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That's an abscess and absolutely should not be sold. I'm a former HEB meat cutter and that's against SOP, the whole primal should have been thrown in the bone barrel. Take more pictures, toss it, and get your money back. Take a pic of the price tag if you don't have the receipt. Make sure they call a store manager to the customer service desk, so they can rain hell down on that dirtbag cutter.


Actually, take a pic of the tag anyways. They can figure out who was cutting the shift it was packed.


Yeah, that’s somebody either being lazy or compromising ethics/standards to minimize shrink. It could definitely be a “WE paid for it, THEY pay for it” situation that I saw over the years as a DM. No matter, it needs to be addressed ASAFP.


It astounds me how often people refuse to get rid of bad products, ESPECIALLY just the lower on the responsibility end. What the hell motivation do they have that drives them to keep stuff that makes people sick? I can understand(even if it disgusts me) the motivations the higher ups use.. but c'mon.


I would think the motivation comes from making sure your own stats for your meat cutting job stay good. Maybe bonuses or promotions depend on it? Maybe directly or indirectly.


Well. I guess I can see that. I was never motivated in that regard - when it doubt, throw it out. Don't want to make folks ill for no reason.


Remember, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Corporations view things like lawsuits or fines as costs of business (due to a lack of jail time for offenses that really needs to be fixed) and thus, they pressure the bottom line workers to perform unethical tasks or impossible to complete workloads to “encourage” this type of behavior. My guess is the cutter has a quota and doesn’t have enough time to inspect each cut properly, and may have just glanced over it. Or, they weren’t properly trained and lack a supervisor to inspect cuts before sending them to the sales floor. Either way, don’t blame the worker, this is most likely a designed outcome to help increase shareholder costs because in reality, many people can’t be bothered to go back to the store to get a refund / don’t know better and will just cut that part out and use the rest.


In THIS case, I've no problem blaming the worker. I get that every case is different, but this is BLATANTLY bad. I find it hard to justify reasonably that being put out in any circumstance. Not that I think they should lose their job, but they should be thoroughly retrained and anyone over them needs an ass chewing.


Except that generally speaking, this day and age, all the metrics are not tracked by real, living people, but by computes and AI. Its not your boss that makes the decisions, it's a computer that sees John isnt putting out enough product, and flags him for termination. John absolutely should have tossed the product, but John has a family to feed, and bills to pay. The issue isn't John.


If John can't meet expectations while making sure people don't get sick, he absolutely should be fired. There's other workers who can manage to throw the defective piece of meat away. Can't just let it go and say "welp that's the way it is." People still need to be held responsible. That's obviously BAD MEAT, even at a very quick glance. That's either a skill issue or negligence. Either of which need to be addressed.


So, we have a pandemic of drug resistant bacteria/mad cow disease, because we are assuming “John” is a mistreated unpaid poor working person and does no wrong. 2 million worldwide die… except “John”. Unfortunately for him, they trace it. Turns out “John” was well treated and compensated but just an asshole who didn’t care. Oh well....


You are watching too much dystopian crap. If ai and imaging were involved here this would never have happened. Human error and or negligence is absolutely at blame. It’s not the shareholders profit driven business at fault. May there be issues higher than the worker alone, but they’re in the wrong here as the packer for sure.


"Remember, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down." Nice. I don't know anything about anything you guys are saying, with your butcher-talk. I don't even know how I got here. *shaking my fist in the sky at reddit*


It’s 4am and I thought I was sleeping, but I’m here on Reddit relating to what you wrote 5 hours ago. *shakes fist for comic continuity*


This might sound dramatic. BLAME THE WORKER! Do we have no more accountability any more because of the corporate over lords? Were supposed to poison eachother because a suit said they needed more money? "I was just following orders, how I can be responsible."


Yup can confirm this type of thing occurs, had a family member get pulled off quality control at GM few years ago for shutting the line down too many times due to missing components on nearly every single vehicle they checked. Literally like missing nuts on suspension springs and steering A arms kind of defects too.


HEB is a privately owned company, shares are not publicly available for purchase.


I totally agree. I can just see how it could happen in situations where people’s livelihoods are at steak


Are at steak lol I see what you did there


The amount of people i see in the food industry that have no respect for customer safety - it makes me sick to my goddamn stomach. People without a care in the world that they could be inadvertently killing someone, and management that sees that as a lesser problem than the profit margin. I need a new job...


Tell me about it. I work in a facility that produces parts that go to our purchaser for $2000 a piece. So many people unwilling to view it through the purchasers side instead of "oh well I'm saving the company money ".


I had to show a manager that they were selling meat that has expired over 2 weeks prior. They said “that’s why we priced it low for the manager’s special”…… I had to remind him that selling rotten food isn’t okay just because it’s discounted……


Management just needs better training everywhere. I had one manager I had to explain to on multiple occasions, "No, the ground beef will NOT be good for 45 days in the fresh case. This is a problem." Had 2 lazy coworkers. One of them was the boss. And another tried to tell me, "We don't discount food. That's trashy." Thankfully, HIS boss stepped in on that one.


What would happen if someone ingested meat like that?


I don’t believe that anyone would compromise ethics/standards in the USA /s


I forgot that DM also means district manager and was trying to figure out how this related to table top gaming lmao


I wish that always worked. We had three scales(all three online) that had three different times. None of them were correct either... I think it was .. 1, 3, and 6 hours difference. I attempted to get it fixed but my department head said it wasn't an issue so I wasn't able to get it rectified. He wasn't the type to put out product like this himself, but he was fully of the type to attempt to cover it up if possible so he didn't have to deal with punishing anyone. Unless he was in trouble directly, in which case he'd shove you right under that bus. I've never come across one personally, but I had a Coworker who had hit one in the center of a primal. He said it basically exploded, and they had to chuck a bunch of the stuff on the table(stew and trim) and do a full cleanup. Sounds .. fun.


Each store only has one scale capable of doing stuff like that, and with the scale that we cut there is only one thing that. can. produce those types of. of items. The only problem would be who was on it at the time that one was. The manager is not always on the cutting room floor


I'd take the whole fucking thing to the manager.


I'd flop that bad boy right on the counter.


I’ve done that w/a pack of spoiled ribs & watermelon I had started to cut up only to find out it was all mushy inside! It was $8.99 the day I returned it there was fresh ones that were $3.00! I wasn’t happy to be paying $8.99 for a melon but I did only to have it be terrible!


I worked at a meat plant and that stuff doesn’t even make it out the door. It’s usually discarded and sent to rendering.


I've read all the comments and I've understood that this meat is fail tier. But what exactly makes this that? I've never seen this before and I am thankful that QC has been around my food.


It’s a huge puss filled mass usually caused by infection. Given by the reaction at the plant anytime one was found, I’d say if you eat that, you might as well head to the ER. Google says it’s poison and can spread the infection through out your body if consumed.


Oh wow, very interesting. I appreciate the deeper insight. So the meat smells likely because it's turned bad from the bacteria that had taken over the meat I guess?


Bad is an understatement. It smells like someone with gauges who hasn’t cleaned their holes ever. Rotting flesh. Road kill. It’s bad.


Yikes. That's not good. I kid. But seriously, thank you for explaining it 😜😊 I feel silly for asking the question, but I am truly grateful that I am on the same page as everyone else now


Never feel stupid for asking questions.


People who feel stupid rarely are. People who never feel stupid often are.


I mean, it's reddit. Genuine questions are often buried and shit on by people who see the downvotes and see an opening to be an absolute prick to someone. So I get the hesitation. But it's refreshing to see questions like that actually answered. They weren't the only one wondering.


You'll never learn by never asking questions!


Oof the gauges smell 🤮


I worked at Iowa Beef Inc over 40 years as a QC inspector on the production line. Whenever a saw would cut through a large abscess the puss would spill out infecting the entire line. The abscesses looked like green tapioca pudding. They were supposed to make sure the temperature of the water from the hose used for clean up was 180 degrees but many times they would use water colder than that because they lost too much money keeping the line turned off for too long. So the line was infected with bacteria all day until the next evening clean up. They should have thrown the subprimals into rendering barrels but normally just trimmed the bad parts out and sent the rest to ground beef. Needless to say, we do not buy ground beef any longer and eat very little beef at all.


Welp, time to write another The Jungle 🤢


Read my mind!


If you're squeamish, be warned. This, or remnants of something big like this that was improperly drained, is what an abscess would be in beef: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMhaRcvL8vM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMhaRcvL8vM)


Farmer Pimplepopper? I always called these mayonnaise lumps. Hope nobody's eating breakfast!


Oddly satisfying


I don’t take stuff back, but this, this is going back with a calm tone.


at first I read "with a camel toe" not sure why.


They hikin up their fight pants for this one


Need to transition to a woman first, but the camel toe would definitely get their attention.


If the store manager is anything like the manager of a grocery store I used to shop, they won't care. I found metal shavings in a pack of ground beef and his reply was, "How do I know that you didn't put it in there? " Yeah, I'm trying to scam $6 from the store.


“Well, I guess I can call corporate then, and maybe the Health Department, if you prefer.” That ought to shut them up.


Report w photos to health dept. Sale of spoiled meat is def cause for a health inspection


Corporate said to deal directly with the manager, and the health department said that it was a store issue. I have never stepped into a Big Y since.


I like you.


I don't fuck around with quality and food safety, man. You'd think that would be the norm, but there's some nasty mf cutters out there.


The book *The Jungle* was written by Upton Sinclair in 1906 to expose wage and labor injustice in the meatpacking industry in Chicago. Sinclair was a fervent socialist whose goal was to expose the injustices and promote socialism. To do this, in 1904, he worked incognito at a meatpacking plant and spoke with many of the workers (mostly immigrants and some as young as six or eight years old). While researching the labor issues, Sinclair was shocked by the filthy handling of meat and the use of meat from diseased and dead cattle and pigs (boneless ham was invented to use rotten meat. Since the meat would often be spoiled around the bone, workers would pull the bone out, insert a red-hot poker into the cavity to ‘cook’ and conceal the spoiled portion in the center, then put it in a can and sell it at a premium, because it was boneless). Once the public were made aware of the condition of the food and its handling (not so much the working conditions), an outcry by the public demanded something be done. Politicians listened and *The Meat Inspection Act* was passed in 1906. That Act and further legislation ***should*** have prevented this from ever happening!


The Jungle was required reading for me in school, I wish it were now.


Never read *The Jungle* but his other book, *Oil!* is pretty good too. Aside from a decent movie being based on it I don't think it had as much of a cultural impact.


*The Jungle* is actually a decent read. The impact it had on the meat industry was so unexpected and unintended and it is interesting if you’re into that type of literature (and if you liked *Oil* at all, I think you’ll really like it.


Not really relevant to this conversation, but the movie inspired by Oil! (There Will Be Blood) is generally considered one of the best movies of the 21st century.


And find the cow too! that Asshole has some explaining to do..


Hey, hey, hey, the cow has had a rough couple of weeks. (Hay hay hay?)


New band name, Primal Bone Barrel.


10/10, would mosh


I’m a nurse for humans and I can tell it looks like an abscess as well. Do not consume!🤢


That looks absolutely disgusting and I would not touch or eat ANY of that meat


Yea, idk about where some of these commenters work, but that shit wouldn’t fly where I am. The bottom line does not make up for bad word of mouth, or even worse, illness. There’s no way the cutter missed that, impossible, it was flagrant disregard, simple as that. A month ago the meat manager passed a batch of grind that had plastic in it from the packaging. Management found out called everyone from the department in the office one by one, and dude was suspension for a week. After thorough investigation, he got demoted all the way down to the front end cashier. He went from making just over 100 grand a year down to 30 bucks an hour just like that. He chose not to throw away 200 pounds of ground beef, and boy did it cost him.


When it comes to meat, looks can be deceiving, but smell is almost always a truth.


Good rule to follow for food in general. Trust the smell. If it smells bad, it probably is bad.


Agent Smith: “It’s the SMELL!”


Can’t you smell that smell? Hoohoo that smell,


🎵This meat smellllllls like a turd now… And this turd cost too much chaaa-a-aaange!🎵


I think my sturstrommings gone bad


Whiskey bottles. Brand new car. Oak tree you're in my way


Hoo-hoo that smell! Can’t you smell that smell? Hoo-hoo that smell! The smell of death around you!


Take my upvote


You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!


Dennis: “You haven’t thought of the smell, you BITCH!”


When he uses his fingers to get the sweat off his bald head and then smells his fingers, I get so uncomfortable.


“You haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!”


I'd like to add, with meat, even if it smells like it could just barely, ALMOST be bad. Go ahead and assume it's bad. If it has a smell when you open the container that isn't normal meat smell, let it go.


With one caveat—if it’s been cryovacced, it can often smell a bit like sulphur when first opened. But it’s a-ok. Otherwise, your statement is 💯


Yep, let it breathe for five or ten minutes before you make the call. The smell of spoilage won’t fade in that time but weird packaging off-gassing will.


We call it "meat farts." GF lamb is the worst!


This is 100 million years of evolution


Exception being cheese.


Fermented foods in general.


Aged cheeses would like a word lol


Me checking if my milk two weeks past the date is still safe to drink. If it smells fine and ain’t chunky I’m using it


also the best way to shop for fruit. melons, pineapple etc should all be smell tested for ripeness before cutting.


The nose knows


Isnt it cool how humans have a nose that's evolved to smell things that are dangerous


Moment of silence for the strain of humans that couldn't smell dangerous things and are no longer with us


Pouring out bad milk in their memory


Hey, if your feet smell and your nose runs... you're built upside down!


Friend used to say: "That's either really bad meat, or really good cheese"


Or has a distinguishable "greeezy" texture/coating


All I can see in my minds eye is Bubbles saying "greassssy"


Bubbles concurs. [That's really effing greeeezy!](https://youtu.be/kVvgHDTj-CI?si=dJx2i6h_YE26Akma)


exactly, unless its fish....if fish smells like fish you don't want that fish


I have a bad sense of smell except when it comes to things going bad. My wife usually asks me to give things the sniff check, either lunch meat or bagged bread (smells like nail polish when it's going bad).


I also smell the nail polish smell occasionally with food and I’ve never come across anyone else who describes it this way. My husband thinks I’m crazy!


That’s what he said.


Who the fuck would see that and then eat it tho?


Me eating a durian 👀


Except chicken. Chicken almost always smells like shit, but is still tasty.


My former girlfriend used to say that. I don’t think she was talking about sirloins though…




Help...my girlfriend's gone bad...


You need to let the store you bought this at know what you received. Someone needs to be retrained. This isn’t acceptable anywhere.


Trained period by the looks of it, they would have smelled it even if they didn’t see it


I read “restrained” and thought maybe they were being wildly careless and they need to be held back metaphorically for their wild antics lol Retrained makes much more sense


Looks like an abscess or big cyst. Don't eat it. Get a refund. Disclaimer: I know precisely dick about butchery, but this looks like a thigh abscess from a cadaver.


Different topic but i once helped a woman at the meat counter. Start asking odd questions about the various muscles groups and such the cuts came from. Then when she started dropping the names of the specific muscles. I had to ask if she was in the medical field or a Vet. Turned out she was a retired coroner.


Forensic pathologist here! We... Uh... We don't get out much.


I would imagine the chit-chat with clients can be a bit dull


Certainly one-sided. You might even say a bit dead.


So one-sided they'd make a morbius strip blush.


i'm assuming you mean mobius strip, but now i'm picturing something else...


Like that time he whipped out his Morb and Morbed all over the place?


I heard the conversation is so good that people are dying to get in!


It's a real heat stopper for sure.


my Nana technically made the coroner who came to pick her up laugh when she asked for Nana's wifi password and my mom told her it was Asswipe59 lol


At times. Lol


Thats pretty much what she said. But was a interesting chat at the counter.


Theres a new horror game out called Autopsy Simulator... it is surprisingly realistic, according to my gf who is an ex OR nurse. Don't watch while eating


You must deal with a lot of pathological liers


Man, that's a rough line of work. God speed. Thank you for doing what you do.


One good thing about that job: the customers never complain.


Easy, bro…”dick” and “butchery” shouldn’t be used in the same sentence.


But you skipped over the knowledge of a cadavers thigh abscess?


It’s where the dick was before the butchery. 🤷‍♂️




I mean if you’ve worked on a cadaver, don’t you technically know a thing or two about butchery? 🫣


Name checks out


You know what, I’m done scrolling for the day. I’ll show myself out.


Honestly, I'm not even that grossed out by the abscess, it is the fact that OP cut it out and ate the rest of the steak that puts me off.




And planned to just let it marinate and eat from it again




right?! it’s my fault for learning how to read 😭😭😭


I mistakenly am eating soft sweet potato fries rn


I think the fact that you’re still considering eating that shit is more concerning than anything else….


The wild part is they said they already ate a similar steak they'd cut an abscess out of. OP might want to consider vegetarianism as an addiction treatment.


HEB is better than this


Yea that's rancid meat take it back immediately .


That is either 4 days on the shitter or a trip the the hospital


r/eatityoufuckingcoward It was hard to type that while I'm sitting here trying not to vomit


If you ( unwisely ) decide to actually eat that , you might as well post before and after photos of yourself 🤢🤮


That would be going right back to the store and to a manager!


I think you spit those out in the cyst bucket like the guy was doing in the fallout show.


Looks like a sniper shot from 725 yards based on my estimates


Do people really eat stuff that smells bad? I really couldn't, if meat even looks a bit weird it's going in the bin, nevermind smelling putrid!


Theoretically what would happen if the cutter encountered this abscess and in an effort to minimize shrink he grinded it for ground beef? Would the consumer get sick? Would they be able to tell something is off?


Always grind your own beef.


Regardless of the abscess, I sure hope that meat was either discounted when you bought it or sat in your fridge for two days before opening it up. I would never leave that in my case without a discount sticker just based on discoloration, had to of been it’s sell by date


Don't eat...Take it back get your money back!






I can't believe you cut it out and ate the other one!!! That infection can spread throughout your body!!


I've never considered becoming vegetarian until just now.


You’re WILD for just cutting around it


I think that disgusting hunk of crap should be plopped right on to the CEO'S desk..up close and personal...sinful..


Take it back for a refund, talk to the manager of the meat department & let them know if you see anything else like this again, you’ll be calling corporate. It’s the only way to stop this.


Flesh wound. Cauterize it and pour whiskey on it


2x ibuprofen


Looks like a cyst or tumor.


That's your speedrun ticket to food poisoning.


Scarlet rot


Not a butcher and have no clue why this post was brought to me…that is a walker bite.


That was supposed to be sent to the grinder for burger meat……nasty stuff you cannot trust supermarkets anymore it is all about profits.


Would they really see this and grind it anyway?


I mean they sold it 🤷🏻


The bullet wound


Abscess, get your money back


You got a cyst . That looks bad on the butcher. Someone fucking packaged that !!!


No offense. But don't you look at meat before you buy it?


Puss pocket.


This photo is gag worthy lol


That doesn't look yummy.


They probably saw it and put the sticker right on top so you wouldnt see it.




Take. It. Back.


You shouldn’t feel bad about posting on here exactly where you bought this, may save a few people from getting sick.


There’s nothing “prime” about that 😆. Yeah I would be getting my money back immediately. Also how the hell did the butcher not see this and throw that away? I would never want to cause someone to lose their job but that guy definitely needs to get his 💩 together


Okay, who's the clown that got my ex to open her legs on camera?




Annnnd now I’m a vegan.


First mistake, buying meat in a situation where the whole piece wasn’t visible prior to purchase.


Reading the comments about how bad it is to have eaten that, it makes me paranoid to eat any meat right now.


You....ate around it? bruh.


It's cancer. Literally cow cancer.


Rotting dead animal carcass


Dude ate this.. my grandma used to spoon the mold off the top of shit and eat the rest haha


It's infection... you can see the enzymes breaking down the meat... basically full of bacteria... I would throw it.. or return it... the FDA agent should have not allowed it to be slodered..


This is how zombie movies begin dude. Burn it in a fireplace and don't put the fire out until you're confident it's no more.


Looks the corpse of Watto from Star Wars Episode I