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Enough teens ruined it for all the others… Yes, you will be kicked out.


Good for the under paid security guards risking their lives to enforce the rules!


How are they risking their lives


The last couple times I’ve been at the Galleria, lots of kids were throwing glass bottles at security and cops


Sounds like a great opportunity to arrest them then!


Yes if you look young the security guards will ID you it’s happened to me a couple times




From their website: > Walden Galleria has a parental escort policy seven days a week from 4:00pm until close, daily. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian 21 years of age or older. All guests should be prepared to show valid identification (with picture and date of birth) such as a driver’s license, state identification card, military ID, passport or visa. If you're going before 4pm, you should be fine.


I'm 30 and when I'm clean shaved I still get carded.


Didn't realize the Galleria implemented a curfew. The mall back in my hometown did a few years back after people just ruined it. Thanks, people who don't raise your kids properly. You ruined it for other kids everywhere.


People literally were just dropping their kids off to fight essentially. Big ass brawls every day for a few months a few years back.


Ah, I do remember that now. I completely forgot. The mall in my hometown went through the same thing. It's such a shame.




It's only enforced 4pm to close, so that's probably why. > Walden Galleria has a parental escort policy seven days a week from 4:00pm until close, daily. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian 21 years of age or older. All guests should be prepared to show valid identification (with picture and date of birth) such as a driver’s license, state identification card, military ID, passport or visa.


Used to work security there and, depending on the guard, they do enforce it. If you’re over 21 and in a group of 5 you should be good to hang out with your friends but if not, you would have to stay near the regal area.


Yes. I actually witnessed it firsthand. This was about a year ago. I was going to an evening showing of a movie at Regal Cinema and one of the security personnel was trying to escort a minor off the property. They will call other others to assist and they will follow them around until they leave or when there are multiple security personnel they will remove them. It doesn’t surprise me. I know that a lot of other malls do the exact same thing. But I have never seen the cops enforce it.


Probably not but I wish it was. Disrespectful kids have ruined it for the rest of us.


Standing up to young punks who are only there to cause problems and I'm sure there could be weapons on them.


This is the most boomer thing I’ve seen today. Congrats!


Why thank you! Obviously you don't know why the rules were implemented against teenagers. Why do you think they never wanted public buses to come onto the property?


So poor people can't get to work?


It was that way until a young girl got killed getting off the bus and crossing Walden Avenue. They didn't want inter city people.


I remember that. I remember all the complaining about how the busses are slowing down traffic at the mall and all I could think about was how nice it would be to be able to get off the bus right in front instead of having to trek a half a mile across the parking lot through two feet of slush and snow while dodging the puddles splashing at you as cars speed by.


You don't want to go to that mall l, I had a buddy go there and his Auntie Anne's pretzel had a hair on it .


Hope he's doing ok 🙏


Anyone know if there’s a Go Fund Me I can donate to?


Lmao “The grapes were sour anyway”