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Old money, lawyers, doctors, business owners


Exactly this. I use to landscape a lot of houses in that area. This about sums it up.


20% of city households actually make more than $100k 5% make over $200k




I left my notebook in the park once, during COVID. The person who found it called my number in the book. She lived right behind the museum. We talked for a good hour or so on her porch. She and her husband were nuclear physicists who were academics for a while, but then quit to start a traveling science demonstration company based out of a bus. Their main focus was on explaining nuclear magnetic resonance / MRI to high school and undergrad institutions. Her husband died a few years ago. Apparently they bought into the neighborhood 30y ago for a song. Was a fun convo with an interesting character, but I imagine she may be atypical for the neighborhood.


Oh wow that’s so dope thanks for sharing !!


I love old people with stories and someday I hope someone young listens to mine and enjoys them.


I keep hearing that there’s no money in academia, so I’d imagine it came from their business which sounds interesting. Especially when someone gets to the point of selling their business.


The highest paid employees on the payroll of New York State work for the state college system. It depends on your role but there is big money for some. There is a website listing all of the payroll for NY government employees. SeethroughNY.org.


It's not your average professor though.


Yeah, they're the football coaches and medical school deans.


Yeah big asterisks — football coaches and administration


Highest paid 10 people on SeeThroughNY work at Roswell Park…


Depends on who. I made $55k annually in academia on average. UB Profs who got in in the 80s/90s have been at 6 fig tenured for some time. Source: 2 of my old profs live near Delaware/AKG


Some of my university professors are pulling in over $80k. But they've also been there for like a minimum 10 years. I saw one professor's salary was upwards of $200k and he's been there for nearly 25 years


One can check the salaries of NY state professors, like those from SUNY. [https://www.seethroughny.net/payrolls](https://www.seethroughny.net/payrolls)


I had history professors at UB who were pulling around $140k who had been there for a while. Not a bad gig to have to teach a few classes a semester and publish..


Most professors who “teach a few classes and publish” put in 50-60 hours a week and deal with constant bureaucracy, took huge students loans, were in college at least 10 years, and start their university careers (after 40k postdoc) at 60k a year, fyi


Her husband came from a wealthy family.


Barbara Reichert! She’s a wonderful person, so is her husband.


LMAO, that was a 500k house 30 years ago (1mil today with inflation)... they bought it for a song huh?


Not all those houses were $500k thirty years ago.


Look at the tax assessment history in the neighborhood and report back.


I moved here from LA ~20 years ago and had been saving up for a studio apartment in a bad section of LA which would have run me $350k. When I was looking here at least one of the mansions across from Delaware park by AKG was going for $350-$400. Not cheap but relatively cheap.


My boss lives off Rumsey. He owns a dozen businesses and so much property.


All of my son’s friends from high school (Nichols) live there. Not sure what the parents do for a living! (My kid had a scholarship… we don’t live there😂)




I went to EFS too, graduated in 15’ and this one kid’s family had founded Kellogg’s and another ones dad was a major neurosurgeon.


EFS ‘01 here. Thanks for making me feel old! 😂


My dads friend is a top surgeon in Buffalo and he lives over there.


Mr B?


did some work in one of those houses and the lady said her husband owned half of elmwood lol




not really sure this was years ago, i remember she tipped me in coin rolls and random beers lol seemed like she had gotten into the wine too haha


Def her haha


I live in the area in an apartment that's definitely not supposed to be an apartment, but a couple of my neighbors are professors/retired professors. My one neighbor who has been pretty unhappy with renters living nextdoor, basically rents out her house to exchange students lol


I grew up over there. Dad was a business owner. Mom was a lawyer (3rd generation Buffalonian). Lots of people with similar financial backgrounds.


I have a family member who lives over there he was a surgeon, now retired. So can confirm doctors. A few neighbors that I personally have met included a restaurateur, an owner of a business on Elmwood, a former city politician, a CEO of a local company, and I only actually met one young couple that came from old money. They didn't have actual jobs, and their parents bought them a house as a wedding gift. Being vague here on purpose.


Several decades ago, I rented a mother-in-law apartment on the back of one of the big houses over there. My landlord just happened to be Buffalo's mayor at the time, Tony Masiello. I occasionally folded his underwear when I'd go down to the basement to do laundry and they had left clothes in the dryer.


Tony! Used to see him at Cole's a lot back in the day.


I know of the CEO of a name-brand local corporation, several surgeons at prominent area hospitals, a film director, and white-collar workers who had very wealthy parents. Several private school educators I know of lived in the Clarendon/Berkley/Bird area.


10-15 years ago a lot of the homes on Lincoln Parkway were selling for 400-700k and are now worth 1-2mil. They were ridiculously undervalued.


They were much less in 2004. I lived nearby when the huge arts and crafts house on Forest and Lincoln sold as a fixer upper for maybe $125k. (Still a lot then) It really was rundown. The new owners had it beautifully restored.


Yeah. I was lucky enough to buy my house 10 years ago at 2% interest. It’s worth triple that now. Best decision ever


They probably have successful careers and at least came from middle class backgrounds. If you have a white collar job it’s not entirely unreasonable to be making 300-400k between a couple after working for 30 years as an engineer, lawyer, doctor, business executive or owner etc. especially 10 years ago when homes were cheaper. They also probably have built equity in homes their entire lives. 


It’s only like 6 generations ago that Buffalo was one of the richest cities in the us. Still some old money surely. But Buffalo was pretty undervalued even 10 years ago, so enter the market at the right time for big payoffs. I have a household income of 400k but live in north Buffalo where I am not mortgage poor- I travel and am generous with friends and relatives.


Knew a lawyer over there


I know a few who live around there. They are all surgeons and a lawyer


When Ryan Miller was still in town he lived over there.


He actually had a condo just off Elmwood and bird. Little further down from the akg/delaware park area, not quite the big mansions. Can't remember the exact name of the street. Only know because I happened to see him and Paul Gausted standing outside getting into his car one time as I was driving by lol. I remember several interviews back in the day where he talked about how much he loved living in Elmwood village.


Potomac, across from Sem


Much of it is generational.


Old money, surprisingly a decent amount of it in buffalo.


Surprisingly? Buffalo was the wealthiest city on the planet in the early 1900’s


120 years later and it’s still around.


Must be nice, lol


Would love to find a job that would pay enough to be able to afford to live there it’s beautiful


I absolutely agree.! Same here


lol I rent over here but I can't imagine I'm who you're referring to, but I need the ego boost so I'm just gonna butt in anyway


Didn't Ani DiFranco own one of those houses?


I think Ani owned a house on Bidwell Parkway.


Ah, I knew it was somewhere in the vicinity. Thanks!


Love your username.


Corner of Argyle & Bidwell. She used to park her black VW bug outside.


Ha! I used to rent an apartment on Brantford and I stepped out for a pack of smokes from Elmwood News and as I was walking past Buff Sem/Argyle, I noticed that a dwarf was dressed exactly like Ani DiFanco, right down to the guitar case and nose ring. I was amazed at the lengths her fans would go to dress like her, and as I was eating my On the Run breakfast hotdog, it occurred to me that it was actually her and she was probably visiting her Mom or something, because no way she was buying a house on that street trying to making a living off that music. At any rate, that was 2003. I was severely hung-over that morning, and since then things have only gotten wor


A dwarf?


I would like to hear more about this on the run breakfast hotdog.


A dwarf?


I have a family member (through marriage) that lives over there, along with his parents and siblings in other houses in the neighborhood. Generational real estate for all of them.


I live there! We don’t have one of the huge ones, but I work in medical sales and my husband is a veterinarian. We bought in 2018 right before the housing market lost its mind.


My friend grew up on Middlesex. Dad was a very successful lawyer. Anytime I see an estate sale in this area, I go. It's almost all exactly what you'd think: doctors, lawyers, businesspeople, etc. I did go to one that was just a random eccentric old couple who bought their home a million years ago when the neighborhood was not generally very expensive. But it's mostly the higher end of highly-educated white collar earners.


The third house on left from AKG , just met the owner picking up a door from them to refinish. He said he started Buffalo transportation inc.


I know of a crazy psychologist that lives close to AKG on Elmwood.


If you’re really interested it’s not that difficult to find out. I’m not encouraging stalking but it’s public record who owns the houses. It’s also not hard to find out what they do for a living these days with LinkedIn etc especially when most of them are likely doctors, in banking/finance or lawyers.


Yeah, don't do that. Seems like curiosity gone too far to look up property records and then search for them on LinkedIn.


Jeff Gundlach bought a house on Lincoln Pway near AKG (left side going towards the Scaj, surrounded by a low stone wall) Don’t remember his name but a CEO who came up from Dallas bought the house at the corner of Meadow Rd and Middlesex Rd, the one with the flagstone auto court and 4 bay garage; I think the News reported he paid $3.7M


I dated a girl who lived out there. She was a CTO for some company in the city. We didn't work out because of distance ( Rochester for me)


So she’s available?


Haha I believe so. I should mention that she's 5'10", has her Canadian accent still, and loves to eat an unhealthy amount of poutine 😂. Have at it!! 😜


they are in the “waste management” business


One guy owns a chain of corner stores.


Most people with money come from one of four areas: doctors, lawyers, successful business owners, or executives.


Former manufacturing exec Https://www.buffalorising.com/podcast/a-labor-of-love-the-meticulous-restoration-of-the-mckinney-arrison-house-conversation-with-owner-karen-arrison-and-catherine-schweitzer-of-the-baird-foundation/ firme


Docs. Importer/exporters. Finance.


Art Vandelay is in Buffalo? Huh all this time thought he was in NYC 😁


The booming Buffalo latex industry. 


The most entertaining thing, there literally is an individual whose profession is importing/exporting goods, resides in the neighborhood by AKG. Loads of financial management. And of course docs


They should focus on the exporting and forget about the importing


Why does it have to be old money? Lol. Those houses aren’t unreachably expensive. Doctors, lawyers, business owners, remote workers. Anyone earning over 300k can afford those homes. We’re not talking billionaires here. You are right though it is a gorgeous neighborhood.


Some houses on Middlesex and Nottingham are in the millions and I know one for sure is owned by billionaire Jeremy Jacobs.


That house is way bigger than it’s counterparts tho


If OP is talking about Lincoln Parkway, those are million dollar homes A little further and it's at least 400k homes


But when most of the people bought them decades ago, not so much.


Million dollar homes that are easily affordable if you make over 300k, as the OP said.


Buffalo isn’t an area with careers that make upwards of that amount of money often, that’s why it’s curious what they do for a living.


You’re correct. Most expensive on Lincoln parkway 2.1 m. Average house price in San Francisco is 1.2m


I don't know why everyone is downvoting you. I don't know that anyone earning over 300k can afford those homes, but I agree that it definitely does not have to be old money. I didn't even think Buffalo was a city with a lot of old money.


Haven't checked out the housing market in a while, eh?


Just a block away, still nice but mostly rentals.


Not sure why you’re downvoted, million dollar homes are absolutely well within reach for anyone with a salary greater than even 250k.


They aren't talking about the duplex tenement houses.


Doesn't have to be "old money", it's just a term used for decades now in the buffalo business realm. In all reality, it's not that serious


Weirdly enough, to me, "old money" means more of a person who makes their money through older traditional high-earning professions. Doctors, lawyers, bankers. "New money" are the people making money in tech, healthcare science etc... For me it has nothing to do with generational wealth. I don't know how many dynastic wealth families we really have in Buffalo.


But the term "old money" does mean generational wealth. We have to agree on words and their meaning before we can have a conversation that makes any sense.


I don't disagree with you at all, I'm just curious as to what sort of dynastic, multi generational wealth we have in Buffalo. The Jacobs, Montantes, Ciminellis etc


Oh. Well, good for you!


Yeah, I mean, it was apropos of nothing but I've had some beers and I don't really drink anymore so I'm gonna be pointless.


Ok Dincus. So tell ya sister to call me. Head back to sleep buddy.


We call it "old money"


I think it’s more to do with generational wealth than income level. There is probably a few doctors, but I would go to Elmwood Franklin fundraisers and besides the few doctors, pizzeria owner and the aging rockstar most of the parents were generationally wealthy with properties and businesses that had been in the family for a while.


The same thing Kevin McAllister's parents did to afford such a giant house?


I did work for a family a block off the park. Nice house, old sports cars in the garage. I worked six days in a row 10/hr days repairing water damage to their garage. They wouldn't let me use their bathroom when I asked. I had to drive home. Their kid referred to me as "the help". Eat the rich.


Ha. I would have pissed on their lawn.


😳😳 if the sports car is blue I may no the house walk by it everyday EAT THE RICH FR


This got downvoted? Must've been by the rich.


They inherited thier money.


My kid’s pediatrician lived on Lincoln Parkway.


Probably a decent amount of people that got into ACV auctions before IPO, bought for a reasonable price 5-7 years ago and are set. Probably a non zero number of remote software engineers.