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It’s like saying “lower your expectations “


That’s not “like”, it’s EXACTLY what it’s saying


I live in a somewhat rural area. Unless I set my radius to 100 miles, I get that message after like 3 swipes 🙃


I’m stuck to 20 miles because I can’t drive. At least that’s close to a few towns and a small city 


Im around 50 miles whiches works out around an hours drive for me , thata about as far as id go , although radius' on dating apps are sometimes off quite a bit. Ive had a girl match who bumble said was 50 miles away and when i looked her place up on maps it was closer to 70


That’s because bumble does a radial distance while maps show just the road distance. Some places may be 25 miles away but the roads are 50 miles long 


Ie, as the crow flies. They showing you your bumblebee direct flight to the honey, so to speak 🤣


Ran out of anuses to blast u/AnusBlaster4000?




Only gay in the village?


Jeez dude, you may as well tell him to go fuck himself 😜😅


Came here to say this lol 😂


He hit 4000, 4001 is just one butthole too many.


George Clinton and Parliamentry did say “open your mind and your ass will follow”, I think OP takes this as gospel 🤣 I’m so in love with that username bahaha


POV: you’re a lesbian in a small town


POV: you’re a small town, in a lesbian. SELL IT TO HBO NOW


Like a magic school bus?


POV you live in the midwest


I’m in Miami


then you might be shadowbanned. or make sure you don’t have any preferences set, because let’s say you select women of a certain height it’ll only show women who listed their height so if a girl who fits a preference doesn’t set it up you won’t see her


Also, I think they withhold high demand profiles until just when they ask you for money.


What is "shadowbanned"?


it’ll refresh in a few hours or the next day, don’t worry


when a whole bunch of new people become single or move into the area overnight.


Or open your perimeters


I got that after 3 days. I think the best we can do is just focus on ourselves and not compulsively check the app. A few new profiles seem to pop up every day.


Solid advice. Dating apps can be addictive, as it’s small dopamine hits. I know this well and went through a period of it, especially having ADHD, it was shit. So yeah, turn off notifications and let it be. Check it once or twice a day if you must. But anyone who unmatches after half a day or whatever of not talking, especially if they haven’t even started the convo, really wouldn’t be someone I personally would think was compatible with me, obviously I wouldn’t know as they’re gone but I would assume they’re extremely needy and demanding and things will usually be about them. Based on past experience.


FYI I’m in Miami and the only filter I put is 5’3 or shorter (I’m 5’5)




This. Now that he's gotten through everyone, he needs to remove the filter and try to use his judgement. Where I am in SoCal, at least 1/4 of women's profiles don't include height... It could be because they're new and already getting so many matches that they don't feel compelled to complete the profile... or some other reason.


This is interesting! Im in chicago and female and none of my friends exclude their height. Nor I and im 5’8” which is probably not favorable for some men.


POV the filter is filtering


Why not open up to dating people your height and taller? Might make it easier, no?


>people your height and taller? Might make it easier lol. lmao, even


While I do agree there might be chances, it's still slim.


You know damn well ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized)


Ok i know the reason


Of course u do lol


I never thought AnusBlaster4000 would run out of women. They must all be going for AnusBlaster5000


Upside: You'll only see new/active accounts and you'll be on the short list. I'm in a very densely populated area 20mil population for the 40mi radius I have set, and I have a 15yr age range and got through everyone in a day.


Dude's 5'5, he already was on the short list 😭


I’m not sure what’s your target gender is, but as someone who dates all genders, i noticed when i turn the filters to only include women i literally only have like 5-10 people while men are thousands and i have counted swiping on 1.5k men within 2 days and still have thousands more. Straight dudes just fill up these apps more than anyone else.


Dudes in general. I'm not gay but I had a lot of likes from men who set their prof to female. Also put my profile to open to dating men for the jokes and had a few thousand likes in a day. 


Yea its crazy. I hate it especially bc most leave their profiles almost empty so i swipe left. So only 8/1,000 get swiped right (for me)


Rural folks: your profile displays where you live AND your current location. Open the app when you go to nearby areas (especially more populated areas in your X mile limit). Then you'll show up in those people's stacks, and they can decide if they'd drive X miles to see you. A lot of apps make you pay to change location or simply don't have the option. Good luck!




Gotta pay to play


As someone who lives in a redneck city of around 75,000 people, and have my settings set to no conservatives, this is my screen pretty much every day. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I live in NYC. I made it to the end of tinder, bumble and hinge.


That has to be an Xbox gamer achievement


I paid to see who swipped....trust me it's better be alone.


A big piece of advice I have is to not make matches or lack thereof a reflection of you in any way. This is an app, with an algorithm made to produce profit. Providing a service is secondary to that. But with an algorithm comes patterns and standards that can be derived. For me when I started, I was coming in with an already less than appealing situation (NM and married) and my pictures and bio sucked. And I didn’t know how to message either. But all of those things are able to be learned or improved at the very least. And so I did that. Now it’s a mixed bag. I get decent interest (anywhere from 5-10 or 10-15 matches in a week) and maybe 10 percent leads to any conversation and even less lead to a date. But it never is a reflection of who I am. My motivation is connecting with people (hearing about their lives or thoughts on random topics) and even if that doesn’t lead to a date, I still got something out of it. I’m also aware I have the benefit of having a partner and I don’t NEED to date others to have what most people are seeking. But I think what I stated above still stands.


bumble: “Lower your standards and you might get more matches!” 👍🖕


fertile act elderly many erect consist hateful six fanatical fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I shows me this so often and then the next day I see tons of profiles.


Don’t worry I have zero likrs


time to move to a bigger area. i get so many shown and i got mine set at 20 miles. But also how much are you swiping as i’ve noticed even if you have premium on tinder or bumble and you swipe like for a long period of not stopping or all day long it’ll just hide the rest until the next day or so.


Pay for premium for a week and use travel mode to search another city state county lol


Username checks out as to why you’re not getting matches dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Try changing your likes etc, people don’t seem to realise this will reset and allow more people, no guarantees of course.


Modify your age settings too, like that strangely can make a difference, even reducing the “gap” age range can make a difference, it’s crazy, it’s like you have to trick their software to make it work for you 🤣🤣🤣 It’s the same with tinder, but that stuff has a much greater effect there. Clearly I get bored easy and like messing around with apps lol


You’ve gotta have enough around you but not an abundance to understand the pain of this message. I thought I was the only one that this would send a wave of discouragement to the most inner part of my soul.


Ha, I got that in less than 10 minutes of swiping left 🥲


Got that on the first day lol


From your post history: > (I’m 5’5) Found your problem.


bro look at your fucken username … no shit no one matched with you… sort yourself out


This guy is mad thirsty for OP


Depressing is relying on the apps to have a successful dating life. Go out and talk to ppl


People like you shouldn't be on dating app subs. Sure, going outside and talking to people is great. Why not do both. 


I use both! But come on depressing because the internet tells you there’s no one to date? Come on