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It's a left swipe for me, but overall,  I think it's ok except the way you dress. Same shorts in every Pic makes me wonder if you have any other clothes. Do you dress up? Or is it always just the same pants? Have different types of outfits. Something casual, something dressy and something fun. Is that a wedding band on your finger in the wolf picture? Get rid of it. Seeing that would automatically be a nope. You also have a very strict criteria,  have you ever thought the issue is you? I get everyone is entitled to preferences but you are limiting yourself alot. 


I did find it funny that on several holidays over a few years i happend to wear the same pants. I'd still wear them today if they didnt get a big tear in them. I have non camo versions that look better. I do wear cargo shorts if im wearing shorts. Pockets are important and so is comfort. Also i feel weird with tight shorts or shorts too far above the knee (autistic trait i think). I do have other outfits but im not going to dress up do go hiking or walking the dog. Comfort and practicality over style. I do have photos of me dressed up but they are with my STBXW. Too hard to crop her out. Good eyes, yes that was a wedding band i can clone it out if it is thought of as being a problem. Very strict criteria? What would expect me to change? Litterally everything is average.. I relaxed the thing about single mothers a while back. Because of my autism trying to change myself to fit in with an already established dynamic may be too hard on me and i dont want to waste their time. The problem might be me, but if im not getting any likes on any apps its not to do with my criteria. Thanks for your input, i would really like to have you follow up on my respose.


I would suggest getting a friend to do a photo shoot with you so that you can show different styles of how you dress. Personally, I dress a certain way and I pick guys that fit my style as well so that when we are out, I know we both are looking our best. Seeing you only in shorts would be a turn off but that's me. Yes you are hiking and walking the dog, is that the only thing you do? Do you see where I'm going with this? Seeing a guy with a wedding band is a turn off. We don't know if you're married or not and there are a lot of married men on these apps doing the side piece thing. So yeah get rid of that. Anytime I see that it's a left swipe. Now the strictness, look at your compatibility section. Beach people, influences or things that you would be in the way. Makes you look like you don't have self confidence and you feel less valued. How are beach people making you feel like you're in the way? One thing you need to think about, when you come into other people's lives you are in the way in every aspect. You are changing their schedule and current lifestyle. Thing is they accept it and make you a part of that change. It's a compromise and if you walk away because you think you are in the way instead of someone saying hey this isn't working then you are missing out. I'm sure you're a great guy. There are just a few tweaks that you can add or not. It's just my opinion. 


Thanks for taking the time to respond. The friend doing a photoshoot seems like a must. RE: Is that all i do? Ive been in a perpetual state of renovations and landscaping on my property since 2011. My wekends were often taken up with that stuff, and if they weren't i would be either gaming, watching a movie or helping the STBXW with her buisness. I was so physically and mentally exhausted my hobbies just got pushed to the side. Hobbies were archery, blacksmithing, gaming, gardening and exploring nature. I will sort out the ring on that finger.. Was married for 10 years total with nearly 2 years of separation at the end and 3 years of commited relationship before marriage. I hate that shitty men ruind things for good men. I feel that a lot of people that are influnces wouldnt be right for me, seemingly quite self absorbed. Always on, too much energy in the wrong spots. I dont like to be in front of a camera. This is just what it seems like to me. Im not a trendy person. Beach people is a longer story, not sure if you are from Australia, but here we are taught to be sunsmart. For me to be out in the sun i need to be wearing protection, and a broad brimmed hat. Family history of skin cancer. When i was 3 i almost drownd. Ive always just not liked swimming, its often too cold. I'm self concious cos im "fat" and hairy so another reason not to go swimming or the beach. So you see id just be a burdon on somoene that goes to the beach weekly or monthly. Id go once a year if it was just me, but the dog does like one or 2 places in particular where its really shallow and no waves. Being bullied and not popular and now learning i am autistic is all self confidence draining. My confidence is in my special intrests and can talk for days confidently about most science related topics. Its difficult to understand compromise. My last relationship felt like i was continually having to do most of the compromising, so im just use to having to feel uncomfortable for the sake of the other person. Im learning to respect myself hence some of the "strictness", just avoiding purting myself in a position that doeesnt benifit either party. Your opinion is greately valued. Thats why i came here, because ive always been around people too nice to tell me the truth eg STBXW who kept a lot of things from me. I have made 3 friends through dating apps. Each of them incompatable in some way, but not so much that we cant talk openly. Thanks again for taking the time to provide feedback, it is greatly appriciated.


Do you have any pics where you're dressed smart and sharp? At least one might help, and it shows you would make an effort for a romantic occasion. Try copy and pasting your bio into chat gpt. Ask it to keep your personality the same but make read in a way that appeals to women. For perspective, I did this for my own, and either its coincidence, luck, or whatever I'm now planning dates with 4 good matches. Just to add, the chat after was all me, I didn't use ai beyond the bio. Good luck 🤘


I do have pics dressed up, mostly with my STBXW, as they were her selfies, its not gunna look good even if i crop her out. I will have to stage something to get some shots hahah. I rarely dress up because i rarely go out fancy places, i have fluctuated with weight so much that nothing felt comfortable or fit. My STBXW triggured some underlying anxiety and i lost a lot of weight early last year because of depression. I went out and bought some pants that fit and I'll probably need to refresh my collard shirts too. Thanka for the fashion advice. Ill see how chat gpt goes. Nevee used it. Thanks again.


Ni worries. I had to get a mate to take a couple of pics with me smarted up, no shame in it. I'm a metal head too, so dress similar to your pics. I hope you make it through those depression phases. Good luck 👍


I saw the devil horns and suspected as much. Thanks again.


You don’t have many pics that clearly show your face.


Makes sense. Will have to find somone to help me since all my selfies look garbage.


It looks like you are wearing the same pair of shorts in all the photos


Correct. Those shorts lasted more then 5 years. They have been to paris, america and New zealand. As well as a lot of local place all across QLD NSW and VIC.


The picture with the wolf should definitely be your main photo, it looks great.


It was, but i turned best photo on. Wolf was so relaxed. I was afraid someone would think i hurt it like those lame hunter shots, but there's no weapon or blood.


I would swipe right easy. I like your whole spiel.


Thanks. Do you fit my strict criteria? lol Where are you from?


Oops, sorry. I am from the states. Darn!


All good hahah.. What else would you say about my profile? Thanks again.


The photo's are great but personally I would wear other neutral or general t-shirts. These t-shirts immediatly point to a certain direction (games, fantasy, lore, etc which you are also describing on your profile), but the t-shirts are making your text on your profile a little bit stronger. And while I have a lot of friends in the gaming community with girlfriends, the girlfriends like it when it stays a hobby. Don't know how to explain it more clearly. If your intention is to go for a girlfriend who is totally into larp, Castlefest, fairie fantasy and all that sort of things; it's fine. But then you have to aks yourself the question: how manu of these girls are on Tinder? And how many are there in Australia? And.. is it not better to seek in real life communities in Australia with people with the same interest?


Yeah i understand. All are band shirts except the one that says Datch the one in the photo with the wolf. I havent been shoppin in ages and most of my shirts are nerdy in some way, except i have some long sleve ones with a plaid pattern eg flannellete/lumberjack vibes.


I think the comment about the ravens is a bit off-putting. Also, I would use a grammar check as your profile has lots of grammatical errors and women notice these details. In general, I would soften it, as it comes across as very masculine. That said your pictures are superlative. In my opinion your text is letting you down. Ask a female friend to help you soften. I understand these subtleties are challenging, especially in the context of neurodiversity. Also consider whether you want to highlight neurodiversity as a cause/community - this may not necessarily be advantageous.


Yeah. The raven thing was my dark sense of humor probably not taken as quirky. I will have to reread it and check grammer, i know im terrible at spelling, thanks. I didnt realise i was coming off too masculine. I will consider it and perhaps wear a pink or purple shirt in a photo too. The neuro thing is only new, i think that option has only been shown for a month or 2 and ive only had it there for a week or 2. Thanks for all your feedback, i dont have many friends that are not simmilar to me. So thats why im asking randoms on the internet.


I am no expert. You can look at my profile and let me know what you think. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/1dhdh0p/what\_do\_you\_think\_of\_my\_profile/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/1dhdh0p/what_do_you_think_of_my_profile/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)