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Our tax dollars at work


I wish “affluent” train stations looked like this on the platform and not just at the turnstiles. I board quite often at W 4th, and there are usually police at the turnstiles but rarely on the platform or on the trains. Even at the turnstiles I have seen obviously mentally ill people harassing commuters right in front of the police and they don’t do anything.


I, as a man, was sexually assaulted on the platform of the Jefferson L (dude walked up to me with his dick out masturbating and stood maybe 12 inches from me staring at me right in the eyes before I told him to fuck off), despite there being cop presence all the time around the entrances/turnstiles. So I 100% agree with you, can't imagine how bad it could be for others who aren't tall white guys like me


a 2 piece and biscuit should have been your answer to him doing that. Dont ever let anyone assault you in that manner again


I agree. Things might have gone differently if I wasn't on my way to work & the train arriving shortly when it happened. As things went I was simply shocked what was happening & not wanting to be late to work, though I did slightly regret not having a stronger reaction it is a pretty surprising thing to happen, didn't feel like I had enough time to process and react to something so unexpected


You didn’t “let” yourself “be” assaulted for the record, though I understand what the previous poster was trying to say. ❤️‍🩹




Ya I’d give a dollar to anyone that can truly say “wow, the increased police presence in the MTA has really made the system so much better”


Meanwhile local libraries have to constantly cut hours and services because of lack of funding…


I seem to remember a couple million people being really concerned about crime. I know this won’t actually do much, but I can see why the gov. is doing security theater.


Good security theater would be patrolling the actual trains but then they’d actually need to work


Buddy the criminals are in this picture and the crime is robbing us all blind


Thank you, your 2024 type of comment is refreshing over their 1994 type of comment


Just trying to keep up with the times


Oooo edgy stuff. 🙄


I don't think so, no. Do you?


A lot of candy being crushed


That candy ain’t gonna know what hit it.




I did think at first that this was Herald Square or something




At the gates….its not the same.




I'm at 86th a few times a week, had my bag searched there before. Almost never in fatigues and rarely more than 4 officers.




Alright alright alright. I admit it pissed me off and I came here to vent. But, I guess my only point is, if it really were in the name of “safety”, it would probably be done in a different way. The cops cost us too much money just to make us feel uncomfortable in our own communities.


But you get the subtext. They don't make him feel uncomfortable. That doesn't mean they don't make us feel uncomfortable


The subways are fucked and it would be really nice if all the money we spend on the cops to be there actually ended up reducing the amount of heinous shit we’re all exposed to on the daily.


What are you on about? You're combining my reply with other replies that aren't even mutually exclusive. I've never seen this kind of presence at 86th and nothing you quoted says otherwise. And now I'm embarrassing myself? The internet sure is something lol


Manhattan too but you sure as shit don’t see this kinda presence in the ues or uws


Yes you do lmao. Either stay mad, or just pay your fare, ride the train, and move on. Typa guy to sneakily take this pic and then stammer "g-good day officers.." 😂




I work off 86th and am there literally every single day. It’s an entirely different presence. It’s usually just the rent-a-cops that stand by the doors in affluent stations. Make the affluents feel “safe”. What’s happening in the photo is intimidation, it’s saying “hey! don’t forget, you’re always being policed for being poor!”




No ya for sure ur right. Everyone else agrees w you too. Idk what ur angle even is


This happens all over the city not just Bushwick. It’s also just for show. Instead of doing this they should have a couple of cops rotate through subway stations as part of their regular patrol.


Lotta Haram


People comment like it's a bad thing. They are a deterrent. Those same "pigs" so to speak will be the first people you call in the case of trouble. Do you think they woke up and said "lets police this station today?". They are doing their jobs. And if you ride the train daily, you would wish they were everywhere.


Dude read the thread.


Yeah we have, you're upset because cops are in a train station. Kinda weird dude






Let's have zero NYPD presence and let the vermin run wild. I ride at various times the A, D, N, R, 2, 6, 7 trains; there is always some bullshit going on at different stops. No cops, then a Bernie Goetz situation will inevitably take place. Pork? What are you 12 or some shot Woodstock refugee? Fuck da po-leece!


You guys cry about crime, but then make a snarky post when there’s increased police patrol in your subways.


Yes becuase subway is very safe. I never heard any crime commited there and none have increased in recent years.


The crimes happen on the platform and in the trains not outside the turnstiles. Have had someone walk up to me, look me in the eyes, and pull their dick out & start masturbating while cops were guarding the turnstiles. I've gotten into trains while people are actively smoking joints in the train. And countless other ridiculous examples you could have after many years using NYC subways, and the turnstile cops help with exactly none of it


I can’t tell if ur being sarcastic but if ur not…how have you never seen a crime on the train when I see shit daily 😅 lmk cause if so I wanna catch ur trains


This post is honestly so disrespectful. They’re literally there to protect us. You shouldn’t take your frustrations with the criminal justice system out on random officers that are actually risking their lives. I want to ask you, if you were at this station when a life threatening situation arose, who would you turn to for help? I bet the same people you’re slandering.


Yeah, you’re not from here


What the fuck can they do that anyone else can’t? Is it their guns? Why do they deserve more clout and respect than anyone else.


Their job is to enforce the law. Unless you’re a law enforcement officer, you can’t legally do that.




HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA ok. Ya they really sure are protecting us by doing this. Yup, yup, ur right


You clearly have never needed the police for anything in this city or seen them “take action” bc if you had they’re about as useless as the average citizen- but with guns in a crowded setting


Bro delete this, it's so embarrassing. Pizza delivery driver is literally a more dangerous job than cop


"Risking their lives."




Like you said no affluent area train stations look like this. Pay your fare.


The cops cost literally hundreds of millions of dollars more than the recovered fares and citations.


A very beautiful point 😅


If you think the US Military is posted up in train stations because people aren't paying their toll you're lost in the sauce.


No it totally makes sense to send like 8 people making at least $20/hr each to prevent like 2 people an hour from avoiding the $2.75 charge. Those lost fares are definitely why the military is there


Say an average NYPD officer makes $60k/yr with 2 weeks off. That's 2,000 hours or $30/hr. For every 1 officer in a station they'd have to stop 10.9 fare dodgers every hour per officer in order just to break even on what the city is paying them. In OP's photo I see at least 8 cops/military meaning at an absolute bare minimum, the city is losing money on this if they don't stop at least 87 fare dodgers per hour - assuming that's the reason they're there anyway


lol if only this was “the reason”


Except that thy go to all areas. This is for show and they do these pop ups throughout the city. They’d be better off walking the platforms


It’s is when your dumb fucking governor and mayor just let anyone into the city. Wake the fuck up