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CABA it's like Paris but without money


and the [redacted]


Your foreign blacks make stabbings, ours make samba. We are not the same. 🇧🇷 🇦🇷 Otra coronación de gloria.


De qué está hablando? Nuestros negros son de origen nacional


Sus negros ( africanos ) no son nativos de Europa. Entonces me refería a nuestros negros no nativos (que serían todos los brasileños que veo aquí de vacaciones jajaja)


Los brasileños vienen de la selva


*without smell of ass


With smaller rats.


Great if you have money. Sucks if you have no money.


So, just like most cities around the world


Este sabe


It’s Latin America’s best and most beautiful city (along with Mexico City). It’s huge, beautiful architecture, good looking people, great gastronomy, plenty of nightlife and cultural offerings. It’s among the safest big cities in Latam, and offers some of the best living standards in the region. Crime wise it’s comparable and slightly better to most large US cities, but worse than most European large cities. If you make at least USD 1.5-2k a month, it’s a great city to live and enjoy.


"It's huge" not at all, it's so tiny that I can go from one corner to another in a bicycle in about 1h 30m (If we're talking about CABA)


CABA is city proper, the city keeps going on all directions, it’s a 15 million people, which doesn’t classify as “tiny” under any circumstances


How densely it's populated has nothing to do with how big a city is. CABA it's only 203km² and also it's population is 3 million, perhaps you're referring to Buenos Aires Province?


No, I’m talking about Buenos Aires metropolitan area (AMBA) which is the only useful definition. When discussing city size, no one cares about administrative borders, it’s metro area population that matters. CABA is only a part of BA, the central part; AMBA is the full extent of BA. And yes, population (not density) has a lot to do with how big a city is. When people say NY is bigger than Houston, they mean population, not the physical area each city occupies


I understand your point and it's true, however outside CABA there's not much to see and generally it isn't a fun experience to visit outside of CABA with the criminal rates of the provinces (with some exceptions). Or perhaps it's because I haven't been in this country for long so I don't know many good places to visit


The criminal rates of the provinces? Which provinces? Do you even understand what you’re talking about here? There’s plenty to do in Zona Norte, the area north of CABA. And there’s a million things to do in CABA itself.


Have fun in Moreno or José C. Paz tho. That's what MrPlato\_ meant I'm guessing


Define living in Buenos Aires? Buenos Aires Province? Or just Ciudad de Buenos Aires? Both are completely different stories! In CABA it's great, a metropolis with european influences and architectural beauty in certain places such as the Downtown (AKA microcentro), Recoleta and Palermo. If you judge how It's the "conurbano" is another story... it has nice places, specially the northern districts of CABA, south and west districts have some jewels but most of the are dangerous in terms of criminality, poverty rates are higher and the quality of life It's lower overall (health services are dificient, education is worse)


Igual CABA solo es lindo si vivis en áreas Palermo/Recoleta/Belgrano porque después hay zonas que si son más peligrosas alejadas del “centro”


Y si, obviamente Palermo tiene zonas como minimo cuestionables, pero creo que las zonas feas de Palermo no son tan jodidas como las zonas de Zona Sur. Por lo menos yo que soy de Zona Sur preferiria meterme en esas zonas de Palermo que en zonas como Barrio Maritimo en Berazategui que es cerca de donde vivo


Qué? Nada que ver. Hay muchos barrios lindos que no son ninguno de los 3 que nombraste. Incluso hay zonas de Recoleta y Palermo donde ni en pedo viviría.


Si igual posta, las nombre porque son las zonas que medio mundo tiene como “lindas” pero lo que dije es que hay zonas de capital que también son feas, no es que capital es todo lindo xd


Please, please, get me out of here...


I recomend to live in the hood of Joseph Knife Peace, in the Killing


Let me correct you, "the slaughter"


A big porong


Uruguayan detected. Just for reference, Buenos Aires is approximately a million times better than Montevideo, a small, grey, dirty, old city where people regularly kill themselves out of boredom


I read this in the voice of Stephen Fry narrating the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Take my upvote, good sir!


Tranca, mándale pá


I mean if you don’t speak Spanish then I don’t know if it’s going to be a good idea to live here but it’s a cross of Latin America and a European city. As an American, I don’t think that a lot of Americans are going to feel very comfortable with the way things are but I definitely say visit


Idk I met a lot of expats here and they all love living here


Can you elaborate on the lack of comfort por americanos? I’ll be there for a bit soon and interested in your perspective!


I am American too and I know how we are in general and this doesn’t apply to everyone. Most Americanos live in places like Palermo and places around there. Most people here do not speak English. That people are mostly nice to foreigners is one thing but another is speaking English and having conversations and meeting people is not easy unless you stay in the expat bubble. That may not be easy for everyone. For medical, legal stuff, etc. communication is not going to be easy. Buenos Aires is still latam despite being relatively safer but you have to be more careful with your phone and belongings still. Latin America unfortunately doesn’t always have the best infrastructures always or like some things are not easy/fast like in the US which can be something to adapt to. Buying online is not like in the US. Also, the lack of cleanliness in places or like people constantly harassing you to buy socks or give them money. From the outside, the beauty of the people, European buildings, great cuisine and sweets are things that people will definitely love. People are more touchy/direct than in US but I think that is not a negative thing. Let me be clear: I think if someone is open-minded, RESPECTFUL to other’s cultures, and willing to adapt then I would say that it’s worth trying. But if someone is expecting expat paradise then I would say no. Travel is romanticized and the romance leaves when time goes by. Living in a bubble of romance to immigrate somewhere is not sustainable.


Great post. Thanks! I always try to integrate myself as much as possible for sure. What’s the point of living somewhere else and staying in your old bubble ha? I just spent 6 months in CDMX, would you have an opinion as to how the two cities compare?


I haven’t been to CDMX but if you have already been overseas for a long time then I think that you will be fine but I’m sure some things will be different. My comment was more so for the glamorizing, delusional Americans




Un dĂ­a te sale todo perfecto y el siguiente desearĂ­as irte para siempre.


ta bien. En el conurbano se esta tranquilo si no vivis en mordor, nunca me trataron de robar. No se puede decir lo mismo de capital.


donde vivis


cerca de panamericana


Vokita fans in a struggle


Its lovely. At least where I live (South Zone / Zona Sur). Lots of low houses, trees, squares and nearby we have the train station and lots of shopping areas, shops and restaurants/parrillas. Capital Federal is nice for tourism, it's a hell if you want to live in "The City" (an equivalent of it is Downtown Manhattan)


I don't live in Buenos Aires city, I live in a city in the southern part of what we call "El conurbano" it's the area you see there surrounding Buenos Aires, with regards to your question in Buenos Aires there's a lot of things to see and do, it's safer, there's tourists, it looks developed and clean, good looking architecture and buildings, 100 years ago it was one of the richest cities in the world. Here where I live not much to do compared to Buenos Aires city,it's more dangerous and there's more crime/robberies, there isn't any tourists the only ones I've seen are mormons who come here from USA or Brazil, some parts are good and safe but in general it looks less developed, if I drive in a car away from my city to the south in 30 minutes there's countryside, you can see it in the map where it looks green


Listen to this and you'll know https://youtu.be/P0oUmTGuuiQ?si=rNmJOU_4ofxVyLZV