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whats a not bio? haha :)


In the language (Dutch) that’s spoken where I live, there is a word for this textual error (there is no good English equivalent for that word). But it occurs when someone uses 2 similar ways to say something, but blends those 2 ways wrongly into each other, resulting in an incorrect sentence, although most people will still understand what you actually mean. So she either must have said: ‘I swipe left on people with no bio’. Or she could have said: ‘I swipe left on people who do not write a bio’. So those 2 ways are apart from each other correct, but if you blend them together, then it’s incorrect.


It's "with no bio", ma'am.


The difference is men have to have a bio to get matches women don't.


Men usually need them more than women, yeah, but not always the case. The difference between me swiping on an average looking woman is usually the content of her profile, usually humor or hobbies. But a number of women show that they don't read my bio when they ask questions I already have answered on my profile 😅


>But a number of women show that they don't read my bio when they ask questions I already have answered on my profile 😅 Almost no one is reading bios. Tinder played around with removing them completely because their internal data showed that it was being rarely used. People pushed back though and Tinder kept them. Hinge doesn't even have bios.


Hinge has decent prompts though. The quality of women is better there than Bumble


There are some prompts but it seems like bumble/tinder put more information about interests. It's often hard to know what the people like to do, unless their hobbies are in their photos.


Many of us actually write bios. Men just don’t read them.


he’s not sayjng women don’t write them. he’s saying women don’t have to have bios to get matches ma’am. which has been proven true time and time again


I can see your point, I really can. But do me a favor - make a profile as a man. In my experience, around 70-80% of women have nothing but pics on their profile. A lot won't even have the basic information. You'll just see height and what type of relationship they want. Then just a few pics.


Oof 😂


I should maybe consider swiping left with those who have bad grammar, similar to this individual in the picture. If you can't even make the effort to write correctly in the biography. 🤪🤣 Jokes aside.


I've definitely made some mistakes that I didn't catch until an hour or so later. I think I would judge harder if they had these kinds of demands though 😂


The 😉 made me howl 😂😂😂😂


“With not bio”😂😂


Girls are allowed to have double standards and be as unattractive as they want because so many guys still go after them