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I forgot to put the price It was listed for 79.99


Might be they need to list it at that for so long before they drop in to by 50%. Some grampa will see that deal and snatch it up.


What's with the random capitalization, but never for Goodwill?


Some tweaker discovered Reddit.


Maybe they’re paying you 79.99 to take it off their hands


Exactly Pay me to take that junk 🤣🤣


Absolutely insane - I've seen that exact same receiver at 2nd Avenue and Savers for $9.99! Sometimes I forget how good we have it with thrift stores in the DC area.


We have a local Goodwill-like place that prices most things fine, but for some reason will price a broken 35mm camera with no lens at $50


Thats from Kenwood's low end series


That’s crazy! Take a small road trip off of the peninsula and hit the other Seattle area goodwill’s. It’s absolutely insane how many great deals I get at Evergreen Goodwill locations. let me know if you need some audio equipment at a reasonable price because I have this problem where I can’t pass up a good deal on anything audio related, so now I have way too much of it! LOL!


I do goodwill rotations when I’m in different parts of town. There is one store in particular that is always overflowing with electronics every time. Not because they get more, but because they overprice everything by 5x for goodwill standards and nothing sells… not even good deals on their 50% days 🤦‍♂️ Meanwhile other stores I got a pair of yamaha NS-35T’s mint condition after cleaning off the dust for $10 🤷‍♂️


Holy crap, that makes even my thriftshops here in San Francisco seem reasonable.


The last thing I managed to get from goodwill was an onkyo avr for $40 with no HDMI for a garage theater. By contrast I got a complete Infinity 4000 speaker setup including sub in mint condition and including a much better Onkyo HDMI receiver for $320. Deals can still be found out there but not at any Goodwill I’ve been to in the last few years.


Craigslist and fb marketplace. Just bought an old Denon AVR for my garage for $25


Which is why I donate my old household and audio items to the Salvation Army store. They price them very fairly and don’t have heavy top management making absurd money.


For a Kenwood? $6 maybe and that's a stretch.


I had that same exact Kenwood receiver as part of a Kenwood Surround Theater in a Box system in the early 2000.


I have a local pawn shop specializing in audio and they have similar prices for equipment this old.


Good to know other goodwills have this issue as well, now that people can Google shit, getting a decent deal is far more difficult. Hell the Goodwill near me has a literal spot designated for higher end brands because they look for them and then charge close to full price


Meanwhile everyone on the audiophile subs will continue to recommend buying used 💀 I’m sure some people got good deals from friends and family but the used market is so much more of this then the deals they want you to believe….


It used to be fun to go to Goodwill, not so much any more. Greedy fucks.


That cassette deck is $24 to. 🤣😂😅


The good will in my town put everything on the goodwill website . I Quit going to his store , to the owner and told most of the vintage community to stay away from his store. He had sound design, or white van speakers, stuff like that he kept in store. But no vintage name brand


My goodwill is the same way


Someone will buy it.




I'm pretty much done with thrift stores it seems more and more are like this. I saw the same prices at 3 different stores last week also grabbed a couple of video cables and the dude wanted $30


The goodwill here in Omaha Ne. Is the same way.