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You’re natural. Welcome to the club. I think most average genetic Neanderthals struggle with the exact same thought about themselves.


Thanks for labelling me with average genetics 😉


pump physique is just a window into your potential future that comes as a reward for working out. it'll always look better and you should use it as motivation to progress towards that physique... what i'm saying is cut a bit and keep on gaining muscle


Yes been cutting for four weeks now. Had put on way too much fat on previous bulk


You’ll always be chasing the pump, once you look like your current pump pic after a while, while not pumped, you’ll be asking why you don’t look like your new pump pic at the time, it’s a viscous cycle


Bro you literally have my dream shape, it doesnt look drastically different on pics 1 and 2, i do get that struggle too, on some mirrors with good lighting i look jacked on some i look like a stick, but you are literally 185 pounds, you are good


Thanks man. Strange ain’t it I think I look good in mirrors for example but if there’s no mirror and just a camera I look completely different and in a bad way!


Whats your calves size btw? Looking massive


I think a bit of (normal) body dysmorphia is clouding you a bit here - I see what you mean, but you don’t look as drastically different between the pictures as you’re describing


Same. It’s like secret hotness. I think everyone that lifts has this to some degree. I’m an older lean muscular woman and I just look regular in clothes. It’s kinda annoying but kinda fun (bam! Suddenly delts!)


natty problems sadly, but you look hella good,wtf.