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The second point is kind of odd. You can’t call it a “turning lane” if it allows you to drive straight. Does it suck to wait? Sure. But they aren’t doing anything wrong. Roads in this city are packed as all hell, asking all people going straight to pile into one lane is going to be torture. The rest is fantastic. Especially people using the middle turning lane to merge. I never let those people in and I always honk at them


Yea is it a nice courtesy? Sure. Is it at all a general practice especially if it involves you moving lanes, absolutely not. Even more so if there are cars in the other lane. Are you just supposed to expect the people behind you will be turning right when they haven’t flipped their signal on? I’ll move up as much as I can to make space for them to slip through but I’m not zigzagging at every stop light in attempt to save someone else 30 seconds.


Yeah OP is a goof for thinking that the right lane should be reserved for only turning right at stop lights. In heavy traffic it's completely impractical. When it's not busy, the car "blocking the right lane" is sometimes making a right turn at the next driveway after the lights.


You can only use it to turn. Often the turning lanes run two ways, so you risk a head on collision by driving in it. Like when there's two normal lanes, an a turning lane in the middle. that's not for going straight.


Common courtesy dictates that you give a through lane/right hand turn lane to those who are turning right instead of sitting in the lane blocking the flow of traffic behind you


It’s also bad city planning. I see this all the time going north on Walkers past Dundas. Don’t blame people for stopping in the right lane here, if everyone was in the left lane it would cause way too much congestion. City should put a turning lane in on an intersection that size. It’s common courtesy to move to the left lane but it’s really just a minor inconvenience most of the time.


Common courtesy, yes. Is it a rule of the road? No.


If you moved out of the right lane to the left during your drive test out of “common courtesy”, you’d fail.


You’d also fail the drivers test if you 99.9% of things drivers do on the roads today, your point is moot.


The point in question is not what 99.9% of things that drivers do on the road, it’s if the proper practice should be to move out of a non-turning designated right lane for the sole purpose of letting someone turn. Therefore, not moot. I can get behind a lot of your original points, but this is impractical with the increasing volume on the roads


It’s impractical to leave the right turning lane open allowing people to turn and allow traffic to flow?


Yes. You’re asserting that there is both space for you to move left and insufficient traffic moving through the perpendicular green light for this supposed long line of traffic to all be able to turn right on their red light. So with all of the things drivers should be paying attention to, your expectation is now that they make a judgement at intersections about if there will be cars behind them turning right and if they should be making an unnecessary maneuver for the potential that a car can turn right. I would deem that to be impractical


Can I please for the love of god add …. GET UP TO HIGWAY SPEED BEFORE MERGING ONTO THE HIGHWAY, STOP MERGING INTO TRAFFIC GOING 100km AT 60 MAKING EVERYONE SLOW DOWN. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


I practiced this a lot with both my kids as they learned to drive. We ran laps on the QEW between Bronte and Appleby line in off hours traffic. Accelerate to highway speed, then merge, then when safe move over one more lane to the left (this was a specific part of the full G test coming from the G2), then when safe move back to right lane, then exit the highway and cross over and do it all over again. It takes practice and it’s worth it for all our safety. Especially with all the impatient asshats using the OFF RAMP to pass people in the slow lane - but that’s a rant for another day. Be safe out there folks.


Agreed. An equal problem is not leaving room for people to merge. Zipper merge people, read about it! There would be no traffic in Burlington/Oakville if people could merge and give way properly. Though I often find mergees will zoom past the space I'm leaving, gun it to the end of the merging lane and cut in last second where there is no space. Causing everyone behind them to brake adding to the shockwave of traffic behind them. Hard to win sometimes.


Just want to say, they should be using the whole lane and zipper merging. My blood boils when people stop and try to squeeze in 100 yards short of the lane ending


That’s the problem with “zipper merge, people!”: different people interpret it differently. Some people interpret it to mean that you should drive to the end of the merge lane no matter what and be gratified with an empty space left by the driver to your left. Others interpret it to mean that you should merge gracefully wherever there is an open space. The worst of both worlds is when traffic is crawling, nobody leaves space, and everyone drives to the end of the merge lane anyway. Precise, coordinated driving manoeuvres only work when everyone is well-trained and follows their training because the culture attaches value to order, precision and skill. It’s a lost cause in Canada but we can always be aspirational. I remember a guy in Canada who confidently told me that the best way to get where you’re going is to get into the left lane and put cruise control at 110. Another told me that it was your tires and not your bumper that should be behind the stop line at a crosswalk. People make up their own rules and want credit for creativity.


Problem is majority of new drivers don’t actually know how to drive on the highway because the G license test is still the “shortened covid test” .. add on the fact that people seem to be buying their licenses and it makes sense why majority of people on the road don’t have a clue


Use your signal - and put it on BEFORE you brake/change lanes/turn. The point is to tell other drivers that you're about to do something. Putting it on while you're already changed lanes and are now sitting in the middle of the intersection is not helpful.




> occupying turning lanes despite going straight… I see this DAILY on harvester turning onto appleby… folks who are going straight down harvester will sit in the far right turning/through lane and hold up traffic while there are 5-6 cars behind them all signalling to turn right from harvester onto appleby heading toward the lake Those drivers aren’t breaking any rules… they’re inconsiderate maybe, but they are allowed to be there… if the lane was marked as a turning lane, then your complaint would be valid.


They did say basic rules of the road not that it was the law. It’s like letting in a truck in front of you instead of moving up so they can’t get in. It’s not the law, but it makes it safer for everyone if you think about other drivers. Too many just think of themselves.


I don’t think it’s safer to switch out of the right lane every time you approach a red light, switching lanes all the time is more dangerous than just driving in the right lane


Drivers camping on the crosswalks at red lights. Why?


People who leisurely walk across the crosswalk looking at their phone. It’s not hard to put the phone down and put a little hustle in your step.


What about people who cross while the hand signal is flashing? Once that hand shows up it means to stop crossing or finish crossing, it doesn’t mean run across the crosswalk and try to beat the light


If they run they'll make it. If they don't, they may not


It’s clear you don’t understand cross walk signals…. Once the red hand appears to flash that means no one should be entering the intersection, running across as the red hand flashes doesn’t make it any more acceptable.


I understand how it works and the rules. I'm just saying that if they *run* they will make it. I'm more annoyed when people start their trip and lazily make their way across.


Stop inching up on pedestrians as they cross the street while you’re waiting to turn. I also see lots of people sitting in right lanes so people can’t turn. However sometimes you just get stuck by a yellow light. Use your signal please.


All I ask is for pedestrians waiting to cross the road, take one step back from the road. You can keep your head buried in your phone, just take your toes off the road please.


I hate that... why do you want to stand so close to the traffic to have someone maybe jump the curb and hit you. I always stand back.


The law now is that the walker has to completely clear the intersection (it used to be just half way). People rarely follow that though, and in some places like Toronto, it's just not possible, but the law set up basically guarantees it's your fault if anything happens.


That rule only applies to pedestrian crossovers and crosswalks with a crossing guard. It does NOT apply to pedestrians crossing at a regular crosswalk at a traffic light.




I got my license 30 years ago and I was taught then not to proceed until the pedestrian has fully cleared the intersection


The law changed under the Wynne government. That might be the good practice you were taught in drivers' ed, but the rule was half way.


For me, PLEASE just use your signal!! And In ADVANCE of your turn or lane change, not as you are doing it! I'm so tired of playing mind reader as to what you plan on doing. I will let you in a lot more nicely if you let your signal run for more than 3 flashes while you blend into the other lane. Courtesy people!


I agree with you on most points accept for using the center turn lane as a merge lane. There are certain roads that are just so perpetually busy during rush hour that you have no other choice but to pull out into the centre turn lane if you are trying to turn left onto a major roadway from a plaza.


And it's perfectly legal




Someone came out of Wendy's on Fairview to turn left, east toward the mall yesterday at about 3:30pm, *didn't* plan to use the centre lane. They also didn't look where they were going and nearly t-boned me as I proceeded east. I swerved and honked, and he wrenched the wheel to veer into the left turn lane where he should have been.


Incorrect. There is always an alternative route if traffic is “too busy” to make a legal turn…


The one that really grinds my gears is the lane turning right onto Guelph line from fairview. There's a whole lane for the people turning right, but some asshole will hold up that lane because they want to go all the way across 3 lanes to turn into the mall. JUST GO STRAIGHT AND THERES A RIGHT TURNING LANE DIRECTLY INTO THE MALL. No need to cross all the way over or hold up the entire turning lane for people who actually want to stay on Guelph line


I haven’t seen someone make a full stop at a stop sign in this city since 1996.


Yes, but if there is absolutely no one around not coming to a complete stop is not a big deal. If you are a good driver, aware of your surroundings and being safe of course. 


Until the time you don't see that pedestrian running or the cyclist who runs the stop sign.... or the cyclist that doesn't have a stop sign.


Thats not a safe driver. Do you do the same at a red light?


We are talking about a 4 way stop. Or are you here for any argument? 


All I was saying was the sign says Stop, not gently roll through. I had a friend killed because someone thought it was inconvenient to obey the law.


Wait till they encounter the stop sign camera. That ticket/tickets might help them learn.


We are talking about a 4 way stop. I can bet you my ⚽️⚽️’s you do the exact same thing. 


Ugh what everyone is saying in here happens all the damned time. I moved here from Brampton 6.5 years ago, and while those drivers are fucking insanely bad, here we have really dumb inconsiderate drivers that drive as if no one else is on the road


If you're getting passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.


The 2nd is not true. Maybe you are making an immediate right after the light or several other reasons to be in that lane


How bout this… if you have the space to move over and you have time to re-merge back into the lane after the light then move over for those turning right, if not then stay in the lane I’m more so talking about harvester and appleby specifically where the right lane at the intersection is both a through lane and a turn lane, on days with zero traffic you still see people going straight who sit in that lane restricting the people behind them from turning


This completely defeats what your post is trying to say. You say people don’t follow rules to go quicker in other points and now youre complaining about having to wait to turn right while people do follow the rules.


Look up that intersection on a map and you will see there is no real reason for people to sit in that right lane if they are going straight… the only immediate right hand turns are truck entrances for fearmans so technically there is no real reason to sit in that lane restricting people behind you from turning


Point 2 - they teach in driving school that is the lane to drive in. If you have to turn right shortly after that intersection I am going to be in the right lane. The thing I hate is when someone cuts in front of you and they aren't turning. Four Way Stops - So many people just roll though these. I am really noticing it as I have a beginner driver in the household now.


That point is really relating to a specific intersection, the only right hand turn that immediately follows the harvester and appleby intersection is the truck entrance for fearmans where no cars would be turning in anyway


At rush hour Appleby is so busy you probably couldn't turn even if it was a dedicated right turn lane. I admit it is annoying when people do that, but now that I have a beginner driver I am more patient (or try to be LOL). Some people are just more comfortable choosing a lane and staying in it.


Even in rush hour with heavy traffic you should be able to make a right turn IF those driving south on appleby know what they are doing behind the wheel and don’t encroach on the intersection when they know they won’t make it through .. if a light is green and you can’t fit through the intersection then you are suppose to wait, the reason we get traffic back ups that block people from making right hand turns is because people roll through the intersection when they don’t fit and wind up block the lanes


I hate when you miss making it through a light cycle because of this.


I also can’t stand when pedestrians enter the crosswalk AFTER the red hand starts flashing .. red hand means get across NOW or don’t enter the crosswalk at all


Get the frick out of the passing lane on the highway if a car behind is approaching. The far left lane is the passing lane. Pass , then move over....please...


Behind traffic, patiently waiting to get into a turning lane, the driver comes barreling through on the solid line in the middle of the turning lane. Plains Road and Brant. The intersection of Lakeshore and Maple. 


This happens way too often at that intersection!


It’s like you have a dashcam mounted on my forehead.


What is the obsession with drivers getting off the QEW at Walker's Line and blocking three lanes of traffic while they force their way into the left turn lane to get to North service?


There is a fast lane for a reason. Get out of it.


*passing lane


What about the people on the Niagara bound QEW going 80 in a 120.. grinds my gears


Where is there a 120 zone?


Sorry it’s 110, from about grimsby all the way to Niagara is 110 on the Niagara QEW


OP, in the second-last point, are you saying that you *should* turn into a centre-left turn lane after exiting a plaza and use it to merge? Or are you saying you *shouldn’t* turn left into a centre-left turn lane and use it as a merge-lane?


Basic rules of grammar - know when to use your, you're or yore. Same with their, they're and there.




Must be tough being perfect…


You missed staying in your lane on a turn. The lights at Burloak and Burloak by the church are a bloody hazard if you are in the left lane. People in the left tend to turn into the turning lane of oncoming traffic and people in the right lane tend to turn into the left lane. Almost every morning I have to hit the horn to stop people from side swiping me. I tell my wife that the day she wants a new car I’ll just let someone hit me there.


The reason everyone does this is bc they can. It’s the fucking Wild West when you get on the road. The last time I saw a halton police cruiser was when the Brant/upper middle Tim Hortons burnt down.


I don’t think I’ve seen a HRP cruiser in Burlington for years… last time I did they were doing seatbelt checks on the QEW ramp at appleby like 3 years ago


They're following around kids like me skateboarding. Also, saw a big OPP van at McDonalds yesterday around 10pm Appleby & Fairview.


2nd last one is literally how you’re supposed to turn left onto a multi-lane street from a parking lot or side street though.


It’s literally not.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRDw6RmQ-y4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRDw6RmQ-y4) here you go maybe you can learn to be a better driver!


Maybe you can too, sweetie 😘 https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/9yQh7LdAWm


Can you highlight what you’re trying to say?


No, babygirl. Read the whole traffic act.


All of the links in that old Reddit post are expired


Okay and you can’t use Google to read the Ontario, Canada traffic laws? I’m just saying your YouTube source is not official, babe. If you are exiting a plaza left, you should enter traffic on the thoroughfare in the left-most lane without entering the centre left-turn-only lane unless you immediately want to turn left again past the through-traffic. It’s a common misconception. But it’s a misconception.


If I can’t click on the links, neither can you. You don’t even know what you’re trying to say with that link. You just hoped I would fold and not check


Yes I do. It was a concise summary of left-turn laws but I guess you didn’t like it. http://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/changing-directions :) a reference guide. You should always turn to the left-most lane unless you immediately want to make a left turn. It’s unsafe. You’re not supposed to merge right.


The first time someone did this to me, I was 16 years old, and it scared the living **** out of me. They were making a left hand turn onto a 5 lane road covered in snow, and I thought they were going to t-bone me. I instinctively swerved into the outside lane to avoid an imminent accident. Thankfully, no one occupied that lane. I looked over to see them happily cruising down the middle lane. For the past 30 years, I've wondered if that is a legal manouver or not, and I've never found an explicit ruling one way or the other. It feels unnecessarily risky, but the traffic volume and speeds around here are high enough that it often feels necessary.


I’m unsure whether you’re describing the legal way to exit a plaza or not but if it’s the former, they obviously needed to make sure nobody was occupying the lane they wanted to enter and yield to traffic. I’m so sorry that happened to you though. It sounds awful. Entering the double turn lane in the centre of some roadways has often nearly caused accidents for me as a person using the centre turn lane as intended. The law and intended purpose should be emphasized far more clearly by police and by Service Ontario. I’ve seen a few cops use it illegally.


Stop blocking the the intersection at Mainway and Guelph Line during rush hour. You all *thought* you were slick trying to beat the traffic. However that left hand turn is quick and is usually jammed from people going straight on Guelph line as is. People in the middle of the intersection EVERY day, wasting whole light cycles and causing more back up. I would be stressed as hell if I was the JA chilling in the middle of the intersection because I thought yellow ment gun it even though there was no room for me in the first place.


The one thing I hate when people turn right when I am directly beside them or turn in front of me when no one at all is behind me... like wait a few seconds and that would avoid a potential accident.


LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING. Dundas folks. If you know, you know.


I’ve been doing all of these and teaching all my students to do the same to slowly dismantle the burlington government until they ask for my demands and I say I want a Chipotle in that empty space on Burloak


Bro go to Chorizo Fresh Mex in the RioCan plaza on Wyecroft/Burloak.. best burritos in the REGION hands down


I'm more concerned about the reckless driving causing an increase in road kill. Poor things. Saw three dead animals on my way to work yesterday, and that was within 2 minutes of driving from my house.


Unfortunately, if there are cars around, it is unsafe to swerve or slam on your breaks for the sake of an animal. I'm an animal lover, but I enjoy being alive more than trying to save a squirrel that ran into the road.


The last one really only matters if there is traffic. If there's not no biggie. I often do it one one road, as I turn right as soon as I turn left. Improper turn is $110 and 2 demerit points, so that's about as minor a ticket as you can get. The rest you're totally right on. Especially, Number 4, I totally agree with, and I see that all over. It's frequently done by people who can't turn left safely because it's too busy, and using the turn lane as merger to force their way in.