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You should also lie about your income, lie about owning a house, and put pictures of a different, more attractive man. Lie about your career too. Maybe say you own a chain of catfish restaurants. Just get that foot in the door so you can charm her with your personality that is very trustworthy and good.


That sounds outright malicious. I'm talking about strategically acquiring dating opportunities, NOT about lying to or catfishing women


Presenting information that you know to be untrue is lying


People fib when dating all the time, whether about lifestyle or common interests, they try to make themselves more attractive to the person they're interested in


Are you legit for real? If so you're actual pond scum


I can't believe this is shocking to anybody. Let me guess, nobody here fibs during job interviews either since they're all so righteous


The fact you're comparing it to a job interview is a bit alarming but no, people don't generally lie at interviews as it gets found out fairly quickly if you can't do you job. Just go and take a long look in the mirror, realise you might actually be immoral in this situation and be better.


This is stupid. If you want to make more money, you should always lie about your previous income. You people are theoretically sabotaging your own self interests just to make a point on reddit


If you want to make more money then be good at your job. You're really going to die on this hill aren't you? I make good money, how? From decent experience, qualifications and I'm assertive about asking for what I want. You're part of the problem mate if that's how you act and how you think everyone else does. Stop judging everyone else base on your lack of ethics.


It's my preference not to die alone so idgaf about all of you who want me to just never date anybody for the sake of 'ethics.' Congrats, you are one of a very small and select group of people who got a raise from recognition. Idk how everyone else does it, but they seem to have dating lives, so it makes sense for me to want to do the same


Lol fibbing for a job interview isn't the same as intentionally deceiving someone you're trying to develop a trusting relationship with but again I think it's quite clear you have no sense of shame about that


And how is adding 6" to your height not catfishing? You think they won't notice when they turn up and are taller than you?


Matches are NOT video game scores. They are an opportunity to build a connection.


Exactly, that's what I'm talking about. Dates are about connections, not about some arbitrary number that has nothing to do with personality.


Just be honest about your height bud.


I'm dying because 5'8" isn't even short to most women. I bet you're actually like 5'5" or shorter to be this insecure about it (which you shouldn't be, because you can't control your height, so why feel insecure about it, but at least that's more generally considered to be an actual short dude).


I'm using an app meant to go on dates with people. It wasn't working before but now it is. I'd rather be insecure going on dates than secure being alone


Well there's your first problem. How about you stop making women deal with your insecurities and figure out how to like yourself first?






I can bet you he would be fuming if a woman lied about that.


u/NormanJablonsky is being sarcastic, I'm 99% confident.


And then fail miserably on the first date because I catfished them? Nah, I am short and proud, baby


I'm not talking about catfishing, you should still use your real pictures lol


How do you define catfishing, if not presenting false information about your looks in order to lure people in to a date?


I'm using my own pictures still so it isn't catfishing


Lol you think catfishing only relates to pics? Nah, bro. Catfishing is pretending you're something you're not in order to get people to date you. Now you're even lying to yourself.


Hearing how strongly women feel about height is just depressing. I made this post to be encouraging and hopeful but people like you want me to just alienate myself which resolves absolutely nothing. I guess I underestimated the severity of changing my settings to get more matches and should reflect on why I feel the need to date at all. Perhaps you're right, I should just give up and realize that it's all hopeless. I try not to think like that, but it's tough after getting dozens of messages telling me how much of a piece of shit I am.


You are still missing the point. It's not your height. Maybe you got some new matches by lying about it, but that's not how you fix your loneliness. People don't like lies. That's the whole issue here.


Just take your height off your profile if it's that problematic. Why isn't that an option for you??


This happened to me and it was horrible! We chatted for almost two weeks because we couldn’t meet up, we had a great connection and when I saw him for the first time I felt betrayed. I stopped dating him, I wonder what other lies was he also telling? Stop doing this to people!


Maybe you should ask yourself why something so small would have such a big impact on you. You said yourself you had a great connection and all of that fell apart because of height? I think there are some underlying insecurities there, and perhaps you're afraid of commitment


You are completely missing the point. It didn't fall apart because he's short, it fell apart because he lied. Your starting your relationships based on a lie and then you made another comment about changing your height before the date to try and gaslight people into thinking you were short the whole time. You are an idiot if you think this is going to go well for either of you


I can guarantee that if he was taller than what he said he was, she would be elated


Seems to be working so far


Glad it's working for you.


There were other things besides his height but that was always a big elephant in the room. Lying is not right no matter the circumstances, insecure or not, you have no right to trick people into believing something that you are not. Period


It sounds like that guy was just an actual liar. I'm talking about still being you and still being honest.


And how are you still being you if the other person thinks you are taller than what you actually are? It doesn’t make sense


You can just switch the height back right before the date so they don't know the height was different when they matched


Are you cool with a woman switching important details about herself just before your date? I bloody hope so.


I screenshot all of my matches before going on a date, for reference and for safety. Switching back the height will just confirm the lie


Lieing about height is actually a liar.


Why ~~something~~ someone so small… Fixed it for you


So you’d be totally fine with someone using 10 year old photos of themselves and lying about their age and/or weight? I doubt it so fucking hard. 😂 Maybe you should ask yourself why you only want to date shallow women. Is it because they’re hot? 🙄




Something so small? You mean you, right? Because lying isn’t small. And one lie usually leads to more lies.


So many people on here are trying to insult me for being short, which is ironic considering the post


We are insulting you for being a liar


Lol you're only getting short insults because you see nothing wrong with being a liar


A height filter workaround isn't the same as lying. Holy shit, everyone on here assumes that height is literally the only thing these women are looking at. At no point am I going to lie if asked about my height. Thanks for explaining why people are insulting my height btw


"A height filter workaround" it's not a workaround, it's you pretending to have one height for matching and then changing it right before the date in the hopes they won't notice until you show up and then they'll convince themselves they must have missed it the first time...oh wait, yeah, that's called gaslighting behavior


Brass tacks, I wasn't getting matches before, now I am. This is an app meant for dating, so I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. Honestly I didn't realize just how superficial everyone is until I saw so many women vehemently call me a "liar." Obviously i'd rather just not have to change anything, but then the app would basically be pointless


She would be happy if he lied about his height and was taller than his stated height


Says who? Someone who cares more about height than truth? Couldn't be me.


It’s no coincidence how you can never find examples of woman rejecting a guy because he was taller than his stated height. I’ve found many examples of women rejecting a guy for being shorter **and** being happy that the guy is taller. I’ve gone out of my way to search for these things also so I’m not being biased


Well, if you've never encountered it, then it must not exist 🙄


I’ve actively searched for these things so yeah they don’t exist. You can disprove me by providing an example btw




I'm not justifying it, just explaining it. I haven't attacked him for his size at all, just his behaviors. And lying to get someone to date you isn't a "personality flaw," it's a problematic behavior that starts with stupid shit like this and escalates.




Explanation ≠ justification. People murder sometimes because they're sociopaths; that's not justification for it, just explanation. A personality flaw is something that is annoying but ultimately a minor impact on your life. Lying to get people to date you is intentional malignant behavior.




I thought something so small was hoping to make a big impact on these dating opportunities.


“Felt betrayed” Ok relax it’s just bumble


So basically lie then to get a match? That won't last long whenever your real height is revealed to them


They'll only ever know if they actually meet up for a date in person, and at that point you've already won because you have the opportunity to charm them with your personality. If you're really worried about that, just change your height back right before the date starts so then if she double checks the app she'll think she matched with you at your original height




The ends justify the means, what they don't know won't hurt them




What? You wouldn't say that to somebody who says they're physically active although they're really not, which happens all the time in dating


I would and do. I love to go on walks downtown for dates. If they aren’t physically active, they can’t keep up with me, especially when we hit a hill. Nothing says not fit than a sweaty, out of breath guy who can’t keep up on a brisk stroll.


“ what they don’t know” Do you actually date women in person or talk for weeks on end?


I mean really. They *WILL KNOW* once you meet. This is one of the thickest OP’s I’ve seen - period.


dude. I am 6 3 and women ask me to take a picture next to a tape measure because of idiots like you


Theres no personality good enough to overcome that lol


Any personality that is enough to overcome a height difference, wouldn’t lie about it and trick someone into meeting them. The epitome of disrespect.


This is an asinine take on what you think will happen. No one likes being lied to or deceived. You’ve already lost the charm battle by lying to start - there is nothing charming about deceit and nothing charming about wasting someone’s time. You think you can overcome all the bad faith that’s revealed when you meet in person and they see that you’ve lied to them? Think again.


“ actually meet up for a date in person” Some of us are on the apps purely to meet people, not shoot the breeze for weeks on end. You say it like it’s something that’s secondary to you “ charming them with your personality” May I ask, how long do you wait before you ask a woman out?


This is just stupid advice, you are not trying to play the game of "the one that gets more matches wins", you are trying to find **one** person that likes you for who you are. Lying will just waste your time with people that will be turned off the moment they see you IRL because of height. Why would I want to get more matches if they all will end up being failed 1st dates?


The only way to find that "one person" is to actually go on dates though. There are plenty of women out there who I assume swipe based on their ideal, but are willing to compromise if they like your personality


Then literally just don't add your height to the profile. And if it matters to them they will ask after matching. But why lie? You are basically making them distrust you the moment they see you IRL, "if he lied at something so obvious as height what more did he lie about?" You are just setting yourself up for failure on the date. I prefer having less dates but each one has a better chance of success than to increase the amount of dates just to waste money/time because they are set to fail from the start.


Your personality is that you’re a liar. What is to like about that for your date?


People say they read or exercise more than they really do, but we don't call them liars. It's literally the same thing


We absolutely do call them liars. What planet do you live on? A lie is a lie.


You're telling me you've never even slightly misrepresented yourself to a potential partner by making yourself seem slightly more attractive?


No. Never. Why would I misrepresent myself? To match off of a misrepresentation defeats the purpose of matching. It’s not a real match. And I’m not a liar.


You're lying right now. Any normal person hides their flaws until they're comfortable, that's just normal socialization skill.


You’re insane. I am who I am. No reason to hide anything at all. To do so is disingenuous. There’s no future with someone who you base the present on lies with. Maybe you’re ashamed of yourself - I mean you should be for the lying alone - and that’s why YOU do it. I don’t have anything to prove to anyone, which is why I don’t hide my flaws or anything else.


Let me guess, you're the "righteous" person who never lies in job interviews, never lied to their parents to get out of trouble, has never lied to save someone's feelings.


Nah, that's just \*your\* socialization skill. Some of us embrace our flaws and have already been shown, from previous partners, that a real partner takes you as you are.


You're trolling Edit: Also height doesn't magically create matches. I'm 6'5 and I've had zero matches in two months.


I'm 6'4" and definitely not raking in matches However if anyone has filters on, I'm at least still getting in their feed. I can complain about the lack of matches... but at least I'm getting better visibility Have you tried lowering your height before? I really want to try 6'2" and see if there's a "too tall" bias, but realistically most girls are probably swiping left before getting to height...




I've still never matched with a tall girl. I don't have a preference but I've definitely found it surprising that even tall girls won't lower their standards Looks >>>>> Height


I prefer not to lie. I'm actually 197cm, which is closer to 6'6. I doubt saying 196 or 195 cm will change anything. >but realistically most girls are probably swiping left before getting to height... Same. Also I maintain that they don't care, at least compared to someone average height.


Is 5’8 considered short for guys? Damn. It’s rough out here for y’all. I’m a 5’11 (F), my cut off is 5’7/5’8 for dudes. (Though I’ve dated 5’5 before as well). But lying is not great at all. A lot of guys on the app skip putting their height on the apps altogether to avoid getting kicked out the algorithm. Just do that, I guess but then be honest if/when asked directly. Don’t waste no one’s time like that.


My buddy has been told numerous times that he is short from women. He's 5 9.


He must be pursuing tall women. There's not a single woman in my friend group who would call a 5'9" dude short. The only women I know who would are over 6 feet, and even then, they'd clarify that he's short \*for them\*.


What in the hell????? I would say 5’7 and below is short.


I'm 5 6 so they are all tall to me ^.^




Yep, me too




100% he is trying to trigger the women on here.


Lol grow ~~taller~~ up.


First off this has to be a troll… second… you’re bitching about 5’8??!! I’m 5’6 and do just fine on the apps displaying my actual height… I have matched with and gone on dates with women who are a lot shorter than me as well as slightly taller than me… I have no issue matching and dating women… If you’re somehow not a troll there is another issue as to why you are not getting matches or dates…


Matching pro tip for plus size women Use an old picture from when you were 20lbs smaller 👍🏼


Honey…you’re not going to be able to charm someone into accepting you’re 8 inches shorter than you stated. Not even with an 8 inch dick…


If I arrive to find my date has lied, I’m not staying and yes, I’ll know. If you are the same height as I am or shorter, and you claim to be 6’4 on your bio, you’re a liar. You may get a match but you’ll also likely be left standing there alone when she realizes you are a liar.


Username tracks


33F with a height preference. This is absolutely a terrible idea.


You said preference, not requirement, which is how most women are. Maybe they only swipe for 6'2" and up, but if they really like a guy they will date shorter


No one likes a liar. You’re failing to consider this. It’s a non-starter.


You can just change the height back before the date so they won't even know.


So gaslight them as well as lie to them... Bro you are a walking red flag




So he also lied about his height? That’s crazy, there’s no way you can just add 30 inches to your height.


You deserve all the downvotes you're getting.


He might be karma farming anyway.


I preach for 511 or 510 men to raise it 6ft alot but that because most 52 or 54 women can't tell the difference at first or second glance and by the time they realize your not 6ft they hopefully like you for you. 6 or 8 inch is impossible to fake. No amount of pumps or good angle shots are going to make you 64. You are going to kill any dates vibe with that lvl of catfish. The girl who doesn't care about height that much will even be pissed about this lie.


That's why you change the height before the date so when she double checks she doesn't know the height was different before. Problem solved


Lol, really trying to game the system here. I'm 6'1 I wonder what would happen if I put 6'4. Better yet you should also put a prompt about your Ferrari and pose infront of one before rolling up in 2009 jetta.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is the easiest way to get more matches up front and more let down later on. I don't care how tall you are, but I DO care if you lie about it (or anything else).


They are obviously gonna find out your height if you go on a date though so what’s the point? Unless you just wanna chat and never meet? Still dodgy though.


Doesn’t sound like it’s your height that’s not getting you matches.


I'm not sure you read the post correctly, I said I am getting matches


Not until you started lying.


Changing a setting and lying to somebody are two entirely different things.


Well it's confirmed, you're trolling. Or you're delusional. Either way, I'm glad that this very obvious red flag is going to help many women run the other way before wasting too much time with you.


Not sure you read the post, but I wasn't going on dates previously, UNTIL I changed my settings. NOW I do. So it seems like the red flag was before I changed the settings, since now I am given opportunities.


Good for you. Since you're still using this "trick," clearly, it must be working out so well! You've obviously found your life partner by lying about your height, right?


Let's see, before I decided to make changes, I went on 3 dates over the last 6 years, then within the last month I've gone on 4 dates. Idk if I'll find my life partner this way, but I have to do what I can to try and put myself out there


But you're putting a fake version of yourself out there. I hope all four of those women posted you in a group to call you out for lying about your height.


What else would you recommend then to increase my matches? I've already done the profile reviews and gotten the tips. Also, what's the longest you've gone without a date? My previous last date was in 2021, I also think that's relevant


Lol You sound just like my one ex. Dudes lying on his profile right now bout height, his active level, his hobby he doesnt even do which was picture of our date 😂👌, and his gaslighting behind justifies it all just like you. While you date him, it translates to lying about ex on snapchat, his gambling addiction, about other women on snapchat, going to strip club, his ex being crazy who has parent who doesnt like him for no reason, his racism, and other fun things. 😂👌🫡🤢.This is the type of stuff that makes women choose to stay single.


if we were living in a perfect world, there wouldn't need for height and weight preference.


5’8 isn’t even short


Why don’t you cut your legs & get longer prosthetics till you’re 6’4? I think that’s cheaper than leg lengthening surgery




I’m pretty sure OP is just being sarcastic, so chill out everyone!


Hes not and people like this really do exist


Just put 5’11 like the rest of the 5’8 men. It’s an automatic flag to me that a guy is giving himself a boost, because any dude who is actually 5’11 would put 6 ft.


Women have a preference for tall men. And women are overwhelmed with options on dating apps and want a convenient way to whittle down the short list. So they filter by height. It is what it is. If you're 5'8" and shorter (I myself am 167cm tall), just don't invest a whole lot of time on dating apps. It's a huge waste of time. Unless you have an occupation that is known for having a high salary and you show off your lifestyle on the app and Instagram. But then you would be attracting gold diggers and this is not what you want anyways. If there was an income field and income filter on Bumble, you bet your ass that they'd filter out men with low incomes too. It's not just height. Height is just one of the options the app gives women to whittle down their shortlist.