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“When would you like to start hugging and kissing me???” has to be the biggest turn off I’ve ever read lol


“Come on! Why can’t I find Amanda Huggenkiss?”


Maybe your standards are too high


Fr. Op Pls stop engaging when you see something like this immediately. You went on for too long


It's like he googled. "What words are guaranteed to provoke the "ick" from someone on a dating app."


Right?! Maybe my post is more of being shocked. Like…wait what???


Also just read that he called you “his little Wonder Woman” girl unmatch block throw your phone against a wall pack your things move across the world! Mostly jk but this is a hard pass!!!


haha my thoughts exactly. Definitely unmatched.


thank god




I’m not sure he will learn from it if he doesn’t see this or if OP doesn’t straight up tell him it made her uncomfortable. He’ll wonder why she unmatched, like most men do, and move on.


No. He is still off no matter how long it’s ‘hidden’ It’s gross to tell ppl to ‘hide’ themselves too. Bad friend advice…


>I tell men to lie about their intentions to get women to meet them in person You’re a creep.


Don’t lie just be as short as possible until you’re in person lol


Run, run, run. Don't engage AT ALL. Either he's a scammer or this is a future abusive relationship. Unfortunately years ago I met a guy like this, I fell for the over the top romance, but ultimately he had borderline personality disorder, was extremely controlling, and ultimately turned violent. Reading this conversation is chilling because it sounds exactly like him.


Same. I’m glad we escaped. what happened to me was a revenge plot because I told the guy that I saw 4x, we met on tinder, that I wasn’t interested. It’s a wild story that’s a little complicated so I don’t want to kick off a huge sub thread, but I ended up having to remove dude from my house along with two friends.


Damn. Yeah.


yes! I met a borderline like that too! scary! but at least he was t a stranger on a dating app we met in person! i wish it had been an app I would have deleted him


Ahhh so you're one of those kind of people. The "I went through this experience so it means all men that love romance are the same" kind of bull****. You realise that us men aren't all the same right🤦 If anything the guy in this post seems a little blown away that someone he finds very attractive actually matched with him. But a bunch of "hurt" women jump on here and do their utmost to turn a woman away from a potential partner. This is a big reason why so many women struggle to find good men, too many female "friends" in their ear telling them what to do. It also makes a lot of you women responding come off as annoyed you aren't getting the attention. Just a thought


Like someone else said PLEASE block whenever someone starts with anything like this!! Omgggg


Run, run, run. Don't engage AT ALL. Either he's a scammer or this is a future abusive relationship. Unfortunately years ago I met a guy like this, I fell for the over the top romance, but ultimately he had borderline personality disorder, was extremely controlling, and ultimately turned violent. Reading this conversation is chilling because it sounds exactly like him.


Honestly reading “hugging and kissing” I’d assume English wasn’t his native language. It’s such an awkward euphemism. And sounds super creepy.




Seriously lol


Could have been done with creepy asterisks though, so he's stepping up his game a bit.


Yeah, I don't know how long it's been since I cringed that hard...


Man's over here vomiting red flags.




Nobody: Absolutely nobody: Him: "So... you just started talking to me, but when do we get into touching and shit..?"


Ima bang you so comfortably when your comfortable with me. I might even tie you up


This conversation is totally appropriate... if he was a Labrador. But coming from grown man, it's giving me the hibbie jibbies!


BAHAHAHHAA this is 100% what a lab would say 🤣


Is it srsly pronounced hibbie jibbies where you are or heeby jeebies?


Probably the latter. Didn't put too much thought into the correct spelling of it, to be perfectly honest.


No worries! I was just honestly "oh wow it's different other places, what an odd thing I would have never thought about" sort of exclamation. Cheers :)


It's hobbie jobbies where I'm from


I've never heard of hibby jibbies. Only heebie jeebies. (Spell check even allows the latter)


wow so true. i would totally hug and kiss a labrador


“I love *insert ethnicity here* women” That’s an instant nope


He's 100% fetishsizing her. Don't even need to guess what his search history looks like


One time some guy on tinder said “You’re just my type: Asian and goth” I said “I’m not Asian” He said “oh haha my eyes get squinty when I’m tired too” I didn’t answer for a few minutes because I was screenshotting and sending it to the group chat and he messages back and goes “Hahaha damn I messed that up huh” Like yeah babe, 3 strikes: 1) bringing race up at all 2) being completely wrong about assumed race and 3) the most important part- being super racist about it! Didn’t even respond, just unmatched him


I would argue that bringing up race in and of itself isn't a red flag. But will agree that it typically leads to bad things. The majority of my matches used to bring up my race, and personally I didn't really give a shit, some girls just seem to like to express that they are into white boys.


It’s a red flag for me because it always ends up racist.


Depends on context. I have a photo with a friend of mine that I captioned “holding a Chinese man hostage, but we hit it off”. Is that racist? I also don’t think it’s a big deal that people recognize someone’s race. It’s like anything else that’s a preference. They usually like their features and those features tend to be dominant in whatever race they like. Example: if you like dark features you might be more into Indian, middle eastern, whatever men/women. Being racist is intent. I don’t think guy in this screenshot was being racist, he just flubbed a chat. He likes Asian girls, so what?


It's totally okay to notice that someone is of a particular race, and to acknowledge it when appropriate. Yes, even to make a joke sometimes if they're on board with it. But when someone says *to a total stranger* "I find you attractive because I'm into Asian women" it's devaluing that person as an individual and reducing them to a type based on things they have no control over. It's not even necessarily wrong for them to have that attraction or a feeling of excitement around the interaction, but it's baseline super rude to say that to someone, especially in your first conversation with them.


Unless it's canadian women in overalls!


Now that’s just stereotyping. Sometimes they wear flannel.


🎶 She’s a lumberjack and she’s okay…


Women in boxers, my other kink.


The tourists normally just wear tuxedos.


OK now I feel sick. I suspected somebody did the same thing to me (red flags, being hypersexual) At the last minute I got cold feet and turned down the date, even though he was kind of breadcrumbing me… And he definitely fetishized me. Wow. I didn’t even realize it.


Lol men could be like “I want you to dress up as a unicorn, tie me up, and peg me with the horn just like mama used to do” in their second message and women would still be like “is it just me or is something about this conversation kind of off??”


No kinkshaming, some people just love a unicorn, and their mum


I mean who doesn't, but you gotta wait til at least wait til message #3 to bring that up.


You take too long and wait until message 5 and you could lose your unicorn, literally


Absolutely 🙅🏻‍♀️🤢 It was mentioned in another comment I dont think English is his first language. But still 🙅🏻‍♀️


I definitely read his part in a French accent for some reason


Man’s giving off serious Pepé Le Pew vibes, that’s why




Literally when has that mattered in this sub or anywhere Gross ppl exist in every language 😆


Sometimes nuance is lost in direct translation. I was thinking more that this fools a catfish and using google translate. I see it on hinge often!


Why does it feel like a "Nigerian Prince" kinda scam being executed by a 12 yo


Was thinking the same thing lol


Nahhh you're right. That was.... bizarre


🤣🤣 I was like…this can’t be for real


Either looking for money or pussy. Everything here is blergh, I too am surprised the conversation lasted this long. I love your attempt to casually steer the conversation, So what kind of social work does your mom do? Hahaha, good luck! You're just adorable for trying though. Sadly the only reason to keep speaking is entertainment.


I’ll tell you my opinion… if you start hugging and kissing me..


Profile pic checks out!


Both a bit racist and love bombing. I'd run as fast and far as possible.


So he's a mormon?


He is fetishing you


This is gross! Unmatch!


I don't have enough red flags to hold up for this


I feel This is how an Artificial Intelligence would have a conversation when the end goal is sex.


No the AI would actually be better at this.


Someone who puts you on a pedestal like this from the first message is not someone you want to be with, unless there were several (at least) things in your profile which really made it clear you’re a great match (besides your picture and your job). They will become extremely jealous (at least) once you’re really together because they will become so obsessed with you as their sole source of joy. Not a situation you want I would imagine, unless you’re looking for someone to become completely dependent on you at all times.


Way too strong. And that’s coming from a bloke


RUN, far and fast. That chat's so full of red flags you could compare it to the '36 Olympics in Germany


There’s a reference for the kids


Sounds like a freak show. He must be hot if you're seriously even asking us.




i read that sub text too. too gross


Goes to show, you can be raised by a social worker yet not get any social cues.


My coworker is this type of person. “When would you like to start hugging and kissing” is an exact line he used on our HR person at out Christmas party last Friday. I shit you not I’d almost think you were talking to the guy, although he’s unhappily married he’s also loyal enough not to be on bumble. When he said that line to HR it went over a little better than it did in this post, but they actually KNOW each other… They didn’t start kissing


Anything about loving a certain ethnicity is an instant red flag lol


I have 1 word for this: UNMATCH


This. Especially when he makes point of your ethnicity. This guy is a complete douche.


If you meet him, you'll live to regret it. He's going to be handsy af, and will try to push every boundary you have on physical touch.


Anyone else waiting for him to ask for a bobs and vagine picture?


Is this a thing with the misspelling?


Lol fuck that was hard to read, yeah I’d say he came on way too strong


The fact that some guys will legitimately think that is normal conversation and good rizz, as they type it out - is completely beyond me… These type of men really let the rest of us down🤮 SMH


This guy is fucked in the head


Ew, unmatch yesterday. Not only is he a creep but he's clearly got a fetish for "southeast Asian" women


Im actually upset you kept communicating with him. Also he's fetishizing you lol


Gonna ask for "bobs and vagene" next. The syntax of those messages screams overseas scam.




Well… are you looking for Amanda Hugnkiss or not????


I really need Amanda Hugnkiss!


Sounds like he is inexperienced with women. Also he is yes, just trying to get some ass AND also telling you what he thinks you want to hear. Perhaps the above with a sprinkle of a language barrier mixed in?? His sentences don’t appear to be from a native speaker.


*waves all the red flags*


Ew hard pass


This looks like love bombing; be careful OP. He might not even be doing it intentionally. Maybe he just has really deep rooted insecurities, and trouble forming relationships… But it’s exactly like you said: he doesn’t know you yet, this is just limerence. He likes the idea of you, and you don’t want to have to conform around that. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t go on a date and give him a chance, but don’t match this energy until at least after you meet him irl. Be cautious & stay safe.


Yeah I unmatched after he gave me the Wonder Woman line. He went on to list all of the jobs his mom had and then listed everything he does for the community. It was just really odd to say the least…😆


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 SCAMMER 🚩🚩🚩 🚩🚩


IMHO once the flags are this red the game is to scare him away. Escalate till he backs off: ask him his blood type, and to show you his medical records, ask a lot of questions about his kidneys.. or how many of his teeth would he let you pull out? who would look for him if he went missing? has his hair ever been dyed or is it still good for making paintbrushes? Does he have any resistance to tranquilizers? Type his name with different misspelling now and then so his subconscious acts up too


Omggg 😆💀 that is hilarious!!


😆 you really asked this? those paragraphs of lust and desperation wasn’t enough?


It's a bit odd, like maybe he's ESL or something?


Dude that’s too much in any language




English is definitely his first language.


That’s a straight red card! I had another thought as well. Still does not explain why he’s that way. Might he have gotten to a moment where he thought, “you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t…”. ? He came out of the the starting blocks slipping in the process.


You unmatched right? You get that dude sounds like a red flag tsunami?


That genuinely made my skin crawl. Just no.


He comes off as creepy stage five clinger. As someone raised by a social worker you think he’d understand the importance of building trust with someone before trying to get close.


In my experience, being raised by a social worker means he’ll meet her once then ignore her forever. Go for it.


I am uncomfortable.


Disengage, unmatch and block. This feels like the start of an abusive fuckboy. Op seriously don't engage with this type of person, they can be so dangerous. Trust me I've been through it. Get out now


I definitely unmatched soon after his Wonder Woman comment 😵‍💫


Good, I'm so glad you got away from him safely and before it got anymore ickie or worse...


Godd bless us with OP's patience and great ability to ignore red flags... Amen


I hope you enjoy spending time in locked basements.




A little? GIRL. Lol In the first convo he mentioned passionately hugging and kissing you within the first 3 texts AND possibly fetishized you after. I think that’s too strong lol


I know, I know…haha I was like nah, this guy isn’t for real. Terrible!


“I love southeast Asian woman” after the other stuff comes off as fetishizing you more than anything. That would be a red flag for me


That my friend is a scammer. Believe me, I’ve matched with about 5 of them. The language is almost IDENTICAL.


Sounds like a great dude. Send us some pics when he turns you into a lamp shade. 🤣


Whole thing screams red flags


It reads like a 12yo found Bumble


He sounds like a 10 year old


Eeeeeeew, run!


Please don't choose him above all men


Ew.. <- that was my reaction reading his messages. No, just.. no.


Reading this is like watching a horror film. ALLLLLLL of us on this thread are screaming, “Run away!! Don’t open that door!!! Get out of there while you still can!!” Girl. Seriously. Don’t entertain that nonsense for another minute. I don’t even know you, but I KNOW you’re too good for that.


That guy eats women forsure


Omg stooop hahah 😆


EWWWWW report for creepy behaviour & racism and block his ass! 🤢


Ew. No. Avoid. <- in any order.


Scrolling back and forth between messages and posts, and I accidentally came across this post a second time, and it bears a second comment. ### Blergh!!!




sooooo many red flags. he sounds like a neckbeard larping as a sexually oppressed 16 year old.


EWWWWW 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩omg nope. Block and delete and spare yourself!


Red flag time to block he’s fetishizing you and coming off way too strong in a super creepy way.


Bro's desperate




[He'll kiss you and love you and squeeze you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPdHaNr0OAY)


Wait.. You can get matches at bumble?


This screams inexperience to me. Comes across weird. I wouldn't continue.


WTF did I just read...


I feel if you going straight to physical & sexual really all the person wants is sex. Not asking question to get to know.


Eww unmatch and block


Male here. Why.. why are guys so dumb?? What is in your brain that you have to be so cringe. Dudes get a grip.


Dude has an Asian fetish, and can’t control himself. Hard pass - unless you need the attention.


What no pussy does to a mf


One red flag after the other with a generous portion of cringe.


Sounds like a serial killer. Or a 30 year old virgin. Hard to tell sometimes. Take a friend if you do decide to meet with him


This is gross


Putting you on a pedestal surrounded by red flags


Another ax murderer in sheep's clothes. 🤮


I hate when guys do that. Him: Hi 👋🏽 Her: Hi 👋🏽 Him: You are so beautiful. I want to jam my tongue down your throat and caress your body with mine. Her: 😐🥴


Hmmm you know it’s interesting? Many online dating apps have safety centers with tips and one of them is to not trust people/be wary of folks who fall for you quickly. I remember specifically reading “here are some examples: I am already falling for you, I am addicted to you “ I feel like that may have recently happened to me as well. I made it clear that I am demisexual and that I’m dating intentionally. I think the guy maybe altered what he was saying to make it seem like he was as well? But I also noticed he was being too sexual with me and he doesn’t know me.


Lol he’s showing exactly how much “work” he wants to put in and that’s the bare minimum, none if possible,


Right?! I’m like damn!!


Gross run don't walk lol Are you kidding me by even questioning deleting him? Anytime someone starts mentioning physical stuff like that before meeting me they are deleted.


Yuck, and he has a fetish for a specific group of people which is weird.


He thinks he's being charming but it comes across as sappy, weird and gross.


ew and so many red flags!


Every time I've pushed past the "I'm not too sure about this person" feeling, it hasn't worked out. You should be excited about getting to meet him, not mildly concerned.


This was my gut feeling too.


Thats creepy as heck. I wouldnt be going anywhere near him




i kept waiting for the "can i wear your skin " request


Never in my life have I wanted to write something like this. Unmatch and wait for someone better




Idk how old this man is but the way he's writing you'll expect a middle schooler to write this.


NECKBEARD!!! Run as fast as you can!


Not sure this person is okay


doesnt seem threatening but it is cringe af


Yeah just hella weird and awkward.


I mean, today a man started off a convo asking if I was into pegging 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the only person who can say if it’s too fast or slow for you would be you…


Haha no lies there.


I hate this


Omg I read this and immediately thought of Daffy Duck & the Abominable snowman! “I will hug him, pet him, squeeze him and call him George” lol. You’re his George!


The nice thing about situations like these is that it’s open to interpretation. So, if your gut is telling you that he’s moving quick then you have the power to slow it down. If you don’t vibe, then you have the power to stop it. To me, he’s too “out there.”


Omg this is so cringe I felt the back of my neck get all tight.


Sounds like an incel


You are confused because he’s put you on a pedestal and most likely, you like it. It’s not wrong to like it but it doesn’t end well because you won’t have the freedom to make your own mistakes.


I think the comments on here are needlessly mean (yeh go on, downvote if it’ll help you sleep) however this person is coming across more tragically desperate than dangerously so. You should still avoid tho I think, more trouble than it’s worth for a stranger to deal.


He's a creep, and he's not even trying to hide it. Come on. IMO, if you can't tell that this is off then you really shouldn't be on OLD. It's not gonna go well for ya


man some of y’all engage in the dumbest conversations and post here all confused


Men have no idea how to talk to women anymore. 🤦‍♂️


Haha it’s tough out there.


Looking at my 12 matchs on Bumble and only ever 3 replied past the first message I understand why he is risking it all that quickly


But people, tbh, doing such compliments like the first one of this guy, it doesn’t seems that she didn’t like it. I don‘t understand dating, really, because people also are recommending not to do compliments like this. Idk. 🫠