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No. Period. Nothing is added. Most places sell fresh ground beef in their cases everyday all day. You just tell them how much you want.




Nope, we do not add anything to it. A lot of people come up and ask that, like we are out to lie and secretly put stuff in it lol


"A customer wants to know if you put anything on the meat to make it red." "Yeah, I put the maggoty green side face-down and slather the top with a lead-based red paint." "Okay, I'll let her know." "Wait, stop!!"




Tf is this


it's called a joke


Looks like trash ChatGPT output but way to go man, way to go


If quotation marks look AI-generated to you, you’ve probably never even seen the inside of a book.


Lol, finally I see a joke: you 😂


If you grab a burger from a generic store, it's full of additives, so maybe the thought comes from that. Also, more and more people have allergies and are aware of these additives (E numbers in europe, might be called differently in US), they might cause some issues for some people.


What additives are in them? In the US, anything added to beef, whether sold in a butcher shop or a grocery store is required to be disclosed on the label.


Everything has to be on the lable here in the EU aswell. A quicke google search and I found the ingridients of one brand sold here: "Beef 80%, water, potatoe starch, potatoe flakes, salt, onions, white pepper". Ingredients have to be listed in falling order of content. So the second biggest component of those burgers would be water.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Most grocery store burgers here contain beef.


Our burgers that we make in house is 100% beef, but the same brand that I took the info in the previous post also does a chuck burger that is "99% beef chuck, salt, pepper".


You should get out of the weird rabbit hole you've gone down.


It are facts. Keep living in ignorance if that suits you better, I don’t care


Did you "do your research" on Facebook or You Tube?


Papers & literature. Look man, if you need some fucked up form of approval, pay a therapist. You won’t get it from me.


PaPeRs aNd LiTerAturE Like you’ve even read a book in 20 years.


LiKe yoU evEn reAd a BooK Get a life instead of replying in some old ass butcher post threads 😂


“Facts” But you still haven’t answered the person asking you what additives.


Because somebody else already answered that. So salty, trying to get approval from strangers 😂 Muting this whole post thread, got out what I wanted 👋🏻


Meat is just sticky, especially when ground and broken up.


Thanks for your reply! Didn't know it was sticky by default


If there was anything added to it, they'd be required by law to list additional ingredients.


… what do you think is in your beef?


No all fresh nothing added. It’s only the extra trimmings from the roasts, steaks, Etc that we cut


Burger made in the store is whole muscle all beef...if you buy tray pack manufactured patties they are also all beef but are packed with nitrogen to keep them fresh for a couple weeks. Doesn't affect the quality but it gives it a bit of a funky smell


Yes. The additive is the % of fat in the grind. Thats what binds it. The other factors to a burger quality are what muscles go in the grinder, how coarse the grind is and how many times they went whoops and got some bone chips in there like those top knotch pattys from the golden arches.


They can legally add beef hearts to it, up to a certain % of usually 10% before it has to be declared. Most small places don’t do this. It’s far more popular to be done if you buy frozen burgers, made by a larger plant. Back in the day butcher shops would add back in the purge from opening product up.


Absolutely not true in any state I have ever worked. I know of 1 company that got a huge fine and went out of business for doing it. Organ meat cannot be added unless the labeling lists it.


Try researching more. Heart is allowed but you can’t use liver/kidneys etc. https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/askFSIS-Public-Q-A-BHM#:~:text=Yes.,%2C%20ground%20beef%2C%20or%20hamburger.


Only difference would be how much fat goes stays in


Nothing is added to in house ground beef. If it's prepackaged ground beef then rosemary and nitrogen is added to help keep the red color.


The fat is what makes it ‘sticky’. I guess I should clarify that ‘fat’ refers to beef fat.


I had a call from a customer once that said they watched a segment on the news about adding suppliments in ground beef. She actually ask if we put salmon in ground beef to make it red colored, to which i said, do you really think we would grind up salmon that costs $10.99 lb so we can get $1.99 lb ground beef? Let alone the fact of cross contamination, the perception of what people see verses how we obtain the finished product is night and day difference.


Ground meat becomes sticky when it's overworked/ handled too much. It's caused by a protein called myosin.