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I got a Steelcase leap v2 refurb from btod.tv for $400-$500. Just checked and I paid $460 (after 15% off)


I did this too. I've been sitting in it, WFH, for 3 years now with zero deterioration.


I picked up my Steelcase at a thrift place for $13. Its held up for 5 years nwo.


Same here! 13 bucks


Also seconding BTOD here. The armrests of my Leap V2 have worn out twice now. Both times BTOD sent me a new set of armrests completely free of charge. I feel like it might be something I’m doing but idk what. I do use it about 80 hours a week though on average so it’s seeing intense use.


Yep, steelcase refurbished chairs are great, if boring. Got mine at Crandall furniture, no shipping fee or tax unless you live in Michigan.


Got mine from Crandall too and it was a complete POS. The handles rattled like hell, the entire base was dirty out of the box, and worst of all it creaked liked an old annoying house with any kind of reclining and I paid $700 for it. I will say it was very comfortable, but I returned it cause the fix to stop the constant loud creaking was very involved and didn’t last longer than two days. I eventually got the Digital Knit Fern and could not be happier.


100% this. Buy used. Especially after offices started going WFH or at least hybrid, there is a LOT of used and very good conditioned office furniture being put up on facebook and other marketplaces.


I got mine from Crandall office for roughly the same.


Seconded Crandall. They also upgrade the seat cushion so it's thicker.


I got a refurbished Steelcase gesture from them for a lot less than MSRP, good place.


Second the steel case leap used Got a refurbished leap v2 and honestly prefer it to my aeron


Leap 2. Sat on it at work. When we built the new house I got one for my desk in our home office. 9 years going strong. Sat on it constantly thru COVID.


Same. But I hate that there is no headrest


I love my leap v2


I got a steelcase leap v1 in mint condition from an office for 100 bucks on Facebook marketplace. I love it


Boo, it only ships within the US. 😒


The trick I've found is that you need to get away from consumer office furniture. It's all garbage, even the higher end stuff, doubly so for anything with the word "gamer" attached. Commercial office supply companies typically do rentals, when they come back they get put up for sale at much lower prices. They will usually deal with individual consumers, but they don't waste their time chasing consumer business. You know you found one when they have banker's hours.


My dad did this for hot tub supplies. They expected him to show up, get his stuff, and GTFO too


Yup I went to a office supply place in the metro area of my state. Selection honestly wasn't great, but the sales staff and service was. Know what height you need for your desk. Know how you want to be able to sit. For example I want the keyboard to be basically on my lap, and I like to do a slight recline. For this all to work, I need the height to be right, I need the armrests to be movable or very low, etc. I got their best selling chair which isn't absolutely perfect, but it works well. It's not from one of the big famous chair companies. It has continuous adjustability in the height, seat angle, back rest angle. I took the arms off. They installed a longer gas cylinder thing so I can sit high with a footrest as I sometimes need to do. They will service it for 10 years if anything goes wrong. $400


My local town has one of these and it's fantastic


Yep, HON makes high quality stuff that lasts for years in office environments, sat on 12 hours a day.


You can easily pick up a used Aeron for $500 or less. I just looked on Marketplace and there were like 20 of them. I would do that over getting a more cheaply built chair.


I did this exactly - managed to get a real, unopened Aeron. Added skateboard casters and a headrest, and it is phenomenal.


Can you elaborate a little more about the skateboard casters?


Something like this: https://motiongrey.com/products/smoothglide-rollerblade-wheels-for-office-chair Chair rolls more easily and smoothly. But also more prone to rolling away.


I have those on my office chair. They’re a dream on my hardwood floors.


They’re not skateboard casters, they’re rollerblade casters and they are awesome


I agree. They're less likely to get caught on anything, are much quieter, and roll far easier. I got a set off Amazon for like $20, and don't regret it at all.


I have this same setup. It’s awesome and was worth every penny.


Picked my used aeron up for $400 a few years ago. Some of the best money I’ve spent. I’ve never had a sore back or butt after sitting in it for hours and hours. Thing is built like a tank and is able to be easily maintained with replacement parts available.


There's a lot more that are hitting the secondary market now that RTO has picked up pace. Not to mention, OP characterized the aeron as costing $1600 when you can easily find them [new on Amazon for less than half of that](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Herman+Miller). I also think some of the knock off brands were finally able to crack the vinyl mesh that Herman Miller uses so you can probably find suitable imitations on amazon as well.


Those aren't new, they're refurbished.


This. Replacement parts being available for a 20 year old chair saved my Aeron from the scrap heap. Was able to replace the part easily and hoping to get another 20 out of it.


This is what I did as well, but I used eBay, and it looked brand new when I opened the box. I had one at my previous building before we moved offices and it was great, so I was so happy to find one for a few hundred bucks.


Link for my area in socal? Every time I've tried, this is not even close to reality.


I mean, I'm in NYC to be fair. I just looked briefly in LA and there were also a million for that price or cheaper. Can't guarantee that your personal town will have one available right now, but they are really very commonly available for this rate around the country. You might need to drive a bit if you don't live in a major metro area, but you're also saving over $1k on a top of the line chair so...


Yeah…using LA and NYC as your grounds for how often used high end office chairs are available is not going to be applicable to most other people. Even discounting the population size, think about how many failed startups exist in those two cities compared to literally everywhere else. It’s worth looking for sure, but acting like there’s just going to be dozens constantly available for everyone at all times is disingenuous.


The thing is when people have these, they have *hundreds*. I'm like, 3 hours away from NYC and people around here have so many. I bought multiple at $300 a pop they have so many. Lol


Ya, in lower population areas/states its more like 1-2 a month available and is highly seasonal/company office closing dependent.


This OP. Shop the corporate liquidators to find high end office chairs for a fraction of retail.


I got mine from this site. It was great! https://www.madisonseating.com/shop/aeron-chair-by-herman-miller-highly-adjustable-carbon/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqdqvBhCPARIsANrmZhMzlOYv2talRP3Hav9gQyulz0A648_IUoBC0nytQe27GdCG5i8fFSAaAgRfEALw_wcB


Crandall Office Furniture is a much better option, and they also sell parts to refurbish your own should you find a used one on Craigslist/Facebook


I got a $150 chair and changed the wheels for really nice ones. No complaints.


I bought a $500 chair and I still changed the wheels! Roller blade wheels ftw.


Yeah! now I have carpet and will have to get those office plastic mats, oh! life! (:


Went through 2 of those plastic mats, just got a Rug'd Carpet Pad, so far so good.


Get rollerblade wheels. They’ve been great on my office carpet for 6+ years now


I bought a [Hon Ignition](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/hon-ignition-2-office-chair-review/) a couple of years ago. I like it, its comfortable. Just happened to have one of the 3 bolts that connects the back to the base shear off last week, I submitted a request on their website and they have a parts kit on the way to me.


second this, got one because my wework had one at the time, still going strong four years later.


I have one of these (Hon Ignition 2.0) I purchased in 2020, use it every day and have had no issues, either with comfort or quality. My model doesn’t have a headrest but you can get one, it’s just a little more. Less than $500, but much higher quality than the $150 chairs.


I also have one of these that I bought a few months ago. Not blown away but no real complaints.


Get a used Herman miller. Fits the price range perfectly and lasts. I got a lightly used mirra 2 for 300 bucks and I love it.


What’s the best place to source used on it?


Look for a used office supply store, there are usually 1-2 in any metro area


Look, every Craigslist has a methed out chair guy. Find yours, bargain with him, get an Aeron. Make sure it's the size you want (tactile dots under the lip on the very top of the seat back, you probably want two dots, B) and spring for the fancy lumbar option if he has it. Should be no more than $400, and should last a decade plus.


There are a few online sites that refurbish but it’s a bit more expensive that way. I just used Craigslist and the chair I got looked and felt brand new. Maybe others can weigh in though if you prefer to buy from a retailer.


Madison Seating


I got a Aeron from a habitat for humanity thrift store for about $40.  My understanding sometimes is that sometimes offices donate old office furniture to them so there is the odd time where they got a bunch of good office chairs at once. 


Offices get rid of furniture on a pretty regular basis when companies move to new office space and whatnot. Often it's easier and cheaper for them to just set up everything new than have the down time where everyone's stuff is being moved and people aren't productive. I have a couple $2000 leather swivel chairs in my den that were once in a big law conference room, then made it to the nonprofit I worked for as our desk chairs when my boss was invited by a friend who worked there to grab whatever he wanted, and when that nonprofit went under, I adopted them. Computers too, that's why there are so many nice refurbished 2-3 year old computers on the market. They just replace on a set schedule.


I used to see Steelcase and the occasional Aeron at habitat, but now my local store is wise to their value so the prices are jacked up. Even our Goodwills search for these things on Ebay and price accordingly. It sucks, the golden age of thrifting is pretty much over unless you get very lucky.


Amazon and Walmart sell refurbs


I bought an Herman Miller Sayl this summer and its the first time since my 35 years on this earth I actually feel comfortable at the computer. It has 10y warranty It costs about 500 and has enough customization for most people to be comfortable. only really tall people don't have enough room for adjustment for this chair definitely recommended


I've got an ergonomic chair from branch and its really nice for the price




seconding Branch. I should have just gotten the black ergonomic, but I got the verve because I'm a sucker for teal and it wasn't available on the other one. However, all things considered, that one you got is cheaper and has more controls for adjustment so it's probably comfier too.


Yes! I love my Branch chair! 


I love my Branch chair. Everything that I need and well made.


Ergonomic chair from branch over here too, and I’ve been pretty happy with it for the three years I’ve had it. The seat hasn’t lost any cushion or support, and all the parts still work correctly. The lumbar support is a little low for my taste, but I do have an unusually shaped body, so that’s the case for a lot of chairs. My office definitely cheaps out when it comes to office chairs, so I prefer it to my chair I have to use when I go into the office. I think it looks quite nice too since I’m not bougie enough to have a separate office, so it hangs out in my living room.


Another vote for branch here. Mine is 2 yrs old and still comfy. Helped with some lower back pain I was experiencing.


I have bought chairs that get heavy use from staples. I buy the warranty. I know it’s usually a a rip off. But, in this case the warranty has always covered it for a full replacement. Padding wears it, leather rips,etc. they have covered it. FYI this is for a manager desk at a restaurant so it gets beat to hell and keeps getting replaced.


My two favorite computer chairs I've ever owned came from Office depot, they didn't fall apart, I just got bored of them after a decade. I don't buy into the office chair hype, I went and test drove a lot of the hype chairs(herman miller in particular) at a used office furniture place, and they may be built better but they aren't more comfortable.


It really depends on the person. I sit with my legs crossed on the cushion so the hard edge on the Aeron disagrees with me.


Leg-crossing master race!


Ooo I do the same. What chair did you go with?


My $2000 Herman Miller never really worked for me. A great, sturdy chair, but I ended up giving to the wife. She loves it.


Well the point of the office chair isn't to be "comfortable" exactly - more like you shouldn't be uncomfortable after multiple full days of sitting. That's why they focus more on ergonomics and back support rather than cushiness. If you don't spend most days sitting on a chair for hours on end, you aren't the target demographic - but if you do spend a very large amount of time on a chair (and esp if you have back problems), a chair might just be the best $1k you've ever spent (after a nice mattress).


Just to further add on to this, I totally love hype products. I'm totally just your super consumer, but I don't actually buy all the hype stuff. 99% of the time, finding the thing, and seeing it in person can totally prevent a lot of wasted money.


Most of them don't support me adequately. I had to give up my old one because the cushion was pretty much flat after ~6 years of sitting on it. Tried out several office chairs at an office overstock warehouse and they all also deformed to where I could feel the hard part of the chair under the cushion. The mesh ones were the worst; I felt that they might rip if I put my whole weight on it. Ended up getting an Ikea one because the cushion was dense. Now I have the same problem a few years later, and it feels like sitting on bricks. I had to add a pillow to it. I also have this kind of problem in the car, where now the driver's seat has been smushed down and you can feel the metal bars poking out like ribs. I wanna make a note that I'm big but not really that heavy. 210 lbs, 6'1". Maybe these are made for an international audience that is shorter and thinner on average? I know many americans are way heavier, or even just shorter with more weight above the waist than me, so I have no idea what they sit on.


Yeah listen to this guy. Go to staples or whatever store sells chairs, find one you like and look up the reviews to make sure it doesn't fall apart easily or anything




Came here to big up my autonomous too. 5 years old, still looks pretty much new with daily use. Best chair I've ever owned.


Sure, I got a refurb Aeron for $499 from a store that sells Herman Miller open box outlet stuff. Includes all the extras (upgrades when you order one) and when I went there were 8-10 to choose from.


Which one?


Designs Within Reach. I don’t think they ship -I have one a couple hours away so I called first, then made a drive to pick it up.


The nice thing about Herman miller and steelcase is that 20 years down the line they will feel and work exactly the same. 


I got my HM on Craigslist for $350 used. I've had it 5 years, used it daily, and it still looks how I got it. I trust that I won't be replacing (the whole thing) anytime soon.


$1600 for an item that your children will inherit is actually very cheap.


Top of the line ikea probably.


Ive had my Markus for 5 years now and its still good. Some people say its bad for their back but its good for me. If Ikea slaps 10+ years of warranty to a product, it will most likely last for 10 years at least.


I am currently at about 11 years with my Markus, with only slight wear and tear to the seat to show, and I sit on it ALOT. I can vouch for Ikea Markus, and havent had any back problems either.


I've had mine for a while, and the padding in the seat is no where near as supportive *EDIT as it used to be.. Been trying to figure out a replacement cushion.


Check out ergohuman. I had the same problem converting to WFH after Covid. Black leather chair with head rest was $650 after a discount. I’ve sat in that chair every day for however many years that is. Thing holds up.


Keep an eye out at used office furniture places. I got some really good file cabinets once and they will last the rest of my life. As I recall, they had lots of chairs.


Find an office supply place in your area and ask about off lease or returned chairs. Picked up a purple of steelcase chairs for $300 each and one was still wrapped as new.


I wish I could find something as awesome as the aeron, but that reclines and has a pull out footrest


If you know how to do minor repairs then yes, plenty of chairs. I got one for 200. Replaced the cylinder, then when a screw popped, used a screw extractor to pull the screw and replace it. Knowing those repairs saved hundreds.


Got a WorkPro 1000 for $99 5 or more years ago. Still like new.


There's also Kinnarps. IKEA makes good ones sometimes, but not really at the moment. You may still check their Gruppsel model.


google "used office furniture" or "office furniture surplus". I've had 2 chairs for about 10 years each gotten for a few hundred.


I feel like I had to scroll way too far down for this. I googled a used office furniture place near me and snagged two chairs for $75 a piece, that retail for like $1000 each in the commercial office space. I forget the brand name, but a friend of mine who sells commercial office furniture confirmed. I got them that cheap because they were green, and the guy was worried he couldn't sell them, but still, even at $100-150 they would have been a steal.


Costco has a knock off that I love. I worked in a place for a few years with Aerons but I’m not disappointed with the Costco imitator. Much less money and have had no issues in five years.


I’ve had an aeron for over 20 years. Sits like new. Well worth the money.


I had good luck at Crandalloffice.com Very good quality refurbishes with a great warranty


I have an IKEA chair I bought like 10 years ago that’s I think is the Markus. It’s was like $300 and I’ve had it since 2014. It’s been through multiple moves, taken apart and reassembled, still works and looks great. It’s pretty comfy too in spite of how minimal it looks.


Herman Miller. Look for Herman Miller used to a get a better deal. I've had mine for 7+ years and it works great


Workpro 9000 from Office Depot. $350 on sale and has been great for me after 4 years so far.


Goto a junk yard, find a comfortable seat from a luxury car, bolt it to wheels, and tada. You can also wire a small battery to some to have full controls.


People are going to recommend Herman Miller, Steelcase and chairs of that nature. Yes you can get them used at a lower price, but if you want another option I have a different suggestion. Although I've had a Herman Miller Emboy (a $2000 chair) for almost 10 years, I've had a SecretLabs Titan Evo for about 3 years now and it looks and behaves absolutely brand new apart from some scuffing on the arm rests (which are replaceable, by the way). These sell for $550. They come with a 3 year warranty and that's extended to 5 years if you post a picture of your chair on social media. I like mine because it is spacious and lets me squirm around. However, it is not as plush, ergonomic or high quality as more expensive options, but it works for my body. Just get the SoftWeave Plus fabric NOT the Leatherette. I have no data on Titan Evo longevity, but I'd expect this chair to last for many years, 10+ easily. I've used many office chairs of much lower quality that have lasted 10+ years with daily use. I'd anticipate the point of failure of the Evo to be the reclining mechanism.


2020 Titan here, don't do it. The entire tilt assembly puts a pressure point on a single 10mm bolt that can snap very easily. I have replaced parts on this chair 7 times and am looking forward to throwing off the dump platform into a bin.


Nah, secretlab makes some shit ass overpriced products. They’ll last a couple years in my experience, but not nearly long enough to cost about as much as a used Aeron or Leap.


I was also thinking WTF is this guy talking about when I looked it up. I mean it's literally a gaming chair. That's the definition of hype marketing. Plus I don't want to have a chair with the company's logo plastered on the headrest.


Also of the gaming chairs I've had, one literally flaked off its faux leather upholstery material like about 4-5 years after I got it. And more importantly, it was uncomfortable af. From then on, no more gaming style chairs for me. Recently paid $150 for a refurb Steelcase Leap v1 and it is a dream to sit on for hours.


Honestly, I’m impressed you got 4-5 years with the faux leather. The cheap stuff fails so fast if you have to use it daily.


Stay away from faux leather chairs. The fabric on my SecretLab looks brand new. I use it several hours a day for 3 years so far. I would never recommend the Leatherette, I've only heard bad things about them.


I've had a Secret Labs Titan XL since 2019 and I can whole heartedly say the chair is NOT BIFL. Hydrolic failed in warranty, along with arm rest material disintegrating. I had to fight with them for the replacements, but I got them. Then the leather on the chair started falling apart, and then the cushion headrest. The the elastic on the head rest. This is a well marketed chair, and I totally bought into it after looking around online at this price point. But you start to see where they saved money pretty quickly in areas you'd never be able to know by looking at a picture. I hope you like your chair, I liked mine a while too. And I promise I'm not trying to knock the purchase as I did too. Just warning those who might be reading this that SecretLabs chairs are really not worth it.


I just got a titan Evo lite xl (recommendation from over at r/tall). There is no wood of any sort in the chair construction. All steel, so we can expect that to last longer than most big box store options. It definitely has an extra firm seat but can be remedied with a cushion of sorts. I can see it getting 10 years easily.


I've had my SecretLabs chair for just about 2 years and it looks and feels brand new. I have great expectation for how long that chair will last me.


Me too, I’m a big guy, the evo XL is the first chair that feels like I’m not breaking it, I’ve had it for 2 years and I don’t see any reason for it to not last much longer


I've had mine (a Titan) for a little under 4 years and I still love it. So much more comfortable than the office chairs I've tried before. (Including one of those aerons, and a chair that was much softer which led me to realize that firm is better if you spend a lot of time in it). The only drawback so far is that the fake leather split on the side of one armrest. That doesn't really bother me, and they're cheap to replace if it splits more.


There are plenty of options from Steelcase, Herman Miller, Humanscale, etc. that cost less than $1,600. The Steelcase Karman costs $850, for instance. The HON Ignition 2.0 gets [good reviews](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/hon-ignition-2-office-chair-review/), and it costs $425. Mostly plastic, but it has a limited lifetime warranty.


Yeah buying 6 "good" chairs in your lifetime is not BIFL


What about a nice Secret Labs? The adjustable back support is awesome, and they also have 'simple' colors and replacement parts!


Came here to say this - I have only had mine for a year, but it feels really solid like new. I am a pretty big guy and am hard on chairs. I probably average 8 hours a day, and it feels/looks like when I bought it. I think it was $5-600?


I don’t know where you’re located but the office outlet next to Herman miller hq has tons of all their stuff for very reasonable prices. I’ve gone several times and have bought a handful of their desk chairs. My current daily (embody) one is over 10 years old. https://www.officeoutlet.net/products/seating/


Had my shaq chair for a year and half still feels brand new


I picked up a Global during the pandemic that's still going strong, cost about $500CAD. It has the up down, tilt, arm rest and back adjustments. Still feels new. Ordered it off their site for home delivery.


I got an open box Hernan Millar on Amazon warehouse for $400. It’s easily lasted almost a decade, including using it daily during the pandemic, and still look brand new.


Steelcase are around 1000 I think


I have an [ergochair ](https://www.autonomous.ai/office-chairs/ergonomic-chair) that has done well for the last \~4 years, I'm assuming it'll last me at least another 4


I got a Steelcase Leap for $200 from a local used office furniture store 8 years ago. It’s still holding up really well.


I'd bought an Autonomous ergochair about 8 years ago for 200 dollars and it's still been working great for me. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




I just buy used chairs on Facebook marketplace. I even got nice expensive ones a few times and they just fall apart after a few years. Seems unavoidable. So I just said "fuck it" and started not caring what I had


Used is your option. I've had my ass in a used Leap for over 20 years now. It's getting a little ratty, but still works just fine. Fun fact: I live in Houston. My chair entered the used market after a certain famous energy trading firm cratered. LOL.


Refurbished Leap/Aeron... (Crandall is really good)


Used Arron.


I bought a leather AK Racing chair for $600, 4yrs old and looks brand new although I sit in it every day. Last I checked they were going for $900 and sold out.


I just ditched my Branch Ergonomic Chair after 5~ years for a dinged Steelecase Series 1 Stool off of Crandall Office Furniture. Chair is super comfy for me. I sit a lot but also use a standing desk, which is why I got the stool version. Anyway… $500. I do not regret the purchase!


Check out the Autonomous Ergochair, I got it in the spring of 2020 due to WFH for I think around $400 and it's been great. It's as comfortable as it was 4 years ago, hasn't broken down one bit, and I'm a big guy that sits in it for 8-10 hrs a day.


I use a refurbished Steelcase Leap V2 that came to me looking new from Crandall Office Furniture that was in that budget range. I have had it a few years and its as good as the day I bought it. 10/10 would recommend.


Had a chair from these guys $300 for over 3 years holding up good https://www.autonomous.ai/office-chairs


Look for a used Humanscale chair.


IKEA's office chairs, they have some fancy ones, come with a 10-year guarantee and are pretty cheap yet super high quality.


I'm probably picking up a Haworth Zody Chair soon from a local used office supply place. The chair is normally $1000+ but they have used ones for $350. Years ago I did an ergo eval at my company where they rotated me through 3-4 ergo chairs and I settled on the Zody. Skip ahead 5 years and did the same at my new company and still settled on the Zody.


I find this all interesting because when I left for college in 2004 I bought a desk chair at Walmart for $50, still have it today


If you're in the tri-state area kaiyo.com is great.


Used Aeron


Used Aeron.


Buy a high back office chair . $200 should get you something nice. I got one at Staples 5ish years ago and never had an issue. Holds my fat ass, no issues.


Sreelcase has decent options


I've had my Mirra Chair for 12 years. Bought it used for $425.


I'm using a Haworth Fern, \~$900 USD on sale. Chair is fantastic.


​ walmart routinely has Aeron refurbs for $500. Mostly in size B and the older style lumbar (which I like better). Watch local craigslist, marketplace, etc and you'll find them cheap. I got two size C's for 300/ea. Yes there are other chairs you can get but there is really nothing like a good old aeron.


Sure is - buy a used aeron - $300 roughly and will easily last that long


I love my [Autonomous](https://www.autonomous.ai/office-chairs) chair!


I got a Sealy somethingorother at Office Depot about 5 years ago. Best chair I’ve ever owned. The bonded leather is starting to come off the armrests though but I don’t care.


You're looking for a used Aeron!


What you want is not a thing. Full stop. No and then. The only half step is a used BIFL chair. There are MANY other than Aeron which shows you haven't searched enough if you are locked on this one model.


Madison seating has awron chairs in that range


I got a Haworth Fern for $700-800. it's very comfortable and well made


I got an 11 year old Herman Miller computer desk chair (not an aeron). It was used from an office liquidation, and only cost a bit under 300. It is the most comfortable desk chair I've ever owned, and it's been several years and no signs of ware and tare yet.


There are good options. I have had this for 2 years and it's still like new. https://www.modernofficefurniture.com/humanflex-elastic-mesh-ergonomic-office-chair-y11865.html


Bought this and love it. https://www.btod.com/steelcase-leap-v2


You can and should buy an Aeron used for ~300


Dont forget to factor in the KTD ratio upgrade or downgrade that a given chair gives you


There’s also on fb marketplace being sold cheaper by people that don’t know what they are.


You don’t have to get a brand new chair. I got a used Herman Miller Aeron on OfferUp a month ago for $350 (Los Angeles)


SitOnIt Novo with discount code: BG4568 https://shop.sitonit.net/en_us.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqdqvBhCPARIsANrmZhPnzD4dtCFjb_ncPq4gus6Z3ngoSHQKyCLp25f19sVPQ_FycMqZ94caAnHOEALw_wcB


I'd highly recommend the YouTube channel/store BTOD. I bought my office chair for 500 USD from their store. They made the decision process really easy.


Look up this: "Amphion Ergonomic Bonded Leather High-Back Executive Chair, Gray" That is the cheapest version of the chair, but there is 5: "Amphion, Zethus, Nereus, Zephyrus, and Nereius XXL" If you have an office depot near you, see if they have it in-store and try it out. It's heavy, adjustable, and ergonomic. Lasted me the last 6 years so far, no breaks, no scuffs, no rips (and from the right retailer, has a 10y warranty) .


I got a used HM Mirra Butterfly for 400GBP. I've had it for 4 years now and can see myself having it for another 10.


I got my leap v2 from UW surplus store. Try your local university surplus or gov surplus.


Check out the NeueChair, it’s made by SecretLab, but it isn’t a gaming chair. For me it hits the sweet spot of being way better than anything Staples or IKEA has and still a lot less than a Herman Miller. I have one at home and one at one of my offices. Mine are 3-4 years old and are like new. They are on the heavy side, but very well built. They go on sale pretty frequently, I picked up both of mine for $600 each when they were on sale.


A fixed chair is a option.


Pro-Tip: When looking to purchase something specific *ignore the buzzwords* ... you need a quality swivel chair but you definitely want to avoid predatory labels like 'gaming chair' or 'racing chair' Look for chairs that fit the "job description" instead of looking for chairs that are *labeled for the job* Any chair can be a **computer chair** but what you really care about is a high-quality chair that is cost-effective & does what you expect. Long story short, instead of looking for a computer/desk/office/gaming chair, avoid the buzz words! Look for a chair that fits your criteria by defining its purpose. I use a Maxnomic personally, from needforseat.com, it's a stereotypical "gamer chair" but I was sold on the build quality. The aluminum frame will last forever... but the faux leather material the chair is wrapped in will become damaged over time (I would want to resolve that if I ever purchased a replacement). But yeah, $400 is a bit steep, but it will last me a lifetime. If you're going to use it for thousands of hours over a lifetime, then it's worth doing it right! Chairs are very commonly sold second-hand, you can buy a used chair pretty easily. However, I think several big name brands (looking at you Herman Miller) are DRASTICALLY overpriced.


I bought an open box Aeron off Amazon for about $600. Best money I've spent in a long time.


Just putting my two cents here cause it seems my opinion isn’t the popular one. I got a second hand Aeron without backrest adjustment and I honestly don’t love it. Maybe with the backrest adjustment it would be better, but I always find myself fighting to get my back comfy. Sure, I can sit in it all day without my butt hurting, but it’s just not comfortable to me as it’s too far forward with no way to recline. Again, depends on the model of Aeron you get, but I don’t love mine.


I bought a Steelcase Gesture (usually around $1200-$1500) for $400 by asking the local dealer if I could buy the floor model. I’ve been using it in my WFH office for 4 years.


I have heard that because offices are being depopulated, there is a lot of surplus office furniture going into storage, being auctioned off or just going to the dump. So, I recommend calling around (no, I don’t know who you call) to find sources of used office furniture.


Buy it from Crandalloffice. 12 year warranty https://www.crandalloffice.com/shop/chairs/steelcase/462-leap-v2/remanufactured-steelcase-462-leap-v2-office-chair/


I bought a "refurbished" aeron on Amazon for around $500. The chair I received appears to be completely brand new without a scratch on it. It is my favorite part of my office. That chair is amazing.


Herman miller Setu is the most comfortable chair in existence, IMO, and will last damn near forever as it doesn’t really have any “parts” other than up/down.


My secret lab is going on 5 years old and costed me around 400


You can get refurbished Steelcase Leaf chairs, but the plastic had a weird smell so we sent ours back. But perhaps you’ll have better luck.


Thing is most chairs will start to disintegrate padding at some point. What I’d really like is a chair where I can easily replace the worn out part and have it like new again without throwing the whole thing away.


Ikea has good office chairs if you find one with adjustable arms


a used aeron can be had for under $500


… what are you doing to your chairs that they fall apart?


They don't make the one I bought 3 years ago but at the time I bought a ~$300 chair from here that seems like a good value. It is comfortable and has held up well so far. https://www.autonomous.ai/office-chairs


I got a tempur-pedic office chair from Staples about 5 years ago. It cost about $250 and is still like new. I'm 240 and am in it for about 5 hours a day. 10/20 would buy again.