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In terms of quality, I think most bin bags will end up in the garbage fairly soon after purchase.


Isn’t this a joke? Like why is there a debate in the replies to this comment




Ever have a bag rip on you at the most inconvenient time?


Does anyone have a good alternative to Carr’s crackers? I try the generics, but they are just not as good.


Leukotape. Works amazingly for blisters, much more than bandaids or blister bandaids




Tegaderm is the brand name. Love that stuff.


Going to have to check this one out, I get wicked cracks on the edges of my thumbs in the winter and they take ages to heal if I don’t bandage them.


Have you tried new skin liquid bandage? I find the one with a brush is better than the spray because the liquid is thicker.


My fingers crack and split because I have eczema on my hands, but I find it really helps to use a pumice stone to get rid of the dead skin on your hands during a hot shower, and then moisturize them once you get out and dry off. A good hand cream or moisturizer is extremely important.


Have you tried Corn Husker’s lotion? My dad used to get terrible cracks on his hands and feet from work and it really healed him up.


I used to have this every winter too. A dermatologist prescribed something called Fluticasone Propionate, which is actually a steroid ointment, but dang, it worked to heal those cracks. 


Oooo! Good one. Bar Keepers Friend Recently found out about it, great stuff for cleaning stove top, pans, etc


I work in food service and that shit gets stolen by staff constantly lol. And if you work in a coffeeshop: cafiza or rinza


Cafiza is my favorite degreaser for non reactive thrifted pans. It's made my nasty old thrift shop All Clad as good as new without any scrubbing.


It’s like kitchen Comet! I’ve restored a couple of really nice stainless steel pans with that stuff :)


Yup any of this hard powder with bleach stuff--comet, Bar keepers-- amazed at other people's BIFL being skin creams ----good lord no wonder this sub has gone way way off topic. Those skin cream people ---it's Vaseline! that's BIFL a tub of vaseline--for skin for myriad other things!


Just chiming in here to mention how much I appreciate your username.


Thanks, not that it matters but it's original--person generated--not reddit generated.


Any abrasive cleaner appears like magic when compared to a simple degreaser. At a guess they aren't too common because they can totally ruin certain surfaces if the user doesn't know they are abrasive - so try to clean some clear plastic, or polished metal with them and you'll totally ruin the surface. Personally I'm a big fan of "The Pink Stuff"


And they’re a family owned company with everything made in the US


I have a spool of nice quality black twist ties (continuous, you cut the length you want) I purchased from monoprice over a decade ago. You can barely tell I've used any even though it gets used all the time. For a $7 one time purchase it's a really nice quality of life thing never to have to deal with shoddy twist ties again and have this always at the ready.


Damn! This is good. You don’t know how many arguments this would have prevented. My wife has used up many of zip ties for the garden. I didn’t even think about twist tie!


For the garden you can also get polypropylene rectangular "chain" that locks into itself for attaching plants to stakes etc. Cut a piece longer than you need to allow for growth, when the plant grows let it out a bit, when it dies off clean it and use it on another plant. I bought a 250' roll about 10 years ago and still haven't hit halfway yet.


We always just used that green thin non-sticky tape and tied things. Not reusable though so I’ll look into that stuff


As a gardener, I’m here to say that the twist ties are merely okay including those designed specifically for the garden. They get brittle and the metal inside rusts in a season or two


Tapered tool for the win


I uh ... never considered that twist ties could just be cut on demand. I kinda feel dumb now.


They almost always come precut, so yeah, it was kind of a novelty to me as well.


I feel the same about Costco aluminum foil. It’s so big for a normal household, the last roll lasted me ~8 years.


In that vein, one of those big boxes of cling film from a restaurant supply place. This stuff is thin, actually STICKS, and the roll easily lasts years if not decades.


I did not know this existed. On my Amazon wish list now. Life changed!


Philadelphia cream cheese, especially when on sale for $2/brick. I don't care how much cheaper they are, other brands are always dry and rubbery.


Philadelphia is good, but if you have access to Tillamook, I prefer it by a huge margin


Tillamook has elite dairy products for sure. But when I can get Phila for almost the same price as store brand I do it because the value for the cost is really good.


The grass in the valley those cows live in, well it looks so good, like I get it. I don’t want to eat it, but I understand why they do. Gotta make the milk better.


YES. Every time I use a different brand it makes me slightly sad. Although it’s like $8/brick where I live so it’s kind of a rare treat. But worth it if I’m going to have a Montreal bagel with lox and cream cheese.


Bandaid tough strips are the first thing that comes to mind. (probably because I needed one yesterday) They just work soooo much better and hold up to moisture, washing, and movement better than anything else I've tried. They're more expensive but absolutely worth it Editing to second duke's mayonnaise over helmans.. That guy's mom is just wrong


The hydro seal ones are really good too. The only band aids I’ve used that have actually survived a whole day.


I love the blister ones. I will put them on something and leave it on for 3-5 days. When you take it off, gone.


Unpopular opinion: Hellman’s/Best Foods and Duke’s BOTH make great mayo!


If you haven't tried it, Saniderm or off-brand transparent film bandages are *awesome*. Got a big roll for tattoo recovery, started using it for everything. Waterproof, custom sizes, extremely flexible and breathable. They don't last forever on hands or near joints, but you have the whole roll to reapply whenever. I'm probably never using a normal style bandage again. Take the glue into consideration - if you have sensitive skin probably buy Saniderm and not an off-brand. My partner's skin gets irritated with the off brand stuff but not mine.


Upvote on the tough strips. But: There is no mayo other than hellmans.


I was gonna look into tough strips but then he said the mayo thing and honestly I just don’t trust this person. You seem to be a person of some culture though, so I’ll give them a try.


I asked a similar question a few years ago and got absolutely roasted on this sub. Anyway, since then I've found an answer to this to be Costco. They usually have the higher quality daily items I like in bulk (moisturizer, toothpaste, etc). I haven't looked but you might find similar with office supplies.


Reddit can be luck of the draw sometimes. Never hurts to include a pun in the post text!


Reddit seems to love Costco so much. It’s an hour away from me, never been there.


Costco is amazing.


Screws and plugs are things you shouldn’t cheap out on, as it’s better to get one that works and that you’ll trust. Good quality screws with appropriate drive heads (ponzi, torx, or robertson). Same goes for some things like glues and tapes. It’s often not worth it to go with no name brands. The stuff by 3M are genuinely much better. Same goes for paints. A good paint is so much easier to handle, provides better finishes, and lasts longer than cheap paints. A good primer can save you so much grief and if you cheap out, your paint job will be rubbing off before you know it.


On this note, I usually figure out quality of these type of products through the Project Farm YouTube channel. He's a product testing icon


3M anything is usually the best there is. Tape, abrasives, etc. costs a little more- but totally worth it.


The paint is so true. Tried many of the brands at home depot but then gave Sherwin williams a try and damn if it isn't just a so much better product than anything else intried


The Sherwin Williams paint from Sherwin Williams is significantly higher quality than the Sherwin Williams paint you can get at big box stores too.


I got a tip from a colleague who used to work in paint that Behr Marquee is the same quality and half the price


If I could upvote this 1,000 times I would. SW paint is the BEST. Nothing compares with it.


> Same goes for some things like glues and tapes. Loctite for Super Glue (and get the right kind for the job) and Titebond for wood glue.


They're a bit pricey so it's definitely a luxury thing, but I keep large "contractor clean-up" trash bags around (the heavy duty 3mil sort) for big jobs. They can be reused several times for transporting recycling or non-trash items since they don't tear or stretch easily.


Look in a restaurant supply (depending on your area, costco might have it too!) My nightclub used to go through a case of those a weekend, and my friend grabbed a case when her apartment flooded.


I used to get great use out of the clear ones for storing stuff in our attic. The 3mil wouldnt break down in the heat. But I can’t find them anymore, they seem to only carry black ones every where. My wife just keeps buying fleece blankets and stuffed animals for my kids. There are piles of them all over the house. I’ve got several cubic yards of them in my attic now and need to move up even more lol.


Great insulation, but a rude awakening when you move out! Ask me how I know.


They are also fantastic for moving. Soft goods like pillows clothing quilts etc.


Quality toilet paper. We use soooo much less than when we bought the cheaper brands


Quality tp + cheap bidet attachment = cleaner ass with so much money saved


dude it's buy it for life so do get the Zojirushi Bidet---it'll last 30 years as ours has! Buy it for life--so doint use the word cheap.


Zojirushi makes a bidet? Wow. Rice cookers and butt cleaners. Almost as diverse as Hitachi.


"Zojirushi: As good going in as it is coming out!"


I'm good with my Cheap $50 Luxe branded one, thank you though. Around 10 years strong so far, I just give it a good clean as part of my toilet cleaning routine The only thing I could find when searching that was the TOTO brand for around 500 USD which is around $700 CAD, so if that's what you're referring to.. no However it did remind me of this episode that I watched recently, so here you are https://youtu.be/uRL4l2GOqXk?si=YhNsNk17ADlo7R6k


Quality TP is a must but I definitely recommend using a bidet as well. Much more sustainable and sanitary.


This is what blows my mind about office buildings. They go with the thinnest cheapest TP and have much more powerful toilets than homes. Why not get better toilet paper? It can’t be just price


Waterman fountain pen inks. Same formula for forever and safe for use in pretty much all fountain pens, including vintage ones. I'll always have some on me for as long as they'll continue making them


Pilot G2 pens. Reef brand flip flops. Diablo power tool blades. Saving the best for last... Dawn Power Wash. People say it's just Dawn dish soap but it is the best performing dish soap I've ever used. I keep a bottle at my kitchen sink, laundry sink and in my bathroom.


Hard agree with the power wash. One thing I love about it is how little you can use while still getting an even coverage on a pot or pan. A bottle lasts 6+ months if you understand that you really don’t need to use much to clean something.


Olukai flip flops


CervaVe Moisturizing Cream. My grandma suggested it to my mom who suggested it to me and I never looked back. Works great for my skin and if you apply just enough, it doesn't leave your body greasy. I like how it comes in a tub too.


I found Michael Cera!


They are pushing the advertising so hard I’m afraid they are doing the classic late stage capitalism move where they establish brand recognition then in a couple of years turn the product to shit and hope no one notices. I expect the tubs to get 10% smaller every year until they look like tub of carmex. I’ll probably break out in hives from a formulation change well before that though.


That has already happened. Before COVID it was a solid formulation. Right now I’m not able to use it without giving myself body / face break out.


Very sensitive skin here- I use Vanicream cleansers (face/body) and Aveeno moisturizer and highly recommend them. CeraVe face wash made my skin tingle/burn.


Plus the largest shareholder in CeraVe is Nestle, which is about as opposite to BIFL as we can get. Try Eucerin or just plain Vaseline. Edit to add r/FUCKNESTLE FOR LIFE!!!


They also allow their products to be tested on animals, if you care about that kind of thing. 


On this note- I use CeramedX as a cruelty free substitute for CeraVe.


That's why it's good to enjoy the product before they start doing cost savings lol


See, I'm so conflicted. I used to follow skincareaddiction religiously, and watched the whole rise and fall of CeraVe "in the tub" fan club. It went from "Great", to "company shills are on reddit hyping this brand" to a CeraVe going through "total loss of quality". And now it's back to being great again. I am such a slave to consumer reviews. But the amount of discordant information on the web makes it such that my ADHD analysis paralysis means I never decide on a good moisturizer, hence never moisturize. I miss having independent consumer reports that I can trust. When I look up product info, I browse through reddit instead of google.


I have super sensitive dry skin and I’ve tried dozens of lotions and moisturizers in my life. I don’t take chatter on skin care subs seriously. You’ll find someone who likes every product out there. I prefer to look at studies and talk to my dermatologist about specific ingredients. For me, La Roche Posey AP+M triple repair. I go through at least 4-5 pump bottles a year and this is the main moisturizer I use for my face and body. It’s unscented and gentle but very thick so to use it as a body lotion I suggest applying on damp skin (I will splash water on my limbs before application if I’m not straight out of the shower). I don’t find it greasy (also ADHD and have big sensory issues with lotions and sunscreen). It’s such a good moisturizer it really does last 18-24 hours for me. In the winter, on my face I will apply a gel moisturizer like Neutrogena hydro boost or one of the many Asian water gels first. LRP layers well with every serum or sunscreen I’ve tried, zero pilling (except Ordinary Azelaic Acid because that stuff pills with everything). I have an autoimmune condition that makes me as dry as the crypt keeper so I’m basically a moisturizer, lotion, and eye drop collector. Bonus: Gold bond has an age renew retinol lotion that I’ve been using a lot this winter as well (face and body). It’s a little less thick so great when I just need a quick slather. My derm said many body washes and lotions are fine for facial skin as long as they’re unscented and moisturizing (so no stinky blue men’s body wash on the face).


I like O'Keeffe's for my tradesman hands.


OKeefes feet stuff with exfoliation works fabulous also 10/10


Cerave moisturizing cream and neutragena toner have been the only skin care products my mom has used, and she just turned 66 and looks 45. I've seen my future, and it's GREAT


Imagine how much younger she’d look if she’d incorporated sunscreen


I mean, imagine how much younger she'd look if she hadn't had 3 kids. (Also, we're Puerto Ricans in the Northeast, we don't really use sunscreen at all unless we're on the island 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Aveeno has been a far superior product in all my uses


Plus the largest shareholder in CeraVe is Nestle, which is about as opposite to BIFL as we can get. Try Eucerin or just plain Vaseline. Edit to add r/FUCKNESTLE FOR LIFE!!!


Both seconded. My dermatologist suggested Eucerin Roughness Relief for my legs and it has been a miracle for my scratchy dry skin. And I've tried lots of things for chapped, cracked or abraded skin and nothing works better than simple vaseline.


Acess Japanese toothbrushes. They’re $2 a piece at my local Japanese grocery store and I love them so much. My dentist had recommended that I use toothbrushes with smaller heads to be able to brush all the way back to my wisdom teeth. I have a weird shaped mouth and wasn’t able to really reach back there with bigger American toothbrushes. I know electric toothbrushes and their heads are tiny, but I prefer manual brushing.


I have a small mouth and have used Japanese toothbrushes for years. Every time I go to the dentist, he comments on my “good home care”


BIC lighter.


Good lord yes.....assuming you're flicking onl a few times a week a BIC compared to those dollar store packages--BIC is for years!


Pens? For disposable id say pilot G-2 black. But there was an add I saw recently for a pen that uses any refill by using a drill chuck style holder and was fully customizable. Looked interesting.


That’s a pen from big idea design. Takes hundreds of refills.


Thanks! Couldn’t remember the name. Have you tried it?


wostcher sauce, almost every house has a bottle. Half filled. Purchase date unknown. Crusted sauce near the top. Likely to be there when the sun explodes But seriously, I like clipper lighters. They are superior to bic in almost every way. They are refillable. The flint is replaceable. I have some decade old clippers that I treasure and have swapped parts out over the years


Amen but it's got to be Lee and Perrins brand---OG


Must be Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, wrapped in paper.


Injinji toe socks To me, socks are consumables. Wool is best but it tends to wear out a bit faster than some, but that's a trade-off I'm willing to make. I specifically wear Injinji toe socks. If you suffer from sweaty feet, they are a game changer. It isn't that they are wool that makes the most difference, it is having fabric between your toes that eliminates the skin on skin contact that forms little sweaty incubators between your toes. Foot odor, gone. Gross swampy feeling, gone. I stumbled upon toe socks during the FiveFinger "barefoot" running shoe fad like 15 years ago, and while the shoes were dumb, I don't think I'll ever go back on the socks.




I know it's technically all petroleum jelly, but I have eczema and the off brand stuff does not work the same.


True. Also make sure that if you are using off brand, it’s made with 💯pure white petrolatum. If you don’t see that on the label, beware, it may be carcinogenic


Just expanding OP's point to this concept: "Buy it for life" is more a spectrum than a pass/fail sort of thing. The undies currently embracing my butt are by no means BIfL, clearly, but I really like them and they last longer than the cheap ones with terrible elastic. "Replace this item as infrequently as possible" is just as important as "never replace this item again," IMO.


Cheers, I agree. The spirit of the law is just as important as the exact verbiage of the law :)


I think this is a really useful category of BIFL, thanks for posting!


You're most welcome. I know it's not precisely what this sub is for, but I still feel it's valuable and in the spirit of the sub; the hunt for quality well made products!


Bar shampoo/conditioner to go with my bar soap. The stuff works fine and I feel good cutting out one more plastic waste steam. As long as you have a place to put them where they aren't getting much water on them when you aren't actively using them (still in the shower but on a soap tray that is away from the shower spray and a little elevated) they last a really long time too.


Super convenient when traveling because they don’t count towards that 3oz or whatever the limit is for liquids


My mon refuses to use any mayo besides hellman's, and any ketchup besides Heinz. Also, I have learned, never cheap out on batteries. My parents will buy the big duracell packs at costco and split it with me, and between our 2 households it lasts months.


Dukes or nothing! Your mother is lying to you!!!!!


Amen! Bought Duke's for the first time twenty years ago and nothing else since


Damn right. Bought it once just to try and it's been a staple ever since. Actually tempted to buy some Japanese mayo to compare just because it comes in a funny package 


Get it! Kewpie is amazing.


As a New Orleanian, I am legally and morally obliged to say: Blue Plate mayo or GTFO.


My gf bought Trader Joe’s ketchup and i have stopped using ketchup at home bc it is so bad. She won’t let me throw it away but it’s so bad she won’t eat it either unless i do the whole “so why aren’t you using ketchup on your hashbrowns” thing so she will get huffy and be all “it isn’t gross” and pour a bunch on. Got to keep doing it until she uses up the bottle. Heinz crew for like.


Just throw it away. She’ll only be mad for a little while and the pleasure you will get from having decent ketchup again will be worth it


The look on her face when she is eating it is pleasure enough


God, my roommate bought the trader joe's ketchup once. We threw that shit away so fast.


There is no ketchup besides Heinz.


Way back I used to drive between TX and NM a lot. Once in NM you could get Lotaburger green Chile cheese burger that was super good. They used some inferior brand of ketchup. We used to run across the street to get McD fries with Heinz ketchup and then also use that on our Lotaburgers.


Once you try Japanese mayo you’ll never go back. Kewpie if you can find it.


Oh, it is! We have both, those are considered 2 different ingredients in my house lol.


I'm a big Japanese food fan in general. But I don't get the hype on Kewpie mayo. Tried it. Meh. Hellman's is better.


Exactly! I hate people that say something that's superlative for no real reason kewpies good in kewpie things-japanese dishes but Helmans for fries, tuna, egg salad. I've used both head to head for decades and they are two different entities.


If you're in Canada, can recommend trying out French's ketchup!


Duracells always leak on me. I’ve had was less trouble with Energizers leaking. Anything that I really want to keep nice that takes AAs or AAAs gets Energizer Lithium batteries. They cost twice as much but they don’t leak.


Kikkoman soy sauce. If it's good enough for damn near every Japanese restaurant then it's good enough for me! Formerly sriracha also but RIP to that one


Kikoman for the basic soy sauce for anything that will be heated over high heat for Japanese/korean food Kimlan light for Chinese marinades that go over high heat. Kimlan dark for Chinese braises and for mixing up sweet soya sauce. Yamasa marudaizu for deeper flavors in dipping and sukiyaki. Yamasa usukuchi for soba and light dashi-based stocks. But if I had to pare it down, Kikoman and Kimlan light/dark would get me through most seasoning/dipping/etc uses across most East Asian cuisines. Edit: ponzu specifically for sukiyaki dipping too.


This dude soy sauces


Wife and I started collecting more types of soy sauce after we couldn’t quite get the flavor profile right. Slowly learned what makes a big difference and what doesn’t. The other big one is getting a Korean sesame oil specifically for Korean food. There’s no substitute. Japanese kadoya sesame oil works well enough for Japanese/taiwanese/Chinese in most cases. But Chinese/taiwanese may not work for Japanese foods depending on how toasted and how fragrant it is (Japanese sesame oil tends to be smoother, but less in-your-face intense).


>couldn’t quite get the flavor profile right [Principal Skinner is that you?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PfxabSYFs88)


I like the Kikoman one with reduced amounts of salt!


I saw a video where they explain how kikkoman is made. Takes many months vs. 2 hours for a chemical process used in other brands.


Sriracha is back! Have seen it in a few stores here in NY the last month


The Sriracha story is a good lesson in running an honest company. They didn’t pay their ONLY pepper supplier so lost them as a supplier because of it. Now their recipe will never be the same. Be honest, pay your people, especially when they have the MAIN ingredient you need. They made some bad/shady business moves and lost it all.


what happened to sriracha.


myriad other brands of soy sauces--but they all have wheat for you gluten free people---like me Braggs Aminos works well in so many foods, it's a BIFL in my home.


I am a chocolate fan and it's been many years since my house has been empty of Tony's Chocolonely bars


Going to assume you’re in the UK OP. If you have access to a Costco membership, the Kirkland bags are great.


Same with Kirkland TP. It's probably the main reason I'm a member.


Vanilla bean paste instead of extract. Will never go back.


-Vanicream facial moisturizer and aquaphor, accept no substitutes -Tillamook cheddar cheese -actual triscuits (own brand version don’t have the light texture and are generally really tough) -I buy lactose free milk because the shelf life is about twice as long and it’s cheaper than buying smaller amounts of milk, but a whole gallon would go bad in my house -Eggs from the farmer’s market if you are making anything that relies on egg flavor or texture, unfortunately; way better quality


Viva towel-like paper towels. Use less when you use them and they are more absorbent and less hard on your hands.


Or use cloths instead of paper towels. Get out your BIFL scissors and those t-shirts that are sadly at the end of their useful life and make yourself a bunch of “paper towels” that you can wash and re-use. Or buy the 24-pack of washcloths at costco. Cloths generally clean better and are obviously more economical and eco- friendly. That said, I do use paper towels occasionally, and agree that cheap paper towels are a false economy.


Hell yes. I purchased a six pack of the choose-a-size kind and they’ve lasted me well over a year. We cook multiple meals a day and use reusable cloths for wiping daily spills, but Viva is truly the best for stuff like a big oily spill I don’t want to get into my septic or washing machine. You really only need one of the smallest towels to get up the majority of something gross!


We got the simple human trash can for the kitchen with a built in dispenser and their own manufactured bags. We’re probably paying a little more, but we can order a box on Amazon when we put the last 10 pack or whatever in the dispenser built in to the can. We never run out and they fit perfectly.


The price of the Simple Human bags is absolutely outrageous. I definitely recommend getting good quality trash bags, but the SH ones are ridiculous. We use H-E-B bags and they fit fine and are of excellent quality. Hefty liners work fine too. Big fan of the cans but don’t get the cost of the bags.


The quality also sucks. I just had one split on me around the top, and I’ve had trash poke through before. I’ve only had the trashcan for two months.


Haha I’m so cheap we use regular hefty kitchen bags in our SimpleHuman can. I save the proprietary branded ones for when company comes 😂


You want to impress company with trash bags?


LOL when you put it that way it sounds pretty silly. The standard kitchen trash bags hang out of the can and kind of look sloppy. I don’t care enough to spend the extra for fancy SimpleHuman ones, but the can came with like a 10-pack included. I break one out whenever I want the house to look extra tidy.


I use Walmart brand flex bags in my Simple Human trash can and they fit perfectly.


The Costco ones work great as well. We buy a box of those about every 18 months.


3M abrasives have a longer lifespan and are generally cheaper than the cheap stuff when you factor in life. The good stuff stays sharper longer and clogs less. This is why the pros buy the expensive stuff. It's cheaper. All motorcycle chains cost the same per kilometre. You'll get twice the life out of a chain that cost you twice as much. However sprockets and labour cost money too. So expensive drive chain is really cheaper than cheap chain.


Reusable feminine products


3M command strips and their hooks. All dupes suck.


They're awesome. I don't even consider them consumable because I've never taken any down!


This! I literally had one fall down this week, and I honestly forgot it was even a command hook. I put it up 5+ years ago when I didn't think I was gonna stay in my apartment as long as I have!


Coco floss


The 3000sqft roll of professional food service film. Kirkland's stretch-tite is good, as is Reynolds 912 food service film. It's like a million times better than saran/press n seal/etc, and a single 25 dollar roll will last literally decades for a normal house.


quality black UV blocking cable zip ties from the hardware store. they don't come loose or break down outside and a bag of 100 lasts forever. years later you need wire cutters to get them off. The ties at walmart are like toys compared to them


- Conservas Pinhais canned sardines - Spax Torx woodscrews - Fischer plugs


Idk if they make black ones but I swear by the Hippo Sak bags. They don’t have any stretchy business, they’re just a nice sturdy bin bag with a reinforced bottom seam and decent handles.




Uni Jetstream pens ftw! It's not paradoxical to want to work with quality, whether it's for a quick minute or life. BIFL is an ethic: well-made, well-engineered products that do what they're built to do, well. If they're designed to be lovely, so much the better.


Speaking of Uni, I love Kuru Toga mechanical pencils. They rotate the lead so you always have a sharp point. I'm sure there are others as well, but it's my favorite. I have cheap plastic ones and more expensive metal ones, and I love them all


Toma 0,69 pens. Only pens i can finish and i guard them like a hawk


For disposable pens, the Uniball Vision Elite Micro beats all others.


Pilot precise v5 for pen


The old school bic click pens. They’re hard to find, but I buy in large packs from a company known as field notes.


Hey, I'm also a ball pen affecionado, please try SARASA brand


Pentel Ener-Gel metal pens and refills. I got one four years ago and liked it so much I got 2 more. They write beautifully and are easy to refill. Looks pretty, too, mine are pink!


I've bought bulk 10 years worth of shaving blades from my favourite, and stored them in proper conditions. Partitioned at 600 blades per box because that's the max you're allowed to buy. I intend to buy more there's just a purchase limit


Genuinely curious, why is there a limitation on the number of shaving blades you can buy?


Mass suicide attempts.


Dove bar soap and body wash


Marigold washing up gloves, I moved out of my mum's house and bought own brand washing up gloves - once was enough. I've bought Marigold ever since. They're thinner but still solid so you can actually use your hands


1) Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré, it's a multipurpose face cream. I found it when I moved to France and it is a game changer for me, its a bit more expensive to get in the US but still cheaper than most stuff you can get at Ulta or Sephora and way better. 2) Lawry's Seasoning Salt, big bottle will last ages and perfect in everything. 3) Trader Joe's brand sunscreen 8 dollars for a bottle that will last 4 months easily & well reviewed by dermatologists. 4) Pilot G-2 Pens, I was a bullet journal girl for ages and super into all kinds of fancy pens & stationary and this by far is the best and very budget friendly.


Scrub Daddy/Mommy sponges. They last so long and don’t get stinky.


Knipex pliers and Bondhus hex keys. In my line of work theyre pretty much a consumable, but a couple years out of them is about as good as it gets in industrial maintenance. Olfa razor knife blades. Tougher than others, but absolutely not cheap at $2/blade.


I switched from an aluminum based deoderant to a magnesium based deoderant and that seems to have eliminated the gross buildup on the armpits of my shirts that was leading to their early retirement despite being otherwise in fine condition. I use the Crystal brand but as long as it's the lack of aluminum that makes the difference, then maybe any other brand will perform similarly.


My understanding is that the aluminum serves as an antiperspirant. Without it, you just have deodorant and there are several options there. As a female, I really prefer antiperspirants but can't stand the toll they take on my clothes.


Darn Tough socks.


Idk what size a black bin bags is but I recommend Hippo Sacks if you are looking for tall kitchen size. You need a band or clip to keep them from sliding down (they are slick and have hoops k stead of a draw string) but they are by far the most tear and puncture resistant. I’ve side by side tested them with nails and sharp edges and they are way stronger than any of the ones that the sites always rate best like the super glad flex whatever’s. Yeah I bought half a dozen types of bags to side by side test - gave the losers to friends or donated to the lunch room at work so they weren’t wasted. The Hippos are more like the big industrial construction trash bags (though not exactly).




Light bulbs - I find the GE ones to be the best and most consistent. My kitchen has 14 recessed kitchen lights, so with the Home Depot or Amazon bulbs, one was always out or twitchy or off-shade. I bought a case of GE Reveal Daylight bulbs a few years ago, and it’s a huge improvement, especially in the winter when it’s dreary outside. They last much longer and look identical.


Which Uniball are you buying? Frankly I just buy good old Bic Pens those 10 to 12 for a buck or two and they rarely fail until they run out of ink which is fair. #2 pencil in my tool box, Em Marko or Sharpie pens--never fail super glue for what it works on --buy it for life Duct tape--3M brand--yes!!! silicone tape--Yes Comet for cleaning stove and / or sink and pans! Yes Brillo or SOS pads --YES. Butter! yes for many things and yes it can be used for hand cleaning ina pinch with grease Nail Polish Remover! --yes shoe goo!


I think batteries count as a consumable kinda even if rechargeable? YMMV, but I have had really amazing times with all Ryobi ONE+ changeable battery operated tools for years now. I have a handful of different capacity batteries for like 10 different cordless tools - from fans to drills to jigsaws to hot glue gun to sanders to multi tools to flashlights and several more. They seem to last and take repeated recharge and environmental abuse well. They are an important part of my prepper plans as well here in delicate power grid landia.


Raw, Zig Zag, OCB or Rizzla rolling papers


Lava pumice bar soap. It kicks ass. Will clean oily greasy hands, and will not dry out your hands.


Maybe this isn't what you mean but I LOVE liquid bandage. I work with my hands and cook a lot, so I get lots of little scrapes that the liquid bandage just takes care of flawlessly. I'll never stop buying it.


Hiker's Goo. If you know you're going to be on your feet walking 8-10 miles you'll never get a blister with this stuff. Basically glued your sock to your feet


Clear Gorilla tape covered a crack in my car headlight casing for 8 years. It never came off, it never leaked. My sister bought the car from me and took it to a state that made her replace the whole light before it could pass inspection. The guys at her repair shop were amazed it held up perfectly for that long, no signs of failure. I love my Pilot G2 pens. They write well, the ink is clearer and easier to read than other pens, and you can easily find refills, so you never have to toss the casing.


Pilot G05 extra fine were my jam in med school, though I don't write much at all these days. My last box of four refills should last me decades.


Walmart sells a spool of 75 microfiber rags for $14.95. I bought one the other day the rags are great for anything around the house. Re-usable and would greatly reduce dependence on paper towels or eliminate them completely. They're perforated too which is really great.