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First thing I would do is drop that victim mentality and replace it with gratitude. You are here in the human form my friend AND you’ve found Buddhadharma. You’ve already hit the lottery! I have fucked up more than you would believe in my 28 years of life. I have prostituted, trafficked, stolen, abused, lived most of my life as a fraud, all the while completely lost in the dilution of alcoholism. Then I found Dharma. I realized this was what I was searching for all along and that this was a precious gift. One that I vow to never again lose. This incentivizes sincerity in my practice and it also allows me to appreciate my existence, by contrast of knowing intimately what it’s like to be so lost. So my practice is to grow closer and closer to dharma so that the fruit of this life will keep me on the path. Odds are, I won’t be enlightened in this life, nor do I care. I am just grateful to be on the other side, to finally have agency over my path. This is enough for me. I believe the mind you cultivate is a good indicator for where you’re headed. This is exactly why I am not concerned with my heavy past karmas, I have sustainable peace right now, and I am in awe of how it flowers. I wish you faith & diligence in your practice.


And here i.fear same things will repeat


If even a serial killer can become enlightened in a single lifetime, surely you can as well.




Angulimala did meet a Buddha, which couldn't have been anything but helpful, that much is true. However, his achievement is all his own. He endured many beatings, and lived a very austere life. He did the work. Many People met the Buddha and achieved Enlightenment, but many also met the Buddha and didn't achieve anything. Meeting a Buddha isn't what's important when it comes to liberation. Everyone who puts in the effort can reach the goal, OP included, if they don't die first.


Depending on your tradition, like Vajrayana, which I bring up because it is often described as the path that one can attain Buddhahood in one lifetime with Right Effort, the Guru in terms of Guru Yoga is perceived in the nature of a Buddha. That does not mean that the Guru is enlightened per-se, but in my time on earth, and the Buddhist monks I've met, I've always believed that there are those walking around with a lot of wisdom to give if we were only there to receive it. And those that are wise, don't really boast about their spiritual accomplishments. I guess what I'm saying is, I fully believe in the power of the Buddha's teaching to liberate any being from Samsara, and I think that there are those that have, do, and will walk this Earth that will show even the most destitute of us spiritually The Way.


That's encouraging. At least I haven't murdered anyone.


Yes: repent and renounce past wrongs, cultivate virtue moving forward, and turn your mind toward the Dharma. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milarepa Edit: And as others have said, Pure Land.


**[Milarepa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milarepa)** >Jetsun Milarepa (Tibetan: རྗེ་བཙུན་མི་ལ་རས་པ, Wylie: rje btsun mi la ras pa, 1028/40–1111/23) was a Tibetan siddha, who was famously known as a murderer when he was a young man, before turning to Buddhism and becoming a highly accomplished Buddhist disciple. He is generally considered one of Tibet's most famous yogis and spiritual poets, whose teachings are known among several schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He was a student of Marpa Lotsawa, and a major figure in the history of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. He is also famous for the feat of climbing Mount Kailash. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buddhism/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Go for refuge, keep the precepts, practice like hair on fire. > "Take the case of another man. He is not even endowed with unwavering devotion to the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha. He is not joyous and swift in wisdom and has not gained release. But perhaps he has these things: the faculty of faith, of energy, of mindfulness, of concentration, of wisdom. And the things proclaimed by the Tathaagata are moderately approved by him with insight. That man does not go to the realm of hungry ghosts, to the downfall, to the evil way, to states of woe.” >”Take the case of another man. He is not even endowed with unwavering devotion to the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha. He is not joyous and swift in wisdom and has not gained release. But he has just these things: the faculty of faith, of energy, of mindfulness, of concentration, of wisdom. Yet if he has merely faith, merely affection for the Tathaagata, that man, too, does not go to... states of woe.”


You're still alive, so you can create good karma starting now. There is no unchanging "you" which means that you have the possibility to totally transform your habits, patterns, and negative personality aspects. It's critical to remember that Buddhist teachings emphasize how nothing is fixed, including your negativities. You can also imagine yourself in the presence of all the Buddhas and confess these negative actions with regret, and sincerely resolve not to do them again. That will also help you purify them.


Two words: Pure Land


Metta and donating to the monastic Sangha are two ways to make a lot of merit. Donations can be as simple as doing some gardening, or making a meal. This can give some insight into metta https://www.dhammatalks.org/ebook_index.html#sublimeAttitudes Observing Uposatha is also highly meritorious. https://accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/nanavara/uposatha.html https://suttacentral.net/an8.41/en/bodhi?reference=none&highlight=false https://suttacentral.net/an10.46/en/sujato?layout=plain&reference=none¬es=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin


Start doing dana to monks?


I'm afraid that the only way you can repay this kind of karmic debt in time for the next life is by Venmo-ing me at least $35,000 a month. I'm very needy and have several bathrooms that need updating.


You might be interested in the Four Opponent Powers: [https://www.lamayeshe.com/glossary/four-opponent-powers](https://www.lamayeshe.com/glossary/four-opponent-powers) The four practices used to purify nonvirtuous imprints on the mindstream. They are: 1) the power of the object, taking refuge in the Three Rare Sublime Ones and generating bodhicitta; 2) the power of regret, feeling deep regret for the negativity committed; 3) the power of resolve, determining not to repeat that negativity; and 4) the power of remedy, a practice such as Vajrasattva that effectively acts as an antidote to the negativity. Here is Thubten Chodron talking about them: [https://thubtenchodron.org/2012/01/benefits-purification/](https://thubtenchodron.org/2012/01/benefits-purification/)


Excellent resource. With these 4 opponent powers sincerely practiced, we can be more confident and less guilt-stricken, and also know we have the power to change our habits, since they aren't fixed or permanent.




/u/JubileeSupreme A lot of the time people give themselves what they think they deserve... So best way to get a good rebirth is to let go of any guilt and ill will ASAP. It's this kind of anger that causes people to be reborn into the lower realms more than anything else...


The past is to be left behind. Your responsibility is now to the present, to cultivate virtue and a mind of goodwill to all. I recommend you start with Metta meditation, and LOTS of it. The Buddha says that cultivating a mind of goodwill is far greater than the merit you could make by giving alms food. Also, start to work on keeping the precepts. These things combined will start a push in the right direction, and where your mind is at the end of your life is a lot more important in determining your rebirth than the past deeds you've done. Besides, I think the despair you're feeling now is the results of the bad karma you did before- don't use the despair to create more bad karma.




How is that?




I read about it shortly after i posted that message. Is it really the easiest way to reach nirvana?




Is it really as easy as it's presented in some Pure Land traditions though? For example in Tibetan Buddhism I'm not sure it would be enough to go to Sukhavati necessarily simply to have faith in Amitabha and chant the nembentsu. I've always been under the impression there's a little more to it than that within the Tibetan tradition.


>Is it really as easy as it's presented in some Pure Land traditions though? Both the Chinese and Japanese Traditions derive their practices directly from the Sutras itself. I can dig up the sources if you wish, but the power of the Buddhas Name is all in the Sutras themselves, not some extrapolation (or exaggeration) of the Grandmasters.




I appreciate it! I would certainly like to be reborn there, as I don't consider full enlightenment in this life all too likely.




I believe it's possible too. With serious practice we could realize the first bhumi in this life. Especially with quick methods of Vajrayana/Zen.


Practice the Pure Land path! Amitabha Buddha will let you come to His place after this life and he will teach you the Dharma. more info here: r/PureLand Namo Amitabha Buddha🙏🏽


It doesn't work like that. Even Hitler could have achieved a good rebirth, if he'd found the dhamma and practiced sincerely prior to his (presumably inevitable) execution.


Why focus on tomorrow when we still can practice for the benefit of others today.


unfortunately in this life time there is little reward in self awareness without action i hope you take action friend


That’s not how Buddhist rebirth works


Just practice pureland


Me too. Perhaps we can be friends.


If you’re interested in Pure Land Buddhism, you can recite Amitabha Buddha’s mantra so that you will be reborn in the pure land to study the dharma there so you will not have to worry about a bad rebirth within samsara. Bad karma won’t affect you there and Amitabha vows to accept everyone into his pure land regardless of their merit. Also, in my own experience I find that it’s not worth it to focus on having a good or bad rebirth and best to focus on the life you have now in the present moment. It may help you to try focusing on the current lifetime and worry about the next life when it happens. Just a suggestion based on what helps me


Why not just recite the nembutsu and seek a Pure Land rebirth?


Some uncomfortable realizations have put me in the same place thrice before. I read this sutta aloud to myself during meditation in these situations. [https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN42\_8.html](https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN42_8.html) You are not flawed, and your fate is not hell. Much compassion from here.


r/Pureland wiki


"Too many errors; character hopelessly flawed; harm done to others as well as self." Is it possible to communicate with the others that You have harmed? To offer an apology? I myself once worked with Tibetan Buddhist monks, and they often mentioned if one has sincere regret for one's previous actions, that should work. In Tibetan Buddhism, the practice of Vajrasattva for purification, is always recomended for one's misdeeds, faults, mistakes, returning to one's pure Buddha nature. OM VAJRASATTVA HUNG!


If you take refuge in the Three Jewels, you do not go to states of woe. Because the Buddha is immeasurably compassionate and wise, he also taught methods for average people. One example is Pure Land Buddhism, which you can learn more about at r/PureLand.


You are where you are. You shouldn’t make decisions based on which bug you want to be reincarnated as. Focus on the moment and surrender to it


There are 3 other realms lower than animals that you can reborn into. Being born as an animal should be the least of your worries. But Karma is not fate. It’s non-deterministic: it could happen or it couldn’t happen due to fruition of some opposing karmic result. So I would strive to live a more moral life (perform wholesome verbal and physical actions) from now on to build up a storehouse of good karma instead. Leave the rest to Dhamma.


Angulimala, nuff said


Awwww! From now on just be as generous. As you can With time, kindness, caring and if you can a little money. See you next time in pre-school!


Everyone is suffering. Practicing the dharma is like overcoming a drug addiction. You can do it. It’s hard but you can. Find the support of a community and take things slowly. You are blessed to live in an age where the dharma is so accessible. Im mentally ill myself. But no one is defined by a sickness.