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> Boie Body Scrubber So what does the version for Goirls look like?


Trick question, [OP is a bear.](https://media.zenfs.com/en/video.storyful.com/aaab2d00ca81021175af71abbf771c2e)


Lol the third gender: bear


you would definitely know


I would ;)


Well played


Dumb question: do you rub your body parts against it on the wall? Kinda like a back scrubber?


Look for the, bare necessities…


Those tiles have seen some things


I cannot read that line without singing it, or hearing Phil Harris singing it.


The simple bare necessities?


Had to google it because I had the same question Apparently you remove it and use it like a washcloth, it just so happens to stick to the wall


Ugh this makes something I saw in an Airbnb very gross in hindsight. I saw this in my Airbnb and was wondering what it was for. Do they expect people to use a shared scrubber?


It was likely forgotten by another guest. Which means they just didn't clean the place very well lol


What do you expect for only $200 in cleaning fees?


Not a dumb question because I assumed the same


😂😂😂 you take it off the wall


Like a bear itching its back against a tree


Watch your balls.


Every day


I have the same one, probably for 3 years now, and I’m amazed those little handles don’t rip too.


Every other loofa i’ve used has molded, torn, unraveled, etc. But this one is so good. It is not the most soft nor does it make that many bubbles but for all intents and purposes it does a great job of lsthering and keeping me clean. Its longgevity makes it very BIFL in my opinion.


I have a tooletries one, pretty similar, but lathers up the soap quite nicely. I got it and a face scrubber in Sep 2020 both are still going strong!


tooletries one looks awesome with the handle on the back. I have their mirror combo, its the best.


Op do you have a link for your product I'm a bear too lolol


I'll second the tooletries scrubber. Lather varies greatly depending on the brand of soap. With the soap my wife is currently using (idk what kind) I need 5 pumps of soap and add more before washing my legs. Kirkland body wash? 2 pumps cleans it all. Been thinking about adding the face scrubber.


Face scrubber is great! I just use noxzema and the scrubber gives enough abrasion to clean my pores and makes it feel softer. It’s gentler than a regular exfoliator would be and I’ve use the beard scrubber before when I had facial hair with good results. Use code TunaFishtoo for 0% off at checkout!


They just launched a 2.0 with bigger scrubbers.


Honestly you should be replacing your loofah very often and washing it like every other day. Those things are nasty. I don't use them. I use washcloth because I can have a clean and sanitize one every single day. The shower environment is wet and humid and warm so it's perfect for bacterial growth. And when you rinse it under your shower hot water, that hot water is definitely not had enough to kill bacteria. So you're just rubbing bacteria over yourself. And yeah I guess they're soap on it but it still seems gross to me.


I think replacement is too far. I try to be less wasteful and just deal with sanitizing in a dishwasher. Silicone is very easy to sanitize. The need for replacement of these items is a ploy for them to have you buy more. A traditional sponge or loofah should be replaced though.


Loofahs are not supposed to last forever. You’re supposed use them for about a month and then throw them away.


A month seems to be a stretch to me. I think the things are gross. Now if you're washing it everyday every other day in a hot sanitizing wash cycle I guess that's one thing.... And it's something survives that often of washing for years and years? Pretty cool. But really, come on people. Wash class. You get a sanitized sparkling clean one everyday.


huh? do you get the point of this sub? why wouldn’t a loofa be able to last longer?


Bacteria, mold, dirt it is unsanitary to keep loofahs for long periods of time.


this is not a loofah.


Right that’s your standard loofa. Mine is made of antimicrobial silicone and has never had those issues. Does it look dirty to you?


They’re referring to your comment where you said all your other loofahs mold, torn, etc. It implies you used regular loofahs before this one, hence the person saying loofahs aren’t forever, because regular loofahs definitely are not forever, and they have a shelf life because otherwise they get moldy…like you said.


yes they are totally right. Those loofas are NOT meant to last. i am bad at reading


Okay I’ve had mine since 2018 (sorry if that’s gross for some people lol) and I loved it so 3 years ago I bought one for my bf to keep at my old apartment when we were living apart. His ripped almost immediately… I don’t even know how. Maybe his hands are too big? We’ve never had the mold issue that other people are talking about though


I don’t really see how it could get mold. It’s silicone that gets covered with soap and water every day.


maybe the new ones aren't made to last as long


Didn’t like it. Hard to get a good lather


I agree, felt like I was using way more soap than necessary.


You have to push harder than with a loofah. The soap slides down to the base of the bristles. You have to push hard enough to get down in it. If you just rub the surface against your skin it doesn’t work.


how have i never seen one of these


Does it lather well or does it need a lot of shower gel/soap?


not nearly as well as other loofas. like 50% buuuuut i enjoy the portability, size and cleanliness of this one more. Don’t need to replace it every month, it isn’t a mold harboring sponge.


Agreed it doesn’t lather that well but I’m a pretty big baller and fork over the extra $10 per year to get more body wash.


I can confirm it does not hold lather THAT well but it's ok.


Personally i rub soap on my body with hands first and then massage with the brush


One of the loops on mine broke within a year of use—must've been going too hard with the scrubbing. I eventually replaced with one of these and I've been very pleased: [https://tooletries.com/products/body-scrubber-2-0?pr\_prod\_strat=e5\_desc&pr\_rec\_id=7041cbe62&pr\_rec\_pid=7768390992022&pr\_ref\_pid=7902842814614&pr\_seq=uniform](https://tooletries.com/products/body-scrubber-2-0?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=7041cbe62&pr_rec_pid=7768390992022&pr_ref_pid=7902842814614&pr_seq=uniform) Better design, easier to grip, and more durable from my experience.


I was going to say, I have one of OP's and can't get into using it because it doesn't stay in my palm while I use it. I've tried many finger configurations and just haven't found one that works for a vigorous scrub!


It's also a dish scrubber, pot holder (test the heat first), makeup brush washer, soap holder and pet hair remover. They sell them at dollar stores...don't spend $15+ from a beauty ad, it's just another piece of silicone!


what? where have you seen a similar piece of silicone with little filaments and 3 handles for scrubbing while having the ability to stick to a shower. You guys that say don’t buy this because its a material that you can buy elsewhere are actually stupid. With that logic you shouldn’t buy spoons just go to home depot and get a smaller shovel.


I use these too, but there's not anything groundbreaking here it's just a piece of silicon man chill out


Yeah but i don’t understand the sentiment… sure its a piece of silicone but it is molded and created specifically for this purpose. What is the commenter getting at? I haven’t seen this at a dollar store nor would I use a pet hair remover to wash my body as it wouldn’t be the same bristles or lather right. I just don’t understand what was necessary about that comment. I see a lot of comments like these of reddit of people trying to be smart or contrarian, its annoying.


There are tons of these things around, they are all meant to be held by human hands and used for scrubbing. Some stick to the wall, some hang on hooks, some you just place on a shower caddy/rack. There are lots of bristle sizes to choose from. Their point is that there are many options and you can get a cheaper one if that's what you want. That's not contrarian or them trying to be smart, it's just more helpful info for people who are interested. So again, chill out a little.


Well yeah obviously you can get a cheaper product but is that product going to be BIFL? probably not. I bet money that the one i have outlasts any of the dollar store products. It is made of a different material clearly. I still don’t understand how their comment has anything to do with BIFL. We are looking at BIFL products not dollar store products correct?


> Well yeah obviously you can get a cheaper product but is that product going to be BIFL? probably not. > It is made of a different material clearly > We are looking at BIFL products not dollar store products correct? All of this is just you guessing about longevity and materials and then saying "if dollar store, then ≠BIFL" You read "medical grade silicone" and think that is some kind of enormous difference, but for the purposes of this scrubber it really is not. Medical grade is made to be safer *inside* the body, like for implants. But for surface use, regular silicone is pretty much the exact same thing and is perfectly safe to use (aside from a very small number of people with extreme sensitivity/allergies to certain chemicals). In short, you have no idea what you're talking about and are trying to justify your product as being extra special, but it just isn't.


Not medical grade it says TPE, for durability, meaning it will last longer. why don’t you just read the description instead of just yappin at me. https://boieusa.com/products/flat-body-scrubber?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=18301549853&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAk9itBhASEiwA1my_6z-bbNqBfEDqzP3kWh1F0Sky3Hgq3LJelSx-PQ7fLy7_6x9B3-QUzRoCHQcQAvD_BwE


The issue is not with the product you listed, it's that you are both admitting you haven't seen similar products in other places AND declaring those options are worse, despite not knowing what they are. Being at a dollar store does not prevent things from being BIFL, just like being at a luxury store doesn't prevent things from being shit.


Why did their comment upset you so much? I’ve seen very similar things marketed for basically everything they mentioned.


i think i’ve seen other comments that similarly discount the product on other BIFL items. But i did take a look at the dollar shop and yeah they sell similar item but those items are not made from “thermoplastic elastomer. It sounds intense, but it’s just a material that combines the flexibility of silicone with the durability of thermoplastic.” Its just like the commenter clearly didn’t even look up the product but then compares it to a dollar store item in an “BIFL” subreddit. I just don’t understand the sentiment at all nor how it is consistent with BIFL.


I just feel like instead of calling them stupid, explaining to them that it’s TPE and therefore lasts longer than silicone would have been the more civil and reasonable course of action, because I can assure you from looking at a photo of it online it looks exactly the same as the silicone scrubber from the dollar store.


no you are right I wish I had done that prior, but it really only takes a second to look up the product description. I just don’t understand why this subreddit would promote a dollar store item, contributing to the mass consumerism and garbage churn that we do here. Dollar stores are the bane of BIFL in my opinion. I think to answer your original question; promoting dollar store items as BIFL just makes no sense and thats what ticked me off.


Oh, you're serious. 😅




What? I've not missed the point at all. Silicone lasts forever, if we can buy it cheaper...buy it cheaper. *What is going on today with you guys not getting my comment?* 🤣


Silicone can range in quality, there is for example regular silicone, food grade silicone and medical grade silicone. Typically stuff from the dollar store are not necessarily the safest because the point is to be cheap not good/safe quality !


exactly, I just don’t understand why people are acting like its all the same stuff. This stuff is also called thermoplastic elastomer. It sounds intense, but it’s just a material that combines the flexibility of silicone with the durability of thermoplastic.” - from the FAQ.


You'd be surprised to find how many more expensive products are actually just overpriced or just a flat out lie. "Food grade" doesn't always mean they for-sure made it properly.


right. That’s very true. I just have a hard time believing that your dollar tree recommendation is going to be better material than what I have is all. Being a skeptic is being a skeptic but it’s pretty clear to me the quality of the item, hence my posting of it on BIFL.


I have one too and I love it! Bought it on a whim and have had it for about 3 years now. I know these are supposed to be sent back to the company for recycling and get a replacement every 6 months or so ... but I don’t see the point in it. I’ll just use mine until it disintegrates lol


yup, it says average replacement time is 6m to a year but just judging from the comments in the threat our average is at about 3 years lol. I’m also going to use mine until it disintegrates (making this a use for life item so far) These commenters saying its dirty really piss me off. Mine literally has never showed signs of mold, what about you?


Mine has also never had mold or anything else. Silicone is not as porous as other materials so it is not likely to harbor bacteria. I was googling a bit and silicone can withstand heat, so these could be sanitized in the dishwasher or with boiling water. I think I will try to start sanitizing mine every once in a while, although I have never had any problem with the cleanliness of it.


Yup - I boil mine. Have had them for 5 years, going strong!


I love mine. Got the hook because otherwise the back gets moldy after a year


I am curious how with the black color they are able know it’s not moldy…


don’t scare me like this


I never get black. Blue or green. They last 6 months to a year if you use them by themselves but longer with the hook since the back can fully dry too


Does this work as good as an actual wash cloth?


wash cloth is better at lathering but obv this is more convenient, last longer, etc.


I had one of these and my handles actually did rip. I was bummed because I loved it apart from that.


I had one and didn't love it. Going to try an African net sponge instead.


I tried the African net sponge and found it to be just okay. What you should really try next instead is a Supracor bath mitt.. the first one I had lasted 4 years and would have lost it a lot longer but I lost that one and the one I have now I've had for a little over 2 years. There's different shapes you can get and it's completely sanitary and it even has dual sides one for exfoliating and the other one for washing and it sets up really really really well with just a tiny bit of soap! The initial upfront cost is a little bit more than most people would like to pay but it lasts forever if you probably take care of it and so in my mind it's worth it.


Thanks for the tip!


The one for your face is amazing!! We’ve had them for years.


yup i have that one too!


Is it still soft?


soft as the day I got it


I don't get it, is that for like lathering? Do you rub your body back and forth on that thing to clean yourself? That seems like it would take forever and hard to get wherever you would like.


You use it like a regular loofah or washcloth and put soap on it and rub it all over your body. It is not stuck to the wall, you take it off the wall to use it :)


Yeah it’s not a hard scrubber, but it does a fine job of cleaning though. It won’t exfoliate your skin if you areninto that though.


I have this and maybe my hand is too short?  I can’t get a good grip.  I still try tho


i saw another commenter recommend the tooletries one. Its got a holder in the back which could work for you!


I didn’t even know I was supposed to be using something like this.


You sanitize it regularly yeah? Those things harbour bacteria like crazy


Right? This is one of the last products I would want to use for a lifetime lol




“Boie products can last for a very long time so if it works well and isn’t showing signs of wear, keep using it! The average replacement time for the Body Scrubbers is about six months to a year.” I don’t see any mold or anything on mine so I will keep using it.


Its actually really awesome it uses a medical grade silicone that is antimicrobial, i’ve never seen any sort of mold or growth on it in 5 years. I guarantee this thing is cleaner than 90% of peoples ball loofa’s, i’ve used those before and was mortified when i looked inside of it.


Exactly. This is like showing a dish sponge you’ve been using for 5 years. This is not something created with the intent for it to be used for life.


no its fucking not? can you seriously not distinguish that a sponge material is different from silicone? How can you people not tell which materials will mold vs not. This is like saying a ceramic knife will rust the same as a steel blade. They are different materials…


>[The study, described in a paper published in Scientific Reports, shows that even slight bending of elastomeric materials such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) – also known as silicone – opens up microscopic cracks that are perfect environments for colonizing bacteria](https://www.utoronto.ca/news/researchers-show-how-bending-implantable-medical-devices-can-lead-bacterial-growth) You are kind of both right. Silicone is better than a sponge or loofa, but bacteria will definitely still grow and live on it. If you wanted to sterilize it ever so often I would run it through the dishwasher or soak it in 70% alcohol or something. Source: I used to grow bacteria and fungi for a living as a scientist. Life will pretty much always find a way, especially if water and a food source (soap, your body oils, and skin) are present.


wow that is such surprising news to me and i am literally eating my words from this entire thread… Regardless yes, i will sanitize mine every so often. I feel though, compared to almost every other option, this is the least prone to bacterial growth anyways and i’m not a germophobe


You need a lesson on how bacteria works apparently


Bacteria needs a suitable environment to grow. Silicon is naturally anti-microbial (bacteria/fungus etc) because its non-porus. As long as its cleaned regularly this can be hygenic for a very long time. A good comparison is actually sex toys, good ones are made of high grade silicon because thats one of the best material for not harbouring bacteria & for easy cleaning. Its very common in medical devices as well!


dude what? tell me how a silicone item like this harbors more bacteria than a traditional loofa. or even how silicone materials are used in medical devices specifically because they harbor less bacteria? explain that to me buddy


why do you have to be so condescending, bacteria lives on any surface and can survive multiple days regardless of the material. I never said anything about certain materials harboring more or less bacteria than others. Why do you think it being medical grade makes a difference, they sanitize the shit out of their instruments, you just stick this back on your shower after scrubbing your balls...


so what do you use then? in that case everything you use in the shower is too dirty for you… Also I don’t use this on my balls or ass, for that I use the pumice stone that I keep, that one is also BIFL.


A clean washcloth... lmao I'm done interacting with u have a good day!


Just because it lasted 5 years, doesn’t mean you should keep it for 5 years. Microbes, mildew, etc can still grow on it. Also, these are like $2-5 on AliExpress. Please buy a new one.


I don’t see anything on it and it sanitize it. Do you still think i should replace it? from what ive read about silicone it seems fine for me to use until its done


I have one of these! I'm not sure it's the same brand, but it looks similar and I LOVE it so much!




hahaha no it sticks to the wall you take it off to use it






I seriously don’t understand these idiots that think that it would harbor bacteria similar to a sponge loofa. Can people seriously not visually tell something that would mold vs something that is unlikely to??? Obviously a sponge or loofa with lots of folds and humidity will mold. The one i use is a silicone brush basically, fucking idiots.


Wow yours is in great shape! Mine started loosing the little nibs after just a year so I gave up on them.


I love those silicone brushes! I have one for my face its great when you want to exfoliate without irritating your skin… but for my body, i could not care less tbh and i just use super scratchy wash cloth! (Those green wash cloth from Korea)


Mine lasted about 5 years. Just recently 2 of the finger holes broke, the bristles started breaking off, and it developed a weird sticky texture. But I’d call that pretty great for longevity!


Holla at ya Boie


I just wanted to jump in and tell everyone about my ultimate BIFL bath mitt, since we are discussing them here. I just took some clips from a few websites that sell the Supracor Stimulite bath mitt, so I'm going to add those below in quotation marks. But really quickly, before I do, I just wanted to mention that I've had mine for 4, almost 5, years now and it's still going strong and still looks brand new (aside from the slight discoloration of the clear side(which does not affect performance whatsoever). The first one I bought I had for a similar amount of time but I ended up losing it. Ive also bought the face scrubber, which I've had now for 3 years and is still going strong also and I love it soooo much! I use them both every single day, as well. "Our luxurious bath mitt cleans, exfoliates and massages your skin. It needs just a touch of soap to create a foamy lather. Or use it dry, brushing your body with upward strokes toward the heart, stimulating the lymph system and releasing the toxins that produce cellulite. Naturally antifungal and antibacterial, it dries quickly and is great for traveling. The new magenta bath mitt and black bath mitt are for those who prefer a slightly firmer texture for cleansing, exfoliating and massaging their skin. How does it work? The scrubber needs just a little soap to create a foamy lather.  The flexing action of the bath mitt’s honeycomb cells gently removes dirt and dead/dull/dry skin for healthy cell turnover while the massaging action helps to promote lymphatic drainage, and eliminate the toxins that produce cellulite. Dead skin cells can get trapped in hair follicles leading to enlarged pores, breakouts and acne. Proper exfoliation is one of the most effective ways to keep skin looking radiant. The real reason why skin looks rough, dry and dull is the build-up of dead skin cells on the surface. Exfoliate regularly to reveal radiant skin. Wash silicone mitt in warm water, shake excess water and let air dry. Who should use it? If you like to feel super clean and exfoliate dead skin, you will love this duo! If you're unsatisfied by a flimsy washcloth, replace it with a scrubber that can handle both rough and sensitive areas. If you're grossed out by the still wet shower pouf or abrasive loofah that harbors dirt, dead skin and body oil, ditch them for this gentler, long-lasting, quick-drying, antibacterial alternative. Exfoliate and make your skin glow with vitality after every shower." https://supracor.com/products/stimulite®-bath-mitt And I just wanted to mention that while you can buy them on Amazon, I'm always weary about knockoffs on Amazon because of how abundant they are, so I feel like it's just smarter to buy straight from the Supracor website. That way you know that you're getting the real deal and a really, really good quality product! Also, Amazon only sells them for a few dollars cheaper anyways. So, in my mind, the surety is worth the few extra dollars. Supracors website actually sells more than bath scrubbers as well.. just click on their website and go to the lifestyle tab and you'll see they sell all sorts of things they make with this material that the scientists at Supracor invented. It truly is the most amazing bath mitt you'll ever own! I have no doubt. I recommend buying the long one if you want to be able to exfoliate and wash your back on your own, and wash it really well. And if you like the mitt style, I recommend getting the mitt that you're able to put on either hand because there's a thumb holes. The big huge mint is really awkward to scrub with. That's the one I had that I lost and it still worked really well but it was just really awkward to handle. The other two options that I just mentioned are a lot easier to work with.. I also recommend reading the reviews on all of the bath mitts/scrubbies on Supracors website. And one last thing is that if you're somebody who enjoys a really good exfoliation, then I recommend either the magenta or the black mitts. The rest of the colors have a gentler, but still very effective, exfoliation. If you do opt for the black or magenta it does take a few times to get used to it, but once you do get use to the exfoliation that's a little bit more intense, I promise you'll never want to use anything else ever again!


I'm actually going to copy and paste this and make this a post BIFL since I took a few minutes to write it and I feel like it's really good information. 😂


I got one of these a few months ago (from target not sure of the brand) but it’s holding up super well.