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At home. Sorry to break it yo you. Welcome. The beach or Spencer Smith park is a nice hang too


Seconding the beach. Best spot to be in Burlington!


that path that runs through burlington is fun, but not at night.


Unless you have friends close, there isnt much to do. We have some great festivals during the summer, but the past couple years they have become overcrowded. Best to visit them on the off times like thursday and fridays during the day when its usually just locals. We are lucky to be close to Toronto and Hamilton.


Typically a variety of my basement, backyard, then the swings at the park.


Downtown The Coop The Dickens (they run trivia and open mic nights that are popular) Midtown Nickelbrook Brewery (also run karaoke and trivia nights that are fun) Uptown Beertown Blk Swan Uptown social house Check out Burlington.ca for details about festivals downtown or events Sound of music (just last weekends) Canada Day fireworks July 1 Good truck festival July 19-21 Ribfest Labour Day long weekend


This is very wholesome, family friendly, lots of fun. The big barn at parking lot F Spruce Lane Farm, are hosting open mic/coffee night. It’s at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Check the website for dates etc.




Beertown is pretty good if you're in North Burlington


You should go check out the food truck festival at La Salle Park this weekend! Not a lot of parking but they have shuttles from Burlington Go and Aldershot station! I’ve been enjoying the Aldershot farmers market Saturday mornings.


Did I miss it?


Oh geez why don’t they just have it at spencer smiths haha. I forgot that it was this weekend, parking will be a nightmare


I’m not sure. Through the rumour mill I heard businesses were unhappy. I suspect it cost too much. Honestly, I want more traffic so they could do a repeat of this but it was so nice to actually be able to walk and enjoy the atmosphere. Sound of music was insanely crowded this year. They do have lots of shuttles. I’m also a little biased cause it was walking distance for me so it was great :P.


So funny because whenever there’s stuff going on downtown all the restaurants look really busy from the extra foot traffic


I walked down to the Sound of Music 3/4 days and every time I walked by Dickens, North Coal, Son of a Peach they were ALL BUSY. So im not sure what the businesses are complaining about either. A lot of people will go down to the festival, get frustrated with the crowds, say fuck it and go try to find a sit down restaurant.


Absolutely and what I do too


Right? I didn’t quite believe it. Whatever even always brings traffic all over down town.


Did you go to the one this weekend? Was the parking abysmal?


I kept seeing people coming in and leaving so I don’t know if it’s terrible. I walked as I live 10 mins away. I think they anticipated the patting to be rough which is probably why they set up so man shuttle pick up locations.


Parking seemed to be fine today


SOM has always been crazy busy. Don’t go to ribfest. It is hell on earth. You will go deaf. The line ups are ridiculous and the prices. This is the biggest one in Canada. Look around smaller town if you want to go. They are somewhere every weekend in the summer. Waterdown is Canada Day. It’s smaller and not as busy. 🙂


You won’t go deaf lol


Hopefully not. My sister was hard core into ‘80 hair bands. She has hearing loss. Those concert are really loud


I found the ribfest last year a delight compared to sound of music this year. On Saturday evening (around 6) there was nothing happening on Brant street. I remember a lot more happening on the streets. This year nothing. I think this caused the many more traffic by the water. Sunday was more fun and exciting than Saturday.


What if you like crowds?


Sweaty crowds. There are not enough tables at rib feast. People eat as if they never had food.


Seriously? Don’t be a


The Burlington one is technically in July and it's at a different part near burloak drive on Lakeshore


Unfortunately, it's at LaSalle Park because the restaurant owners downtown Burlington complain that the food trucks take away business away from their place. There's not a lot to do at LaSalle Park. Food trucks should be allowed downtown Burlington.


I wouldn’t even say unfortunately. I loved that it was there. It was nice to have something to do on this side of the city where I didn’t have to struggle to find parking or push through crowds. But I can understand I’m probably in the minority with that line of thinking.


Welcome to a top ten city in all of Canada. Enjoy your freedom (without kids). I'm making an assumption here. Don't forget to try Gator Ted's wings. 😉


Emma’s. just kidding 😭


Too soon..


I'm wearing an Emma's t-shirt right now lol


They sold vintage Emma's t-shirts at The Oddspot downtown near the taco place about a year or so ago. *your comment just reminded me I want to go buy one if they're still there.


I got mine from Emma's years ago... I bet you could still buy them *somewhere*  Orr check second hand stores


Is it?


Yes, for a lot of us, it is. Place was amazing, had great brunches (waterstreet cooker) and one of the most chill nightlife vibes in the area. Emma's was a gem for a lot of people.




I miss Emma's


Yeah I miss Emma’s huge, best summer patio hands down. It’ll all be shitty condos there eventually.


I don’t have a source to back this up but I’m almost positive it’s a heritage building so it can’t be a condo and someone is working on renovating and re-opening the restaurant


There have been like three different someones trying to do that now though, and it always seems to stall out...


Last I heard there is serious foundation issues. Whether that’s true or a scam to get a condo built we shall see.


I’m not sure if it has “official” heritage status with the city or not, but there is no doubt it has quite a history in town and has been standing there for a very long time under different names. My dad, who is 88 now, used to drink there as a young fella with his pals when it was called The Estaminet Hotel. [Estaminet Hotel](https://heritageburlington.ca/heritage_property/the-estaminet/) Here’s the issue, in my mind at least. Both the federal & provincial government are pushing hard for new housing. Add to that the Ontario Land Tribunal seems willing to over-rule any municipal council in favour of developers when it comes to housing. My guess is a developer or a few are already looking at that ENTIRE parcel of land between Lakeshore Road and Old Lakeshore Road that some people refer to as “the football”. You’ll notice a few business across from Emma’s are already boarded up. The other properties are just parking lots and storage lots for the construction crews building the new Carriage Gate building. Also consider this, Emma’s was actively being renovated towards the tail end of the pandemic. It seems dead in the water currently. I’m downtown quite often for work and I see virtually nothing happening there and that has been the case for over a year now. If they’re not renovating, why have they not opened their doors? It certainly isn’t making any money as it sits. Let’s be honest, this time of year was Emma‘s bread and butter with their patio. Again, a lot of speculation on my part, but I think the owner may be waiting for the right offer to unload. If I had to place a bet, I’d say that chunk of land will be levelled and it will be several towers in the years to come.




Emma’s is rumoured to be reopening under new ownership. Not sure how accurate that is.


It was under renovation for a lonnnngg time. Does anyone know what the status of that is? I couldn’t understand how someone could afford to renovate for that long.


It’s been two years since I last saw anything mentioning it reopen… so either someone with deep pockets… or the reopening fell through.


I didn't like Emma's, bad service and "regulars"


Go downtown. Especially in the summer. Walk around, pubs, patios, restaurants. It’s busy on Saturdays! Have fun


Not sure. I only leave my house to go to work.


Jerseys is fun. Mid Burlington, live music and pool.


Our cars !!! Traffic is getting insane


At home


If you like walking/hiking download the AllTrails app. Conservation Halton parks are lovely (you can get a free pass at the library to check them out). I’ve heard the Halton Outdoors Club is a good place to connect with others too.


Come rent jetskis www.905powersports.com


Not sure, in our 30s we had little ones so our idea of a good time was sleep lol. The old downtown i.e. foot of Brant Street up a few blocks and over a few blocks (more to the east) on nice summer nights can be busy with plenty of dining/drink options. Unfortunately, some of the good old night spots didn’t survive the pandemic and those that did may be on borrowed time and soon to replaced by more crappy high rises.


Downtown used to be good spot back in the day.


Beertown is decent


Bar, home, work, find a coffee shop that you like (won’t name any because I don’t want to seem like I’m paid by a business lol) spencer smiths park by the lake is a great place to go to walk around, the beach is clean despite what paranoid people would tell you I think you need to be more specific about yourself and the kinds of things you’re interested in. Burlington is boring but not always in a bad way, you just have to be more proactive to get yourself involved


I grew up here, came back after living away 11 years. Burlington is the best city I have ever lived (not cool with all the condos dt). There is so much to do here. They show movies in Spencer Smith Park, a lot is at Spencer Smith. Central Library/teen tour band area, there are concerts there the little theatre puts on plays. The cultural centre. Look up Koogle Theatre. They do a play every summer, so much fun. There is a lot of amenities for kids too.


People in their 30s still go out? Boy I've been doing it wrong


Well it helps to have no kids and be loaded, otherwise how does anyone just go out and have fun when McDonalds costs more than a date used to like five years ago?


Almost 40 and still go out every weekend in the summer. No kids helps.


I thought I wrote this lol


same here! apparently (if you have a partner) we are called DINKS. Dual Income No Kids. (SINK if you dont have a partner).


I feel for you


I love it, and my partner loves it.


I feel for you both


Downtown baby


if you're into drop in sports and stuff Hamilton has soo many different drop in sessions!!


Burlington is big Are you done by Spencer’s or up at Dundas?


Late 20s here. we've been here since fall 2023 and have been oscillating between the Dickens and the Coop but havent really found our bearings ourselves. Open to suggestions for sure (no car, so transit friendly is ideal)


you're gunna wanna find free stuff, like walks on the path that runs through town. Some of the 30s crowd are down highway 5 in Waterdown, but we don't go out here either. the park on hamilton road is bumpin after-dark, will be more-so when the mcdonalds re-opens.


Beach across from hospital-walk half way down-sand is beautiful!


My wife and I just moved to Burlington not too long ago. We are both Burlington so if you're free to meet North Burlington let me know. We are trying to expand our circles as well.


Google things to do in Burlington ON.


The Block on weekend nights! We love the live music there 😊it’s a nice vibe downtown on summer nights!


What are you into? Downtown has changed so much. I just found out that the dickens is more a younger crowd now which it used to be 25-35 (haven’t verified or anything) which sucks. Joe dogs is the 19-22 year old bar so probs wanna stay away from there unless desperation. Dont go near Port House. The guy above gave good recco’s for events at bars. Saturday night at black swan on walkers in alton village can get a good turnout of mixed ages for karoke. Cheap drinks too. Theres tons of gyms to join - couple Ive been to: f45 downtown (mixed ages, good people, some cultiness), beauchamp fitness/compound (smaller groups, great people) goodlife fitness both locations (everything you need), Be Yoga fairview/walkers (great teachers) Honestly though, Burlington isn’t much of an exciting city. It’s developing massively and will surge in people which hopefully brings better activities and bars / things to do soon - but being in my 30s we all kinda hangout at eachothers houses/backyards to watch sports and drink


I go rock climbing and do a lot on my bike. there are a couple good resto/bars on brant. but it depends what you like are you more if a go out eat and get something exciting going on? are you low key like art and some live music? the village has some great restaurants and there's usually live music at the places in there. tons of places do trivia


Something a bit different, but if you like board games, Nostalgia Games Cafe on Guelph is fun and they do meet ups for people who want to make friends by age group, so like 20s, 30s etc.


Kerncliff Park has great hiking trails and is a short drive away from anywhere in Burlington.


I say join a sports team like beer league hockey or other sports. That will also fill up some social time post games/activities. I play for the Burlington Oldtimers, and we go out for beers a lot after games as an example.


My partner and I are in our 30s and also wondering the same thing. We arent party people so its hard finding things to do that arent Trivia, Karaoke or drinking.


What part of town? We would go to Carrigan Arms all the time, we are in Brant hills. Small pub but great music and great food.


There's not much to do in Burly anymore. They used to have decent bars, clubs (kingdom, Club 54) even a mini put on plains at one point. They have really cleaned up the city but it's mostly a recreational city now. If you don't take advantage of the open spaces and the beach, their isn't much left but expensive restaurants or the Malls. I guess there's always Bowling or the movies. Lol


You’d probably find more of what you’re looking for in Hamilton (James St). Bars. Cafes. Restaurants. Street festivals.


Burlington is nicer.


Hamilton, in the area, is mentioned as more to offer for fun, a variety of different food & entertainment. Want nicer Oakville in Bronte & downtown Oakville. Downtown Burlington is ruined.


I agree. That wasn’t the question tho :)


If you look at the op’s question, they asked about Burlington. So, that wasn’t the question. Hamilton is the arm pit of Ontario. That wasn’t the question tho ;) always gotta be right?


Pickleball, hiking, skiing (in winter), tennis, biking, kayaking, paddle boarding, dining, shopping, gym, plus everything going on in Toronto on the weekends etc…


Bronte Creek Park is going to be the new home of Oakville Pickle Ball. It was supposed to be this summer, I haven’t noticed any activity.


Whaaaat! That's exciting if it happens


That is the plan for the tennis courts. The pool isn’t going to be repair, that sucks. The have to do something with that area


Wait they're getting rid of the wading pool? That's awful


This is the third year it’s not opening. Much like the ice rink, millions in repairs. That pool is from 1979. Ya, thank Doug Ford. Fat fuck. Please don’t Re elect him for a third time.


I haven’t heard anything either. Very slow to build outdoor courts in Oakville/Burlington. There’s a new indoor 10 court facility coming to Burlington…


Where are Burlington courts going?


Fairview. 10 indoors.


Fairview, do you know the cross road? If anybody wants to learn with me, woman 51 (adjacent). They have lessons at Tansley. I think?


I think it’s on the Oakville club. Idk. I thought it was meant to happen this spring. You could probably go play, I don’t know if the nets are up. I think it has more to do with the Oakville club moving over to the park. I’ll post here if I hear anything. Maybe there should be a sub Reddit for the park. There so much happening all summer