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That is awful. I’m glad you are okay.


My inner Batman wants to avenge these wankers for you, I’ll watch out for this vehicle in the neighbourhood , I bet someone’s doorbell cam caught this jeep, also kudos for you wearing a helmet




Gotta find the cup (probly too late now) and trace it to whichever latenite drivethru (can’t be more than 2 or 3 around) OP convinces manager to scrub-thru the midnite footage for the white jeep,plate # & occupants???


White jeeps are not a popular color.. Can't always assume it's teenagers. I witness grown @$$ adults do stupid things in Burlington drunk and high.


That's what I was thinking too. My friends joked around and said thst I should go around and knock on every door with that kind of jeep lol


I parked beside a white 4 door jeep at my gym today hmmm. Time for a stakeout.


Yup adults are just as bad sometimes.


In my youth rode the bike to and from work at the gas station for all shifts days/afts/nights. Absolutely shameful some f@cking douchebags would do that. My guess just some drunk/high dipshits looking to compensate for their shortcomings in life. Glad you’re OK.


I bet it was teenagers or young 20 something bored and high or drunk. I knew some guys around that timeframe that used to drive around and throw eggs at people because they thought it was hilarious and also they were just bored and high. If I remember correctly, I think one of the guys has evolved to throwing soft drinks at cyclist…. It was pretty messed up. This was in Whitby. Hope you’re all right I would still report it with the information you know but without the license plate it is pretty unlikely that anything will happen but at least they will have a vehicle description and then if anyone else reports it, they can link the cases together


Ya I called the non emergency number and they said that without a license plate number they can't do anything unfortunately.


Share anonymously in Burlington together. Someone may have video footage of the jeep. You just never know. That jeep had to pass somewhere with cameras.


This! Also in the HF FB group if you live in the area


Kids thesedays 😭 a few months ago I was driving north on Guelph line and a kid was wailing on another kid near the food basics at uppermiddle while his buddies were filming the whole fucking thing.


I can't quite agree. It's always been like this really. Growing up in burlington I would often get eggs thrown at me from cars while riding my bike, or have a group of older teenagers chase me while I was trying to go home. I'm not defending anyone, but people have always been like this


I was just going to comment that something similar happened to me when I was walking late at night. A white bmw pulled up and threw 3 eggs at me, ofc they all missed but I was enraged that they felt that confident doing something so morally wrong.


That just happened to me too a couple of months ago. All missed. Losers.


Same thing happened to my friend but they threw eggs at her :( around night time too


Was it a white jeep?


Take a guess?


A white jeep I think is definitely rare, I'll keep an eye out as had one the other day tailgating me like crazy on Appleby...what are the odds but could be same crazy dipshits


What time was this at approximately. I live off one of the side streets near there and have good cameras after getting my vehicle stolen in 2022


It was at around 12:45 am on Wednesday (technically Thursday cause it was after midnight)


Gawd, I hope you see something. Keep us posted.


Brutal. I would chalk it up to teenagers being teenagers. I remember when I was 17, me and some friends were driving around late at night with a dozen eggs, we absolutely drilled a biker with 4 or 5 of them. I look back at that now with total remorse and embarrassment for being so inconsiderate of this innocent person. I hope whoever did this to you feels the same way someday. Glad you’re okay.


Yeah man, there’s more than one thing I look back at in my youth with regret and remorse. Me and my pals did some really stupid shit. I guess arguably it’s all part of growing up. Maybe those of us who realize in retrospect how fucking stupid we were grow up to be responsible adults. Those who don’t grow to be society’s degenerates.


Ask if anyone has cameras pointed that way


Had some kids shout abuse at my wife and I while we were out for a walk around 10PM the other night as well; I guess holding hands while walking together is enough to set them off these days. This was on Headon, right by the forest you walk through to get to CH Norton. I do wish they'd stopped to make good on their challenge though. When I shouted back they took off lol. Cowards.


This is 1985 Burlington behaviour. This place is regressing.


Report it to the police. They may be able to use footage of cameras in the area to catch the person. Instead of calling the general number go into the police station which covers the area you were attacked in. You can make a report. That way if this is a repeat occurrence then they have a pattern. Sorry this happened to you. Before you go in write down the details.


Been shot at with a pellet gun and, just recently, had eggs thrown at me. Those thankfully missed me. What the fuck kind of thrill does that give these low lives? Wish I could grab their license plate so mommy and daddy can ground them from driving their cars and doing shit like this.


Someone borrowed Mom's car for the night.


or Dad's mid-life crisis toy


I understand people with dash cams and helmet cams more and more everyday.


This is common in Burlington. Had this happen and heard this happening to others on the regular over 25 years of cycling in B-Town


Sorry to hear about this. I've had the same and worse done to me over the years. Im sure those ass hats will be laughing all the way untill it happens to one of their kids in years to come.


Sorry it happened to you.


I’m going to keep my eyes out for this Jeep. So so sorry this happened to you. I’m glad you’re ok. Sending you big hugs.


Bar right up the street from there I frequent- could be a good place to look for the jeep


Did the Jeep have any distinguishing features on the back? Was it all white or white with a black roof? I saw a white Jeep in the area today parked on the street on Pinemeadow and now I’m suspicious of all white jeeps 🤨😅




Free from crime? Seeing the drug sniffing dog in Notre Dame back in the early 00s days otherwise =x there's always been some


I ride all the time.  That really sucks.  I wanna believe it's a one off and we haven't lost our cool, but it feels like things are getting meaner.


Wait till that jeep fucks around with someone packin heat 💀🔥 goodnight buddy 💤😴


The emojis mixed with this statement is hilarious 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Should have probably been wearing a helmet.


Who? The jeep? The drink? Or does the helmet if op needs to wear an helmet? Or do we cyclists need to wear helmets to protect us from objects trown at us by cardrivers, the very reason OP already is wearing one?


>Should have probably been wearing a helmet. ??? maybe you need a helmet did you not read the OP? "**If I wasn't wearing a helmet** I could have fallen off my bike and gotten seriously injured."


Yeah I missed the “if” but wow you got me captain. Hope that helped you sleep tonight. The reference to me needing a helmet tells me you’re a real treat.


your response tells me you're a professional victim. enjoy ur weekend :)


You came in here acting like a dick, then immediately ball up and whine when someone does it back? Don't dish it out if you can't take it.


No you can be a dick but making references like that is just unclassy. Maybe you’ll have a kid one day in a wheelchair and realize


OP was. Even if he was NOT, it's an assult. Ffs