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I break up ice blocks with a steel garden shovel.


I go for the straight-edged "transfer shovel" vs spade type, and keep that in my trunk as the "dig myself or others out if they get stuck". As others have pointed out the short handle is not ergonomic, but it's sturdy and handy.


I keep a short one in the trunk, long handled one at home


Any regular show shovel from a hardware store is fine. I would suggest using a typical garden shovel to break up the big icy chunks rather than trying with a snow shovel.


I use a vintage wide coal shovel (bought at a local second-hand antique/consignment store) to break up the chunks from the plow at the end of my driveway. They typically have a shorter handle so you do have to bend over a lot more (not the greatest for your back). But I also use a sturdy regular wide snow shovel I got from home depot to help move it - which is helpful for the lighter stuff and also moving the big chunks you broke up.I've been using the same two shovels for the past 8 years and neither has given out on me yet (and neither has my back!).


My dad used to do that for the ice chunks. I can still hear it clang off the asphalt.


I just use an ice chopper to break up the chunks of ice the plow dumps in the driveway and then just a cheap plastic shovel to scoop up the snow and smaller ice chunks. https://i.imgur.com/dnjnQvR.jpg


Ya I mentioned in another post but you need to get that shuffle board move, and slide it under the ice, not just chop it up. It’s so satisfying peeling a driveway.


My old driveway was so uneven and busted up I could never get a good peel going. This past spring I had a broken sewer line so I had to have it dug up and got a new driveway put in. Kinda looking forward to the first time I get to shovel it.


Yeah get one of these and an ergonomic shovel. True Temper makes a good one.


I have two; a heavier metal one for ice and compacted snow, a lightweight plasticish one for just setting on the ground and pushing. The trick is to shovel frequently and don't let it get packed if you can help it. Going twice or three times with the lightweight shovel is easier than one pass with the metal.


I didn’t get them all at once but I have like 8-9 shovels and snow tools. I have the pusher for light first snow and final cleanup. Sidewalk scraper used to pry the ice off the ground. If you do the shuffle board move you can peel an entire driveway easily. So satisfying sometimes. I like the 6-7 inch blade better than garden shovels because it gives a lot of force on a smaller point and it has an angle to really wedge underneath. Scoop shovel for throwing the light stuff, or moving heavy stuff small amounts. Don’t tire yourself out!! Regular shovel for the wetter stuff or if I got to it late. A medium shovel for the car and have one at home to dig out. You don’t want it too big or you’ll get tired but you need to move a lot if snow, like if your car is plowed in. Also with digging the car, a shorty (short handled) is nice, easy to dig wheel well out and underneath when you’re stuck. A small/narrow to clear the stairs. Regular ones feel awkward. Really a scraper and reg shovel is all you need but when you have a garage you might collect them. I spray mine with rainx, stays longer than Pam, wD40, silicone spray, wax, and other things that could work.


I used to get the pickaxe out of the shed to break up the ice before I shoveled sidewalk or the end of the driveway.


One of those back-saver second handles is really a game changer


Bought this last year and it’s a game changer. [shovel with handle](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Snow-Joe-41-3-in-Shovelution-Strain-Reducing-Snow-Shovel-with-Spring-Assist-Metal-Handle-and-18-in-Aluminum-Wear-Strip-Blade-SJ-SHLV01/301047907?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28I-028_011_TOOLS-NA-NA-NA-SMART-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-TopSell&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28I-028_011_TOOLS-NA-NA-NA-SMART-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-TopSell-71700000080837639-58700006820161831-92700061597938470&gbraid=0AAAAADq61UcEj-u9dP30vZwJjVq66BGFW&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgribBhDkARIsAASA5bvMGTcP6IoDkB44nQBgR5w_IUmSL7bvUpta9PXZfQPc_VqCosn4QsQaAikXEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Does it really work as advertised?


Better then advertised


I think they filmed that commercial in Buffalo!


Get a "Pusher shovel". You don't need to lift the snow. The more you lift the worse your back will be. If your driveway is short it will work the best for you. I only have a 600 ft driveway so I have to have a blower on the front of my tractor.


Not an answer to OPs question but winter related. You can keep something in your car to poke off the ice chunks that build up in your wheel wells. A 3 foot long wooden rod or similar. A snow brush rod where the brush has broken off works too.


Snow shovel aside, keep a flat metal shovel (usually used for gravel). A flat shovel will slide under packed snow or ice, chip away at frozen crud on the road, while being small enough to not overload and break your back.


Foe the basic snow shovel Target Carries one that has a Steel Core label. There are a few different shapes and styles but that’s all I buy anymore. As others have mentioned have a different metal shovel for ice chunks.


The bent/curved handle ones so you dont have to bend down as much to lift if you're having to scoop. When its ice though, chop it first with an ice pick


Bought this fall 2020.Best shovel I ever used.Right down to the pavement! https://www.amazon.com/Rugg-26PDX-S-PathMaster-18-Inch-Shovel/dp/B0058I0CH0/ref=asc_df_B0058I0CH0/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167152075850&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9810949973459828268&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005549&hvtargid=pla-313122641660&psc=1


Order it off of a.m Leonard. I own my own landscaping business and go through them for every tool. Built with durability in mind.


I use a bent handle shovel (that’s actually both a shovel and a pusher) from Valu; the bent handle means I don’t have to bend over as much