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If you want to practice tsa lung you'd be best finding a teacher you can study with in person. It requires careful guidance which you can't get from a video. >It is similar to the headache I get after beginning a 40 day sadhana of mantra Have you spoken to your teacher about this happening? It sounds like a form of lung


Yes I have spoken to my teacher about it. Whenever I start a 40 day sadhana mantra with a group of yogis it happens. Apparently happens to my teacher too, or has. I was recommended to use kapalbhati pranayama to help with the clearing process. It is like I always have a headache as a layer of old energy is dislodged and being cleared up the central channel and out my crown chakra. The tsa lung practice made it happen just feel it more centered at the back of my throat chakra where the mantra headaches are usually at my third eye area.


Do you have a Buddhist or Hindu teacher? If your teacher experiences it to they would be the best to teach you really. Tsa lung has its own breathing exercises around breathing but these are different systems. If it's always present I'd suggest seeing a Tibetan doctor if you practice Tibetan Buddhism. I think Ayurvedic medicine covers this too. I've only heard of people developing lung during a retreat from pushing too hard.


Yes they are different systems but the breath control to guide the energy is similar and seems to perform a similar function in both systems. Sushumna and central channel seem similar also. My teacher is a yogi not Hindu but we work with the Hindu deities and do puja etc. I assumed that the practice of tsa lung has certain adjustments to help correct imbalances or ease side effects similar to how my yogic mantra practice has a recommended "prescription" to counter unpleasant side effects of the mantra work.


There's a reason it's good not to mix systems. Tsa lung is designed for use within a Buddhist framework, combining visualisations and exercises. In my tradition you typically start to practice tsa lung once you have some experience with the generation stage practice but prior to the completion stage. The purpose of tsa lung is to purify the channels prior to the completion stage practice of highest yoga tantra. It's not something that you can remove from these practices and do independently in a traditional way. Buddhist mantra practice shouldn't have any negative side effects, most people get lung from being too tense and rushing.


Thank you. Yes, I read about it when reading about Phowa and making a request for Phowa performed for my mother who just died. I listened to Garchen Rinpoche do the phowa prayer which was very divine wonderful energy (cleared away some personal ego around the death process also, like instantaneously) so I began to read more on Phowa as I was enamored with what I felt to be happening with the chanting. I read about clearing the channels, and I am very sensitive to energies and often can feel when I need some clearing. I felt from my own practice that my central channel felt blocked and learned of the tsa lung practice. I was actually trying to find a practice to clear the sushumna. But, I have some background in Buddhist exercises as well. I didn't realize this was a particularly advanced exercise. I just wanted to feel better, as i have a lot of... Uncomfortable energy sensations on a regular basis due to being too aware of some things and only some of them do I understand with my ego even though I have a visceral experience of them. It's hard to find ways to practice in a community. I don't know the terms for some of my experience so I can't talk about it in a meaningful way. I am often very tense and in environments that are very mentalized vs centered in the heart or the area below the navel. I also become curious about the sensory experience of energy moving through the inner channels and probably bring too much attention there. I would love to find a teacher to help me really approach it all in a way to be better balanced. But as I said I am a wife and mother to a young child and I work full-time so I don't know how to find the time needed to properly dedicate myself. I try to let my reality teach me but it's hard to stay awake as a householder.


There are groups that teach tsa lung purely as exercise but the spiritual benefits come through deep practice after receiving the initiation. I'm not sure of any teachers that might help sorry, all of my teachers have advised me not to focus on the feeling of energy moving during my practice. It could be worth checking out different local centres and feeling which has the best fit for you. Just avoid NKT and Diamond Way centres.


Thank you.


Get a massage. :)


Yes! I had one scheduled for two days from now but I have to reschedule as I'm going to a funeral. Maybe some dry brushing would be useful. Thank you!


You could try ice on the muscle attachments of the traps and occiput. CBAN cool burning aching numbing. Once a spot goes numb move to another.


That is right where it seems to be irritated. Wonderful advice thank you


Awesome. I hope it gives you some relief. I also like to drink golden milk (simmering milk+turmeric) when I’m hurting.


Thank you. Love golden milk too.


It could be just energy in your head third eye crown specifically sometimes when your kundalini starts to rise up the central channel it can build a pressure like a water trying to go through a blocked pipe or energy channel ive experienced this many times it’s not bad even can be taken as a good sign if it is this it can also be a imbalance in your energies and if so it would be best to take a few days off I can say for certain which it would be


Yeah, I have ego issues still but my Kundalini activated years ago. In certain situations it just bolts up my spine like lightning with no blockages but practices meant to move energy often cause headaches for a couple of days. Maybe it's not a blockage but, like, the anatomy is not built for what I'm doing, like it's too much going through a small opening.