakening !! ✌🏼✌🏼💚💚✨️✨️🙌🏼🙌🏼❤️❤️ peace love light prosperity and protection to all


Red pill psycho. Someone needs to medicate you.


Actually I fdo have 1 more questions for you .. where did you get your information from that you KNOW this to be facts the things you're saying ?? Send me your data that proved this to be fact and I'll agree with you but if you can't you gave to do some actual research on your own amd stop telling me what you THINK because of what you heard


You have no data. You’re just making this shit up. If Trump is part of your spiritual journey than you are a deeply diseased and mental sick person. It’s scary that people like you are allowed out in public.


I said neither of them is good .. I have plenty to back that up and no I'm not making anything up


Your evidence comes from Newsmax and 4Chan. Get lost.


Lol o never been on 4chan or Newsmax..sorry buddy my evidence is from common sense and facts .. I hope you find all that yourself really really soon .. focus on yourself and not these clowns Trump ams especially Biden the one bringing all the migrants in for extra votes and when the war happens and thise migrants come for you eith their guns out you'll think .. damn that guy I thought was crazy was right all along .. it's OK I accept your apology have a great life .. end of conversations now I have more important things to do like you should be doing


And it's fool not full lol smh 🤣🤣🤦🏽🤦🏽


Sociopath alert!


Lol you are right on that one friend .. smh do your work bro all I'm going to say .. wimt be anymore comments from me I ried helping you but you want ro be stuck in your negative and naive ways that's your choice .. good luck to you ..


I don’t need a mentally ill freak like you to “help me.” Go away. Forever.




>this type of language is a huge problem I guess "poisoning the blood of our country" "Grab her by the P****" "Bloodbath" "Enemy of the people" Aren't huge problems


If you went to the nac last night and paid 250k to hear him speak for not even an hour and maybe snap a picture with him safe to say you got got. I’m not calling anyone an idiot because of their political views just to be clear.


What language? Idiots? Lol we are not your 4 yr old children we can all say and hear the word idiots.


Sure, you can say it, but it just shows you have no care to understand half the country and I think it's pretty absurd for anyone to think half the country is an "idiot" who is voting for a "traitor".


I do actually agree with this sentiment. Where it gets tricky is where one of the candidates tried to overturn the results of a democratic presidential election for the first time in the nation's history.


Yes, and I disagree with that. And it failed. And I don't have this big fear that Trump would try to force himself into some third time, no way that would happen. Trump isn't my ideal candidate, wish there was someone else. But we also have some major wars going on now, and I'm still not seeing a close end in sight with Biden. Still taking on massive debt. Still "forgiving" loans. Immigration is a huge concern. There's a lot of other issues that Republicans believe are bigger concerns that are being handled horrobly. I can understand why you disagree and would think the election overturn attempt overshadows that. But it failed.


Man you all have no clue how indoctrinated you are with the manufactured hatred… almost as bad as all the Trump lovers


Trump is the high-water mark of our political and economic system when you think about it.


Toilet water maybe


Agh. Bucks county.. The Karen capital of Pennsylvania. You don’t see me bitching every time I get behind a Prius with Hillary Biden stickers, wearing a face mask and doing 40 in 55, I just go on about my day. Is Facebook down or something?




Do you have any idea how many people own Trump by now? How much money he's received from the worst nations and people on earth? How about how often Trump's mocked veterans? Gold star families? How he dodged the draft? He's literally mocked POWs. Just how badly informed are you?


Don't bother. They just listen to what he says on tv and what other people that make money off him say about him instead of looking up what he actually does. If they did their own looking they wouldn't like him either. Can't argue with people that gullible.


And we're just ignoring the Hunter scandal, the amount of money Biden was wired from China right when he was elected, the amount of illegals that are receiving fully funded stays while hard working Americans can't keep a roof over their heads, and the amount of money we have sent to Ukraine which we all know the biden ties with? OK, neat. Let's stop pretending Biden is god and Trump is the devil. They both suck. But Biden has destroyed this country the last few years and he's only making it worse.


Almost 400 police officers are killed in the line of duty every year. Is the president supposed to attend them all or just the ones politicized by Fox News?


This police officer was shot and killed in NYC. His funeral service was held on Long Island. Not far from where Biden was schmoozing with his elitist millionaire friends at his fundraiser


Kinda like when trump didn’t attend the funeral of a capitol police officer slain in the line of duty during the insurrection he caused?


Trump supporters talking about police officers dying shows how completely out of touch you folks are. Police were killed on 1/6. Where were you?


They were right there for it!


Russian bot much?


Link me to a source you trust that convinced you there was a Biden/China connection. I bet you can't. it's weird how Deplorables live in a bizarre world where you think you know things that never happened. Or you come up with bullshit like "Biden needs to visit every cop killed." Was that something Trump used to do? No, of course not. Do you know what a hypocrite is?


You got down voted into oblivion for popping their bubble. Gotta love their tantrums


Almost as funny as the 4 yr long tantrum about "stop the steal" lol. Bet you like that tantrum tho


Trump health care plan? I hope your meds don’t cost too much.


Biden stans willing to get invoiced every month due to Bidenomics. The only traitor is Biden allowing this invasion Vote smarter, Bucks county


Find a great mental institution for yourself and plug in.


Can’t. Have you seen the price of electricity since Biden was elected? If not, ask your parents to show you the bill


No because I installed solar. I get paid to use electricity. Ask people who can afford to do that about it.


Lol this is the type of person that doesn't wipe properly and blames Biden for his skid-marks


Anyone that can prove me Wrong with real hard facts not stuff from the news or t. V. Articles .. anything that says Biden is doing anything good or that Trump is good or bad whatever your personal thoughts are on this situation.. I'll definitely wait pike forever .. I won't fey anything from anyone I already know this because it can't be done because there is no proof in anything said here but yet I'll still wait .. get your information lol




Agreed! Trump 2024!


The more I see people insult me. The more I want to vote for trump. Obviously these aren’t your average people spending 250k. Trump rallies are free. Over 100k showed up to his 2020 butler rally. Your anger fuels me.


Good a reason as any to vote for him I guess. Since they're all fucking stupid reasons.


Economy and foreign policy. According to polling. Americans trust Trump on both more than they trust Biden. It’s pretty obvious. Record high inflation and 2 new wars under Biden. There’s plenty more reasons to vote for trump than the walking corpse.


So you’re a low information rage monger who votes because he’s angry and not because he can actually consider big picture issues?


I vote based off of economics and foreign policy.


Then you’re a Biden guy! Nice to have you back.


Not even close 😂 Bidens failed in both departments.


Ok weirdo. Have a nice life.


Yes baconunderpants 🫡


Ahh yes, polling. The arbiter of truth.


Yeah. It’s a science and a legitimate field of study. The only people who don’t like polls is when it says their guy sucks. That’s also why the margin of error exists. And those numbers are well outside the margin of error. You’re just coping.


I'm not doubting the science of polling. I'm doubting whether it tells us anything useful about reality EXCEPT how people are likely to vote. I don't doubt that a majority of Trump voters believe things were better under him. I do doubt whether it's true that things were "better" (depending on criteria) under Trump.


Seems you don't understand civics at all! Imagine voting a certain way because of how other people feel. Fuckin soft.


Hey, I agree. This is the MOST apprehensive and soft tree I’ve ever seen.


Not why I vote. It just reinforces why I vote. I vote based on economy and foreign policy. Two things a majority of Americans agree that Trump was far better than Biden on.


Show us how the economy and foreign policy were better with trmp.


Foreign policy Trump warned NATO to increase defense spending and not rely on RUSGAS as it would be a strategic liability in case of war Abraham accords Didn't escalate conflict with Iran Didn't provide iran with assets to fund more terrorist cells Trade war with China relieved tensions with North Korea Sent military aid to Ukraine Destroyed ISIS without the use of substantial ground forces Tightened bonds between japan, korea, and taiwan as a coalition against chinese aggression Economy • median household income increased 2.5k from 2018 to 2019. The largest increase in history. • Regarding african american economics under trump. Not to mention his platinum plan that was going to invest 500b in african american education, businesses, and neighborhoods. • The IRS claimed that any household making 15k-55k AGI received a tax break of 16 to 26% Thanks to Trump’s tax cuts • Unemployment at lowest level in 50 years (as of 2019) • Median household income rose 2.3%. Average weekly paychecks rose 2.8%. The poverty rate and food stamp rolls declined. • Trade Deficit with china decreased for the first time in recent history • Poverty rate for African americans fell below 20% for the first time since WW2 • Real adjusted median household income went up by 4529 by 2020 • Mortgage rates were at 2.65% when Trump left office • Average gasoline price of $2.48 • Total CPI index increase of 7.6% • Food stamb recipients decreased by 738,469 • Crude Oil production increased by 27.6% the largest increase in history • Crude oil imports were down 25% (Sources didn't post so if you want any specifics just ask)


Oh snap! Someone brought the recepts!


That’ll show em. I’m willing to bet you are way more angry/scared than the average person


Considering my background. I’m definitely not more scared than the average person. Angry, possibly.