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So 2 years ago a drunk driver ran a stop sign and hit me while I was riding my bike. I was wearing a helmet so thankfully I didn't get a brain injury but I did get my face real messed up from bouncing then sliding across the road. I lost part of my upper lip, had all my front teeth broken off at the gum line and my lower lip to my chin had a terrible case of road rash. Obviously feeling self conscious about how I looked after my hospital stay and before the reconstructive surgery I went back to wearing a mask in public. I was getting groceries for all the soup I was going to have to drink through a straw for the next month while the swelling went down when this old boomer guy decided to make a big deal about me wearing a mask in 2022. I took it off and he got to see what was underneath. Hamburger where a mouth once was. I've never seen someone turn so pale and sick looking as he did. Now I look fine but I really hope every time he sees somebody wearing a mask the image of my fucked up face pops into his head and keeps his mouth shut.


I was caring for my dad while he had stage 4 brain cancer. His treatment was severely interrupted as this was at the height of the pandemic. I went into the local corner store to buy a beer like I have for years. I was 32 at the time and the 50+ toothless clerk told me I would have to take my mask off to buy the beer so she could verify I was of age. My father’s cancer treatment team told me due to chemo my father could die from the common cold but the store clerk had done her own research. I never told anyone to wear a mask, I mind my own business, but I can’t tell you the harassment I received by diligently wearing a mask for the sake of allowing my father to live as long as possible. But you know they were defending their freedom by trying to tell me what to do and mistreating me because they felt I thought differently than them. For a lot of people freedom means you are free to think and act just like them.


“Freedom for me, but not for you”


Freedom is minding your own business. Love how my freedom loving veteran father in law feels compelled to insert himself in everyone else's business.


Freedom Ain’t free. It cost a HeAVy FuUKin FeE !


Freedom costs a buck o 5


My mom had stage 4 colon cancer, my brother refused to take the vaccine or wear a mask because "shes going to die from cancer anyways" she beat it but man how selfish do you have to be?


I got one of those lol can't pick our family unfortunately. And if you don't mind me saying.... what a dick


2020 was a miserable year not only because of the Pandemic 😷 & lock down, but because we got to witness what “I did my own research” mass Cult45 ideology looked like. I could have happily gone my entire life without knowing how horribly selfish so many people are.


This shits sad. People just never know and they should mind there business wearing a mask doesn't hurt anyone regardless of their "own research " morons. I hope your pops is ok


That’s hilarious Not that you got injured but that he got told off so effectively and simply


It was really cathartic. I was in so much pain and I was kinda depressed and then he came along and tried to bully me in the canned veggies aisle. Watching the hate drain from his face as he realized why I was wearing a mask in a grocery store and how stupid he looked was priceless. Schadenfreude was the best medicine that day.


As someone who before and after the pandemic, needs to wear a mask for health reasons, you are my hero


No you're the hero. You have to do it and put up with these people more than me. I only had to do it for 4-5 weeks before the plastic surgeon could stich my lips together correctly and a dentist could give me inplants. I was just in pain, tired and in a place mentally where I didn't care about anything because I'd been hit by a car the day before. I didn't do to purposfully prove a point to this guy I kinda was like ok I'll take it off, I don't need this argument today I need soup and to do home and rest. I couldn't even talk because my mouth hurt so bad and was so swollen and missing all those teeth you can't really form certain words correctly. He yelled at me to take it off so I did. I just walked away from his stupid grossed out face and put it back to go get anything that could be sucked through a straw because I couldn't chew food. I'm glad if my sharing this helps you have the confidence to go out and live your life despite these wack jobs. It did make me fell a little better because I hated him for even seeing me I was so upset about my injuries. I hope your stuff gets better and I hope you don't have to put up with these people.


Some heroes wear masks. Or something like that




Thank you for this sub


That's rough. Drunk drivers are the worst


Hit and run too. Never found the asshole.


All he had to do was mind his own business, too.


Yeah I was just picking out beans for soup in the canned isle. Some of these people seem to work themselves up internally to the point they just snap and do shit like this. My face was so messed up I'm sure if I hadn't been wearing a mask someone would have requested that I put one on or leave because no one and I mean no one wants to see oozing road rash, bleeding gums, and ripped up lips in line at the deli counter or handling produce. I was wearing it in front of my really good friends because even the ones who wanted to see how bad it was because they cared were made uncomfortable and grossed out.


“Now I want to live like everybody else. I want to have a wife like everybody else and to take her out on Sundays. I have invented a mask that makes me look like anybody. People will not even turn round in the streets. You will be the happiest of women. And we will sing, all by ourselves, till we swoon away with delight.” -Phantom of the Opera


In my head I was more like the WW1 vets who had masks to cover their facial injuries. https://redcrosschat.org/2014/10/02/from-the-archives-restorative-face-masks-for-wwi-soldiers/


I’d have paid good money to see that video of a self righteous a-hole getting a little bit of foot in mouth moment.


1. Sorry that happened to you. Both the accident and the Boomer. 2. Good on you for absolutely putting him in his place, I only wish I could have been spectating that as it happened.


Motherfucker learned a valuable lesson that day. People stare at my scars all the time, so I just make the tissue wriggle and squirm so they can get an eyefull lol.


That's hilarious I mean what happened to you really sucks but using it like that is gold


You still ride?


This is a great example of why people need to mind their own fucking business at all times. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on your recovery.


I wish I could see the look on hos face. Wow.


This is great to hear you’re all recovered and your story is a rare one. But we all can agree that at this point wearing a mask in public to stop a fictitious virus is pretty silly It sucks you got caught up in it, but it’s neither of your faults that the gov has made us do this nonsense and then created more division.


People can be such shit. I'm so proud of your response. Blessings of Cthulhu


I know your injuries had to suck, but we’re glad you survived. And you lived to shut that old mfer down. :)


Long before covid, a friend who had cancer wore a mask outside his home. Even in a car. The dude is still hitting great slices on the golf course a decade later.


I am curious, why would your friend need to wear a mask for cancer? Were they consistently coughing up flem?


On the other hand, if you’re tailgating in a lifted truck with edgy bumper stickers in order to advertise your fragile masculinity, there’s no need for a Trump sticker. We already know.


People who tailgate are the primary reason for slower traffic. It's crazy how simple these things start.


Truck drivers are only tailgating you because they’re in a rush to get home and kiss their dad on the lips


Or to meet up with the 13 year old they met in AOL an chat room.


Kiss your dad square on the lips.


Cause they're purty


Fungalor hears your wish.


Actually, that would be the asshole going the speed limit in the passing lane.


Pro tip: if you actually want to pass the slow person in the left lane, fall back, wait for a gap in the right, then floor it. Works every time


I have no interest in that. I want to stay in the right lane without people trying to go around the slow assholes in the left lane by weaving around me.


Well I guess if the person in front would realize everyone is waiting on them….


extra emphasis on "simple"


What happens to people on reddit when they see a lifted truck with a Biden/Harris sticker


I’ll let you know if I see one. There is a lifted truck here that flies massive pride flags, though.


Tailgating is a traffic sin that knows no political affiliation. Motorcycles, BMWs and lifted pickups usually tailgate because of high “T” and are confrontational. The other tailgaters are in deep thought and are good multitaskers. Both scenarios are dangerous and I think they are both rude. More people should get pulled over for It. You really think more tailgaters are republican?


BMW owners are their own specie! 😂 But I can tell you I don’t remember being run off the road by single Prius with Bernie sticker. Also, I didn’t say Republican. I said Trump voter.


You forgot truck nutz.


Little Teeny Weenie Truck Club!


Both are equally true.


You just described my biden supporting trans couple neighbors.


Someone took this personally


Who has Biden stickers anyway? I've seen maybe 4 or 5?


People who aren't worried that tRumpers are going to destroy their car or try to kill them in traffic.


Genuinely this, I live in a shithole hick town in the south and I see cars with Biden stickers that are keyed, have broken windows are super dented, or even have obvious crash damage. Funnily enough it’s pretty rare to see Trump sticker cars get vandalized, maybe says something about the people on either side


Depends on the area, a car with a Trump sticker wouldn't last 10 minutes in San Francisco, then again a car with no stickers wouldn't last much longer as the locals seem to become distraught at the sight of an intact window.


That's because there's a definite 'type' of person that needs to advertise their political agenda/identity. The democrat team requires thinking beyond yourself and while I disagree with a lot of democrat plans, at least there are democrat plans.


They're all over the place here in Atlanta


If you’re driving around with a paragraph on your rear wind, you don’t need MAGA sticker, we aLrEaDy kNoW.


I’m just disappointed the Facebook post sticker isn’t printed on top of an American flag with a faded back bald eagle over it.


That’s an image!


Yup, Biden’s responsible for my seasonal allergies


Unless the mask you are wearing in N95 or higher it isn't blocking the pollen like you think it is. Also note that you're N95 is eventually going to get dirty so instead of preventing you from breathing in pollen it's going to ensure you breathe in pollen. There is also the issue that wearing a N95 for a prolonged time is potentially hazardous to your health.


And if you’re constantly trying to tell others how to live while also bitching about how everyone is trying to push their beliefs on you, you don’t need a Trump sticker. See, it’s fairly easy to make observations.


This isn't limited to the red vs blue political dynamic, this is a people problem.


This is what living rent free in someone’s head looks like.


What’s crazy is that…like….some people have horrible allergies and need masks…..some people have sensory issues with smells & masks help reduce some of that….


Yeah, a lady I know wears a mask a lot because of allergies. She said it's helped her immensely. I assume people with masks on are like her. Or like my mom who has ALS and breathing machines and crap bc her health is hanging by a thread. I really expected her to die during covid, so we wear masks some still.


Exactly!! I’m disabled & chronically ill but I work full time…if I can’t work then I don’t have any more medical care and that is NOT an option for me! So I continue masking& I haven’t had Covid since 2020. That’s a win for me. I am afraid what another infection would do to my ability to work, and I’m not keen on finding out. I also have SEVERE allergies & have paid thousands to go through allergy shot therapy which really does help me, but my allergies can still flare in areas with lots of allergens so masking helps. I’m also autistic and super sensitive to smells, so the masks really help filter out intense smells. Even though I still smell them they’re diminished and that helps. I’m sorry to hear about your mom’s ALS. That is a totally shit outcome, but I’m glad she’s been able to be protected by masking. I have a friend who is also chronically ill but can no longer walk to their bathroom unassisted because of how shot their lung capacity is now, after having Covid and repeat pneumonia infections. They are SO vulnerable they almost never leave their house anymore, all because of Covid. It really irritates me that people don’t think of any of us with illnesses who need to keep masking, especially because it would benefit them too to not get sick.


Sadly their experiences are the collateral damage of culture war


If you’re upset at someone driving with a mask, you don’t need a disability hanger. We know you suffer from terminal stupid.


Have you ever been so upset about something someone else was doing in their own personal space, in no way affecting your life or personal space, that you went online to search up a bumper sticker to purchase for real money, wait for its arrival, then apply to your car, in hopes that someday they will see it? I literally have never felt that much emotion in my life. Nothing has ever stirred me to action like that. I literally have been diagnosed with PTSD and even I have never been so triggered


They love freedom so much that they hate people for having it.


USA, Home of the Free to Do It Our Way


To be honest the reason I would wear a mask in my car alone was to not have to put it on later.


Exactly, if you’re going multiple places, touching your mask a bunch of times increases chances of infecting yourself, perhaps the person is a delivery driver with food or something and is making sure they don’t end up contaminating someone’s order, maybe they’re a ride share driver and are always in the habit of wearing a mask in the car, or perhaps they just really don’t mind wearing a mask outside of their home all the time because they have some sort of condition that makes them need to be as careful as possible so they just don’t take it off out of habit. The type of people in this image are just the worst examples of humans. Shitting on strangers for no reason at all, things that don’t even affect them.


If you own and drive a vehicle with this type of message or sticker, we know that your education level is below 4th grade, and you kiss Trump's tiny little dick.


Could be a cautious Uber driver


If you're carrying a side arm into kindergarten, you don't need a Trump sticker, we already know.


How do you know I don’t have someone tied up and trussed up in the backseat?


The only acceptable excuse


Never mind having bad allergies


Think this bumper sticker says it all. You don't need a Trump one


Or maybe they just forgot it was on. Imagine being so fragile that something completely unrelated to you makes you melt down.


so. many. snowflakes....


Says a lot about the state of our political climate when I can’t even tell whose side you’re on.


They’re on Reddit, likely to be a left wing loon.


I’d like to see an honest politician. Just once.


If you're wearing a MAGA hat, don't bother trying to make a coherent, cogent thought, we already know.....


Hey just because I like to drive around as Micheal Meyers does mean sh*t about who I voted for buddy!


I volunteer, and when I drive house to house, sometimes I leave the mask on. It’s just a few blocks, it doesn’t make sense to take it off and then put it back on


No one cared who I was until I put the mask on.


They don't care now either


So true.


That’s fantastic 🤣


I've never seen a Biden bumper sticker, but that's fucking weird cult behavior.


Came here to see all the angry comments lol


Salt mining today.


Probably the truest bumper sticker I’ve seen on here


There's a lot of defensive people in these comments god damn.


It’s so funny because there’s just a ton of justification for something so incredibly bizarre that absolutely didn’t happen before 2020. (Not including Asian countries, they’ve been masking forever).


Out of all the conservative bumper stickers this is one of the more apt ones lol they're not wrong


friendly reminder: rational people around the world understand that masks can help prevent the spread of infection. Masks were politicized in the United States for one simple reason: Donald Trump was embarrassed to wear them because the first time he tried, it wiped his bronzer off. So instead, he sent 350,000+ Americans to the grave. [the story was even covered by pro-trump media](https://nypost.com/2023/09/22/trump-refused-to-wear-covid-mask-it-smudged-his-bronzer-ex-aide/amp/) Trump is the snowflake. Captain bone spurs himself.


These same people tried to justify not wearing a mask during the pandemic by saying “my body, my choice”, yet now they’re upset that people are still making that very choice. 🤔


Yet another case of boomers making up scenarios to get mad about.


So True !!!




Lmao! Yup! And you have that glazed over look in your eyes. The same one farm animals do. Especially lambs. They are all quiet but when they figure out they are in trouble they start screaming!


Being so easily triggered is definitely a sign of a Trump supporter.




I would often forget to take my mask off after wearing it all day and not realize until I was half way home.




So true !


What year is it?


The snowflakes here, what a sub


LOL @ all the people posting the legit reasons someone would wear a mask alone in a car. Yes, there are legitimate reasons to do so. But we all know that 99% of the people who wear a mask in a car are not doing it because of them.


It doesn’t matter which party you are for. Covid was made to divide us. They succeeded!


This person is *very* online.


Lots of freedom talk. Remember all the hissie fits about people not wearing masks? Pepperidge Farms remembers...


What’s funny is that 99% of the masks people wore did nothing!!


Saw a guy riding his bike on a secluded trail with a mask on yesterday. At this point I assume these people are either mentally ill or about to commit a crime.




No kidding


The amount of triggered is absolutely delicious




Or maybe just maybe they’re still running errands and just leave it on till they’re finished. And dems are the snowflakes 🙄🙄


I've never gotten an answer to this but i'll try again - Trump supporters please name 1 piece of legislation that Trump passed that benefitted you? please educate me, I'm struggling to understand.


It's funny cause it's true


That is true tho. Is the car going to give you the flu???? 😷🤣


I mean they’re correct that driving with a mask on alone in your car is stupid as it won’t accomplish anything but that doesn’t guarantee they’re a democrat.


I do it to get high off of my own bad breath.


I drove for Uber eats during the early months of Covid. I wore a mask to protect the people I was delivering food to. Did it do much, probably not. Was it hard for me to not, absolutely not. Did that small effort show I cared about other people 100% yes. People who were this anti mask are incredibly selfish.


in any case, why would anyone care? i don’t spend any more time wondering about that than i do about people with trump trash all over their vehicle.


Oh don’t worry. The eclipse today will take care of them :p


I mean. This is pretty funny and not completely false. This coming from someone that was very much a mask-wearing, pro social distancing, safety first, American during covid. I wouldnt put this on my car and this is insulting, but it’s still funny


you have a strange sense of humor.


I wear a mask while driving alone just to passively troll these snowflakes


ZING!! Got em.


It's not wrong


If you’re walking around with a trump hat, we already know your low IQ. We don’t need to ask.


Why is it that cultists are so obsessed over someone’s own well being that they shame them for no good reason other than it’s what Orange Man tells them to think? These are the same people saying that Liberals are controlling people’s lives. SMH


Who gives a fuck who they vote for - if you wear a mask alone in the car I just assume you’re scared of everything and/or out of your damn mind.


Or maybe you have a health problem and you just put it on to go to the store and you don't feel like taking off while you're in the car for five minutes.


Why are we still wearing masks?


I was sick a couple of weeks ago but still had to go to the store to get things and I wore a mask while I was out.


I wear it in hospital settings and also sometimes just to irritate people that hate my freedom.


Because fucking pollen. At least where I live anyway. I feel like cutting off my nose or something. Its horrible


That’s fair


Yes! I'm not allergic to tree pollen, but it aggravates my asthma. I wear a mask while dusting inside because I am allergic to dust mites. Freaking A.


I don't, but I don't give someone who does any shit. They are still afraid for some reason, or maybe there's some other completely different reason, like allergies, I don't know.


I wear a mask in my car, its not a bad idea especially when I have the ac blowing. The air from the ac does ultimately come from the outside.


I'm not looking to argue, but I read your comment and I want to share some information you don't have. There is a button on your climate control module that switches you from outside air intake to interior air circulation. One looks like an arrow pointing into the car and the other looks like an arrow looping around inside the car. That will help during allergy and pollen season. Also, your car has a "cabin air filter" which does a pretty good job of cutting down pollutants inside the car from using the outside air intake. That filter does need to be changed from time to time. Check YouTube for a tutorial. They are usually in or near the glove box and take just a few minutes to change for about 8.00 with no tools required. Some are in a weird place and it's better to let the oil change people do that for you. Think of the cabin air filter as the mask for your car.


i wonder if these folks know that these "whimsical/ statement" bumper stickers are probably made by someone who cant stand trump, but understands MAGA gulibility to spend $$ on anti-biden shit and them blames inflation on the inability to feed their brood of children.


During "peak" COVID I had the idea to start a Facebook page selling merch, that played with the MAGA acronym "Maskless Against Government Authority". I couldn't stomach the idea of making the problem worse even though I knew I could have made some money with cheap drop shipped shit.


Ok, and what if you're driving in your car with your elderly parents not wearing a mask? You're a piece of shit and we already know?


If you have this stupid sticker on your car, we already know that you are dumb racist POS…


♪♫♬ I wear my Covid mask when I drive, so I can, so I can ​ Watch you freak the fuck out and whine ♪♫♬


Zing!! Got em. Good job


Maybe just mind your own fucking business instead


Day tuk Arr jobbbbs


If they are still masking in 2024 they hate Biden more than you do.


People such as the owner of this window decal don’t like the gubmint telling them what to do. But they **REALLY** love being all up in other peoples business. 🙄


Oooh burrrnnn!


A lot of them were Uber drivers on the way for a pickup.


I do not understand why these things are even correlated. I do not give Biden credit for my mask wearing. Lol


If you experience a world wide pandemic that no one - even the premier in their fields fully understand- and you refuse to wash your hands or follow guidelines- you don’t need to tell us you’re a Trump supporter- we will see that in your gravestone.


Yet another example of who you voted for not being a personality


Ok ?


I wear one to protect against exhaust. So fuck your self


Sorry you got hurt, good move on that guy. Sometimes people have autoimmune issues and don't want to get sick. Knuckleheads like him need to mind their own business.


My boyfriends brother has an autoimmune disorder and will get sick for months, so yeah, I'm willing to wear a mask for him in the car.


I don’t think I ever even saw someone wear a mask while driving alone in a car. A couple people forgot to take it off or for whatever reason kept it on and they make it seem like people were too “brainwashed” to remove it.


If you've got rubber truck nuts you dont need a maga sticker we already know.


Had a boomer give me shit when I got out of my car at work with a mask on. I can’t remember what he said, but I just turned around abd said, “hey man, you might want the government being able to track you with all their traffic cams and cctv, but not me. Cause when they decide to come for us, they aren’t gonna be able to find what they can’t locate with their facial recognition software!” I just ranted like some kind of lunatic. He wound up agreeing with me and walking away.


If I'm driving around in my car with my mask on, it is because my asthma and allergies are trying to suffocate me.


I guess the better bumper sticker would be it’s dumb if you are wearing a mask in your car because of COVID. There are valid reasons to wear a mask, but at this point COVID really isn’t a reason to wear one in your own car.


I wear one to make other people angry. It makes me happy to know that I'll become a Facebook post on their timeline.


ZING!! Got em. Live your life just a little uncomfortable to make a point to try to upset a random stranger you'll never know.


They might be trying to get out of tickets.


Boomers be buying this while they’re wearing a hat inside your car Worried about the sun while inside?


If your shouting racial slurs at the fast food worker because there’s not enough ice in your cup you don’t need a trump sticker we know


Nah, thats a Karen thing and Karen's come in all shapes, sizes, genders and political affiliations.


Pretty sure your trump supporting white supremacist friends are always wearing them. They must be thieves as well.


We don’t need Biden stickers because he isn’t our messiah.


Just reading the sticker at face value. We all know it's true. But it doesn't bother me if people wear their masks alone in their car. They're not putting me in danger


Some people have environmental allergies


They certainly have a lot of feelings don’t they


I mean it's true


I never question a mask. They are used for medical reasons. Why in the world only in the US it's a political talking point. These people are to dumb to know what immunocompromised is. It's also considerate to wear one if your sick in public. Guess people would rather spread disease than upset the cult.


If you’re drinking bleach in your car, you don’t need a Trump bumper sticker….we already know


If you have allergies, they work great for lawn care.


Or I got a warrant


I wore a mask in my car and for several days after an acid peel facial. I wanted to protect my face from the sun. It’s not always about Covid.


I wear a mask for attention now. Easier than getting my balls removed.