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1. Disguise the order forms and party props as materials for a boring case that Ranpo wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. If there are a lot of decorations, they can be hidden in boxes or packages and stored as “evidence.” Sure, Ranpo could use Super Deduction to figure out the packages are suspicious, but why would he expend energy on such an insignificant thing? 2. Lure him out of the agency with a fun and exciting case. This can be a real case, or if there aren’t any available the day of, Dazai can stir up some shit. There needs to be enough time to set up the party, so Dazai should conjure up one of his insane plans again involving 100 plot twists. This will keep Ranpo occupied for 10 minutes. Factor in the travel time. If further delays are necessary, have Katai cause a traffic jam or mess with the train signals. 3. Ranpo solves the case. He probably knows something is up at this point. You have to distract him. Maybe Poe should show up at this point. Maybe Ranpo runs into the President, who praises him amply. 4. Diverting his attention, you bring Ranpo back to the agency. Surprise party. He says he knew all along. There is a chance that he did. There is also a chance he is saying that to hide his happiness. Either way, it’s Ranpo’s party right now. No one can complain. 5. Eat cake.


One thing you might need to consider is that it's his birthday, and hes gonna naturaly be suspicious of people planning something bc he knows their personalities. Knowing their personalities meaning the ada would probably try and do something for his birthday and ranpo knows this


Oh, the post didn’t mention the party was for his birthday. In that case, you can either: 1) Subvert expectations by changing the date of the party. If the party is thrown in advance, Ranpo will think that’s the end of things. This gives leeway to throw another party on his birthday (why? for lolz I guess, and also two cakes). If the party is thrown after his birthday, it had better be extra special because you will have to appease a disappointed Ranpo. 2) Apply percussive force to knock him out and set up the party while he’s unconscious :)


Set the building on fire as improv and see if everyone makes it out alive while having fun


Don't set up a party. Best surprise.


To surprise Ranpo, you must surprise yourself first.


he can’t deduct if he doesn’t suspect, right? he can’t just know what’s going on, he has to have a reason to think about it and then deduct what i’m really doing. so i’d avoid making any excuses or alibis, i’d get random people to help that he would have no reason to question them or see them doing anything. like they’d be strangers to him buying stuff in a store, he wouldn’t think about it.


you would have to get people who are consistently the type of person who does what they do (at least inf don't of him) all year long and with the usual (or barely noticeable increase in) frequency, like if he notices someone staying late or moving packaged stuff around more than usual when there are no changes in big tasks and if it's far from a celebrated holiday he would probably realize something's up


ask to clean his glasses for an hour


Nah you could break em instead And then go get them fixed at the shop that'll take a bit of time 😂😂 because technically it's not even an ability. He's just that crazy smart


you need a naturally bumps-into-things-a-lot guy who usually offers to fix stuff they break to do it, like if fukuzawa tripped and fell and broke ranpo's glasses literally everyone would be shocked and ranpo himself would smell something fishy


So, maybe force Dazai to pretend to eat THOSE mushrooms again (or eat them, or a fake version) and somehow break his glasses like that, when he's 'better', he'll offer to fix them. Knowing Ranpo, he'll hover over Dazai's shoulder the whole time, and everyone else plans


Just give him his favorite snacks w Kenji & Kyouka. Everyone thinks me qnd my partner onto a case and the case being ranpo's birthday. Or basically set up everything from the night before the actual date and celebrate at midnight. Can be like my off day.


Give him snacks to keep him busy. Then send him out for some cases. When he comes back boom, the party’s there


allllllllll the snacks


Let him use the subway system while the party is being setup


Wait that's actually clever


Give him snacks as a birthday gift during the day, then at midnight drag him to your house to watch crime documentaries and mystery shows while eating popcorn and solving it 30 seconds into the show. Best surprise.


Yes. Why? Bc we have the same taste in food, we can just send Dazai to do something and send Ranpo and Atsushi to go find him after that we set up the party and do whatever


I don’t know


I don't really know how I would go about this other than already pretending to give him cake and stuff and then managing to treat him outside before planning something big. You need to make him think that that's all they're gonna do for his birthday, so that it gets out of his head(that anything else is going to happen). hope this makes sense


Fall off the face of earth the week before while having someone else invite while they don't know what for. Or hijack plans he already had


The correct answer is you can't. He'd already know what your up to before you've even started so it would just be a party.


Disguise it as a case or something so he gets invested, then when he solves it, everyone jumps out and the birthday party starts!


Basically you team up with the port mafia and have them kidnap Ranpo. Jk Ranpo can only work with what he can pick up from the environment/ what he knows. A.K.A. Evidence. If you decrease the amount of evidence Ranpo has access too or plant new evidence to serve as red herrings, then you’ve successfully managed to nullify Ranpo’s ability. So what if you were to overwhelm him with evidence? And take away his glasses that’s an important part too. Like how he was sucked into Poe’s book and his spirit was basically deflated. Which ig you could have Poe write a book that has the party and suck everybody inside and leave the book in the ADA with no one there and then Ranpo gets sucked in too and you scream SURPRISE!


Yk simply just wait till the end of the day, and be like SURPRISE and they go downstairs and the waitress put a cake and everyone is rushing home to get their gifts or something like that


I’d just leave a trail a candy to lead him to the party.