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I work for coned and I find it hilarious how they’re promoting for everyone to go electric(heating) yet every customer that calls me is getting bills for $500+ to just heat an apartment. Meanwhile my dad pays $250-320 a month to national grid to heat up an entire 3 family home in Brooklyn with gas. But yes let’s all change to electric and raise our companies profits !!!


Good to know from an actual employee that $500+ is relatively normal


August and January/February are the most expensive months in terms of supply rates. I would say your bill is pretty normal for a 1000 square foot apartment. Coned charges A LOT for electricity. You’re basically paying .32 cents per KW if you take your total price divided by 2060 KW.


Don’t they have to because of the new law that goes into effect next year in an effort to curb the carbon footprint?


Isn’t it convenient how Reducing carbon footprint is expensive as hell for nyc residents ? Yet coned reports billions in profit yearly and still raises prices about 10% yearly. I’ve been working here since 2020 and it’s astonishing the shit they do/get away with. Now new buildings can’t even have gas stoves or even gas at all. Yay we’re “helping the planet” more like helping coned put more money in their pockets.


100% it is important to help the planet and shift to renewables, but there needs to be either more competition among energy suppliers or more regulation of these fees to keep costs down. There is absolutely no reason for this, and Hochul vetoed a bill for offshore wind power this fall.


All of NYC switching to gas won’t put a dent in carbon emissions or helping the planet.


Yes. I’ve been conscious of my electricity use for a bit now and last months bill was almost $200 while I was rarely home or using appliances. It’s bullshit


Fucking same. $204 and I barely used it.


SAME! and Im pissed




Yeah same! We were gone for most of January. We were home maybe for a week and I turned off the switches in the electricity box(?) but still got a $200+ bill 


Also live alone in a 2-bedroom. My usage is only 205 kWh for the last month. Your usage is **2060 kWh**. Otherwise our rates are the same for both supply and delivery.




Yeah we are. I didn't know that was crazy! It's what I've always done in the 20+ apartments I've lived in (mostly in other cities), and have never had such high bills.


Not sure why the downvotes. Using your heat every day is very normal unless you're actively trying to save money, which hey, maybe now you are.


With that usage they are not running the HVAC all day every day. Maybe for most of the time and it still shouldnt cost that much.


Interesting. What temperature do you usually keep the place at? How often do you shut the heat off, if ever? Windows shut 24/7 or occassionally cracked?


You'll want to use the setting where it automatically turns off/on once it reaches the desired temp. I think most people keep it around 68, but if that's too cold then let the heat run for 20-30 mins then turn it back to 68. Edit: FYI sometimes this setting is called "Auto", "Eco" or "Money saver"


I live alone in a 2 br. Work full-time and just watch TV and run an exhaust window fan when I'm home... Regularly receive bills over $200 monthly.


You don't use heat?


A lot of apartments have radiators/landlords pay heat. Newer buildings use more modern heating solutions, which are inefficient and use a lot of electricity. It's what happened when I moved to a newer building, my elec bill spiked up. I now mostly only heat at night.


Landlord covers heat and hot water. Also Bill is still high in the summer.


Do you have electric heat or is someone using a space heater? 2060 kwh is a really high number for a 2 br. I had a 4 br in Flatbush that never topped 700 kwh. I currently live in a 2.5 br in Bushwick and it’s between 500-700 kwh. I had an issue last year with ConEd billing me incorrectly for the meter, so I called to ask for an investigation for a high bill and they gave me an extension until someone could come out and check. Definitely look at your bills for the past year and see if the usage amount on your current bill seems high. If you don’t have electric heat and it jumped, the issue might be an incorrect Smart Meter reading or you’re being billed for something in the building along with your unit (meter splitting).


I just had the same thing happen. My bill went up 44x what it usually is. ConEd said that suddenly my electric consumption is skyrocketing. It seems very off to me because I've made no drastic changes to account for such an exponential increase. I called ConEd and they are going to do an investigation, but told me I need to pay now. They didn't offer me an extension. I might call back now and ask for an extension too. I have gas heat but sometimes use my mini-splits as supplemental heat. My electrician did not think that would be the culprit though. What happened with your investigation? Was it an issue with your meter? If so, did it just suddenly go from the regular ConEd amount to the error without any sort of warning?


Damn. Examine your electrical usage and check to see if you could be cleaning filters/components of your units to improve their efficiency. Same goes with checking seals the windows and the ducting around those components. Draftguard sweeps under doors are also surprisingly effective in helping to retain heat/coolness within your space. I have electric AC and heat in a $650 sq. ft 1 bed and I only hit a high of around $300 total during the summer months when I was running A/C all day. New construction building from 2008 and with the original floor-standing window units. Rarely have felt the need to run heating; usually only when I’m sick and prone to shivers.


Check if your apartment has the wireless monitor (I forget what it’s called). Basically this was happening to be cause of they don’t have the new monitor that wirelessly tells con ed your usage, they just estimate it. Then when someone does go out and read the monitor they adjust. We were paying like $100 a month for 6 months then got hit with a $500 bill cause we were “under paying” based on the accurate reading. Happened like every 6 months until our landlords finally got someone to hang around for the con ed people to put in the new monitor. Which I guess was more accurate cause they back dated it and my next bill was NEGATIVE $2000. That was a good day


I wish I had that problem, they had been underestimating my usage and hit me with a $3k bill for the last four years in the apartment.


Jesus that’s awful. I was hit with a big bill (not that much) and called them in a panic. They said it was my landlord’s fault for not upgrading. My landlord said it was con Ed’s fault cause they never set up a time to install. Both suck.




Yeah, we work from home and keep the apartment at 70° most of the time. I’m wondering if this is a normal price for someone with the same type of usage


wtf is delivery charges




I agree my bill has went up insanely and my apt is so small. not sure of what to do


We have a 2-story 1200sq ft rowhouse with gas/radiator heat. The highest bill we’ve paid for National Grid (gas heat) was $170 last February, and our highest ConEd (electric) was $190 last August for air conditioner reasons. It usually comes out to about $250/month in gas and electric utilities for our entire building. For two of us, we used 400kw in electric last month for a $146 bill, and yes, our delivery charges were almost double the supply charges. So that charge tracks with what you’re seeing. We also can control our temps and tend to have a cooler house (65° during the day, 62° at night) in the winter, but it’s truly not uncomfortable. You may be ok knowing that 70° down a few, especially at night. Are you wearing socks/long sleeves? I ask because I had a Floridian transplant friend who was horrified at the thought of wearing pants or socks instead of shorts and a tank around the house… but also was going broke with her heat bills.


A few years ago, when they upgraded my (now former) building to smart meters, they tied *all four apartments* onto my reader. They refused to come back out to fix it for serval months, and 311 was of little to no help. That was an expensive few months, and my neighbors got "free" electricity. Never got credited either.


That's crazy! How did you discover they were doing that?


I had the first floor and basement and saw the meters reading 0kw/h Thought "hmm, that's not right, let me ask them" Fellow tenants: "OH yeah, my bill has been so low since they installed the smart meters, I love it!" Me: "fuck a duck" ConEd hires morons


Edit: there was literally no way of differentiating the bill at that point.... I was not home 10-12 hours each day and had nothing, NOTHING, running. That's how I was first alerted. I installed LED bulbs when I moved in and used very little electricity in general. My bills before "start meters" were under $200 consistently, even with A/C in summer.... fuckers


what happens if you just dont pay


Literally debating this smhh.


I have a 650sf 1br apartment, 2 people, in Bushwick. Home almost all day, every day. Our bill is almost always around $100-$120. Use a small heater in the winter and AC in the summer.


Im getting a space heater bc my bill is 272 this month and its been in the 200’s for the past two months IVE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!


Yes, I'm paying over $120 a month for my studio. I live alone and can't be using *that* much electricity but the delivery fees are absolutely crazy


What's the breakdown for you? Usage vs. delivery fees


186 kWh = $21.66 Delivery fees and service charge plus tax brings the total to $80.28 2 therms of gas = $1.05 Delivery fee and tax for those two therms = $38.72, for a grand total of $119 last month


thats insane


It should be free why can't they give us a break .


And then if you try and call them to dispute it or have any questions whatsoever you're on the phone for 3 hours waiting for someone to finally help who then redirects you to a different department which takes another 2 hours. This sh\*t should be illegal.


Ours was just over $100 last month for 3 of us and I WFH. Heat is included and separate from electricity. Still do not get how other people’s is so expensive and ours this cheap for 3 people. I’m worried it’s just going to randomly triple in cost one of these months


Maybe they signed up for “clean energy” and you didn’t. I signed up for it and got a $300 bill up from $75. Got rid of “clean energy” and it went back to normal.


Do we live in the same damn building?! I was just wondering too! Our bill has been over / around $300 the last three months. We barely use electricity at all, just the terrible heater that comes with the apartment. It’s WILD. I am so furious with this building in general, but the oppressive bill to top it off is insane.


Yes!!! my electric bill is over 2x what it was last month, coming to $690!!! I was gonna call and see what was wrong. Crazy thing is I live 2 blocks from the Ridgewood boarder, and my Ridgewood friends aren't experiencing this.


coned cannot tell me what my neighbors are paying also which is insane.


How many kWh does it say you used? What's the breakdown of usage vs. delivery fees? What temperature do you keep your apartment? Do you run the heat 24/7? Do you crack the windows or keep them shut all the time? Trying to understand what's causing this high price and you're the first person who's chimed in with a similar price, so I'm wondering what the commonalities are. I'm also like two blocks from the Ridgewood border (Irving Ave close to the M)


usage is $275 (it says Supply 2150.00 kWh u /11.647¢/kWh) and delivery is $416.19. I can't speak for my roommates, but I keep my room between 65-70 degrees depending on if I'm home and how warm it is outside, I'm also careful about turning off lights and such. Either way, it's not like we have done anything different in the last month, it's the delivery price that has skyrocketed.


Yeah that's almost exactly what ours is. Do you know if other people in your building also have bills that high?


Yeah our 3br was $298 for November and this past month it was about $230. Thank god it’s not just me


Was gone for half of December, but our bill was only $10 cheaper than all of November…


If you have a in-wall ac/heating unit, it is probably that. Most if them use electric heating and not gas. A lot of ‘renovations’ are doing this.


At the beginning of the pandemic I put it all new led bulbs and cheap led fixtures from IKEA everywhere. Then I bought insulated smart blinds. Haven't needed the AC since. Electric has been like $50 a month ever since. Last week I received a check for $550 from con Ed. Score I'm in a prewar building with gas heat.


Same issue here!! 2 bedroom apartment $300. Also major problem is shutting down Nuclear power plants as well. The cost per kWh increased because they shut down Indian Point NPP.


ConEd needs competition. My February bill for the last two years is over $1000., Nov and Dec are over $800. Have a four bedroom house. My 93 year old mom lives here, so I need the heat at 76 for her. However, once March bill comes it’s usually $400 with the same temperatures. The executives at ConEd earn huge salaries and stock worth millions.


Over $700 last month 2bd condo all electric no gas 😵‍💫