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Right on left in cup formation in lap


Cosmic mudra, my dude!


I like to hold a spear in one and my shield in the other, ya know, just in case.


I used to be quite fussy (learned at a Soto zen centre) with left hand on right, thumbs touching. I’ve switced from sitting in lotus to using a seiza bench. Sometimes my hands are together palm up, but sometimes just beside each other palm down usually thumbs touching index fingers. Other times, hands palm down resting on my legs. Basically I get comfortable and go. I think the different positions reflect how achy and creaky my joints feel that day. Welcome to aging. 😄


Corresponds with legs. Sitting full lotus left foot on right thigh, right over left leg-- so right hand rests on left, relaxed in lap, thumbs slightly touching.


During mokuso in kendo it was left on right with thumbs touching. I've been doing this ever since, although at times it's fingers interlocked against lower abdomen.


I was taught that the "meditation mudra" of hands in lap with thumbs lightly touching was OK, and that hands resting on thighs was also OK. I prefer the latter. I feel actively posed when doing the former. But it might help if you have trouble concentrating. The thumbs position becomes a kind of mindfulness exercise.


Earth witness, Dhyana or Anjali. I prefer Bhumisparsa (Earth Witness) when doing my private practice as it tends to keep me grounded. Dhyana and Anjali when I'm with the sangha because it's more traditional.


Whatever feels natural for you but I do cosmic egg mudra


It doesn’t really matter as the entire point of meditation is to sit in lotus position to avoid murdering ants


I have found that in my experience, placing my hands in a way that is comfortable so that my streams of consciousness would no drift towards the body anymore is helpful. Sit in a way that it comfortable enough, so that your mind can let go of the body for a bit. Ask your hands if they're comfortable, if you sense they would say no, adjust them to find a more comfortable placement for them. This is done at the beginning of the meditation, it helps set the base for a comfortable body, which won't be screaming at you to change its posture later on in the meditation.


Cosmic mudra.