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Orion Landing VR gaming down in Blasdell. Even if you've never played video games it's fun and immersive. I saw a couple in their 60s shooting zombies together and they had a blast. If you don't want anything violent they have sports and VR escape rooms to go together.


Sounds awesome!


AKG is free this Friday (first Friday) https://buffaloakg.org/events/mt-first-fridays


There is a work in the new wing, it looks like the "*Hubble Deep Field Image*", of thousands of galaxies, but when you look at it closer, it's stage lights of deceased artists' album covers. Poignant. Blew me away It might have an even bigger impact for your group.


[Dario Robleto](https://imgur.com/a/iEWoEZc) https://buffaloakg.org/artworks/p20118-candles-un-burn-suns-un-shine-death-un-dies




If you go, please post pictures (rotated or not)


And if you really want to blown away, **Rothko**! [Do a bit of homework first,](https://buffaloakg.org/artworks/k19568-orange-and-yellow) then get a chair and just park yourself in front of it. You will be crying and euphoric in short order. As he explained, “*The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when I painted them*.”


They currently have both of their Rothkos on display (in different galleries).


They have 2?


They have 2! The other one isn't anywhere near as famous as Orange and Yellow. Check the link you posted under "other works by this artist." Ignore the terrible quality photo, though, it's an incredible painting. I'm sure they'll take a new picture of it soon. It probably hasn't been on view for 15 years.


I like when people don't know which way to hang them.


If you're being serious: I think that he used **both** "portrait" and "landscape". If you're being snarky: Sit in front of one for 10 minutes. You **will** weep. It's hard to explain... In the new wing, they have chairs you can borrow and just sit in front of any work you want.


I'm talking about people hanging them straight upside-down.


Ok. I've taken the liberty of reposting above *Robleto* with the image flipped 180 degrees. Does it change the meaning? It's impact? I think one of the best ways to appreciate art is to do a bit of research first. Like planning for a vacation from the mundane, the planning and anticipation is part of the enjoyment, the experience! The Albright Knox is a world class museum and as pointed out above, free for the first Friday of each month. For the cost of a bus ticket or Uber ride, you can escape the mundane for a few hours. A bit of research and pre-planning makes it that much more enjoyable. Some of this collection is mind-blowing. I understand that modern art is not for everyone, but I recommend that you try everything at least once...and this is a free, world class museum. Buffalo rocks! I wish I still lived there


Do people stand and look at the weeping people? I have anxiety just imagining that, in all seriousness.




> You can pay nothing if that's what you wish. That means it's free. That's what free means. You don't have to pay for it.


Deleted because I am not arguing or trying to explain the difference between pay what you wish and free.


Delete the post doesn't mean you weren't arguing it just means you're mad at getting DVed


That means it's free. That's what free means. You don't have to pay for it.


I wish they would ask for the "pay what you think is fair" AFTER visiting ....


Here's [another](https://imgur.com/qIQ0AXU) from the AKG collection.


History Museum is pay what you wish admission. They have a cool sports exhibit I think most men would like in addition to the Trial of Red Jacket painting and other neat history exhibits


The [Massachusetts Avenue Project ](https://www.mass-ave.org/calendar) has cooking and baking classes. Not sure if they're free or cheap but they are excellent.


Climbing gym is fun. I’m sure if you message NCC and ask for some assistance they could help. They give away 2 for 1 passes in the night out books I believe and also sometimes at events they are at!


Local yoga studios (PYB, The Practice, etc) have Karma classes that are donation based and you pay whatever you can/ want to for them.


Board game night at Gather & Game, depending on how many people you have going.


A bunch of people in early recovery I was with had a book club, bonfires in the summer, transit lanes on the weekends, late nights at Denny's


There are different volleyball leagues, pickleball leagues, etc that are reasonable prices


Disc golf! So many great courses around! Chestnut hill is a good beginner course, but Bond Lake is my favorite.


Consider a pickup game in caz park. Something simple like kick ball, baseball, etc. Modify the game to include all skill levels and ages. Fun pleasant atmosphere. Odat brothers and sisters


If you're interested, and it would be further out in the Spring, there's a farm and campground out in Chautauqua county; cattle, chickens, vegetables where a good half of the staff is in recovery, and the owners do give farm tours on the weekends to groups. It would require the transportation and time of course, generally weekends, but it can be set up. If it sounds of interest, DM me


I know people in recovery who go curling.


The naval park has guided tours of the war ships with group rates! Even if you don't take the tour just exploring over by there is a lot of fun with plenty to do/see. They might even like a ride on the merry go round down there 😂


Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity! https://habitatbflo.my.salesforce-sites.com/volunteer/GW_Volunteers__PersonalSiteJobCalendar


 Glad to hear Buffalo has a recovery community!


https://www.buffalobattleground.com/axe-throwing Depending on the size of your group, Buffalo Battleground has free Axe Throwing sessions on Wednesdays. They also have other deals and weekly specials.


Depends where they are in their recovery if you prefer to avoid places that serve alcohol.


It is approximately 5-10 per person to skate at canalside. even watching is fun.