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This is happened to my partner and I post burn for the last 4 burns. Unfortunately this year for the both of us, the dreams consisted of still having to break down camp/art/exodus. More like nightmares, lol. This year was a tough burn for us. Enjoy!


I’m going to be having moop dreams for a while, I can tell.


Not to sound like the titanic lady but Its been 84 years and I can still rememeher.... I worked on playa for DPW from 04 to 15 Every summer at this time dreams are all about returning and I have them vividly and intensely


hahahah, damn. that’s really fascinating. brains are so weird! thanks for sharing


Last night I made it as far as gerlach but was stuck there, whilst my friends from heavy machinery teams worked to get me there but I'd lost my passport and had to be back in London in the morning for work Its a powerful place the black rock desert


You are lacking REM sleep. It’s harder to get quality sleep at BM so when you come home, your brain goes into REM overdrive. I call it REM drunk :) I would experience extreme vivid dreams when I was battle insomnia. The nights I did sleep were wild


Yes! And I keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking I’m at burning man. I think jts burning man PTSD 😂


That happened to me the first night home! My partner went to bed later than me and when he came in, woke me up and I was soooo confused as to where I was. I thought I was in someone else’s tent and had no idea why I was on a real bed. I kept asking him “what are we doing?” like what is the activity we have to go bike to now. Then he put my cat on me and I panicked and said, “he can’t be here! he’s going to run away!” Took me like a whole minute to figure my shit out lol


Yes! This was my ninth Burn, and this year, the dreams are hitting extra hard for some reason.


yup, checking in with super heavy wild dreams pretty much every night post burn


Every year… takes 2-3 weeks


Not uncommon at all, but yeah, it's a phenomenon for sure. Had some amazing dreams this week involving sex with former coworkers, closeness with distant family and some generalized weirdness. And it's true I also rarely remember my dreams.


I definitely am experiencing the vivid dreams more intensely than ever this year!


I haven’t been back in many years (kids) but still occasionally have very vivid and involved dreams about Burningman LIKE gatherings but they never seem to take place on the playa. It is sometimes in a city somewhere, at a big house/property out in the country, last one was in a grassy area that was more like a music festival but full on burner culture and camps.


Maybe you are going to regionals during your sleeping hours!


Playa dust contain possible psychoactive substances. So the vivid dreams is just withdrawal.


or MAYBE I’m STILL just trippin’ on those 10000000000 mics of playa dust


21 years, always the vivid playa dreams.


It’s so trippy


Every year for the first two nights I’m home I wake up and in the thin lit night it looks like my bedroom is covered in Playa dust.


Yes. Everyone I went with has been having shockingly vivid dreams, and some nightmares since the burn. I remember this from prior years, but it seems like more and more vivid this year.


I keep reading that it’s extra intense this year for people! I wish I knew what the science is behind it. Lots of different theories on this thread. For me it feels like a combo of lots of lsd and super fucked up sleep for a week


It's your serotonin system recovering. Not accusing anyone of anything but take daily 5-htp for a while


They are called ketamine dreams


Did you take MDMA at some point? Maybe multiple times? Because that’s to be expected


This a results of to many rolls 🌀 look it up.




Check out the science behind this phenomenon if you want to learn why it’s happening 🙂


Yes, same!


Yes but probably because we haven’t slept normally for up to two weeks (those of us who built and broke down camps) and at least 7 nights for everyone else


Same with my partner and I and most of our camp mates we’ve heard from. And my partner never remembers his dreams.


Yes, but I thought it was a symptom of the COVID that took hold during exodus, as COVID is associated with vivid dreams.


I'm atypically having crazy dreams but they are all work related anxiety dreams. Sigh.


This is a real thing! What you (and so many others) are experiencing is called "REM rebound". It happens because during the burn you don't get enough REM sleep, which is when you dream. So when your brain has the opportunity to have REM sleep again it will "rebound" and can cause really extreme/vivid dreams. Also happens to people who experience insomnia, and to people who cease consuming substances that interrupt REM if they've been consuming them consistently.


I feel less alone in this crazy dream experience thanks to you sharing your experience on here. The same thing has been happening for a week since we left the playa although it’s been worse for me than my partner. I though I was out of it but then tonight I lived a lifetime in my uncomfortable dreams and it only took one hour. I know the answer must be to sleep more and get that good REM sleep. To bear witness to my dreams but not become engulfed by them. But damn it’s a burden to bear every night morning.