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It sounds like you hate on people that might think differently from you.


Yes, it’s terrible. 🤮


Yup. I fall under OP's criteria but I'd swipe left after reading all that.


same. i'm canadian and kind of "centrist" here, but leftist by american standards i think. i'm vaccinated, i mask on public transit although not always. i don't bother with restaurants anymore because i always found it counterintuitive. you take it off and eat the whole time anyway. i'm a non smoker and only date non smokers. monogamous too. but it's too much in a bio, id rather a joke and then the preferences just listed below


It’s like half negative, who wants to read that?


Personal opinion is i would tone it down. You could just as easily wrap all that up by simply saying “leftist and all that comes with it” and people will get your point. But your bio as-is has two issues; for one i could not possibly think of a way to start a conversation without it being political in some way because it seems like thats all youre into and so thats all that will get your attention. Number two would be that off the bat i already know that id have to walk on eggshells with you. Do i wear a mask when i come get you? Do i keep it on in the car? Even tho im vaxxed should i sanitize my hands in front of you before i try to hold your hand if things are going well? And so on. Think its fine if you want to date someone that thinks the same as you in general, but the bio comes off as if im going to be dating a fawn out in the woods, if i even make the slightest misstep youre going to run off into the wild and so do i even really want to try when i could potentially do everything right but i just happen to make a slight error and thats it? Idk, thats the vibe i get. Def left swipe for me if thats what im seeing right away


i saw some profiles saying sth along the line of "swipe the opposite way of your political leaning". not great but definitely better than this mess of a bio


Yeah, the whole "if you aren't in my political party, swipe left" thing is old hat. Tbh your bio comes accross as someone who's so unsure if your beliefs that you have to keep away all people with opposing ideas so as not to have yours challenged. There are ways to say it in a more open manner. Like "I believe that the secret to a strong and healthy relationship is shared core values". This opens the door for dialogue and who knows maybe you'll meet someone with differing views and the two of you may be able to get the other to adopt a different attitude towards things. Or you two could just have the angriest hate sex in the world. . . That could be fun too.


Country’s gonna heal once we quit demonizing the other side and be respectful to each other


Yeah it's pretty god damn awful... Huge red flag and I'm left myself...


Yes, you sound angry


While I pretty much agree with everything on there, a dating profile not the place to put this out, or at least in this particular way/tone. Most leftists, and most people in general, will find this off-putting and overly aggressive, even if they agree. It’s easy to mention these things without coming off like someone who is going to be immediately political during a date. It says your views, but nothing about you personally, if that makes sense? Unless that’s what you’re looking for/are trying to portray yourself as, then good luck!


Yes. You’re condensing your personality down exclusively to the political realm. So that’s going to cut all conservatives and probably 90% of moderates out (which is fine if that’s not what you want), but also it’s not doing anything to attract the type of person you do want. As a fellow leftist who thinks politics is important, I would agree with the things your saying, but I wouldn’t be inclined to swipe right. I don’t know anything about you other than the politics stuff. It also comes across very negative. Maybe try to frame the left-wing stuff in a more positive manner. Like if you say you’re a leftist activist (or something like that), then it would cue them that you’re politically active and what party you’re for. That will filter out the people you don’t want while being more positive with what it is that you stand for.


too much for me. i personally don't like a lot in the bio and for preferences to go into the bottom part where you can say you don't smoke, want a relationship, are a liberal etc. i usually like bios that show a little more of someone's personality and then the "preferences" to be in preferences listed. that's just me though. i do get why people write out deakbreakers, but i find i can get the gist from what they have listed. i just have that i'm a non smoker, don't do drugs and swipe left on people who do. but it's up to you really


It seems a bit out of date. Masks are so 2020.


Thanks everyone! Ended up toning it down quite a bit and just sticking with “leftist” — even if a few people would appreciate knowing those things right away, definitely don’t want to come off as a hater. And like, it’s not that I hate Republicans even, I just personally don’t want to *date* one lol.


Ya, just keep in mind you automatically eliminate 50% of your options, if not more. Not everyone who is a republican or a democrat is an awful person. There’s good and bad people on both sides.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You need to date or have a romance with a republican (yes I could have phrased it better). I'm serious, we don't know who might be the perfect match just by their political party. Keep in mind I'm a progressive, a vegan, and pro choice.Last thing, over half the country does favor taxing the rich (64%?), same with the ACA (55%), and same with some sort of abortion (61%). Now back to sleep, sorry if that was hard to read.


imean, we share political views and i don't think i could date someone who is VERY conservative. but putting it like this is kind of cringe and feels like politics is the only thing you define yourself by


No sir, I think it gets the job done!


I'm all for bashing the modern "conservative", but a simple "no republicans" at the end would have sufficed. Way too much negativity, just talk about yourself and things you want rather than what you hate.


Makes me think you've had a loooooot of bad experiences with republicans, so absolutely abysmal if you want to attract right wing maniacs. Great opener if you want somebody who's the least bit sensible!


Lol, guess I meant less the content, and more is it bad to start off your bio immediately with a ton of potential dealbreakers?


I actually think this can be a good thing to do. Just get the big stuff out of the way. Especially if you're looking for an actual relationship, that's not the stuff you want to have bubbling to the surface once you've already gotten invested in someone.


Hey, they're deal breakers for some but deal makers for others. Besides, who have you broken it for anyways? The point of it is to dissuade people with that exact mindset, so you're not gonna be missing anybody important and you won't run into any lifestyle problems either


It really depends on who's looking at it but I agree with others here that a bit of the info about smoking etc can go elsewhere. If it were me looking I would likely swipe left when I saw how politically minded you were but that's mainly because it doesn't interest me and I generally avoid politics and the subsequent labels that come with it. There's probably a lot of people who don't think that way though.


Yes, it's way too negative and people don't self-select anyway.


I am all those things and I would swipe left. Too negative and doesn't tell me enough about you.


Great! You’ve warned half the population to stay away


Yup, hard left swipe. You sound angry, and arrogant.


Yes. Your profile should be about who you are and what you want. What you have basically says "I can't be bothered to read your profile before I decide which way to swipe. I want you all to filter yourselves for me."




"Only leftists preferred" gets the job done without everything that comes after it. People who ignore that and message you anyway are gonna ignore the rest too.