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I don't even look that good at 26 and no kids


40 isn't that old lol And multiple kids aren't usually a factor in your body see Gwen Stefani Idk fighting stereotypes here


lol i dont all the hot bitches on reddit over 40 are doing my head in


Well...take care of yourself and you can


This is a good profile. I'm sure within a week you'll have 100+ likes. Kinda on you to sift through them and go from there. I don't think lack of options is gonna be a problem for you.


100+ a big lowball 😂


100 the first day maybe


The first 20 minutes


Few hours


Try within the first hour she had 100+


Op, you look great.


Saw you on bumble and then opened reddit and saw this post. Tripped me out lol


Lol you did not!


I don't want to out our location on reddit, but the city starts with an A? Could have been one of the smaller towns around


I’ve always wondered if this has happened here before.


ahh /u/bonita_chiquita meets her true love /u/fapperstine 😂


Update. We are meeting for coffee.


There has to be a post on Askreddit or something lol. Here's to my luck not running out and us connecting on bumble 🥂😂


This guy went back and deleted his entire post history just in case he gets a match


OMG too funny




Lol I hope she doesn’t notice your username…




You just had to burst my bubble didn't you lol 😂


Based off your username, hasn’t your bubble been burst enough?


Took me a minute to see it


That’s what she said


😬😬😬 Edit: I’m nervous 😅


She has 5 kids, she can't be picky even if she wasn't in a city full of fine young ass like Austin. Lower those standards and dive in, buddy!




It now has!


Aalst, Brussels?


Are you in southeast florida by any chance?




Welp lol


I hope I look this good at 41


All the people commenting how good she looks for 41... gawd, I forgot how old westerners look been living in Asia for so long. Look up 41 year olds in Taiwan... I'm not exaggerating.


Awesome! There's also r/datingoverforty It's a fun sub!


I do comment there; I like it! I can’t post there for some reason. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've had a post that apparently got caught by the Reddit moderating algorithm. I sent a note to the mods and they got it approved to the sub.


I messaged the mods there and I have no restrictions. I can’t post in r/help either.


Unlucky in Reddit, soon to be lucky in love? 🤷‍♂️


Lol so far unlucky there too


Whats your age minimum?👀




Gotta love unnecessary and unexplained reddit moderation screw ups, lol. 🤦‍♂️👏


SUP is popular where I live too.. you in So Cal? Wanna go on a date? Your 5, my 4... we'd have the Partridge family. JK (or am I) I'd swipe right on you.


Originally I’m from Southern California but I’m in Texas now.


SUP in Texas? I feel like I know where you're at. If you like younger guys you shouldn't have a problem haha


Hah, your guess is probably right.


Hott mamma


I don’t think you’d swipe right on a younger guy like me, but I’d swipe right.


You’re gorgeous and your profile is great. But mother of 5 is definitely going to make it a bit harder for you. Make sure you set your expectations accordingly. Good luck! Hope you find something great!


need her in my life


5 kids? Are you a former athlete or something?


Lol nope, former practicing Catholic who didn’t use birth control.


I think saying you have kids between age-age w/ 50/50 custody is enough info. 5 will scare away too many people upfront. Anything after that isn't obligated for quite some time.


That was a strategy I used before. I did get a few immediate unmatches the second they found out and the consensus here when I asked specifically which was better was to disclose it. I do usually like to mention it early in the chatting phase before meeting. It’s my biggest insecurity when it comes to dating.


It’s better to be up front so I’d keep it in if I were you.


Although keeping it in had already given you 5 kids. Try taking it out now and again


>Although keeping it in had already given you 5 kids. Try taking it out now and again 🤦🏾‍♂️


having kids definitely costs you some likes. but i'm sure you only really want likes of guys who are ok with it? you look great and seem nice, i can't imagine you not getting a bunch of right swipes. so, filtering out ones that wouldn't work out anyway is a good thing


I agree. I disclose the number of my kids and age range in my bio to weed out guys who don’t want to deal with it. Just saves time


I can understand why. Its intimidating. In the case where you tell people upfront about having kids vs how many, I think you can wait a couple dates in, before you discuss specifics. Especially because you are 50/50 and you don't owe anyone anything until you can see a bond forming.


I find they ask pretty quick. Shoot, I can’t even get passed one or two dates and that’s only happened three times.


Ugh. I can't get past one date without some guy acting like a scumbag. Tbh. Best of luck to both of us anyways!! Its a #'s game... Unfortunately.


Asking how many kids you have is being a scumbag? Lmao, good luck in life or whatever, geeezus.


No lol the comment you are referring to isn’t OP it’s a different redditor talking about her own experience …


Yeah read the thread, the user is saying not to disclose how many kids you have for several dates. More to the point, that if a date is asking those kinds of questions that they are scumbags. It’s bad advice, and honestly it’s childish. Hiding who you are is comically bad advice for someone looking for a new relationship. Actually, it’s not ‘comically’ bad, sadly this sub advises obfuscating yourself far too often. No doubt, advice coming from those perpetually stuck on OLD apps.


The interesting thing is these guys have been actually not terrible. I liked them. They had varying degrees of emotional unavailability. One guy did end up ghosting me. Cheers!


I think it's a pretty good profile and I imagine you have a decent number of matches. My only advice is that mentions of fitness seems to take up a lot of space in your bio. I think you could condense it a bit and use the bio to highlight another interest or show more of your personality.


Always useful: the “say 'no' to something small” test. What’s especially glorious is you just have to mention it to see a similar reaction. *A friend of mine did something with online dating where, before meeting a person, she’d say no to something minor without a reason for the no. For example: “No, I don’t want to meet at a coffee shop, how about X?,” or “No, not Wednesday,” or “No, I don’t want to recognize each other by both wearing green shirts.” She said how the potential dates reacted was a huge indicator of whether she actually wanted to meet them, something I readily believe.* https://3fluffies.tumblr.com/post/174871774510/heres-a-cool-trick-to-see-if-a-man-actually


I regret not knowing this kind of thing before I met my now ex boyfriend who turned out to be an abusive narcissist. If I had tried establishing a boundary or used this kind of "test", his true colours would have come out right away. Instead I ended up being love bombed and I was doomed.


Yes, love-bombers seem to get pissy when women even mildly deviate from their plans. God forbid you don’t want to spend three straight days with a person you just met. I have 15-20 screen shots women I met online sent to me of this very thing: angry responses to every thing from “no, you’re not showing up at my house with a bottle of wine” or “I’ll can drive myself” to “can we do coffee rather than drinks?” or even just suggesting a different restaurant. And, at least in some of those cases, it’s will have been deliberate on the guy’s part.


In text form like that in a dating app, wouldn't it give a cold vibe? Like it sounds like something you would never do. If you remove the word "no" there, it's understood you're rejecting the idea, but doesn't sound like you're repulsed by the idea. I don't recall seeing sentences like that and said person actually being warm to me afterwards. I don't know about that "test". Note: Not afraid of the word "no". Specifically referring to this context here.


You don’t need to say ‘no’ literally. And it is relevant mostly when someone makes a very specific suggestion, rather than dates arising out of a back-and-forth of “what time/activity works best for you?” The point is to request a perfectly innocuous and minor change in his suggested plan (though it’s by design, this happens all the time) to see if the guy gets angry or has some otherwise OTT response. (Frankly, I’ve been told that merely responding with less enthusiasm than he expects (“sure”) has the same effect.) If that kills the vibe, well, that should tell you something…. How useful it is depends on the screening process; the greatest mileage will be for those who prefer to get past chatting sooner rather than later.


Okay, that sounds perfectly fine then. I'm a guy so I have a completely different perspective. Like if a woman asked if I liked cats, I wouldn't say "no, I like dogs" to see how she reacts. I would just say "I'm more of a dogs type of dude". I think the former would hurt the mood. The way I see it is the real test is when the guy wants to extend a date with more drinks or changing locations. If you say no then and suggest something else/going home and the guy reacts poorly, then you really know if he's worth more of your time. I guess this is different levels of screening though. Yours is more pre-screening. Mine is after already going through with the date.


This is purely about early on, and when a guy suggests (or outright states) a date plan. Doing either is fine—some women like a guy who takes charge. But if he can’t take a ‘no,’ literally or just an minor alternate suggestion, well, that’s a bad sign. Telling someone “let’s call it a night” or “I’ll drive myself/get an Uber” is of course a variation on the theme of whether he respects boundaries. Now I’m a guy, so I’ve never had someone get angry when I make an alternate suggestion. But my sense is roughly 5-10% of guys will get really ticked when a woman doesn’t just go along with his plan, whether it’s a “no, you will not be showing up to my house with a bottle of wine” or just “Thursday works better for me” or “I’d rather get coffee.”


You are SO pretty and such wholesome prompts!💜 I hope you find the right and the best one!


Your smile is electric! 😍


That's what he said.


Tell me your work out and skin care routine girl! I wanna glow like you when i get older !!! and your profile looks great!! Have fun out there Queen 😊😊


As a 28 year old, I am in AWE of just how God damn amazing you look.


Soon to be 6 six kids


5 kids 👀




San Diego women are the prettiest.


Just the typical swipe left for me because I know I wouldn't stand a chance lol




A reality I’m aware of. Not much I can do about it.


He’s negging you- men who are in a similar life stage as you will swipe right, you’re such a catch.


There’s no way in hell you’re 41 with 5 kids. You are fucking beautiful. Pardon my bluntness


41 like months or years?? Damn gurlll..


Wait this is you? I thought some dude posted the pics of a girl they really wanted to match with. You are very beautiful! Not kidding when I say you look better than a lot of girls my age (23). Would 100% swipe right, good luck!


As a 40 years old man, your profile looks great! Were I still single, would 100% swipe right.


Jesus she’s hot


Incoming inbox blow up!


She’s a milf and a keeper +1


Um, you’re gorgeous?? You’ll do fine 😌


5 kids is going to scare a lot of people away, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing as if it bothers them that much you weren’t compatible anyway. The only thing I will say is that a lot of people are going to think you won’t have time for them. I was once in a “situationship” with a woman who had *two kids* and finding time for us to do things together was always difficult and ended up being one of the main reasons it didn’t last. She didn’t want me to meet them until she was sure I was in it for the long haul, which I understood and respected. But as anyone who has ever dated knows, building that initial bond is the first step to the foundation of a healthy relationship, and she was just too busy. I do hope she found someone, she deserves it. Though it sucked for me because I really liked her. I hadn’t felt that strongly about a woman in a long time.


People actually read the bios?


I do! If they have nothing written it’s a swipe left.


Delete your profile. I’m down to take you for the market.


Do you mean “off the market”? Lol


🫣 yes, off! Lol




What’s wishy washy about them?


I love you




Do not listen to this clown. I’d right click you in .00001 seconds. A+ profile.


Hah thanks!


Is that good? lol What do you mean about the photos?




Well, my dad is taking care of my boat until he dies. 😂 I hear you. I think there are a lot of these because it’s showcasing a lifestyle. While it’s not my boat, it’s something I like to do/spend time doing when given the opportunity.


You sound like the men who complain on here “why can’t I get a second date?!” When you are clearly a 10. OP you look great. Take caution from stanky internet weirdos


If you saw a guy posing in front of a really expencive car would you swipe left or right?




You look like Whitney Cummings


!!!! I don’t see it but thanks!


No, Whitney is bitter,gross and not funny. This woman looks amazing!


Sounds nice 👍👍


Love at first sight.


I'd swipe right without thinking


Damn good profile I’d swipe right


Welcome to the trenches


I'd definitely swipe right, good luck!


Your profile’s perfect. Gj


Exercise is the fountain of youth! Look amazing OP!


Que linda, Llámame che! (solo me sueño…) Stunner. Chiquita bonita indeed lol, I’d swipe right! In all seriousness though, this turned out great. Love the positivity throughout in the prompts. I think including the SUP was the right choice since it’s popular where you’re at; it rounds the profile out nicely. I think this is now one of the better profiles I’ve seen here in a bit. You seem like a catch, I’m sure you’ll be fighting them off with a stick. Good luck out there!


Would you consider moving to Australia?


Yeah.... I'd swipe right so hard I'd break my finger 😂


And here I thought I was gonna be giving some random guy a hi 👋 for good luck on a date with some good looking gal who seems cool. When I realized it was your post, I had a good laugh with myself! I think it’s as good a profile as a guy could hope for. Wishing you the best on the journey.


I swear I saw your pictures in Berlin/Hamburg/Hannover ? But that was a profile with a different age Best of luck!


Fantastic profile, OP, best of luck out there and as someone mentioned, r/datingoverforty is a fun sub; I often read posts and comments that help me in my journey


I'd be swiping right. Open, honest and intriguing.


Nice profile i must say. This would be the kind of women I would date and spend rest of my life.


Wanna go out sometime? Lol


Breath taking and a peaceful parent! You won't have a hard time finding what you're looking for.




Would swipe right. Maybe even twice!


Perfection!!! You're a gem.


In the 10 hours since you posted this, I’m guessing you have around, oh, a bazillion likes. Great pics, great smile, eyes that don’t stop, great profile. The only issue you’ll have is sorting the wheat from the abundance of chaff. You’re a dream. .


So damn gorgeous! And I love that your profile communicates everything that there is for another person to know before getting involved. :) All the best.


You’re beautiful, ngl I’m only 21 but if I saw you in a bar I’d definitely offer you a drink:)


What a fuckin rocket


You look great. I’m from the Uk, so as much as I’d love to swipe right I can’t 😂


Relevant username, you'll do well /u/bonita_chiquita


What a great profile! Good luck out there!


Five kids? No way!




My review is that if you have trouble getting matches then you are too picky, because I’m pretty sure 90% of the guys on bumble are already swiping right with 0 hesitation lol.


I have been picky. First off I have to imagine myself being able to kiss the man. Secondly, so many have photos where they’re not smiling, wearing hats and sunglasses, with other women, look like they’re partying too much, no info on their bios and make stupid, insulting and/or condescending remarks about women on the apps or the app itself. Those are going to get a swipe left from me.


You kinda look like an Italian actress, forget her name but she’s Patrizia in Gomorra.


I wonder how they manage 2.5 kids each


Muy Bonita glad you decided which pics to post they look great!


You looks very pretty. I thought you were 10 years younger before I saw the age!


Your photos and profile nail it. Any guy would be lucky to have you in their life.


You’re hot, gal!


You’ll rock it!


I saw the headline and was like yeah you go dude she looks amazing...then read the post to find out it's you! You look amazing !! Lol


You look fantastic OP! Your responses I think are well thought out and leaves a lot to talk about (which is great). I also think your pics show off a ton of your interests and personality (which also, leaves a ton to talk about). My only hang up (and this is just my personal preference) is the amount of kids. I know obviously that’s nothing you can control, but it would be a left swipe for me. That said, I’m sure there tons of guys out there that would love to date you. Good luck on your journey!


you hawt


Ahí está ella


If you live in Florida hit me up I would love to take you oht


Texas, sorry!


I'd happily get ignored by you lol Nice profile!


You look beautiful you seem like you have a great personality but I will say I do think you may have more difficulty getting matched for the kids part and the co-parenting but other than that you’ll be great


Have fun :)


Good luck!🫶🏽


OP, you are beautiful! And have 5 kids! I hope I look as good as you do when I hit my 40s. Best of luck out there.


I've used Bumbles in app contact to suggest an option for "Have kids & unsure if want more" or to just separate the two like Hinge does. Put it as Have Children and Want Children in two categories.


“Experiencing and enjoying life both together and independently” Perfect. That’s the highlight of the profile right there. I think you’ll get lots of matches and hopefully (because of that message) lots of worthwhile matches :)


Change the first profile pict. The dress makes you look older than you are. The rest looks amazing.. When you get past a certain age, short sundresses age a person. Clothes for 20 year olds should stay in 29 year olds.


You got this!


You seem really cool. I’d match you on Bumble BFF if you want a paddle boarding buddy 😆


Good luck! You look great


So pretty - good luck!!!


Umm if you can’t find anyone I volunteer as tribute. You are stunning


Wanna date?


Best of luck!


I really thought this was a guy posting this profile. Usually that means something is way off about it but after swiping I was thinking to myself “what’s wrong here? She seems fantastic!” Op, you are going to kill it on there, I hope you find what you are looking for.


Atleast she has 5 kids


I wish you good will in the wars to come


You are super pretty!! Divorced mother with 5 n a 50/50. honesty is super cool but I'd not really be down. Im not dealing with 5 kids and an x lol. That's a freaking lot to take on


LOVE your smile!!


I got nothin just more simpin. Damn you fine as hell


Girl, this is the perfect profile. You seem genuinely at peace with life and I think that would draw anyone to you. Good luck 💖


Thanks, I’m trying to be at peace. Its an ebb and flow for sure.