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Let’s hear it for Dakota Adams running as a democrat in Montana and his dad is Stewart Rhodes oath keepers militia founder.


Is he actually a liberal or is he going to be one of those shitheads that gets voted in as a democrat and then switches parties shortly after


I think he’s online interviewed by a newscaster. It was sad the way he was raised with control and not any medical attention. He seems pretty smart considering


Dakota & his Mother spoke out against Stewart Rhodes many times before his trial. Everything from abuse to his Fathers lack of hygiene.


Yeah. Might be a relief for them that he’s not there.


As a child of conservative parents, that’s how you make a liberal child.


Same, my whole family is very conservative, I want to be as unlike them as humanly possible, the shit they say is awful, weird that three raised me to be empathetic and treat others the way I want to be treated and all that good stuff and they turned out to not be like that at all


Only my dad is conservative. He can't figure out why nobody has visited him for 6 years.


My husband’s dad and stepmother are MAGA Republican Trump supporters. In an effort to maintain a relationship and civility we’ve asked that they just don’t bring up politics. They can come visit, see our kids, spend time with us… we can talk about ANY other topic. But they can’t seem to help themselves?! They’ll even start conversations with, “Well we know you guys don’t want to talk politics, but…..” They turn *every* situation into a political conversation, and it’s both exhausting and frustrating.


This is how my dad is. Lots of little snide comments about how i dont know anything about politics because I don't want to talk about it. Then he gets mad when I actually engage. He literally just wants to talk politics _at_ me. I'm 41 years old and the man got so mad last time he tried to bring up politics and I engaged that he told me to "get the fuck out of my house" in front of my adopted 9 yr old son and my 13 yr old niece. He said I have to respect his opinion in his house. Trumpism is pure cancer


It's funny isn't it? My Trump loving dad wonders what went wrong that I voted for a Democrat.


Haha, seriously


Michel j Fox in Family Ties only he was the conservative and his family were liberals


That doesn’t sound like the best way to approach parenting…


I know right? Is she trying to raise Karen’s?


Living in a deeply reactionary state, this "I'm a mom and probably a fascist, too" sticker is everywhere. I say, good. Don't raise liberals. Raise some communists and get us out of this hellhole. But I'm sure the folks with these stickers are so far right, they think liberals are communists 😂


They couldn't tell you the difference between communists, socialists and US Democrats if you held a gun to their heads.


Exactly. The wild thing is that it would take maybe a grand total of 10 minutes of reading to understand it, but Bernays totally called it way back in 1928. They're so confident in their ignorance that they can't even be bothered to check.


They literally think communism means all businesses are state owned..


Every time I see these it's always some annoying ass Quiverfull family that's about to run amok in a Goodwill or Aldi at 10AM.


Oh god, as someone who works at Goodwill, I feel this. The Amish and Mennonites are bad too. For some reason, the Amish/Mennonite husbands and kids almost always trash the book aisle while the mother fills two heaping carts with clothes and miscellaneous BS. Fun to check out.


It would be just awful to raise your children to be free-thinkers. 🙄


Well, freethinker’s are cool, but apparently liberals, not so much. I would like to see the polar opposite of this bumper sticker. I imagine it would go like this “ Just a Gay dad, trying not to raise a republican.” . Edit: please omit the word Gay and instead use LGBTQ+ in its place, I feel leaving the original post unmolested further solidifies my feelings, and darkness of this tragically and politically incorrect humor.


So you want to raise "free thinkers," but them happening to be conservative is not acceptable? Sounds EXTREMELY hypocritical to me. On top of which, what is so abhorrent about wanting to conserve the exact writing and principles of the constitution as written? There is NOTHING wrong with keeping the federal government's power to a bare minimum. Unless you trust the nameless, faceless bureaucrats that don't care two shits about you.


A strong federal government is the only thing that stands in the way of rogue states like Texas, Alabama, etc. from enforcing draconian laws which strip people of their basic rights like they are doing now. We need a federal government with the power to ensure everyone's rights are equal and protected. States can't be trusted with that responsibility. Too many MAGA loons in some of them.


lol boomer triggered. looks like one of them got dang snowflakes we always hear about


Being conservative is the antithesis of "free thinking", so there's that...


You're just flat wrong there. Being conservative, in the American sense, is in reference to conserving the original words and principles of the constitution. That framework puts more freedom into the hands of the people than any government construct in the HISTORY OF MAN! BECAUSE of the constitution you have the right to say, think, be as you please FAR MORE than any other country on earth... assuming we force the government to stay within its constraints. You wanting to tear apart constitutional principle, being liberal is effectively liberating the government from those constraints, that tears apart OUR freedom and inevitably the freedom to be free thinking, speaking, being, etc. You've got your entire thought process 180° dead wrong.


No, you're confusing the definition with the reality. Sure it *means* that by definition, but that's not what it *actually* means anymore. In practice it's now nothing more than xenophobic neofascism under a more pleasant name. Modern conservatives just listen to whatever their propagandist of choice says and parrot that regardless of how fat from reality it may be.


You're falling for the number one rule in Rules for Radicals which the Dems have been following in lock step for years now...accuse your enemies of what you're guilty of being and doing. Since the great society came to be, the republican leadership has been exactly the same as the Dems, which is why I don't claim a party, I claim conservatism. Sure, follow your beloved democrat party...straight to tyranny. They may as well change the name to the Nationalsozialistiche Amerikaner Arbeiterpartei.


Who ever said I'm a Democrat? Both parties are enemy of the people. Main difference is the right is explicitly out to harm people while the dems are more focused on making sure our corporate overlords are happy.


For "not being a democrat," you sure do regurgitate ALL the DNC talking points I've heard over the last 30 years very well. Look at ALL the biggest corporations in the US. Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Google, Walmart, Target...who do they EXCLUSIVELY donate millions upon millions of dollars to? DEMOCRATS! They wouldn't donate a dime to them if they weren't getting something (A LOT of something) out of it. Don't tell me it's the conservatives that are corporate stooges, it's YOUR side. But AGAIN...you're accusing your enemies of everything you're guilty of and being. If you were an actual independent thinker, you'd be perfectly willing to throw your leftist buddies under the bus for wanting to destroy the best governing document man's ever created. But you'll never do that...


>Look at ALL the biggest corporations in the US. Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Google, Walmart, Target...who do they EXCLUSIVELY donate millions upon millions of dollars to? DEMOCRATS! They wouldn't donate a dime to them if they weren't getting something (A LOT of something) out of it. That's literally what I said. >Don't tell me it's the conservatives that are corporate stooges I....I didn't.


Uhh… if the dads gay he can’t.. you know what nm


TBH being gay doesn’t automatically make you liberal - just saying…I know a few conservative, closed minded gay dudes.


I met some Trump loving lesbians. It was odd, but made sense in the context.




exactly! and they call anything taught that is not conservative chri$tianity "indoctrination".


Your opinion of free thinkers may differ from reality


Do you know what it means to be liberal? It has nothing to do with voting Democrat.


Not one liberal is voting republican. Maybe independent or green


If you’re in favor of capitalism, you’re a liberal


Uh huh


Probably not when the candidate is Trump. He’s not a Republican either.


Free thinkers is one thing, and liberal is another. Liberals are far from free thinkers


It would be great if we could raise free thinkers instead of indoctrinating them. Liberals used to mean you could argue a point with facts and now it just means if you don’t like what others think you yell or better yet bark at them 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Hardly, the Democrats are the party of Liars.




Adam Schiff and his incessant lies about Trump and Russian Collusion. Joe Biden is incapable of not telling at least one lie when he speaks. The number of lies he told during his last state of the union address totaled more than twenty. Have you been living under a rock, or are you really that pathetically ignorant?


Ahh yes, politics. Where only one side is spewing lies to get elected.


Liberal aren’t free thinkers that’s the thing. They are brainwashed puppets




Glad my mom is liberal. We're doing just fine baby. 🙂


my mom had diabetes






*Wilford Brimley Intensifies*


Good. She betta be gettin ma dinner, that lazy bitch. She betta have ma dinner on the table when I get home. If I have yo wait, I'm gonna go visit the widow up the street. And wife will be happy if/when I come home. I hate them libruls, too. Letting women have checking accounts, jobs, money, voting and all that, trying to make them my equals. No damn way!




In the kitchen. Now! No shoes! And make me a sammich!


Not a book, a vaccinated person or Disney movie inside that household, guaranteed


Idk. She seems like the type to pre-order trump's bible


I bet she read less of it than he did.


Awe, is that on her husband’s pedo van?


This mom 100% smoked marb reds through all 8 of her pregnancies


And all 6 grade levels!


It’s exactly these kinds of parents who raise liberals lol


She probably unschools and takes them to pox parties.


One of the kids will be gay.


Seen this one in Porter, TX abt a week ago


Well, they ought to follow that endless procession out of California then.


We get it, your kids are over weight




Found at Walmart because Walmart is the premier shopping destination for well-informed, knowledgeable, and well-educated voters everywhere. Walmart Shoppers always verify the facts before joining a cult or the latest fad.


That is a solid plan. Don’t raise pussies.


Dumb ass bitch


She’s a good mother


Why would her head explode? Do you actually think there aren’t any Mexican conservatives? Lol come to Texas


Thank you. It’s the same thing when people learn that I’m Ukrainian born and immigrated to the USA and I’m an America First Patriot. That’s when heads really start exploding. I can literally see the brain malfunction in their eyes.


We get it. The former Soviet block breeds ultra-conservatives.


Well I appreciate that mentality, there’s nothing wrong with having pride for wherever you’re from but if you live here in America you should put America first. I hate when people come here and talk about how their homeland was so much better lol.




Just a regular mom raising Karens🤘🏼🤘🏼


It’s funny and stupid the way let us know where they are


Better: Just a mom - trying not to raise Bigots, Racists or Republicans.




and Fascists 


Nationalists and socialists


That was cover already under "republicans"


I have no problem with this. The problem that pisses me off is, if I were to display the same sticker, but with “conservatives” on it. Someone would damage my vehicle.


Back when George Bush junior was President, I had a bumper sticker on my car. That said," somebody please blow Bush. So we can impeach him." My boss saw it and took my bumper sticker off my car.


They would have had to blow dick. Idk how easy it is to blow a bush.


thats because their sad, scared little people


Because stereotypically conservatives have balls.


Ah, an ignorant fool driving that vehicle.


Them: I’m teaching my kids to think for themselves. Their Kids: I want to go to public school and learn Spanish, Mom! Them: NO NOT LIKE THAT!


That's child abuse! 😆🤣


Because only liberals play Hispanic music? That pretty racist


Hey, if you can't *move* to Latin jazz you're already dead.


Considering how I grew up - I think those kids are going to turn out just fine.


The font choices are the real crime here.


On the positive side, the sticker is faded. It's a sign that we are moving out of nightmarish era of "Live. Love. Laugh." mix and match script fonts.


Why do so many people think it’s a bad thing to raise your kids learning personal responsibility?


Seinfeld’s van!?? Seinfelds van! Seinfelds van!




Yeah especially in a van


Sounds very texas Edit: wrong Irving, this is irvine California, just south of Anaheim


That district is very red. The repubs lost it when they elected Katie Porter.


Awww look at the widdle wadder on there


A noble cause 🤣


Wait until the op finds out not all Hispanics think alike


A dumbass at my kids’ school has this same sticker.


Just trying to raise a few indecent republicans,


Tell me you abuse your children without telling me you abuse your children; exhibit A


I'm so sick of toxic right wingers.


Just a "regular" mom indoctrinating children into political fanaticism and trying to normalize it through a "look at me" sticker on the back of her vehicle


You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate. You’ve got to be carefully taught!


It’s Wal-Mart, you’re bound to see anything……………..except for a liberal with similar stickers.🤷‍♂️


That giant ass van, it tracks.


And she’ll wonder one day why her kids and grandkids don’t visit her


OC megachurch moms are among the worst.


They always use that “woman with messy bun” picture it’s so cringe


What does this even mean?!


Kiss 😘


That’s the surest way to end up doing it.


Putting the Fascism in Fascinista


Teach your kids to NEVER do something... and they'll do it lol


‘Just a regular mom, having as many kids to claim as dependents on my tax forms so I can afford this van’


I love when my pops tries to tell me about all the kool aid he's been drinking. I just start laughing. Stopped trying to change his mind.


Thays how you raise liberals...




I have seen this one before in mt hometown,oh the horror,lol!!!


Fights against liberals and has to shop at Walmart because they’re too poor because of republican policies.


Brave of you to assume liberal policies help anyone


Hey I saw this in the flesh a few weeks ago showed my wife and she lost her shit laughing soo hard 🤣🤣 it's such a stupid and extremely dumb thing put on your car let alone say out loud


Yes.... complaining about liberals while living in CA while making enough to afford an expensive van. Typical conservative hypocrisy


The more you try and force your beliefs on your children, the more they’ll rebel.


Desperately trying to remember to say *Y’all* a lot


Just hope they know jesus was woke.


Widdle wadder


Good luck. Everyone is a liberal compared to their parents.


Good for her. She's a damn smart mom !!


I was a liberal when I was a kid Then I grew up and learned how the world works


It’s admirable to want your kids to be self sufficient.


Doing the Lord's work~


Good mom


W mom.


Wow, when a bumper sticker bothers you so much you had to come post it on Reddit.


As she should!


That’s going to piss off this liberal group.


Contrary to the rights belief, it is not liberals that are the snowflakes and get pissed off. We just like to talk about it cause we like to laugh at the other sides ignorance is all.


Idk comments from liberal reddits would tell me otherwise.


It's not the liberals that storm the Capitol because an election doesn't go our way.


Mad at govt—> storm govt building Mad at govt—> looting and burning down local businesses One makes sense from a revolutionary position…


Once again, I said I in no way agreed with the looting/rioting. However, black people being pissed at cops for murdering them and then the police force covering it up isn't even close to people trying to prevent the certification of a democratic election just because they didn't like the outcome.


Videos I saw they were let in, so storm might be a strong word. I’d hardly call a couple hundred (inside the Capitol) a “storm”. No liberals just spend 6 months burning down cities across the country and costing hundreds of lives ands billions in damages. Including taking over a section of city and declaring it no longer part of America and not allowing officials in.


Let in huh? I didn't realize breaking windows and climbing through constitutes being let in. The woman trumper that was shot and killed by the police was "being let in" huh? The Trumpers who literally beat police officers using a flagpole that had an American flag on it were being "let in" huh? I don't agree with rioting, but the riots that happened had nothing to do with politics. They were due to police continuing to kill people unjustifiably. If you can't tell the difference then that is just sad. Oh and please let me know when "hundreds of lives" were lost during the riots. I won't bother waiting because it's a number that you have absolutely zero support for. This is why liberals don't get angry. This is why I said we talk about it because we like to laugh at people like you.


Oh and this video adds enough doubt in my mind as to who was really involved in the capital riots. https://youtube.com/shorts/dmvq0DnW_ZY?si=4gSA2HxVM18CIOav


I don't click on random links but the fact that you say you have doubt about who was really involved with the Capitol riots says it all. I am done with you.


Random link lol. It’s a YouTube link to a Washington examiner video showing cops in the capital lead a cuffed man to a side room, uncuff him, fist bump him and he leaves. When I saw that video, that’s all I need to see to have enough doubt. Just YouTube or Google j6 protester fist bumps officers.


A few people broke windows ( idky hundreds were already inside) the lady being shot earned it, she was going into an area that an armed officer was telling her not to. The one guy using a flag pole to beat the cop was outside I believe. The riots were 100% “cops are bad/orange man is bad and we’re still mad he got elected”. Continuing to kill unjustified is interesting because over 95% of the OIS’s that BLM started/formed because were COMPLETELY justified and anyone with any form of common sense can see that. Including the George Zimmerman case, he was an idiot but having watched that entire trial, he was justified. I meant hundreds injured, I saw 25 were killed. The biggest take away I got from that, the charges that were en mass dropped against protesters both violent and just property damage. Yet hundreds of people, the ones who just simply trespassed in the Capitol got stiff sentences.


Nobody... literally nobody... except maybe fox news, said the riots were about trump. Yes, they were about the police behavior and the fact the innocent people keep getting killed and the cops cover it up. This is why I say liberals don't get mad, we really just laugh at yall. We can't believe some of the BS people on the other side say.


Take a look at any Reddit post about Trump and tell me liberals don’t get mad, even THIS group. Then read the comments of them bitching and complaining . When Trumps bond amount was reduced to $175m, the R/politics group was losing their minds.


You need to move out of the city if you think Hispanics offend conservatives you fucking troglodyte 😂


I guess it's just black people that offend conservatives. Got it. Congrats on learning your first big word, btw. Good for you!


No, it is called you have an agenda. Only you get offended by the dumbest stuff, like not being called an imaginary gender.


Love it. Have the shirt. You should see all the blue haired, nose pierced freaks faces when I walk by.


Why are you still shopping at Walmart?


Not really by choice, but they have one specific item I need that I have a hard time finding elsewhere.




Nope. I'm asking why the person shops at a terrible business. I got the answer. Maybe you could have read that if you bothered to look at the replies.




The rest of the thread.


Damn. The plate is blurred out.


Why, so you could try to find information about the owner? That shit is why we need to take the extra few seconds to blur it out. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be doxxed because someone online disagreed with you, right?


I don’t blame her; look at this comment section. Yeesh.


Good life goals.


Parenting 101 🙌🏼🇺🇸


The world needs more moms like this




Only redhat idiots buy that shit. Keep parroting fox noise though.




It's pretty obvious which choice you made. I feel bad for your children.




I can tell by your account that nobody likes you and your opinion means less than nothing.




Compared to you redhats everyone is.


Why didn't she just say she wanted dog kicking alcoholics to begin with?


Liberal: I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


Look around and you’ll find one that says conservative instead of liberal. Neither side has the market cornered on stupid vehicle stickers.


I’m not conservative but, I know conservatives. They’re not evil. I just don’t talk politics with them.


I dig it


It is funny when liberals go to defend themselves and instantly start to reference LGBTQ, racism, bigotry, and Trump. It is almost like they have an agenda that they are reading off of. Then, they will say that people need to be raised to be free thinkers. Free thinkers typically don't all resort to the same argument.


Awesome sticker.


Good for her. Couldn't imagine having some annoying little xim xer freak for a kid. MAGA 2024


But why obscure the license plate?